52: Arrived
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I thought Z was a Virgin?👀
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I refuse to have you get my Hope's up
😭😭😭 understandable. Completely. But I’m really gonna do better. I’m coming back!
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This applies here as well.
I genuinely wanna finish writing all my stories on here.
Like GENUINELY 😭 but I feel like no one is on here anymore. It’s no like no audience, no purpose type thing. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Idk. Am I wrong?
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I've been feelin’ like I'm crazy 'Cause I'm goin’ through your phone, look for somethin' wrong I can't find nothin' I must be trippin' tryna listen to my intuition Sayin' you're guilty So baby, just tell me
Gut Feeling x Ella Mai ft. H.E.R.
“Mm.” I hummed as I got comfortable in Mackai’s bed. The ride home was filled with nothing but laughs and jokes. The drinks he’d tossed back earlier had him feeling like a whole comedian. He made jokes about my head, and I had to humble him real quick, letting him know his was twice the size of mine. The nerve. 
His California King sized bed was such an upgrade from my full size in my room at Z and I’s apartment. My bed was everything, but the amount of space Kai had on his made me jealous. You could actually roll over a few times and not fall off the bed. It made it no better that his mom helped him decorate, the sheets were to die for. I had to remember to ask her what thread count they were.
“You enjoying yourself?” He chuckled. I opened one of my eyes to look over at him smirking from the en suite. “Definitely.” I laughed. I had kicked my sneakers and jean jacket off, but I was still clothed in the bralette and jeans I had picked out earlier. 
I shut my eyes again and heard him shuffling across the room. It was quiet for a second and I heard him rustling through his draws. Something hit my arm, and I opened both of my eyes to see one of his shirts. I smiled. 
“Babe, can you take these jeans off me please?” I whined. The pet name slipped off my lips so much easier these days. Kai was mine... just not officially. But, I was okay with that. For now. 
“Come here.” He mumbled. He got to the side of the bed I was on, and pulled me to him, using only my legs. I couldn’t stop laughing. “Why you put these shits on if you can’t take them off?” He asked. “I can take them off, I just wanted you to do it.” I let him know. 
He arched his brow as I lifted myself up so he could pull them down. Once they were off me, I smirked at him peaking at my lace panties. I played dumb as I watched him fold my jeans and set them aside. I sat up and pulled my bralette off. I sat bare chested, smirking at him. He licked his lips and returned the smirk. “You ain’t gonna put the shirt on?” He asked. I shook my head ‘no.’
Sexual frustration isn’t something people should go through! This shit could really have you out of your mind. I swear if I knew this is what... withdrawal felt like, I would have stayed a virgin, I swear. Of course as a virgin, I got horny. But knowing what I was missing, made it even worse.
Having Kai around was no better either. I wanted to jump his bones every time he licked his lips. Shit was so ironic, I was the one saying I didn’t just wanna be fucked by him, but here I was- silently hoping he would just touch me. Nothing went pass the intense kissing and occasional feel up. But that alone would set my ass on fire. 
“See something you like?” I teased. Instead of answering my question, he leaned down and kissed me. “Put the shirt on.” He mumbled on my lips after he pulled away. I looked him in his eyes, seeing he was serious. The scowl etched on my face made him chuckle. 
I climbed back to the top of the bed and pulled the shirt on. I laid back, arms crossed, and pout on my face. He pulled his shirt off and disappeared into his bathroom. When I heard the shower start, I groaned and rolled over onto his side of the bed. 
It sounded crazy, but the fact that he was respecting my wishes of us not rushing sex, just made me want to have sex with him even more. Like..? I swear this is why men think women are complicated.
I couldn’t believe this was where we were. Two whole months into dating Kai and not once had he tried anything. I mean, I didn’t want to rush either, but this couldn’t be real life. I had needs, and as a man, I knew he did to. And if he wasn’t having sex with me... he had to be getting it somewhere else. Right?
I sighed. I was too in my head about this. I was literally in here, talking to myself. Was this what lack of sex did to people? I needed to chill. I shook the thoughts out of my head. I grabbed the remote from the bedside table and turned the TV on. I switched to Netflix and found something to watched. 
I settled on the “She’s Gotta Have It” series. I was already in love with Mars. Halfway into the episode, his phone buzzed from the night stand. I looked at the time on the alarm clock, 1:04 am, and then back to the screen. It’s not your business, Nae. Instead of thinking too hard about it, I immersed myself in the series... until Kai decided to step out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his bottom half. The water still visible on his tattooed arms, chest, and abs. 
He payed me no mind as he sauntered around the room. He dried himself off and dropped the towel. He pulled on a pair boxers and then some shorts. See? This was the shit that made me wanna fight him. “Can you take me home?” I asked in a firm voice. “You wanna go home?” He repeated like he didn’t just hear me clearly. “Yeah.” “Why?” “Because.” He kissed his teeth. 
“What’s the problem Naomi?” He swore he was so slick. “Kai, stop playing with me. I know what you’re doing.” “What am I doing?” He played dumb. I stared at him, watching the smile slowly take over his face. “... Okay.” I reached for my jeans and he started cracking up. 
“Aight, aight. Chill.” He laughed, pulling the jeans from my hands. I rolled my eyes at him while he got comfortable in the bed. He somewhat sat up against the headboard, and I couldn’t help myself but to cuddle up into him. He smelled so good, I couldn’t help but sigh. I laid my head against his torso, making sure to rub over his naked abs. 
“This what you in here watching?” He asked pulling me out of my trance. I glanced up at the television and noticed Nola and Mars having sex. Well shit, one of us deserves to have fun tonight. “He ain’t even stroking her shit right. You gotta make sure them thighs pushed all the way back. Touching the mattress type shit.” He grumbled before putting his interest back into his phone. 
My eyes closed at the thought. Having Mackai in between my leg...having him push them back into the mattress, while looking deep into my eyes. My body grew hot at the the fantasy. I unconsciously squeezed my thighs together and let out a breath. 
Once I opened my eyes, I could tell Kai was no longer interested in the show. He didn’t even bother to pretend he was either. He kept his head in his phone, but it didn’t bother me. I knew he had to be handling business. I looked up at him, seeing how focused he was. He was so fine, I thought as I admired his features.
I looked down at the Supreme boxers he wore underneath the basketball shorts. I could see his print through the shorts, and I bit my lip.  I accidentally, on purpose slid my hands over his shorts slowly. “Sorry.” I apologized quietly. I didn’t even bother to look up at him. I did it again, before I found myself gripping him through his shorts. Jesus. 
“Damn Kai.” I examined how big he was in my hand. He wasn’t even hard. Oh my God. “Nae, what the fuck?” He was cracking up. “What’s wrong with you?” He asked swatting my hand away from him. “So that’s what it is? That why these hoes can’t leave you alone?” He found my questions amusing, still cackling. 
I had seen Kai’s dick print time and time again. And of course, I was impressed. But it was different to a have that thing in my hand! The boy was blessed. The arguments and fights these girls would have over him back in the days all made sense now! It was as clear as day. 
“I’m shook.” I professed, sitting up and against the headboard. He was still laughing. “You a trip yo.” He shook his head. “Kaiiiii, I can’t believe you’ve been holding out on me!” I sighed. He continued to laugh. “I’m glad this is funny to you.” Another chuckle. 
I rolled my eyes. After his laughter died out, we sat in silence. Why was I not getting dicked down right now? Felt up? Something! I was literally yearning for this man’s touch. Is this what they meant by being careful of what you wish for? Because I was slowly, and surely regretting it. 
“You still fucking other girls Kai?” I asked. I was honestly afraid of the answer he was about to give. Not because I knew it would hurt my feelings, but because I knew I’d end up beating his ass in this room. The silence made me look over at him. 
Still immersed in his phone, I smacked my lips. “Hello? You don’t hear me talking to you?” He kissed his teeth. “Nah. Now go on with that bullshit.” He muttered. “How is it bullshit Kai? I just asked a simple question. Yes or no?” I was starting to get mad. Why couldn’t he just answer a simple question?
More silence. 
“Yes or no Kai?” “Nae, didn’t I just tell yo ass to go on with that bullshit?” “Kai, you really about to piss me off. Just answer the damn question!” I raised my voice. “You better calm yo little ass down.” He mumbled, not looking away from his phone. It sounded like more of a warning, if anything, but I wasn’t about to back down. 
“Or what Kai? Or what? You lied to me!” He chuckled bitterly, and shook his head. “Crazy ass girl dawg.” He muttered to himself. “Crazy? Imma show you crazy!” I stood up in the bed. I snatched the phone out his hand. “Which one of these bitches is texting you this late? You don’t even have the decency to hide the shit!” I yelled. 
I looked down at the iPhone screen to see a webpage for sports cars. I exited the safari to his messages, scanning my way from the top to the bottom. There were messages from unsaved numbers, but once I went to the thread they either were from months ago, the number had been blocked, or both.
I took my seat back in the bed. Social media was next.. Dozens on dozens of heart eye emojis flooded his comments and DMs. None of the recent ones were met with answers. I shut my eyes and sighed. Crazy ass girl, what are you doing? That’s all I could ask myself. 
“Here.” He said passing me another iPhone. When I didn’t take it from him, he dropped it on the bed. “111363 is the password for both of em. Go crazy.” He stated. He exited his room, and I just stood there, looking stupid. I groaned and sat on my knees. I locked the first phone before putting them both on the side table.
I pushed myself off the bed and made my way around the spacious three bedroom condo. Juju wasn’t here, she had been MIA all week. Claiming to have been busy, but I wasn’t gonna stress her. If she was busy she was busy. I found him in the living room, slumped on the couch, scrolling through the channels. 
“You ready to go?” He asked keeping his eyes on the screen. “To go?” I was confused. “Yeah, I’m taking you home.” Without giving me time to process, he shut the TV off and got up from the coach. I followed behind him as he headed back to his bedroom. “Mackai.” I called as he ignored me and disappeared into his closet. 
Once he emerced, he had pulled on a hoodie, socks, and slides. He then started to gather my things; my phone, sandals, bralette, and jeans. 
“Kai, you really kicking me out right now?” I was really at a loss for words right now. He didn’t respond. The look on his face read boredom. I snatched my jeans and slipped them on before grabbing my phone and shoes. I headed for the front door with him on my tail. I swung the door open and waited until he hit the locks of his Jaguar. 
I opened the passenger door and made it my business to slam that shit. Fuck him and this dumbass sports car. I heard him chuckle darkly before he slipped into his seat. He pulled out of his driveway and we rode in silence toward my apartment. I stayed my ass quiet, because honestly, I was too drained to argue. I knew I was wrong for accusing him, but kicking me out?
When we pulled into my complex, he didn’t even bother parking in the closet spot. Instead, he pulled up to the front of my building and put the car in park. “I don’t know what kind of niggas you was dealing with before me, and I don’t care what kind of nigga you thought I was before we got together. I told you, if we was gonna do this, I was gonna be all in. I cut all the bullshit I was doing before you said you’d give me a chance. I put time and effort into this.”
He continued, looking straight ahead. “And you still questioning my intentions. I haven’t done anything wrong, and I never plan to. But, if you feel like in the back of your mind, I would treat you in any way, shape or form anything less than you deserve, we should just dead this right now. I don’t wanna waste your time and I damn sure ain’t tryna waste mine.” 
“Kai, it’s-” “Nah, Naomi.” My first name? Not “Nae” or “baby?” He was pissed. “I don’t got time for this shit. I told you what it was, and you know how I am about my word. These past few months I’ve done my best to show you I was serious, and you here accusing me of some bullshit.” He finally chuckled. “I’m cool on this shit.” 
“Mackai, I didn’t mean to- Look. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have accused you-” “To be honest with you Naomi, I really don’t give a fuck about nothing you have to say to me right now.” He spat so calmly and coldly. 
I was stuck.
I honestly didn’t know what to say.. what to do. I had never seen Kai this mad in my life. I sat there looking at him with the stupid pout on my face. I could feel the tears stinging the back of my eyes, but I refused to cry in this car. I pulled my seat belt off and exited the car silently, making sure not to slam the door again. I walked up the steps, I was surprised when I didn’t hear him speed off. It wasn’t until I was inside and shutting the door behind me, I heard the Jaguar speed off. 
I kicked my shoes off at the door, and dragged myself to my room. I noticed Z’s TV was on, but honestly, I didn’t wanna be a bother. I waltzed into my room and shut the door. I shed my jeans and Kai’s shirt from my body and went to turn my shower on. I let the water warm up while I picked some clothes out to sleep in. Ironically, I settled on a pair of Kai’s boxers and a Ralph Lauren shirt he had left here. 
I connected my phone to my Beats Pill and let my Hurt Hoe playlist blast all through my room. The sounds of Monica and Mary J. Blige rang through my room as I showered. I was probably being dramatic, but right now I didn’t care. I let all the hot water pelt my body and take away all my stress. I sighed as I began thinking about tonight. 
There was no doubt in my mind that I was wrong. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. 
I cursed at myself silently for potentially ruining everything we started to build. This self-sabotaging shit was for the birds. I just hoped that Mackai would hear me out and give me an opportunity to plead my case and give me a second chance. 
After washing, I exited the shower and got dressed before laying down. I laid there staring at the ceiling as Jazmine Sullivan’s voice sounded through my room. I turned the music down and got more comfortable under my covers. It wasn’t before long that I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier. 
I wasn’t sure about how long I had been asleep, but I jolted out of my sleep because I heard my phone ringing. I shot up and looked over at the alarm clock to see 3:58 am. I felt around my night stand for my phone and was surprised to see Mackai’s name on my screen. 
I clicked accept, and before I could even greet him, his deep voice boomed from the other end. “Come open the door.” Again, he didn’t let me get a word in before he hung up. I rolled my eyes at his antics, but still obeyed his orders. 
I scurried to the front door and swung it open for him. He was dressed differently from earlier. He donned a black hoodie instead of the grey one he pulled on earlier, all black jeans, and the black Timberland boots I loved to see him in. The scent of the Dior cologne I bought him radiated from his frame and I could see the slugs in his mouth. 
He stepped in without invitation and I shut the door. He made me lead the way to my room. I was surprised when I felt him get dangerously close behind me and wrap me in a bear hug from behind. His scent engulfed me all at once and I could only shut my eyes as we waddled toward my room together. 
Once we were inside, he hoisted me up quickly and I couldn’t help the screech that came from my lips. He shushed me and threw me on the bed. “I still got some sweats over here?” He asked as he kicked his boots off. I leaned over and pulled the bottom drawer open to fish them out for him. 
A sting to my ass came right after and I had to hold back the scream that wanted to escape me. I knew Z was home and it was late as hell. “That hurt!” I exclaimed as I threw the shorts at him. “My bad.” He chuckled sexily. I watched as he emptied his pockets and  rid himself of the jeans, hoodie, and watch before slipping on the sweatpants.
He got in the bed and made it his mission to pull me in close, and I swear my heart melted. “We gon talk about everything in the morning. Go back to sleep.” He said before planting a kiss on my shoulder. I didn’t even respond. I shut my eyes and let sleep consume me for the second time tonight. 
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Zamora’s Interlude
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I ain't tryin' to think about it, no Yeah, I said it, boy, get up inside it, uh I want you to homicide it Going slow and I want you to pop it uh And I think I kinda like ya
Yeah, I Said It x Rihanna 
“Come on Z, let me see it.” Donovan rushed me from the other side of the door. He was persistent, knocking at the door every few seconds. “Don, I said give me a second!” I huffed. He was making this more difficult than it had to be. 
I took a deep breath and looked down at my feet. 
I snuck off to the mall after school yesterday, getting a pedicure, a cute bra from Victoria Secret and the matching panties. I had gotten my hair done last week, so all I had to do tonight was lay my edges down.
I wanted to feel pretty. 
I looked back up at myself in his mirror. My dark skin looked beautiful against the the white lace that draped my body. The bombshell bra made my normally moderate sized breast, look as full as a C cup. The small amount of makeup I had on my face, brought out my facial features a little more. Instead of lipstick, I opted for chap stick. 
I felt pretty. 
Sex is high school was the thing to do. If you weren’t having sex, you were lame and whatever else. But I never got sucked into that mess. From what I knew, having sex was really serious. Never mind the pleasure it was supposed to bring, the diseases and pregnancy possibilities had me scared alone.  
Plus, up until now, I didn’t really have a crush on anyone. And as far as my knowledge went, nobody had one on me. So, sex wasn’t something I really thought about. 
Until I met Donovan.
Donovan Mitchell was 17, a senior at our rival high school, that played on the football team. We met at the mall, and normally I wouldn’t pay any of the boys there any attention, but we just clicked. He wasn’t rude, or thirsty, he was just nice to me. He was interested in getting to know me, the things I liked, the places I wanted my life to go. 
It was refreshing, seeing how all high school boys wanted to do was have sex with every girl they could get their hands on. 
 As the years went by in high school, my body began to change. I noticed, my mom noticed, and so did everyone else. My face dropped some weight, as did my mid section. But my hips, thighs, and ass some how picked it up. Adjusting to it took some time, and I was still getting used to it. 
“Baby, you gorgeous regardless. Just let me see.” He knocked again from the outside. “Don, if you don’t get away from this door, the only thing you’re seeing tonight is a palm full of dick.” I retorted. I heard his chuckles get softer and softer as he backed away from the door. 
I took another look in the mirror and took a breath. 
I was ready for this.
I wanted this. 
I unlocked the door and swung it open. 
I watched as Donovan’s head snapped in my direction. I watched as his eyes scanned my entire being. From the soft makeup look on my face, to the subtle curls in my hair. His eyes danced over my lace bra, down to my belly button piercing, and then to matching, skimpy lace panties I adorned. 
“Damn..” He muttered. 
I sauntered over to him slowly.
“...I’m ready.” 
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Please post more😩😂😂💕
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I don’t think anyone wants to read this anymore :( 
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I need more already 😩😂😂
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Yoooooo. Where you at boo?
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Comeee bacccckkk pleaseeee ❤️❤️
:( :(
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YAAASSS Z!!! Blushing & shit I see you ma!
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First time reading may I have a chapter list to catch up ty
*cries in I’m not shit* 
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Z how you feel mamas?
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I'm so happy you're back!!!! I need Z & B to talk like adults 🙄
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In glad your back. 😊
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