Kay, but can we discuss how happy Roman was when Virgil showed up in the crofters musical? 
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I don’t understand what people have against swearing…
They are just words and I don’t get why anybody should ever limit their vocabulary. I swear and I’m proud of it
That said, I will NEVER swear in front of children. If parents get embarrassed by their children swearing then that’s their business and I shouldn’t meddle with that
THAT said, When i get passionate I start swearing like a sailor. And let me tell you: I was really passionate about the new Disney Beauty and the Beast reboot when it came out
So there I am, in a theater filled with young children, violently whispering how frickidy-frack-snick-snack-doodle amazing this movie is, like flippen end me it’s blepidy-snick-snack amazing and if you don’t agree you can shove it in your doodle
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I’ve seen a handful of AUs where Harry is deaf and I love it but it also makes me laugh because I just imagine Tom Riddle monologuing in the Chamber of Secrets and finally turning to a confused Harry who just signs “I’m deaf” and Tom is just like ??????
Voldemort isn’t present Harry’s 3rd year because his spirit is too busy learning sign language because god forbid he can’t monologue to Harry Potter come 4th year when he finally has a body.
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Alright but there was like a scene in civil war where Peter said his senses had become too strong and he needed the suit to calm himself down?
But wouldn’t he have trouble in daily life as well? Like when he’s out of the suit just walking to school in a city like New York would be a nightmare, right?
Look, I’m just saying: Marvel, give Peter a pair of Tony’s tech-sunglasses, you cowards.
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I know this doesn’t fit the usual content of my blog
But this is really important to me and everybody who has to take medication.
If you are going to reblog ANYTHING from my blog, then reblog this one, okay? (You dont even have to look at my other stuff)
The #takeyourpills thing is really upsetting but maybe this is the chance to finally educate people on what my medication really does. So here it goes:
I thought I was stupid untill i was 8.
No, really, I failed all of my tests, I couldn’t pay attention in class and I had basically no social skills. I wasn’t depressed as a child but i definitely wasn’t happy. I just remember trying so hard to pay attention and do my work but I always failed and people got angry with me, saying I was lazy. That was not good for my self-esteem, I can tell you that much.
Then one day my teacher called me out in class. He had given all of us a report card and we were responsible to keep track of our test results (which apparently he couldn’t do himself but whatever). The document was very important and being the perfect chaotic mess i was (still am), i of course somehow managed to lose it.
It’s always you. This stuff always happens to you.
The whole class was staring at me when he said that. I don’t think I’ll ever really forget that moment. I had never felt so stupid in my whole life.
But i guess we have to thank that asshole because that’s when my mom and dad had me tested. Apparently I had very heavy adhd. One part of my brain develloped incredibly fast and the other part develloped very slowly, you could literally see it on my brain scan.
My psychiatrist immediately adviced my parents to send me to therapy and to get me a prescription for retaline.
My mom was totally on board with therapy but drugging me? No way.
And that’s when my psychiatrist told her:
If you had a child with only one leg, would you give them a prosthetic leg or would you let her hop after the other kids? Sure, she could perfectly make it to the finish line with just one leg, but she’s going to be exhausted once she gets there. That is of course if she doesn’t trip first.
I am not going to lie: i don’t like taking retaline. It is a horrible feeling and the side effects are just stupid. But I need that stupid thing to work like a normal functioning human being. Just the idea of taking this away from young kids ou there who feel stupid and tired makes my blood boil.
without retaline I wouldn’t have made it into college.
Without retaline I wouldn’t have finished high school.
Of course, i cannot give that drug all of the credit. It was ME who studied and worked hard to get where I am now. But without that extra legg I really am not certain whether I would have made it to the finish line.
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I’m not a person I’m just 3 mental illness stacked on top of each other wearing a trench coat
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having kids is not the sole goal in your life and does not define your worth as a human being. Nobody should ever be pressured to have kids if they don’t want any.
That said, I really need all of my favorite celebs to reproduce as SOON AS POSSIBLE CUZ ONE DAY UR GONNE BE GONE AND I NEED A TINIER VERSION OF YOU WHEN THAT HAPPENS
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say it louder for the people in the back
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I know this doesn’t fit with the usual content of my blog
But this is really important to me and everybody who has to take medication. The #takeyourpills thing is really upsetting but maybe this is the chance to finally educate people on what medication really does. So here it goes:
I thought I was stupid untill i was 8.
No, really, I failed all of my tests, I couldn’t pay attention in class and I had basically no social skills. I wasn’t depressed as a child but i definitely wasn’t happy. I just remember trying so hard to pay attention and do my work but I always failed and people got angry with me, saying I was lazy. That was not good for my self-esteem, I can tell you that much.
Then one day my teacher called me out in class. He had given all of us a report card and we were responsible to keep track of our test results (which apparently he couldn’t do himself but whatever). The document was very important and being the perfect chaotic mess i was (still am), i of course somehow managed to lose it.
It’s always you. This stuff always happens to you.
The whole class was staring at me when he said that. I don’t think I’ll ever really forget that moment. I had never felt so stupid in my life.
But i guess we have to thank that asshole because that’s when my mom and dad had me tested. Apparently I had very heavy adhd. One part of my brain develloped incredibly fast and the other one extremely slow, you could literally see it on my brain scan.
My psychiatrist adviced my parents to send me to therapy and to get me a prescription for retaline.
My mom was totally on board with therapy but drugging me? No way.
And that’s when my psychiatrist told her:
If you had a child with only one leg, would you give them a prosthetic leg or would you let her hop after the other kids? Sure, she could perfectly make it to the finish line with just one leg, but she’s going to be exhausted once she gets there. That is of course if she doesn’t trip first.
I am not going to lie: i don’t like taking retaline. It is a horrible feeling and the side effects are just stupid. But I need that stupid thing to work like a normal functioninh human being.
without retaline I wouldn’t have made it into college.
Without retaline I wouldn’t have finished high school.
Of course, i cannot give that drug all of the credit. It was ME who studied and worked hard to get where I am now. But without that extra legg I really am not certain whether I would have made it to the finish line.
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just wondering but why is unfollowing seen as such a huge thing on tumblr? it’s really really not. like, if someone annoys you? unfollow them. don’t post things you particularly like/care about? unfollow them. hate on your interests? unfollow them! who fucking cares! it’s not like you said you hated them, this is a dumbass social media site just like twitter and instagram.
you don’t always need some grand reason to unfollow/block someone. it’s not that deep.
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Microwaves am I right?
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Long time no see, tumblr! Anyone still here? :) Thought I’d share my latest - fruit and vegetables re-imagined as watercolor characters.  There’s an amazing greengrocer near my London home, and for the last few months I have been going over there and picking green foods I found interesting and inspiring to create characters based on those.  Hope you like it! And if you could spare a second to upvote my Bored Panda post that would be very nice of you ^_^  https://www.boredpanda.com/fruit-vegetable-watercolor-characters-marija-tiurina/ Happy last day of February!
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patton used kindness and it was accidentally super effective, idea from this text post
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Like i get it, sometimes you and your friend grow apart and they start liking other people more
And they start going to other people with their problems instead of you and you only later hear about it because someone let it slip
And you have to be an adult, you can't get mad even if it breaks your heart that they were in pain and you didnt know
You can't get angry that they prefer talking to someone else now because thats life, sometimes that just happens and the worst thing is you understand
But it just fucking hurts
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Stephen Hawking is currently getting a full walking tour of ALL the universe’s mysteries.
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There are pictures of you in the world that you will never see.
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Black Panther is now at $899.9 million at the box office.
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