justawitchsblog · 2 years
Oh my amazing work as allways ,can't wait for the vanitas one seems like its gonna be good,stay healthy and well:) ~❄
Thanks ! Its on the way
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
What is this-
Honestly? Cringe
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
Aren and Shun vore Part 2 , leave a comment if you enjoyed or have any requests on any fandom. 😊
Aren pulled shun very close to his mouth.Sniffing his neck letting himself go straight into his undukgace not holding himself back. If kido never spoke to him again..he should at least make the most of it. " You smell,so good Shun"
Shun spoke then shaking " I..stop playing Aren I'm serious."
He sniffeld. The Next thing tears of confusion going dowm his cheeks. It wasn't unusual to see his freind cry. Heck even if someone so much as questioned his play fantasy's somtimes he'd cry.
What was unusual was for Aren to be the Couse of his tears. He has let his pred out after so long there was no putting him back in.
Aren seemed to growl animalisticly as Shun tired to escape. ".. A. Aren .this isn't funny.let me go , I'm serious I "
Aren put his arms around Kido in a hug , aslo holding him tighter. If he did get any tighter he'd Hurt Shun probably.
Aren nuzzled his neck " can't..not when you smell so good "
Arens hands rubbed up of Shuns shirt ub and down , soothing. He mumered softly.
" sshhh. You'll be nice and Safe..right up as close as you can get to me ...all warm and cozy. Doesn't that sounds nice ?"
Kido swollowed and shook his head.Arens stomach rumbled. He sighed.
Aren sighed softly " ..then I do hope you'll forgive me for this evenchuly"
Kido noticed his freind seemed to snap out of his trance with those words. He hugged his freind back as tightly as he could.
He buried his head in Arens shoulder and spoke stuttering ".. Aren..I'm scared"
Aren leened dowm and kissed his forehead. " ..why you scared? I'm right here. I won't let nothin happen to you. "
Shun thought he had an advantage but beofre he could press it Aren wiped his tears with his hand , then put the finger into his mouth and licked the tear. Eays diluting again.
Pressing shun right up against him , moaning.
He spoke " alright Shun. I..uurrgg. I can't hold back anymore" to emphasize this he leans in and gave his Neck a lick , tasting."
Aren was practically drolling at this point.
".. just.. just close your eyes if your scared... Your in good hands that care about you. I..I love you. Okay ? I love you"
Aren grabbed Shuns hand and pushed shun so his head was level with his mouth. And with one last kiss to Shuns head and one more Whisper of " your Safe. It's okay" Aren put shuns head into his mouth and swollowed. Shun went still , Aren squzzed his hand and rubbed his back in soothing circles with his other hand. Shun tasted amazing. He moaned in pleasure. It has been far far to long.
Shun didn't scream just went still. Which Aren was grateful for. He swollowed again , down past Shuns shoulders. Shun was struggling now. He heard a whisper of " this can't be real "
Aren then moved his hands to get a better grip on Shuns back to push him in more but Shun tightened his grip on his hand so aren keept hold and maneuverd Himself so that he was using one hand to life shun up a bit. He did suck at him a little and licked him with his tongue. Fully enjoying his meal , his friend tasted better then he looked.
He did care about how his littel treat was doing. He really truly did. He wanted this so much. Gulp. Down past his shoulders now , nearly have way.
Running one hand over Shuns stomach under the shirt. Each touch ment to be a assurance to his admittedly delicious freind. I'm here. It's only me. It's okay. It's only me.
Glup , gulp. Two big gulps. He'd have to let go of Shuns hand now though it was on a death grip when he pulled away the hand failed around a little as much as it could , Aren squzzed it once more before gulping again. Just to Shuns mid section.
Using his arms still to rub Shuns boady as it dissaperd dowm his throat.
Just his legs now, hanging in the air.
Aren took his shoes off and gave his feet a little tickel to witch shun did indeed laughp. Which made Aren smile. He squeezed his foot beofre two more flips had Shun fully encompassed inside him.
Belly round and swollen to a unatrel degree.
Aren groned. ".. oh. Wow. Your so good Shun so good "
He spoke ".. Shun ? Give me a shout please"
Shun has gone quiet. Aren knew he was physically safe , he'd never put his friend in harm's way. He could feel him twitching.
He pet his stomach. ".. Shhhuunnn. Come on , it's not to bad."
He paused" I know..the dark isn't your favourite. But .. im here. I've got you. "
The gravity of what he's done was starting to sink in. Oh no. No no no , he'd goona hate him now he will never talk to him again.
In his Panic he heard a voice".. Aren ? I .I don't hate you " stuttering and unsure.
Aren realised he was saying some of that our loud.
" Shun ? Really?"
He was still stuttering " I..yea.i can't hate you. You..you've always protected me. This.. this is not cool and was scary but..not scary enough that I'll never want to see you again "
Aren spoke " I never would have done this if It wasn't 10000 percent safe. I.."
He felt a hesitant hand pat the inside of his stomach.
" I suppose I could get you to swere you'll never do this again?"
Aren winced " I...I can't promise that "
Shun took a shaky breath ".. we..we wil have to work it out "
And they would have to because as scary as this was it didn't change one thing...Shun loved Aren too.
The end :)
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
Vore prompts or role play starters! Please let me know if anyone uses these.
1 Prey turns - He was just about to go find where he meal had to when he felt strong arms pinn him to the chair and he looked up to see a familiar face with a unfamiliar look "..ah ah ah " she shook her head " tonight...tonight I am hungry dear"
He looked up " oh..oh hell "
2: Wedding vore kidnap.
" you may now kiss the -"
" nope ! Nah ah. Shes mine ... "
"... No ...no..I thought you where arrested"
" I'm out on lunch break-"
" That doesn't even make -" glup.
3 Stalker vore.
" hhhmmm I smell your seant for miles...this..this is goona be a good meal. Easy ...I'll let you out .. evenchuly"
4 I pinned him down both arms up and lick his neck he squckes " what..what are you ??"
" hhumm. I'm Hungary. " He leened dowm and nibbled at his neck " and you tase delicious"
5 we where out shopping and oh..oh my she looks good enough to eat in that dress ... I run in and push her into the changing room breast to breast and kiss her lips. " Oh..oh my. Just.. just let me do this " I push myself harder against her , salivating. " You ... Hummm. Your.. going to stay in me for a little while'
" in you !?"
I smile as you bring another morsel to me. Rubbing my belly in awe..I'm seeing how many I can tuck inside. Enjoying each one as if was the first. You stuffing me full of screaming men and women. What you don't realise is..your next. As a lick my lips.
" your the assassin !"
" shhh shhh !! No..well yes ..it's not what you think!"
" gaurds _" Gulp.
" you..you better shut up ...or..I' have complete power of you. ..you could get digested...better stay on my good side "
...nah..I'd never acchuly digested someone...killed plenty...it's not like I would anyway....oh no! He's goona be on there a few days before I can let him out and be finished with my mission.
I walk up to the cage ...oh look. I caught me a shaking trembling prey.
Poor thing. There lucky I found them...
I at least like to let them have a hot drink in my cave as I describe how good it feels to eat them. ...I let them go as well. Most of the time.
I gave a seductive smirk and leend agisjt the cage "... Well well well...what have we caught here ?"
... oh no !! He did it again jumped right off the top of a fence !! No !! He's goona get himself killed humans are so fragile...wait..I know shrinking formualr.
I pick them up in my hands " no no no no no no no no no. Shh shh. Don't cry..shh shh. It's okay. You'll be better off like this .." " easy I'm right here "
I feel mabye I should hold off step to ..there freaking out. I'll try...but they look so much like a delicious chocolate like this.
I think as I lick them and they freeze in fear. I snap out of it again " sshh sshh. It's me..I'm here. Your Safe. Dont struggle so much you may get hurt..."
" I'm leaving you !"
" no your not " gulp
I lean in and kiss her skin..find myself tasting it..I know this isn't what she had in mind but..* stomach growls *
" I'm starving what's taking you so long ?"
" I spilt the suger !"
" .. honey...for your owm good do not come any closer!" * Stomach growls *
13 , a tiny ! There real.
Goota capture it ..owm it...have it.
14, I dangel the poor thing above my mouth. I know there afraid..but it only adds to the flavor. Yes yes..they thought they could trust me.. should have known better then to trust a warlock. I think as I drop and catch them beofre they fall in myself wondering when I actually would keep them inside for a while...oh don't look at me like that...they will be perfectly fine..I mean the spell to make them small is irreversible. But..it's not like I'd ever actually harm my pet.
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
An amazing piece as usual ,keep up the great work ~❄
Thank you ☺️ glad to see your still here snowflake Anon
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
He pulled her closer to his maw , ropes already warppoed around her to keep her from lashing out.
She had been confused, the carefree boy who was always a bit of a rebel and a bad boy but she always thought it was in good humour. Even if the pranks where a bit to far. , Had vanished. Replaced but this entitled ...thing.
" You..!!" She screeched as his mouth opend " your not human !!"
" No dear ..." He whispered.
He cupped her face gentley and spoke " I told you before you are mine. I'll make sure you stay that way "
She let out a tear ".. no.. please..I cared for you.. "
" Sh Sh Sh , dear " he wiped her falling tears. " I take care of my things. I don't damage them "
".. what..what are your saying?"
For the first time since this started his eays softened and he stopped looking at her like a piece of meat. He tilted her chin to look at him " I'm saying..you'll survive this encounter. I do want to look at those pretty eays again after all "
He spoke of her like an object still..
As he reached out and squeezed her bound hand he spoke again in a soft voice " it'll be better if you just relax darling. You mine wether you like it or not ...I do hope you come to enjoy yourself in time. "
Her voice quivers " please.. please let me go home..to my brother..my friends"
He sighed " .... Pleading will get you know where. You belong to me now , you best accept that "
She spoke then ".. I ..I m scared " she whispered brokenly.
He..supposed she would be , after all. She has no idea what he was and well in humans when you swollowed something ...well that was a one way ticket.
He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead..and rubbed her shoulders up and down. And spoke " I will take care of you, I give you my word on that"
She looked up , he could feel her shaking.
Still pleading. He brought a finger to her lips.
" I shan't wait any longer. I've been dying to see what you tase like, darling."
He gave her a peck on the lips and spoke "... And I do care for you, my love. "
Then he opened his maw and pulled her in ,taking her head first. Moaning around her boady. Rubbing her as she went in. Gulp. She tasted amazing.
Gulp. Hhhmmm.
He was as her breasts and couldn't help but warp his mouth around them more as she went in.
He did rub her back gently as he gulped down her breasts. Hopeing to convey some kind of reassureance. Or just to have his hands on her boady. Even he couldn't tell.
He was at her waist now. Gulp.
At her buttocks. As to what he grabbed and pushed it into his mouth.
Gulp. Just her legs now. Gulp.
And her feet glup.
" aaahhhh " he put his hand to his stomach, "you certainly very stratifying, darling."
He rubbed his stomach " ...... See ? Your ok. Your perfectly well "
SHE whimpered.
He sighed ".. you'll come to realise soon enough. I ahh..let's go home "
He left , with her. She didn't know what he was or where was home. But that soft humming of her favourite song. And his tales of his home ...place. How gorgeous it was. How as much she she was his he would never leave her. All she has to worry about was trusting him.
She begun to suspect... Mabye..at the very least....he wouldn't hurt her.
Next up ! Part 2 saiki k vore in the works. Then A Vanitaz X Noe vore!
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
Ooo anything if im honest! Its rare to find somone with such tastes so ill leave it up to you! Going off the saiki k one ill know iy will be good :) -❄(ill sign of with this bc ill be back lols )
I have an idea brewing:) so keep on eye out ☺️. I'll remember you snow flake Anon !
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
Hi,anon with the noe and vanitas request! Anything your comfterble with,barely anyone writes for this fandom,its sad honestly id really appreciate any pointers other blogs that do this too ^-^
Hello again Anon ! What would you prefer? I'm guessing you like vore ? Yes Vanitaz deserves more love it's an amazing show !! Definitely in my top 5 !
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
Vanitas drabble? For sure we know the ships in that anime are so forced- so if your comfy vanitas and noe? If not then vanitas and Jeanne ,cause who doesnt like vampire in the end :)
Noe x Vanitaz is my OTP !! Do you mean vore as this is a vore blog ? Or did you just want a drabble
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
Vanitas! Now that a name i havent herd befor, i need to watch it and stop puting it aside ;-;
(sorry for bad english)
It's an Anime you should watch it is amazing 🤩 10/10 from me
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
Any specific fandoms you write for?
Any I know of really. Saiki K , The Witcher , Marvel , DC , the case study of Vanitaz. BBCs Merlin are some of my favourite fandom's from the top of my head.
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
Imagine having the sort of abilitiws Saiki has what would your ability be if you had to choose one?
Oh also do you write for Kuboyasu? (Hope i spelled that right :)
Also us saiki K fans are thriving once again!
Hhmm out of all of them it's hard to say between pyrokinesis , telekinesis and telaportaton But I think I'd love to be able to teleport the freedom of being able to go where I want wen I want to sounds pretty cool. Yes I write for Kuboyasu ☺️
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
Amazing work <3
I'm glad you liked it :)
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
Nice writing lol
Thank you :)
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
Amazing work <3
Thank you :)
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
Tips on how to write like you? ^^
Oh wow ! I'm flattered I try and focus on the characters and add new elements and how that shifts there dynamic ☺️
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justawitchsblog · 2 years
Oh wow a saiki k blog! I thought that fandom died off-
We survive in the cracks 😂
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