I looked at the date and i was shocked that i forgot my first towel day!
So: Happy belated towel day!
2 days too late but i remembered, so don’t panic!
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Happy Easter my Krabat fans
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Bibi & Tina XD
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Anyone wants to go camping to a place where someone died this Easter?
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Krabat 2008 is my comfort movie
Which makes me worried about myself for a number of reasons
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List of 400+ Dialogue Tags
Below is a full (but not exhaustive) and updated list of dialogue tags. Dialogue tags are a widely debated topic for writers, some saying you should only use said, others arguing the opposite. You will get no opinion for me—only a list to use as you wish :D
Some words may differ in categories based on context.
Expressing Agreement or Confirmation
Acknowledged, Admitted, Affirmed, Agreed, Apologized, Confirmed, Conceded, Gibed, Professed, Reassured, Verified, Vouched
Initiating or Continuing Conversation
Added, Began, Chimed In, Commented, Continued, Conversed, Discussed, Elaborated, Greeted, Interjected, Offered, Proposed, Remarked, Went On
Making a Declaration or Announcement
Announced, Attested, Declared, Decreed, Emphasized, Enunciated, Proclaimed, Revealed, Stated, Voiced
Formal or Deliberate Communication
Chanted, Concurred, Observed, Postulated, Preached, Put Forth, Reasoned, Surmised, Testified
Indirect Communication 
Digressed, Hinted, Implied, Insinuated 
Providing Information, Explanation or Speculation
Alleged, Articulated, Asserted, Clarified, Doubted, Equivocated, Explained, Guessed, Imparted, Informed, Lectured, Noted, Predicted, Quoted, Recited, Reported, Theorized
Expressing Doubt or Uncertainty
Doubted, Faltered, Guessed, Hesitated, Pondered, Questioned, Speculated, Wondered, Ventured
Seeking or Giving Advice
Advised, Coaxed, Proposed, Recommended, Remonstrated, Suggested, Supposed, Urged
Barked, Croaked, Growled, Hissed, Hooted, Howled, Hummed, Roared, Snarled 
Expressing Discontent or Frustration
Complained, Fretted, Grumbled, Protested, Ranted
Demonstrating Authority or Command
Avowed, Commanded, Crowed, Decided, Demanded, Dictated, Directed, Insisted, Instructed, Maintained, Ordered, Pressed, Proclaimed, Reprimanded
Displaying Confidence or Assertiveness
Asserted, Assured, Boasted, Bragged, Claimed, Piped Up, Pledged, Spoke Up, Told, Vowed
Exhibiting Anger or Aggression
Accused, Bristled, Challenged, Cursed, Erupted, Exasperated, Fumed, Groaned, Huffed, Raged, Seethed, Snapped, Spat, Stormed, Swore, Threatened, Whinged
Displaying Sadness or Despair
Anguished, Bawled, Bemoaned, Blubbered, Cried, Despaired, Grieved, Lamented, Mourned, Sobbed, Wept, Whimpered, Worried
Appealed, Begged, Cajoled, Convinced, Persuaded, Petitioned, Pleaded, Prayed
Conveying Fear or Worry
Cautioned, Entreated, Gasped, Quaked, Shuddered, Stressed, Trembled, Warned
Softly or Quietly
Breathed, Called, Crooned, Murmured, Mumbled, Muttered, Sighed, Whispered
Loudly or Forcefully
Bellowed, Boomed, Cried Out, Hollered, Screamed, Screeched, Shouted, Shrieked, Thundered, Wailed, Whooped, Yelled
Demonstrating Disgust or Disdain
Cringed, Gagged, Griped, Groused, Rasped, Scowled, Sneered, Snorted
Expressing Mockery, Disrespect or Sarcasm
Dared, Imitated, Insulted, Jeered, Mimicked, Mocked, Ribbed, Ridiculed, Scoffed, Snickered, Taunted 
Doing Annoyingly
Gloated, Goaded, Nagged, Pestered, Provoked, Sassed, Tattled
Emotional or Expressive Communication
Grunted, Mewled, Panted, Quavered, Sniffled, Snivelled, Squawked, Whined, Yowled
Showing Empathy or Comfort
Comforted, Consoled, Empathized, Soothed, Sympathized
Indicating Thoughtfulness or Reflection
Contemplated, Echoed, Mused, Pondered, Recalled, Reflected, Remembered, Reminded, Reminisced, Retorted, Reiterated
Expressing Humour or Amusement
Cackled, Chirped, Chuckled, Giggled, Guffawed, Jested, Joked, Laughed, Quipped
Revealing Information
Confessed, Confided, Divulged, Disclosed, Expressed, Hinted, Revealed, Shared, Spilled, Uttered
In a Flirtatious Way
Bantered, Cooed, Flirted, Joshed, Moaned, Purred, Teased
Demonstrating Surprise or Astonishment
Gasped, Marvelled, Yelped
Indicating Hesitation or Reluctance
Faltered, Hesitated, Stammered, Stuttered
Engaging in a Dispute or Argument
Argued, Bargained, Bickered, Contended, Debated, Disputed, Negotiates, Objected, Rebutted, Shot Back
Showing Enthusiasm or Excitement
Beamed, Blurted, Cheered, Exclaimed, Gushed, Raved, Rejoiced, Sang, Squealed, Trumpeted
Expressing Approval or Praise
Applauded, Complimented, Encouraged, Exhorted, Extolled, Lauded, Praised
Speaking in a Continuous or Repetitive Manner
Babbled, Chattered, Jabbered, Rambled, Rattled On, Repeated
Questions and Answers
Answered, Asked, Cross-examined, Inquired, Implored, Probed. Prodded, Prompted, Queried, Questioned, Quizzed, Requested
Expressing Criticism or Disagreement
Challenged, Chastised, Chided, Condemned, Corrected, Countered, Criticized, Deflected, Demurred, Denounced, Scolded
Negative or Deceptive Communication
Denied, Droned, Exaggerated, Interrupted, Lied
Finishing the Conversation 
Concluded, Finished, Thanked
Neutral or Miscellaneous
Admired, Consented, Foretold, Invited, Mentioned, Mouthed, Pointed Out, Replied, Said, Sputtered, Volunteered
Don’t forget our Grand Opening Giveaway starts February 1st/24 on Tumblr, Instagram and slayingfiction.com! You don’t want to miss it!
Happy Writing!
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normally a mclaren fan but i also dabble in supporting alfa romeo bc their uniform looks like a campbell soup can
oh my god they fucking do
especially a few years back
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"This is my comfort ship"
The comfort ship:
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04x14 - 04x15
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It's been years and I still can't find a heterosexual explanation for this
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oh yes!
you never truly leave a fandom. some day down the road you’re gonna remember the blorbo you were obsessed with when you were ten and never recover the brainrot that’ll attack you out of nowhere
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,,Es war in der Zeit zwischen Neujahr und dem Dreikönigstag. Krabat, ein Junge von vierzehn Jahren damals, hatte sich mit zwei anderen wendischen Betteljungen zusammengetan ... "
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"It was between New Year's Day and Epiphany. Krabat, a boy of fourteen at the time, had teamed up with two other Wendish beggar boys ... "
Quote: Krabat (1971), Otfried Preußler | Movie: Krabat (2008), Markus Kreuzpaintner
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It's time :)
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“No one even told me…”
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Hey, could you do me a favor?
Could you just RB this?
The little RB statistics chart is so pleasant and stimmy to look at and I want to see what it looks like when it gets really REALLY huge because it makes me think of some deep sea lifeform
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Kisses I want to write about:
Goodbye kisses: Lingering and hard for longer times apart. Ones that curve A’s body against B’s and cause hands to splay against backs. Or short pecks, maybe not even completely on the mouth for short trips to the grocery store. Hello kisses: After long periods apart, these can include A picking up B and spinning them around. Fingers pressing into cheeks, palms cupping necks, and breathless laughs when they finally come up for air. Breathless kisses: A series of short pecks because they need the closeness but they also need air, so. Sometimes smiles come in between, or sometimes its just breath, gasping for the sole purpose of being able to kiss again. Heated kisses: Breath huffing into mouths, angrily or passionately. Hands grabbing at clothing and pulling each other closer. First kisses: Hesitant and nervous. Lips hover inches from each other for a few seconds before they just barely brush. It’s just a soft press, but it ignites their entire bodies. Pinkies link afterwards, still wanting to be close, and each looks down, smiling softly. After sex kisses: Lazy, slow presses. Limbs pressed together, chests heaving. Soft murmurs about what to do for dinner later, fingers trailing down backs, tracing lazy patterns. B rolling onto their back and A trailing their lips down their neck, kissing their shoulder, their chest, anywhere they can think of, memorizing B. Morning kisses: Barely awake kisses that usually end up on jaws or cheeks because A is too tired to land it properly. B makes a sleepy sound and rolls into A, nuzzling their face into their neck, ankles hooking together, while A drapes their arms around B and they fall back asleep for a while. Post-break up kisses: Soft and slow. Hands on each other’s arms in a way that neither can tell if the other is pushing away or pulling closer. The kiss ends with their foreheads pressed together, neither wanting it to be true that this is happening. Christmas kisses: More smile than actual kiss. A holds mistletoe above their heads while B rolls their eyes, but pulls A down by the collar of their ugly Christmas sweater for a heated kiss. A takes B by the waist and walks forward until they are around the corner, away from the prying eyes and hoots of the rest of their friends and family. Comforting kisses: B walks into find A sitting on the bed, shoulders shaking, cheeks wet. A looks up, face looking stricken for a moment. B is shocked, and quietly says A’s name. At this, A breaks, face crumpling, and only barely has time to reach both hands out for B before B is there, kneeling at A’s feet. B takes A’s hands first, kissing their knuckles and palms. Then B reaches up to hold A’s face, pressing soft kisses around their cheeks, their lips, murmuring “it’s okay” and “you’re alright” and “I’m here” in between. “I thought I lost you” kisses: The breath is knocked out of both of them with the force that they collide with. Hands grip the back of t-shirts and palms are pressed up and under shirts, holding them close, feeling the warmth of their skin. Palms are pressed to cheeks, thumbs swiping away tears until their mouths collide messily, the world seeming to disappear around them. “We can’t do this” kisses: Fists clenched, hands shoved into pockets. Brows low or brought together, jaws clenched. A feeling like a magnetic pull between them. Their foreheads press together, their lips brush, just barely, until B pulls away with a shaking exhale, forehead dropping into A’s neck. “Come to bed” kisses: A has their hands on B’s neck, murmuring the phrase softly. A’s hands slide down B’s arms to their hands, lacing their fingers together and slowly starting to pull B towards their bedroom. A continues to pepper B with kisses all the while, trailing them down their jaw and neck. “You look beautiful” kisses: Just a soft press of lips to the temple, resting them there for a moment, then smiling down and telling them as much. “I’ll be right back” kisses: A puts their hands on B’s shoulders from behind them, where they are sat on the couch. He leans down and around, while B turns his head a little, accepting the quick peck. “I missed you” kisses: Long and relentless, holding their body close, arms wrapped completely around their waist. A burying their head in B’s neck and pressing kisses there too. Angry kisses: Hard, gripping. Fists in clothes, shoving each other against walls. Fingers digging into hips. But the kisses always melt away from that. They turn into brushes of lips between shaking breaths, until they’re out of energy and are left just standing there, holding each other, fingers carding through hair. Sad kisses: Almost not a kiss at all. Just holding onto each other tightly, A’s lips pressed to B’s temple, whispering soft words, desperately trying to provide whatever comfort they can. In the dark kisses: The movie plays in the background, but A and B are hardly paying attention from the back row. They kiss soundlessly, long and soft, fingers locked. A’s arm is thrown behind B’s seat, wrist bent to curl their fingers into B’s hair. Dying kisses: A holds B in their arms, panicked, crying. Murmurs of “no, no, no.” Salt on their lips from tears. Voice cracking. Holding on tightly to their shirt, their shoulder, their hand, roughly pulling them against their body, anything to try and keep them tethered to this earth. Kissing them as they die (“no. No, stay awake—“), Kissing them once more even with the life has left their body (No. God, come back. Please, come back. Please, look at me, I’m right here”).
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