(30) Octopuses have nine brains, three hearts and blue blood
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(29) Mantis shrimp have an arm that can heat surrounding water to 8,500 degrees Fahrenheit.
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(28) Hippos secretes a pinkish-reddish substance through its skin that protects it from the blistering African sun.
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(27) Greyhounds are the fastest dogs, reaching 45 miles per hour. The average dog only runs around 19 miles per hour.
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(26) A Bulldozer once was a "horizontal forging press" that was to shape and bend metal
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(25) The reason why Ghosts say 'boo' is because it's a latin verb. They are instead saying "I AM YELLING"
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(24) The biomass of all the animals only adds up to 2% of the weight of all bacteria. Even fungi outweigh us
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(23) Scientists found that snails use two brain cells to make decisions, if it was hungry and if food was present
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(22) Cacao seeds once had so much value that the Aztecs used them as a form of currency
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(21) Elephants have a specific warning call that means "human"
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(20) African buffalo herds are democratic and feminist
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(19) There is a Japanese myth about your face being the face of the person you loved most in your past life
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(18) Chimps smile to signal fear/anxiety. A grunting sound actually is when they are happy
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(17) Male geese are called ganders, while goose are female geese. Just like peacocks and peahens
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(16) Silicone or saline breast implants are translucent. They glow red over a flashlight just like our fingers do.
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(15) Some animals are so unique. They have scientific names of silly and questioning things.
From a characteristic
Rhinoceros unicorn "one horn" (Rhinoceros)
Cephalopod "Headfoot" (Octopus and Squid)
gastropoda "Stomach feet" (Snails and Slugs)
ailuropoda "cat feet" (Pandas)
bitis (Viper)
Place found
Ursus americanus (American black bear)
Crocodylus siamensis (Siamese crocodile)
Macaca sylvanus "the Roman god of woodlands, fields, and flocks." (Barbary macaque)
Rattus latrinum
Named after People
Scaptia beyonceae (Horse fly)
Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi (Trapdoor spider)
Aptostichus stephencolberti (Trapdoor spider)
Tosanoides obama (Obama's basslet)
Neopalpa donaldtrumpi (Moth) has a golden scaly head
Agathidium bushi (Round fungus beetle)
Heterospilus reagani (Parasitic wasps )
Etheostoma jimmycarter (Bluegrass darter)
Anophthalmus hitleri (Blind cave beetle)
Named after Fictional Characters
Agathidium vaderi (Round fungus beetle)
Eriovizia griffondori ('Sorting hat' spider)
Darthvaderum (Mite)
Sauroniops "Eye (of) Sauron" (Dinosaur)
spongiforma squarepantsii (Fungus)
Binburrum moltres (Fire-colored beetles)
Binburrum zapdos "
Binburrum articuno "
Repeating words (usually sub-species)
Equus quagga quagga (Extinct South african zebra)
Equus ferus ferus "wild wild" (Eurasian wild horse)
Panthera pardus pardus "spotted spotted" (African leopard)
Gorilla gorilla gorilla (Western Lowlife Gorilla)
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(14) Reduviidae is derived from the genus, Reduvius, coming from the Latin reduvia, meaning "hangnail" or"remnant"
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