justalilboyo2 · 1 year
I might just completely scrap behind closed doors... I don't rlly know what to do after part 4 but I'm not sure if I will scrap it or not
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justalilboyo2 · 1 year
Behind closed doors - (doug remer x reader) 3/?
You meet your favorite sports player, Doug Remer, but it seems that you might've felt more than idolatry for him.
CW: kissin, angst, nothin much rlly.
(word count: 1170)
(part one , part two )
You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing, letting out an annoyed groan before picking up. “Hello?” you said, a little scratchier than you expected. “Uhm, hey. It's Sque- Kenny.” he said, sounding nervous. You sat up quickly, knowing exactly what he’s calling about. “Oh, hey dude. What do you need?” You heard a long sigh. “Well, it's about the other night, after the game.” Your heart dropped. Your prediction was right. “Did you and Remer really…?” “Ken, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. He didn't know anything. I just…” you heard a small sniffle through the phone. Though it was just a sniffle, you knew something much more was happening. “Its- its fine. I can't control who you choose. You don't like me like that and it's ok.” “I wish I could like you in that way but… I just can't. You're just my best friend. I can't imagine you as something else. I'm sorry. I'm sure you'll find somebody someday.” 
You hung up the phone before he could respond. You couldn't bear to hear him speak in such a broken voice. You sighed as you ran your fingers through your hair, getting up from your bed to change. You looked in the mirror, seeing your puffy, red eyes. Was i… crying last night?? You shook your head before pulling on a basic outfit, just sweatpants and a t-shirt. Suddenly, you heard a knock on your front door. You rolled your eyes before walking to the door and opening it. To your surprise, there stood Remer. “Oh! Uhm, hey. What brings you here?” His face went from a smile to worry, seeing your eyes. “Have you been crying? What’s wrong?” He held your face in his hand, rubbing his thumb across your cheek. “No, no, I'm fine. You still didn't answer my question.” you said before placing your hand over his. He sighed, moving his hand from your face to his curls. “I just… wanted to see you. Is that ok? If not I can leave-” You pulled him into a kiss, cutting him off. You pulled away. “I've wanted to see you, too. Come in.”
He sat down in your living room, rubbing his legs nervously. “You have a, uhm, nice place.” You smiled a thank you and sat down next to him. “So, how did you find out where I lived? I’m guessing Coop told you, right?” He nodded, looking over to you. His eyes scanned you up and down, noticing how loosely the sweatpants fit you. He quirked an eyebrow at the logo, it being that of the brand that coop usually wore. “Are those his sweatpants?” He asked, a slight taste of jealousy to his tone. “Oh, yeah, I guess they are. He must've left them here when he stayed over for a little while.” He looked a bit more stern, his eyes not leaving the sweatpants. “What exactly was he doing over here?” he looked up at you, expecting an answer. You looked back at him, letting out a small giggle as you saw his face. “Why do you want to know? You jealous?” His face went slightly red at the assumption. “No, I just want to know why he was here, that's all.” You laughed before explaining. “He was just coming back from college, my brother had just moved away and he had nowhere else to go. I let him stay here for a while because it was the right thing to do. Nothing like that happened, ok?” He nodded, his eyes softening. “I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. I shouldn't have assumed.” You put your hand on his shoulder. “It's ok. I get why you’d think that. I've known Coop forever and he stayed in my house alone with me. It's a common misunderstanding.”
It was almost midnight and Remer still hadn’t left. You didn’t mind, though. “Oh shit, it's getting late. I should probably head out. I don't wanna bother you any more.” You grabbed his arm as he was about to get up. “Please, stay. I don’t mind.” His eyes widened, a small smile forming on his lips. “You sure?” You nodded as he sat back down fully, wrapping his arm around you. You turned to kiss him, your hand reaching his chest. He began reciprocating the kiss, putting a large hand on the back of your neck. You crawled into his lap, kissing him with a bit more aggression. He put his free hand on your hip, the other still on your neck. You grabbed his wrist, moving his hand down to your hip, wrapping your arms around his neck. He began to kiss your neck, sucking on it enough to leave noticeable marks. “Remer, I have work tomorrow, I can't cover those up.” You said between heavy breaths. “Good. I want everyone to know you're mine.” He said before returning his lips to your neck. You grabbed his hair as he reached your collarbone, moving the fabric of your shirt out of the way with his hand before returning it to your hip. 
He began to pull on the bottom hem of your shirt, lifting it slightly. “Remer, c'mon you know we can't do that.” He pulled away from your neck, a puzzled look across his face. “Why not, you afraid Squeak’s gonna find out?” He said with a smirk, but your face was dead serious. His smirk faded into a blank expression. “You're joking, right? You can't seriously care that much about him.” You pulled away from him, a look of disgust on your face. “WE only met last week. I’m obviously going to choose my best friend's happiness over some restaurant bathroom hookup, which, by the way, can barely be considered a hookup. If you think I would, you're actually delusional.” He looked at you with a hurt look in his eyes.. “Is that all I am to you? Just some dude you made out with in a bathroom? Is that all this is?” The break in his voice was enough to make you immediately regret what you just said. “Doug, I'm sorry, that's not what I meant.” “Then what did you mean? What could you have possibly meant by that?” You looked at his face, tears painting his cheeks. “I meant that the relationship I have built with him over the years means more to me than what you and I have done over the past week. He’s my best friend, Remer.” He pushed you off of him, huffing as he got up from the couch, “Fuck this, man. I'm out. Have a nice life with Squeak if you care about him that much.” “Remer, please. I didn't mean to-” you weren't able to finish your sentence before he slammed the door behind him, leaving you alone, with no one to comfort you. Just pure loneliness. You slowly sat back onto the couch,your eyes welling up with more tears than before. You lied down, crying until you inevitably fell asleep.
updates r gonna be a lot slower from here on out, most likely gonna be posted on weekends cuz school n shit. hope you enjoy this tho!
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justalilboyo2 · 1 year
Behind closed doors - (doug remer x reader) 2/?
You meet your favorite sports player, Doug Remer, but it seems that you might've felt more than idolatry for him.
CW: nothing rlly, just kissing.
(word count: 1166)
( part one )
“I have to go, too. Be right back.” You scramble away from the table, heading for the bathroom. They were single stalls, so you were able to go in there without seeing anyone else. As you opened the door, Remer was waiting for you. When you walked in, you closed the door behind you, immediately kissing him when it closed. He grabbed onto your waist and pulled you closer, kissing you slowly. You grabbed his hair as he picked you up by your ass and held you against the wall. You wrapped your legs around him, trying to keep yourself stable. He lifted one of his hands up, rubbing up and down your waist as he slipped his tongue in your mouth. You returned the favor as you both began to get messier with each kiss. 
He pulled away from you, but instead of kissing your lips, he began kissing your neck. “Remer, c’mon, we’ve still got to go back out there, you know that, right?” you whispered to him, making sure no one would hear you. He pulled away for a second. “I know. But right now, that doesn't mat-” He was cut off by knocking on the door. “Hey, you alright in there?’” they heard Coop say through the door. Remer quickly put you down as you scrambled away from him. “Uh, yeah! I’m good! Sorry if I'm taking a while.” you yell back, looking at Remer with an almost concerning amount of fear. “Oh, alright. Just making sure.” Coop said before walking back to their table.
 “Holy shit, that was scary. You ok?”  You nodded, brushing your fingers through your hair. “You should probably get back out there. You left before me, so if they're worried about me, they probably are worried about you.” He shook his head, sighing in disappointment. “Yeah, you're right. Maybe we could do this again sometime?” he said with a smile. You stood up and hugged him. “Sure, why not.” He finally left the bathroom, leaving you alone with your thoughts. What the hell just happened? And how did it happen? Am I dreaming? This is insane. You looked in the mirror before splashing your face with water. You sighed and headed for the door. 
You made it to the table, watching Remer stand up to let you into the booth. You looked back at Coop, who looked a bit worried still. “You ok, coop? You look bummed.” He looked up at her. “Oh! You're back. Cool. I was starting to think you were sick or something.” “I'm fine, coop. Really.”  Remer smiled, whispering something under his breath. You elbowed him, shooting him a look of worry. “Ow! What’d you do that for!” He whined, rubbing his arm where your elbow hit him. “You know why.” 
You all began to eat your food, you concerningly slower than everyone else. “Hey, are you good? You aren't eating much.”  coop said, looking at you with genuine concern. “Oh, no I'm good. Just not that hungry.” you weren't lying, you weren't hungry, but really, you were worried that everyone knew what you and Remer did, including coop. And you worried that if Coop found out, he would never talk to you again. You weren't sure exactly why  he would be mad, but you just knew he would be. You tried eating a bit quicker so Coop would leave you alone.
Coop walked out of the restaurant with you, while Squeak and Remer fought over the bill. “Are you sure you're ok? You've been acting weird since we got here. Do you not like Remer? I know it's your first time meeting him, so first impressions can be shitty.” You shake your head. “No, Remer’s awesome, it's not that.” “Is it something else about him? I saw you looking at him a lot. You seem to like doing that.” You turn away from him, putting your face in your hands. “I'm guessing that’s it. Do you like him? If you do, I'm completely fine with it. I'll just need to make sure you two are good for eachother.” 
You looked at him, thinking about whether or not you should tell him what happened in the bathroom. Fuck it. “Hey coop? Can I tell you a secret?” You immediately regretted your decision, but it was too late now. He smiled widely. He always loved secrets. He was great at keeping them, too. He'd only ever slipped up once, and it wasn't that big of a deal. “Ok so, you one: have to promise not to tell  anyone. And two: you cannot tell him I told you.” He was practically jumping up and down waiting for you to tell him. “Cmon, just tell me! I promise, I won't say a word!”
 You shook your head and got closer to him, close enough that only he could hear you if you whispered. “Ok so, when remer and i were gone, we kinda… made out in the bathroom.” You said as quietly as possible, making it so that only he could hear you. “What!! That’s why you were gone so long?” You nodded your head, signaling him to quiet down. “If you say anything, I will beat the shit out of you. Got it?” He shook his head quickly, making a zipper motion over his mouth. 
Remer and squeak finally left the restaurant, and judging by Remer’s frown, Squeak won their battle. Coop was smiling a little too wide, so you elbowed him. He stopped smiling, trying to act a little more normal. “Are you all ready to go?” Squeak asked, but he looked at you with an almost sad face. You and Remer shot a look at eachother, both being a little suspicious that Coop and Squeak were acting so weird. “Uh yeah, but uhm can i talk to you for a second, remer? Alone?” He looked at you, a small amount of fear in his eyes. “Oh, uh, sure.” He followed you as you walked around to the side of the building.
 You grabbed his shoulders tightly. “Did you say anything to Squeak? Please tell me you didn't. I don't want him to know about this. I don't want to hurt him.” you whisper-yelled to him, looking him in the eyes as to determine his answer. “Before you get mad, he mentioned it first. He saw your neck and jumped to conclusions. I tried to deny it but he was already onto us.” You shook your head before putting your hands on your face. “Oh god, Remer. You really need to be better at lying. He can’t keep a secret. Especially one about his crush and his best friend getting together.” His eyes widened slightly. He didn’t know about that. “I'm sorry, I didn't know that it would hurt him. If I did , I would have tried a little harder. God, I feel terrible.” You held his face in your hands, pulling him into a kiss. “I'm sure he’ll be fine, Remer. It's alright.” 
Ok so this one is a bit of a better length so that's cool! hope u enjoy and ig just wait for part 3!!!
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justalilboyo2 · 1 year
Behind closed doors - (doug remer x reader) 1/?
You meet your favorite sports player, Doug Remer, but it seems that you might've felt more than idolatry for him.
(word count: 884)
You never really thought much of sports. Despite countless attempts from your brother and his friends, none of them really piqued your interest. Not until you saw Doug Remer. Ever since that day, Baseketball was all you could think about. You didn't know whether it was because of him being a good player, or if there was something more you felt for him. You shook those thoughts out of your head before you left for your first live Baseketball game.
 You chose front row tickets, trying to see Remer as close as possible. The way he played every game made him feel… different to you. The way he always psyched out every opponent without breaking a sweat impressed you. The way he never missed a throw. The way he… You were pulled out of your thoughts by loud cheering as coop cooper got a homerun. You jumped up, throwing your hands in the air. Coop was your brother’s best friend. You grew up together. He was like a brother to you. You yelled out into the crowd, “Fuck yeah!! Go coop!” He smiled back at you, pumping his fist as you cheered him on. 
As you were looking at him, you noticed Remer out of the corner of your eye. You noticed him looking at you while talking to Squeak.  Squeak seemed to say your name to him, smiling and waving as Remer followed. You wave back, looking confused, but still smiling. I wonder what he said about me; you thought to yourself. You tried not to get too worked up over it, knowing it probably wasn't anything to be worried about. You stopped waving when they did, looking back at Coop as the game resumed.
At the end of the game, you walked onto the field, running towards Coop once you saw him. You finally reached him, him pulling you into a hug. “You came!” he yelled, releasing you from his arms. “I wouldn’t miss the denslow cup, Coop!” you said, grabbing onto his shoulders. He laughed as he called squeak and Remer over. You began to get nervous as Remer got closer to you. “Hey guys! She came!” coop said to them. Squeak nodded. “I noticed, how's it goin’?” “pretty good, how about you guys?” Remer laughed,”Pretty good, clearly! We won the denslow cup, so it's kinda hard to not be doing good. I'm Remer, by the way.” He held out his hand to you. You thought for a second before shaking it. “I’m y/n. Nice to finally meet you. Coop talks a lot about you.” You smiled as you looked at Coop, who rolled his eyes at you. 
Remer smiled at him as he let go of your hand. “Does he now?” coop punched remer’s shoulder. “Anyways, we were gonna go out to eat together. You wanna join?” Squeak asked you, ignoring the bickering coming from Coop and Remer. “You sure? I don't want to bother you guys.” Remer redirected his attention to you. “You won't bother us at all! I always like meeting Coop’s friends, or girlfriends, in this context.” You looked at him, shocked. “Ew! No way dude. She's like my little sister. Thats fucked up.” Coop yelled, as you laughed at the assumption. “ My bad, I shouldn't have assumed.” You put your hand on his shoulder to reassure him. “It's fine, Remer. Let's go, it's getting late” Coop said, walking towards the exit.
You all arrived at the restaurant, coop taking responsibility for finding the table. When you all sat down, Remer sat next to you, Squeak across from him, and coop across from you. Your heart was beating really fast sitting next to him, his right leg touching your left. You caught yourself staring at him, turning to look at coop instead, trying not to make it obvious that you're attracted to him. As the waitress approached your table, you felt his hand on your thigh. You shot your head around to look back at him. He turned to look back at you, realizing where his hand landed.  “Oh shit, sorry! Were just so cramped I didn't mean to-” you cut him off, putting your hand onto his, keeping it in place. He looked down at your hands, slowly looking back up, making sure you were fine with it. You nodded and he decided to not move his hand. 
You all took your orders, no one questioning remer’s nervous tone and face. You found it kinda cute, seeing him so nervous about something so small. “You ok, Remer?’ squeak finally asked. “Oh yeah, I'm fine. It's just kinda nerve racking being in public, you know?” He looked at you, making sure he didn't hurt your feelings. You smiled at him, squeezing his hand. Squeak didn't think anything of it, returning to his conversation with coop. Remer smiled at you, slightly rubbing at your thigh. You scooted a bit closer to him, to the point of your shoulders meeting. As the food came, he let go of your thigh, reaching to pick up a pen and one of the many napkins on the table. “Hey guys, I need to use the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute, K?” He gets up and you see a note where he was sitting.
 Meet me in the bathroom.
its kinda rushed and a bit short but wtv i hope u enjoyed it!!
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