just-sonic-things · 2 months
My OC, Maeve! (Final Design)
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I honestly prefer her new design a lil' more! Cute, short hair & still with the two-toned fur color.
Also... Yes, the shirt is a nod to another fandom that is currently consuming my soul XD
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just-sonic-things · 2 months
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It's been a while! Since I've gotten into another series, I haven't really drawn anything Sonic related...
So here's Shadow! My boi! c:
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just-sonic-things · 4 months
Shadow as Husk!
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I wanted to draw this before, but didn't have the motivation.
Well here it is: Shadow with some of Husk's features! I love them both, so I wanted to incorporate both of them into one somehow :3
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just-sonic-things · 4 months
Shadow in a Leather Jacket
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Just imagining him wearing a leather jacket and being sooo happy about it that he almost never takes it off
Fills me with joy c:
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just-sonic-things · 4 months
More of Shadow c:
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I always wanna draw the boi smiling because he deserves to :)
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just-sonic-things · 4 months
Sonic X Screenshot vs. My Redraw c:
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Shading was a HUGE hurdle to get over, but I love the drawing otherwise ^w^
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just-sonic-things · 4 months
"Shadow Boxing" (Part 5)
Shadow and I decided to part ways for a little while, as he wanted to go out with some other friends later tonight to some party. And he knew it'd be a bit overstimulating for me. I thanked him for understanding and just went back to my island to defend the emerald. I came up to the giant gem and looked at it, same old beautiful glimmer to it and all. It seemed like a random thought popped into my head out of nowhere... Yesterday, when I mentioned Rouge, it felt like I wasn't really analyzing her character all too well. I was just bitter that she and I sort of ended things as abruptly as we did. Sure, I wanted a serious relationship but I didn't really consider her needs or her wants. I sighed heavily and just gazed out over the horizon ahead of me. But of course, speak of the devil, I saw Rouge fly up. Her gaze not so fixated on the emerald, but on me. She landed in front of me and waved to me with a meek sounding "Hey there, Knux". I asked her what she wanted while crossing my arms.
"Wow, missed you too, I guess. I wanted to talk to you... About us" Rouge stated. I scoffed at her mere suggestion. "What? Am I joke to you?" she asked, clearly upset.
"Did I say that? No. What's a joke though is you wanting to talk about our 'relationship' we had. I'd hardly call it that. It was more of a 'Situationship'. We were permanently in that weird 'talking' phase. I wanted something serious" I responded in a mild tone. I didn't want to raise my voice at her or get angry.
"So we're just going to throw it all away then? What, did you magically find someone else?" Rouge suggested in a joking tone.
I remained silent and looked away from her, telling her to leave me alone. It took her all of a few seconds to figure out that, yes, I did find someone else. Shadow, but I didn't tell her that. I just let her conjure up whatever crazy narrative she wanted to and talk at me for the next few minutes. I then casually told her that my new relationship was none of her business and that any & all speculation she had was absolutely incorrect. What she said next though... "It's not speculation. I KNOW it's Shadow, so the rumors ARE true". My heart started pounding as fast as a boxer hitting the punching bag. I sighed, confirming her somehow acquired knowledge. Rouge raised her eyebrow to me and looked at me with one hell of a bad look. She then accused me of rejecting her because I'm "gay". I quickly turned my head to her and THEN my voice raised. I couldn't help it. She knew what to say to make me angry and she damn well knew that.
"I'm not gay. I'm Bisexual. You know that!" I yelled. She looked at me with a blank stare, then a wince. It almost seemed like she was disgusted by me. Whatever, let her have her preconceived notions about me. Silence befell us for a moment before she decided to take off. I just watched her fly away with that look remaining on her face. I rolled my eyes and leaned back up against the Master Emerald for a moment. I looked into it's reflective surface and somehow saw Shadow's eyes. His eyes truly were the most beautiful things I've seen in a long while. Especially when he was happy... Damn it, I need to calm down. I took a walk for a little while to clear my mind, still within range of the emerald. After a while, I got rather tired so I went back to sleep on the stairs for a bit.
The next day, I woke up to dozens of missed calls and more than a few texts from Amy and Shadow. The general gist of them was frantically asking me to check the news around town and all that. Panicking a bit, I went to the Town Square and saw a poster hanging on the wall. It had my face on it with an "X" over it. "Do not trust him. He'll cheat on you no matter what because he's 'Bisexual'". My jaw dropped to the floor and now I was shaking with rage. The townspeople saw me flip out in such a manner and all backed away from the scene I was causing out in a public environment. Eventually, Shadow caught up to me and, with tears in his eyes, asked him if I'd ever even think about cheating on him. The air in my lungs seemed to disappear, as if I got the wind knocked out of me.
"Shadow... Darling, I could never do such a thing to you. You mean the absolute world to me. Don't you ever forget it" I said, lightly tapping his nose with my finger. He smiled softly.
"If you insist. I'm not sure about the rest of the townsfolk though. Any time they see you with a girl or guy... And I'm not around, they'll flip" Shadow stated matter of factly.
Shit. He was right, and we both knew it. Shadow suggested we do a public declaration to each other, so that everyone knew we were in a relationship and meant it's seriousness. In theory, it didn't sound like a bad idea or anything. I just didn't really like public declarations like that, considering I never really saw a need to do it. But in a niche situation like this, it absolutely called for it. Rouge put me in such a bad position because I rejected the idea of dating her again. In fact, I made that well known to Shadow. He wasn't very happy about hearing that, but I told him that transparency matters in a relationship like ours. He agreed and told me that, at one point during that party last night, Rouge hit on him too. He completely rejected her advances, so this must've been her way of getting back at the both of us... By making us social pariahs. I decided that a better way to do this would be via Shadow's social media, because he had a much bigger following than me. We took a picture together in the Town Square.
We were holding each other close in front of the water fountain and Shadow was allowed to use whatever mushy language he chose. He chuckled at that suggestion, and just wrote whatever was on his heart and mind. It actually turned out to be a rather distinguished but still romantic paragraph about how much he loved me and he tagged me in it. I immediately liked and commented on the post, saying, "My one and only Ultimate Life Form <3"
Within a few hours, the post blew up in popularity and everyone around town was talking about it. Even Sonic and a few of the others in our social circles. Sonic congratulated us on coming out as Bi to start, then for us actually owning up to being serious as we were. Tails even went to the trouble of making "Promise Rings" for us. Mine was black and red, and Shadow's was red. Representing our colors. I hugged Shadow as I put his ring on for him. The two of us gushed about them and thanked Tails for all the effort. He said that he was overjoyed to do it, considering he left his engraving on it somewhere and advertised it on his social media. "Maybe it'll be a new business venture for me on the side, so I can get more money for my inventions" Tails joked. I offered to pay him, as did Shadow, but he declined. "Friends and family discount for this one time" he said.
With these new rings and everyone now knowing about us, we decided to carry on with our lives and our relationship as if nothing happened. As hard as that would be though, considering Shadow's counterpoint from earlier... And Rouge's tenacity. She somehow always gets what she wants, no matter how hard she has to try. I initially admired that about her, but considering she wanted me or Shadow... This would just get more troublesome as time went on, I could tell.
And they did. Rouge would always leave flirty comments on our social media pages or somehow know almost everywhere we went together. She would act as a "Third Wheel" of sorts and intrude upon our dates and everything. Eventually, Shadow and I had to sit down to talk with her about this behavior. So, the one time we knew she would intrude, we pulled a seat up. She initially didn't want to talk about the subject and tried to just leave. I shook my head and grabbed her by her wrist.
"Then you shouldn't have made it an issue. Now, sit down. We're talking about this." She sat down. "Good. Shadow and I are serious about this relationship of ours. And it's JUST him and I. You are nowhere in the equation. You had your chance with me a long time ago. You broke my heart when you chose someone else over me-" Rouge interrupted me.
"I chose him because he gave me something I didn't know I needed at the time: Security. But then things turned ugly REAL fast. He got jealous and cut me off from everyone and everything. Kinda why you didn't hear from me for so long... I want to try again, Knux" she pleaded. I scoffed.
"I am a man of loyalty. Once I'm with someone, I want to give them everything I can. I live within my means, but the other person should feel loved enough and happy enough to stick around. I hope to do that for Shadow. To protect him, keep him happy" I stated.
"And he does. You are nowhere in any of our future relationship plans, Rouge. With me OR with Knux. So either you need to back off, or we will take other measures" Shadow replied, sternly.
Rouge remained silent for a moment, before hanging her head down and leaving the restaurant quietly. She seemed to be disappointed, but understanding. Of course, I was going to be even more wary of her and her behavior even more than usual. Shadow knew that for sure, because he immediately grabbed my arm and told me that everything was okay now. I shook my head and said, "You don't know her like I do, Baby. She's not a force to be reckoned with". He nodded slowly and sat next to me in the booth. He cuddled against me and gave me the cutest look. I couldn't resist pulling him closer to me and kissing his adorable little forehead. Shadow smiled & giggled softly, holding my hand at the table. Everyone else around us seemed to admire how close we were, even trying to emulate the same closeness with their partners. It just made the both of us smile, seeing so many couples be so warm and open with each other. We enjoyed the rest of our date together then went to Shadow's house to spend the night.
Shadow and I cuddled in bed together some more, then I decided to get a little frisky. I got on top of him and looked down at his rather adorable eyes. If you're wondering... Yes. Things happened. I wasn't a virgin, so I had my fair share of experience in both facets. Shadow was completely new to things, so he didn't know much. I let him be on the receiving end, as he requested. But by the end of it, I was paranoid and asked him if he felt like he needed to do that because I paid for the date tonight. He chuckled and shook his head at me. "Absolutely not. I wanted to, Baby" Shadow replied, kissing my cheek. The two of us just went back to cuddling together and basking in the afterglow feeling for quite a while. Shadow fell asleep after a while, and I just looked at my phone. Nothing too crazy happening on Shadow's account or mine, so I wasn't too worried. Instead, I just breathed a sigh of relief and fell asleep.
Part 4: ( Here )
Masterpost: ( Here )
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just-sonic-things · 4 months
Shadow in a Winter Jacket c:
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As soon as I saw this art from Sonic Channel, I KNEW I had to do it c:
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just-sonic-things · 5 months
Shadow's Mood 24/7 in "Sonic Prime"
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Shadow's just angrily staring at Sonic (off screen) as he does something else that Shadow ACTIVELY discouraged.
Just like: "This will go wrong in 3... 2... 1-"
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just-sonic-things · 5 months
I MORE than accept
I love this concept sfm like??
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hi sonic fandom . i hope you humbly accept my human espio fanart,,,
@aceontheline c:
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just-sonic-things · 5 months
When I say, "Head Empty. Only Shadow", I mean it. My head is currently empty & there are only thoughts of him polluting my headspace rn like—
I don't know if I should just accept it or ask for help. I wouldn't know how to anyway. Like:
"Help me, for I am a CHRONIC Simp!"
"Lord forgive me, for I have simped"
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just-sonic-things · 5 months
A Renegade Knucks Edit c:
T//W: Camera shakes at times
I HAD to use "Punk Tactics" for him. I REALLY like how this came out as well
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just-sonic-things · 5 months
A Shadow Edit c:
T//W: Camera shakes at times
I REALLY like this one :'3
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just-sonic-things · 5 months
New Yoke City: Espio
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This is the New Yoke City (from Sonic Prime) version of Espio.
Their name is Recon. Recon gathers intel from the Chaos Council and spreads it to the Renegades. Their scars come from a battle with Dr. Deep and when he caught Recon the one time. Dr. Deep even tried to rip off the horn on Recon's head, only to fail once he realized just how strong the horn was. They have had a metal plate put there by the Renegades to keep their horn together.
Since the attack, Recon has gotten infinitely better at camouflaging and is quite often a reliable source for gathering intel.
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just-sonic-things · 5 months
Fangy Boi X3
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I had to give the boi his fangs c:
(Mine vs. Reference)
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just-sonic-things · 5 months
Well shoot, alright then!
Last Song: Jeremy by Pearl Jam
Favorite Color: Blue! 💙
Last Movie/Show: Sonic Prime (Season 3 BABYYY)
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: Spicy. I make a chili recipe that'll melt your face off
Relationship Status: Engaged 💖💍
Last Thing I Googled: Shadow the Hedgehog Fanart (Yes, I am a simp. CEASE FIRE-)
Current Obsession: Sonic Prime! Primarily, Shadow and Renegade Knucks. Them two are my favorite c:
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
WOOPS I did not have time to do this for the past like, week but I've been wanting to bc I love silly little memes like this. Tytyty @ithillia for the tag :3
Last song: All Our Bruised Bodies And The Whole Heart Shrinks by La Dispute (It makes me think about Fives and it hurts so fucking much) 
Favorite colour: GREEN!! and also blue 
Last movie/TV Show: TCW of course, I had a Bad Autism Time™️ and my gf put on the fucking Umbara Arc to calm me down. It worked like a charm what the fuck is wrong w me lmfaooo. 
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: All of the above but spice hurts me. I do it anyway tho, mama raised a little bitch but she didn't raise a quitter lmfaoo. 
Relationship status: So fuckin down bad for my girlfriend hhh 
Last thing you googled: fuckjgn AO3 LMAOOO 
Current obsession: clonesclonesclonesclones forever. I haven't had a special interest/hyperfixation this deep since I was like 12-14 so like this is one of the most important things in my life tbh. Specifically like thinking about how their culture would work, and their solidarity, internal conflicts, shared trauma and how that would relate to those things. Their ideas about personal and cultural identity and how that would vary individually. Things like how their upbringing must have felt, how that affected them and who they became later in life, the things they're taught vs what they truly come to believe once they're out on the field, the psychological effects of O66 on the clones who survived and the devastating impact it must have had- Bro stop me or I'll keep going forever like. I'm in deep and tbh? I wouldn't change it for the world. 
NPT: LMFAO bold of this title to assume that I know 9 people on this site, or am brave enough to tag ppl I haven't talked to often fhsjdmksmf SO if you see this consider yourself tagged. Yes, You. idc if we've never talked It's probably bc I'm too baby, so (unless u don't feel like it) do it 👀 also @mamuzzy and @whatislifewithoutangst if y'all haven't already and wanna do this here u go! 
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just-sonic-things · 5 months
Shadow c:
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The bby c:
I haven't been doing too well mentally, so drawing my fave in an attempt to make me feel better
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