justandloyal-puff · 3 years
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AU where Harry remains a parselmouth and becomes a snake breeder
he names his clingiest and rudest little snake after Draco
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
malfoy: i am the sexist mf in this evil basement dorm
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
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Probably talking about Harry… xD
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
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Ron and Hermione :3
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
Hi! I just came to say that i really admire your art! You draw amazing ❤️. My favorite Ronald is definitely the one you draw. I was wondering if you have any Romione drawings out there that you haven't taught us; if so, it would be great to see it. Greetings from Mexico!
Thank you so much! That means a lot :) As a matter of fact yeah xD I have one unfinished drawing of Hermione and Ron but it made me really frustrated and I left it for later (maybe x)) I drew it last year… Anyway, hugs from Poland ;)
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
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(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
Hi! I love your art, and wondered if I might ask you a question? What do you love most about Harry, Ron and Hermione (as characters), and Romione and Hinny?
Hi, thanks. You know, it’s hard to point one thing I like the most about them, it’s usually many little things that draw me towards characters. Sometimes it’s how they react to things, sometimes it’s how they see themselves or others. If I told you I like Harry because he’s kind or Hermione because she’s clever or something like “yeah, she’s cool because she plays by the rules but also can be rebellious when it’s about her loved ones” it would be a lie, I don’t pay that much attention to things like that. But I love Harry when he beggs Dumbledore to let him out of his office after Sirius dies, I love him when he throws sarcastic retorts at mean people, when he eats his lemon ice cream, wanders around Diagon Alley, or watches Ron’s red head above the sea of other students, when he lies under the window listening to the news, worries about his owl, misses his friends, puts up with his shitty family, or falls in love with Ginny. I love Hermione’s struggles with school, her tough choices, I love Ron’s “I hate being poor” or when he talks to Luna. There are so many things I could wirte here idk, too many. And it’s the same with relationships. I hate grand gestures, insta love or shit like that, but I like to see how everything develops and evolves.
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
fred: i'm bored
george: hmm
fred: wanna see how many highland cows we can sneak into the dungeons?
george: hell yeah
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
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Newt Scamander Icons
Hufflepuff Headers
Please, like or reblog if you save (credits are on the pictures)
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
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- hufflepuff dark academia aesthetic -
the soft golden light of the morning • sitting comfortably with friends and making up poems or sharing your favourites • staying up late to help each other with assignments, drunk on the late hour and giggling too much • days stretched out beneath a tree basking in the sun • wearing a lot of cream coloured dresses and silk blouses • enjoying the quieter moments in the day when the halls are empty and you can just wall without running into anyone • having a secret meeting place with friends that no one else could find if even if their life depended on it • cloudless skies and nights full of stars • sneaking away snacks from the kitchen- mostly sweets and the occasional bottle of champagne • victories call for celebration, but so do failures • sneaking away into an empty room where you find a piano that let’s you play anything you want without missing a note • so some of your secret nights out start meeting here with music and laughter and shrieks quietly drifting across the walls •
- viridis-blooming
p.s. pictures used in moodboard are not mine and all credit goes to original owners.
slytherin ravenclaw gryffindor
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
the common rooms ¼
the slytherin common room: it’s always naturally cold down there so they always have a roaring (magical) fire. and if that doesn’t work, the half-blood and muggleborn slytherins purchase space heaters and just place them around the common room and the dorms. i imagine that it’s actually somewhat comfy? like on the leather couches there are just quilts and pillows and blankets spewed across the room. there is also this huge grand piano that everyone takes turns playing and like? they don’t have to be cold or rigid because they are with people that are also constantly accused of being evil or a deatheater. and like there are just housemates lounging around in sweatpants and comfy sweaters and they are just teenagers. they are just talking about how boring history of magic is and how excited they are for the quidditch season. they are daring each other to tell their crushes that they like them. some kids are having a conversation with the giant squid (who they have lovingly named fido).
and there is a small group of first years with some older slytherins, maybe in their sixth year or fifth. and they reassure the younger ones that they are not evil. slytherin is not an evil house, despite older gryffindors literally hissing at newly sorted slytherins. in both the girl dorms and the boy dorms, the bed frames are dark brown and the comforters are dark green.the bedsheets and pillow cases are a light grey. the green light from the lake lights up the dorms and everyone wraps themselves under the blankets falls asleep to the sound of someone, most likely a ghost, quietly playing the piano.
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justandloyal-puff · 3 years
- writing vocab words and notes on their forearms with a pen
- chilling at 3 am in their common room, proofreading each others poetry
- going to the quidditch match and making bets with slytherin
- coffee. so much coffee.
- having small debates after school about magical conspiracy theories - having a ‘to read’ stack next to their bed
- instead of going to the three broomsticks, couples pick out books
for each other and then read them out loud in the astronomy
- we’re pluviophiles
- procrasinating then forming study groups because everyone thought
it would be easy
- no need to cheat in the OWLS and NEWTS because they spent all night quizzing each other
- not just coffee. ICED COFFEE
- braiding each others hair while singing and reciting drama lines
- sketching astology diagrams in class instead of paying attention
because they already know enough about the subject
- passing notes to that one special slytherin because they promised a
cup of butterbeer after class
- just ravenclaws
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