justbooklr · 3 years
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justbooklr · 4 years
Hi!! I love your blog! can you list some of your favorite dramione fics? Thank you!
hell yeah I can, dramione is my shit. friends come and go, but dramione is forever :’)
just a reminder that you can find some more dhr recs on my fic recs page. I’m really behind in updating it, though, so there are a few that are missing. (all of the fics I’m listing below are completed)
ok I’m gonna assume you’ve read the fallout and isolation before, but if you haven’t, check these two fics out first!! they are great for dramione skeptics and beginners
(btw most of these are hogwarts fics because I’m super into the whole sneaking around dark corridors, making out in abandoned classrooms thing)
hogwarts fics
what the room requires by alydia rackham: 6th year, Hermione is the one to find Draco in the bathroom, they get trapped in the RoR together
clean & marked by olivieblake: two of my faves, clean takes place in 6th year, and marked takes place during the war, there are so many plot twists in this series, it’s amazing, beautifully written, i love it
difficult by provocative-envy: one of my favorite fic writers ever, she is so so so talented, this is a basic hogwarts fic, I think it takes place 6th year but I don’t really remember but I do that remember I liked this
silencio by akashathekitty: so much drama in this one! 6th year (haha do you see a trend?) personally their relationship moved way to fast for me, but this is still really good
beautiful things can come from the dark by yesterdayschild4: despite the rape themes (it’s not D who rapes H), this fic is obnoxiously fluffy and I loved it
forget me by emara88: this fic is so underrated! hermione passes out at a ministry party in 2001, and while in a coma, she discovers her hidden past at hogwarts
delilah’s black book of poems by dark whisper: ONE OF MY FAVES!!! forbidden romance in this is so heart-wrenching!!! and “If you were mine” is one of the most iconic moments I have ever read
live again by sophie733: why is this not more popular?? basically everyone dies in the war, and D&H go back in time to fix it
presque toujours pur by shayalonnie: hermione is revealed to be pureblood, which changes basically everything, this fic is so interesting, though, post war hogwarts
finders by everythursday: hermione and draco have to work together to solve a mystery at hogwarts, this is heavy on the plot and the romance is more of a background story, post war hogwarts
virtus et ludicium by anjalimalfoy: to be honest, I don’t remember what this is about, but based on my abundance of highlighting in my books app, I must have liked it..? seventh year dramione
suppressed emotions by hoplesslydevoted.xx: someone is after hermione, and draco is given the task of protecting her. this fic is amazing, I loved how their relationship is so slow burn
and we all fall down by rumaan: this is sooo good. draco malfoy comes back to hogwarts halfway through the year after a stint in azkaban.
war fics
cruel & beautiful world by lena phoria: the writer recently published this story into a book (yayy), but I have an .epub saved if anyone wants me to email it to them, voldy!wins AU
turncoat by elizaye: if you’re looking for a fic similar to the fallout, this is it. draco switches sides and hermione is his confidant
we learned the sea by luckei1: this fic is amazing, it’s one of my faves. draco, harry, and hermione team up to take down lord voldemort
ugh I’m sorry, I wish I had more :/
post-war fics
broken by inadaze22: amazing, amazing, amazing. no one has seen hermione for years, when she returns to the wizarding society with no friends, she develops a close relationship with the slytherin squad
hunted by bex-chan: written by the genius of isolation, draco and hermione are forced to work together when their ex-classmates start dying
when the bell tolls by everythursday: four years after the war, there is a sudden rise in Dark Magic, and hermione needs azkaban prisoner draco to help stop it
lady of the lake by colubrina: a rare fic where hermione is more of the bad guy. hermione and draco overthrow the order and take over the ministry
parade of the sun by everythursday: hermione is researching a plant that has the power to change time, and draco wants to use it 
again, I apologize for not having more in this category
also maybe check out my own fic? (error in expectations) it’s WIP, and it takes place during what was supposed to be the golden trio’s 7th year
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justbooklr · 4 years
Got sunshine on my shoulders
I was looking up tags and masterposts searching for long larry fanfics, because I’m going away on a holiday shortly and I wanted to dowload some into my ebook (I’ll have limited access to WiFi). 
Fortunately (or unfortunately) I came across got sunshine on my shoulders , which I had previously read, and oh boy the memories it brought back… I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much reading a fic, but somehow I did it in the best possible way (?). I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone, but I consider this work a must read for every larrie. It’s emotional, complicated, makes you hate them but also pity them, it guides you through so many different emotions (some uglier than others) until you think you can’t take it anymore (even if you’re the biggest fan of slow burn and angst). But exactly when you’re a second from giving up, it gifts you with one fo the most endearing and heart warming endings ever described. The writing is magnificent, the storyline is original, it has everything that makes a fanfic epic and iconic. 
If you’re in a good emotional place to survive a really sad and heavy story, please read it whenever you can, I don’t think you’ll regret it.
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justbooklr · 4 years
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Tired Tired Sea
 by MediaWhore
“Did you not research the place before you picked us for your…” Louis hesitates, words like holiday on the tip of his tongue. It’s what Harry used earlier, but it didn’t seem quite right. “Your… retreat?” he finally settles for. The way Harry’s body stiffens slightly confirms it.
He shrugs, looking down.“Not really,” he admits. “Just googled ‘most remote place in the UK’ to be honest. And this was the result.”
Louis smiles, a little sadly, at the sight of this tall man and the shadow clearly hanging over his head. “Yeah,” he agrees, voice more raspy than usual. He clears his throat. “That’s us.”
Harry smiles, polite as he fiddles with his room key.
“You really wanted to be far away, uh,” Louis comments gently.
Harry stops moving, stops playing with the keys, and he looks back up, straight into Louis’ eyes. “Is that what you wanted?” he asks and on someone else’s lips, it would sound accusatory. Louis has many distant relatives who have thought similarly and have told him off for it, so he’s intimately familiar with the way his self-imposed exile can be perceived. “Is that why you left England and moved here? Because you wanted to be far away?”
It almost sounds like he’s asking permission to feel this way, like he needs someone to understand and relate, like he’s the loneliest person in the world who came to the loneliest place in the world to fix it. It’s almost enough to make Louis lie, to make him agree with Harry just to make him feel better.
“No,” he says softly. “I wasn’t running away from home. I was running towards it.”
Harry’s eyelids flutter as he looks back down for a second. “I understand.” He turns slightly to face his bedroom door, pushing the key into the lock and turning it. Once the door is open, he reaches down to grab his bag, putting one strap over his shoulder and giving Louis a side glance. “I didn’t want to be really far away,” he admits softly, “I needed it.”
Then, he vanishes into his room.                          
As a B&B owner on the most remote of all the British Isles, Louis Tomlinson is used to spending the coldest half of the year in complete isolation, with his dog and the sea as sole companions. Until, one day, a mysterious stranger on a quest to rebuild himself rents a room for the winter. 
part of the @onedirectionbigbang // pairing: harry/louis // wordcount: 113k // rating: M // read on AO3 // art by @harrehleh // Spotify playlist 
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justbooklr · 5 years
Hi! I’m trying to find a fic. Basically, Harry is hit with a spell that caused his sense of smell to be enhanced, and the smell of people makes him sick. So, because he’s around a bunch of people at work he (temporarily) works in a closet. Then he finds out the only person who’s smell he likes I’d Draco’s, and when he smells Draco it turns him on. Draco finds out after Harry avoid him for a little bit, smut ensues. Thanks!
Hello there~ I haven’t read this fic so I hope my lovely followers can help you :)
ETA: Thank you for your help, @cibeewastaken ♥
Ardour of Karma by @xx-thedarklord-xx [E, 17k]
“Malfoy knows something is going on with you and unless you both want to go back to fighting and death glares, you should fix it.”“How do I do that? Just waltz up to him and say, ‘I know I’ve been a prat but your scent makes my dick swell. How’s your day?’”“Mind repeating that?”The familiar drawl had Harry’s throat clamming up as his blood ran cold. Oh no.★ H/D Erised 2019
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justbooklr · 5 years
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Smith College
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justbooklr · 5 years
my college dorm packing list:
the school year’s winding down here, and I know a lot of you are about to start your first year of college. sometimes, this involves moving into a dorm, and there are so many dorm packing lists out there that tell you about so many “”necessities.”” this really easily gets overwhelming, so here’s the list of things that I have in my dorm right now that I really appreciate having!
two sets of sheets - make sure they’re the right size for the bed (often dorm beds are twin xl). i got two sets which included a pillow case, fitted sheet, and regular sheet. sometimes, the ‘college’ sets have pockets on the sides of the fitted sheets which can be super useful, esp if you decide to loft your bed!
pillows - when I was buying dorm stuff, i had the designer dorm room in mind (which is the goal for a lot of people when shopping, but it’s not super easy to attain. just stick to what works for u!). this, for me, involved pillows. i have 2 normal pillows (either i sleep on both or i alternate them out so no one of them gets too flat), and a smaller, soft decor pillow (i use this mostly to block up the space between the bed and the wall so my other pillows don’t fall off when i use them as a backrest haha), and a fourth, white fluffy square pillow (this one just looked cute, but i ended up using it as a desk chair cushion bc my chair didn’t come with one, it’s been a lifesaver!!)
comforter (tbh it’s always so hot in my dorm room that i hardly use this, and mostly just stick to the sheets haha, but it’s definitely important in winter)
extra blankets - just a couple lighter ones i use when i just wanna curl up or when i don’t need something as heavy as a comforter
foam mattress pad - !!!!! cannot stress this one enough. it makes my bed so comfortable. my dorm bed is now nicer than my home bed. i 100% recommend getting one of these (and make sure its the thick sheet of foam, not those weird cloth ones that make you feel weird when you touch it haha)
desk chair cushion (mentioned above) - wait until you see your room for this one, your desk chair might already have a cushion. if it doesn’t, get something to use as one. your butt will thank you, and it’ll make it so much easier to study. (also some people i know wanted to get their own desk chair - the rolly cushy kind - so if that’s what you want, go for it!)
desk lamp! - if you’re like me, you’ll stay up hours later than your roommate, and you need to be able to see. the kind i got was actually given away free from my uni, but it has usb ports and 3 different levels of intensity for the light itself, so it’s really nice!
cups/pen holders - stay organized. i brought a mug for this and ended up getting a few free cups at giveaways, and vases from flowers and things like that that I use to hold the pens on my desk.
misc desk organizers - to keep your study space put together and to keep all your stuff in a decent place (it’s so easy to lose things, even in such a small space)
closet/clothes storage:
hangers - i just got a couple packages (about 24 total i think?) which ended up being the perfect amount for me
sweater organizer shelves thing - these are everywhere at stores for dorm shopping. it’s basically a stack of box shelves. they also have drawers you can get for them, but i don’t have any of those. i just stuff my sweaters/cardigans/sweatshirts/extra sheets in there, it’s nice and saves a lot of closet space!
shower/hygiene supplies:
towels - i got 4 towels, just so i don’t have to do laundry as often. it ended up being a good amount for me. also a lot of people i know have washcloths, which wasn’t something i thought about but is a good idea if you use them!
shower caddy - a necessity! i use one of the bag ones, instead of the plastic ones, and i’ve heard a lot of people with the hard plastic ones wishing they had the mesh bag type (but obvs u do u)
dry shampoo - super useful for when you didn’t get a chance to shower and want to at least try to look a bit more cleaned up
laundry detergent - pretty straightforward. also hamper/laundry bag/dryer sheets/whatever else you need to get ur clothes clean (also stock up on quarters if you have to pay per load)
hobby supplies - i do a lot of crocheting/brush lettering/reading, whatever your hobbies are, you’ll wanna do them, so keep stuff in your room for it
wall calendar/white board calendar - useful for planning and remembering important dates (also i use this to keep up w what my roomie has going on bc we don’t talk about that sorta thing a whole lot but it’s nice to know when she’ll be back/out of the room/whatever)
whiteboard - i have a bigger wall mounted one, but i use it for assignment/meeting reminders and also as a study tool for before exams. plus it’s fun to doodle on when i really don’t feel like doing anything  haha
string lights - sure, they’re a classic dorm cute thing, but they’re also useful when you want just enough light to see, but not enough to keep your roommate up or be distracting. i use mine all the time, plus it makes the room feel more warm and homey!
i also have a 10 foot long phone charger which is my heart and soul i love it sm it’s so useful bc i plug it in under my bed in the corner and not only reaches up to my bed, but also over to my desk. 10/10 would recommend.
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justbooklr · 5 years
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justbooklr · 6 years
Late Night on
a Lucky Day
Some days you read only a couple of pages.
Other days you read a whole book in one sitting.
The important thing is to just let the words fill you up and help us make sense of being human.
I’m glad I got to read a lot today.
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justbooklr · 6 years
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big news: i’m finally posting something else other than my bujo
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justbooklr · 6 years
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love a good used book☺️📚 (I know some of you are going to get mad at me fire highlighting and writing in my books but these were for history coursework don’t worry😂)
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justbooklr · 6 years
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this is how i spent all of autumn break. in my dads mock-studio which is just a bright room in our summer house (honestly the light in there is magical). studying economics until my eyes bled. 
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justbooklr · 6 years
“Once you’re a reader, you never quite grow out of it. You may not have much time for it as an adult, but you’re still hooked on that magic.”
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justbooklr · 6 years
things from the book that would've been cute as FUCK in to all the boys i’ve loved before movie
lara jean talking about the letter w/ peter because honestly her letter is so sweet but it’s so funny
- “In a low, quiet voice, Peter says, “Just so you know I don’t have any STDs.. I also don’t always take the last piece of pizza.” - “Wait.” He hesitates, “Listen I didn’t mean to steal your first kiss or whatever. I mean, that wasn’t my intention-“
the actual way peter and lara jean kissed not that spin the bottle bs peter has loved her since literally the seventh grade
- “Peter and I were downstairs alone, the last two to be picked up. We were sitting on the couch.” - “And then out of nowhere, he said, “Your hair smells like coconuts… Then Peter Kavinsky leaned right in and kissed me, and I was stunned.”
okay noah said in an interview that they decided to change the original kiss because it was hard to shoot -which is understandable- but the original is SO cute
“That’s when I see him. Peter Kavinsky, walking down the hallway. Like magic. Beautiful, dark-haired Peter. He deserves background music, he looks so good. I run up to Peter and launch myself into his arms like a shot out of a cannon. I’ve got my arms around his neck and my legs hooked around his waist… Peter’s expression is registering pure shock and disbelief and maybe a drop of amusement, because Peter likes to be amused.
Raising his eyebrows he says, “Lara Jean? What the-?” I don’t answer, I just kiss him… My heart is beating so fast I forget to be afraid of doing it wrong. Because for about three seconds, he’s kissing me back. Peter Kavinsky, the boy of every girls dreams, is kissing me back.”
peter being low-key jealous
part one
“John Ambrose McClaren.” Peter’s eyes widen. “McClaren? When did you like him?” “Eighth grade.” “I thought you liked me in eighth grade!”
part two
“At dinner I get a text from Peter. It says, If you’re going to hang out with Sanderson, can you at least not do it in public?”
“He pushes away from the wall and puts his head in my lap, and I go completely still. I try to make my voice sound normal as I say, “You’re in a really strange mood today.” He raises an eyebrow at me. “What kind of mood am I in?” “The obnoxious kind,” I say, and he laughs. “I’m sleepy.” He closes his eyes and snuggles against me. “Tell me a bedtime story, Covey.””
“I stand there for a second and then I go for it: I do what a girl in love with Peter would do. I do what Genevieve would do. I march right in and plop down in his lap like it’s my rightful place.”
talking in his car
Lara Jean; “Do you think there’s a difference? Between belonging with and belonging to, I mean? Peter; “Sure. One implies choice; the other doesn’t.”
the estate sale!!!!
- “Peter’s mom’s van pulls up… before I can say a word, he says, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But look what I brought you.” He passes me a donut in a napkin, still warm. “I stopped and got it special, right when they opened at seven thirty. It’s mocha sugar.” - “You’re crazy,” Peter says, pulling me back in by the hem of my shirt. He’s looking at me like he did that day I kissed him in the hallway. Like I’m different than he thought.”
the notes
- “During chemistry, Peter writes me a note that says, Can I come over tonight to study for the test? I write back, I don’t remember study sessions being in the contract. After he reads it, he turns around and gives me a wounded look. I mouth, I’m kidding!” - “Meet you at your locker after school?” - “Can I borrow your chemistry notes from yesterday? - “Can you take the bus home today? I want to surprise Kitty and pick her up from school so she can show me and my car off to her friends.” - “Thanks for coming to the estate sale with me this weekend. You made the day fun. I owe you one.” - “Don’t forget to pack a Korean yogurt for me!” - (see christmas cookie bonanza) “If you make Josh’s dumb white-chocolate cranberry cookies and not my fruitcake ones, it’s over.” - “You look pretty today. I like you in blue.”
the literal whole halloween part (Jenny Han said that they couldn’t do it bc of copyright w/ marvel and hp but it would’ve been great
“His eyes are big. “You look hot,” he says, sounding surprised. “What are you? An anime character?” “No,” I say, or more like snap. “I’m Cho Chang.”
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lara jean being sweet to peter bc he’s nice to kitty
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peter likes lara jean
“He definitely likes her, Kitty agrees, her mouth full. “He… he looks at you a lot, Lara Jean. When you’re not paying attention. He looks at you, to see if you’re having a good time.””
“You forgot your bag,” he says, glancing over toward Josh’s house. “I know,” I say breathlessly. “Thanks for coming back.” “Is he out there?” “I don’t know. He was a minute ago.” “Then just in case,” Peter says, and he leans his head out and kisses me on the lips, open-mouthed and sure. “…He drives off into the night and I’m still standing there with my fingers on my lips. Peter Kavinsky just kissed me. He kissed me, and I liked it. I’m pretty sure I liked it. I’m pretty sure I like him.”
- “Peter’s here; he stopped by after school to work on chem, and now it’s hours later and he’s still here. He and Kitty and I are in the living room going through the cookbooks.” “Hey, what about these?” Peter pushes a cookbook in my lap. It’s opened up to a fruitcake cookie recipe. I gag. “Are you kidding? You’re kidding, right? Fruitcake cookies? That’s disgusting.” “When done right fruitcake can be really good,” Peter defends. [Lara Jean tells story of “A Christmas Memory” by Truman Capote] “That’s depressing,” Peter says. “Forget the fruitcake cookies.”
- “Josh!” I hear her [Kitty] squeal. Peter’s head jerks up. “He’s here to see Kitty,” I tell him. “Yeah, right.”
- …”You’re making my favorite, right?” Josh gives me puppy-dog eyes… “What’s your favorite?” Peter asks him. “Because I think the list is pretty set.”
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sorry that one was long af but its so cute i wish it was in the movie
josh kissing lara jean and peter being jealous
- “And then he [Josh] jerks his head towards mine, and he kisses me. On the lips. His eyes are closed, mine are wide open.”
- In chemistry class I write Peter a note. You were right about Josh. I tap him on the back and slip the note in his hand. When he reads it, he sits up straight and immediately scrawls something back. Be more specific. He kissed me. When Peter stiffens, I am ashamed to say that I feel a little bit vindicated. I wait for him to write back, but he doesn’t. As soon, as the bell rings, he turns around and says, “What the hell? How did that even happen?” “He came over to help us trim the tree.” “And then what? He kissed you in front of Kitty?” “No! It was just the two of us at the house.” Peter looks really irritated, and I’m starting to regret mentioning it. “What the hell is he thinking. kissing my girlfriend? It’s fucking ridiculous. I’m gonna say something to him.”
peter confessing that he likes lara jean at the ski lodge
Peter grabs my hand mid-swat and says, “Wanna hear something funny?” “What?” “I think I started liking you.” “…Stop teasing.” “I’m not teasing. Why do you think I kissed you that day at McClaren’s house back in seventh grade? It’s why I went along with this thing in the first place. I’ve always thought you were cute.”
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“It’s like … it’s like there’s only ever been Peter. Like everyone else that came before him, there were all to prepare me for this. I think I see the difference now, between loving someone from afar and loving someone up close. When you see them up close, you see the real them, but they also get to see the real you. And Peter does. He sees me, and I see him.
Love is scary: it changes; it can go away. That’s part of the risk. I don’t want to be scared anymore.”
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justbooklr · 6 years
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justbooklr · 6 years
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justbooklr · 6 years
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