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days of productivity 30/100
studying romanian literature for my exam next week
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collecting all of my notes together to write an essay! I hope this one will get me a good mark!
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rainy finals set up
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many things I want to accomplish but time is going faster than I thought
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I still can't believe I have to take a 5-hour long exam to get the C2 English certificate. It's torture... I don't think I'll survive. At least I don't have to do it until June 🥴
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Good morning, I’m wishing everyone a productive day today. This week I’ve really focused on setting goals and accomplishing them and it’s going well so far. I’m feeling very balanced and content.
ig: rhiharper
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16/4/2020 | 27/60 Days of Productivity
Morning all, the seagulls screaming outside my window woke me up at 6am 👌
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07.01.2020 ✨ Study time
ig: andotherlawstories
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october 25th 2019 — day 22/100 days of productivity: i didn’t post my progress with the 100 days of productivity but i’ve tried to stick to it and even took pictures of my study sessions. i’ll have to post them sometime. anyway, today i studied literature and started working on an essay —it’s been two years since i last wrote an essay and i’m glad to be back at it. now i’m done working for the day so i’m gonna sit on the couch and read the secret commonwealth *.* i hope y’all have a lovely day!!
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5.02 / yellow
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13.10.2019✨ Hey 🤗 I hope you had a great weekend 💖
ig: andotherlawstories
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Studying more chemistry at Epilogue (my favorite cafe!) The day before I was around people all day and was so emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. So, yesterday I decided to take the entire day for myself and WOW did it feel good! I forgot how important it was to have some “me time”.
(16-19th days of productivity challenge below!)
Keep reading
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Torts exam is tomorrow. I am currently in the stage where you check the syllabus about 500 times to make sure you know exactly when the test is. 
I need to finish adding assumption of the risk and strict liability to my outline. I also discovered that I am missing a chunk of rules for one section of notes, so I’m going to have to re-read those really quickly. Then it’s time for two hypos before switching over to notecards and making the one-pager of notes that I get to take into the exam with me.
Please send all the good vibes you can spare my way. Cheers, y’all!
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views while writing my research paper | ig: little_tasks
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ig: herdrafts
This morning I woke up around seven, I went out in the chilly weather and I couldn’t feel any fatigue even though I slept 3h last night. When I got back home I had a cup of coffee and I started writing and sketching, it was a pleasing day and I feel so productive. 
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a little change of subject. my sister’s an engineering major. we went out today to get some schoolwork done, so i’m working on reviewing for an exam while she does some engineering drawing practice. it’s a good morning because we had mcdonalds for breakfast, and their hash browns are amazing.
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12.11.19 - Some notes on social psychology for my exam...
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