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Day 8/365: Lunch
It’s amazing to me what I won’t let/don’t want my 1 year old to eat and although he’s been on table foods for the last several months I still prep most of his food to avoid over processed foods/too many weird ingredients. Why do I not take the same care for myself? I should honestly ask myself before I eat anything would I want my son to have this? 🙈😂
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Day 7/365: Green Today got away from me. It was a beautiful day. I enjoy weekends with our little family of three so much. Staying at home most of my days all run together but my husband is the true definition of a helpmate and I love our time together.
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Day 5/365: It's been raining since Monday.
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Day 4/365: Wind down.
Today was a great day. We went to the library for baby story time. We stay home together most of the week besides a random errand here and there so it’s a goal of mine since hitting the year benchmark to get him out and about to socialize more. I was shocked with how good he did! He was so open to the experience and excited to be there. Another lesson learned... never underestimate or doubt your children. They will always surprise you. He is such a wonderful little man.
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Day 3/365: Old man Sneakers
Our dogs are the cliche “like family”. It was brought up in one of my mom groups today how the tend to go on the back burner when the little one arrives. I can attest to this 110%. A feeling of guilt as I shoo them away for the 100th time- or send out an empty threat about if you step on this baby you’ll get it. (I would never touch my dogs in an abusive way in a MILLION YEARS.) But then it settles in... not only do I deal with mom guilt, I deal with pet owner guilt. They aren’t getting enough attention, I’ve nagged at them for the upteenth time today, I won’t let them play in the living room with the babe in fear that they will get overly excited and step on/jump on/knock over/ etc my 1 year old. Tell me it gets better? Once my son can handle his own with them I feel like I will ease up a bit but for now I just feel like a bad dog mom.
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Day 2/365: Puzzling
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I am starting a daily 365 to hopefully encourage me to pick up my camera. Day 1/365: good morning
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To say the last year has flown by would be an understatement of epic proportions. We welcomed our little man in to our lives and nothing has been the same. I have been trying to settle in to my new role as stay at home mom and I didn’t know it would be such an adjustment. The guilt of not contributing financially weighed heavily on me for longer than I would care to admit. This has been longest I haven’t worked since I was 14, the longest being a 3 week road trip I took in my early twenties to see the country and “find myself.” Little did I know I wouldn’t scrape the surface of either of those goals and instead several years later while staying home in middle of America confined to just over 2000 square feet most days I would make some of the biggest discoveries about myself that I hadn’t even began to in my 30 years on this earth. I may not get to travel as much with a limited income and little one in tow but I have had a whole new world opened up to me. One where I finally feel like I’m serving my purpose and not muddling along and always searching for something that is missing. Being a wife and mother has been my biggest joy and honor. That being said I am hoping to use this blog as a creative outlet. For example… I didn’t take this picture but I threw that quote on there and felt pretty darn happy with how it turned out. Even if it's just for me, creating is a big part of who I am. Another one of my biggest passions is taking photos so I am also using this platform to collect those and hopefully a motivation to pick up my camera more. If you want a glimpse in to our daily life, follow along- we enjoy the company.
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Where has this year gone?
Stay tuned for my next post on why I am here, what I see for this blog, and why you will want to follow along. :) 
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