justbrxwsing · 1 day
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justbrxwsing · 1 day
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in the eye of the beholder 💚
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justbrxwsing · 2 days
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justbrxwsing · 2 days
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Designer’s Note: According to Robbie’s hypothesis, Lightroots are giant trees in the Depths that have absorbed the sacred radiance of the Shrines of Light since time immemorial.
King Rauru once undertook the formidable task of traveling across Hyrule to seal the land’s evil by establishing the Shrines of Light, and the brightness that these shrines transmit to the Depths now eases the journey of the hero of a far-distant future.
We therefore planned the Lightroots with the idea that they would serve as a type of guidance from the “Sage of Light” who illuminated the darkness of the world, and we designed them as locations where the player could feel a sense of relief whenever Link encountered one during his adventures in the Depths.  
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justbrxwsing · 3 days
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GREETINGS EVERYONE!!! I've spent the last couple of months working on a full length comic adaption of @goodlucktai's beautiful 'fishbowl' fanfic!!! Below you can read the fruits of my efforts :) Enjoy!
This comic takes place before Dressrosa
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justbrxwsing · 5 days
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justbrxwsing · 5 days
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Had to paint Moo Deng!! I love her so much
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justbrxwsing · 6 days
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**For the guys asking I found the hoodie HERE with free shipping
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justbrxwsing · 9 days
Relistening to TMA Season 5, I am again struck by how goddam badly Martin and Jon need couples counseling.
I love them both. I ship them very much. But oh lord they have issues
Like, these are two individuals who, under the very best of circumstances, would really need therapy both individually and together. They are both people with plentiful quantities of relational trauma from childhood that neither of them have worked through even the slightest bit.
And then you throw them into the apocalypse. And you add a metric fuck ton of guilt, helplessness, and the dynamics of being "The Antichrist and +1"?
On a surface level--Jon is in a perpetual state of information overload. Martin is in a perpetual state of "can you please just explain the basics of what's' going on in a given situation and not just say "it's complicated" or launch into a gruesome monologue"
But on a deeper level, their childhood relational traumas have left them each with opposing avoidant tendencies: Jon is unwilling to broach a difficult conversation, which leads him to hide information until he's confronted. Martin, on the other hand, has a finely honed ability to ignore information that he doesn't like until he no longer can hide from it.
Biggest example of their avoidance tendencies: Martin's Domain
Way early on, when we barely understand any of how the hellscape works, Jon mentions it, Martin shuts it down hard and deflects quickly with a bid for affection from Jon
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Martin is in deliberate denial, but Jon admittedly wasn't particularly clear to start with.
"We all have a domain."
Jon means it, presumably, as "Me, You, and other 'Avatars.'" Jon is used to being grouped with those empowered by the Entities. Martin isn't. (see also: MAG185: Martin" Is that how these creatures see us now? As one of them?") But that's not what Jon says. And this is MAG167--they've only been through four domains, at least that we've seen. Jon is speaking from a place of knowledge, and assuming his listener has that same knowledge.
And when this issue comes up much later in MAG183, Martin has spent 17 episodes ignoring or forgetting that he has a domain, not letting that information in so that he has never processed it. (See also: Mag170: "Sometimes I wonder if I forget things on purpose. Easier not to think about them, I guess. Easier to just let them… slip away. They can’t hurt you if you don’t think about them.").
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Martin confronts Jon on his avoidance (because while Martin may be good at ignoring things he doesn't like, he's far better at bringing up challenging topics), Jon is able to manage some A+ communication on his feelings and the genuine challenging of figuring out how to share upsetting information when he has All The Information, Martin accepts that. I just desperately want a therapist to be there and make them continue this conversation and practice ongoing good communication skills!
Though they resolve this, even though Jon has an explanation that makes sense...he was really leaving this conversation to the last minute. Would he have "[brought] it up at the crossroads" as he claims to Helen? Or would he have avoided it entirely, as she accuses, or waited till they were at the threshold, as he does with The Desolation and the Hunt, leaving Martin to confront terrifying situations without forewarning or planning or explanation.
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Again, Jon kind of tried to bring up some of the potential issues with Basira and Daisy before entering the Hunt domain, but kept it Vague and Ominous ("Things aren't...good"). Martin took that vagueness as an opening to avoid engaging with potential bad news. The teensiest bit of therapy for either of them about their communication issues could have let Jon add "I know you're exited but FYI here are some specifics that you should know" and/or Martin go "I'm excited to see them but given that nothing is good right now, can you be more specific?"
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Instead, Jon approaches difficult conversations by being Vague and Ominous, Martin gets snarky or passive-aggressive at the vagueness, upset or aggressively avoidant at the Ominousness, Jon closes back up like a turtle into his shell, and the conversation only comes back up when the situation has drastically escalated, leaving them both more upset.
Jon wants Martin to trust him, because explaining what he knows implicitly is an ordeal for him, and because his upbringing by his grandmother has suggested that communicating is generally unwanted and burdensome (See: MAG081 A Guest for Mr. Spider).
Martin wants to know what is going on, because he's in an awful hellscape of shifting rules about what can and cannot hurt them, completely dependent on a brand-new romantic partner for his survival and purpose, and also because his upbringing and coping mechanisms as a caretaker rely on him knowing enough to help, and his time as an archival assistant has given him some not-inconsiderable trauma about being left in the dark (See: MAG118 The Masquerade) (There's also another post in my head about how MAG118 primed Martin for both the Lonely and his development as a more confrontational character in S5)
All that to say.
Martin needs therapy to deal with the way he chooses not to absorb information he doesn't like. Jon needs therapy to understand that sometimes it's ok to bring up important topics even if the other person will be upset. They both need therapy to cope with all the guilt and helplessness around the apocalypse so they stop taking it out on each other. They need therapy together to learn how to work through their conflicting coping mechanisms.
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justbrxwsing · 16 days
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for whatever reason tumblr has flagged this post from a deleted blog as explicit so I can't even reblog it anymore which is a shame because it's one of my absolute favorites
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justbrxwsing · 16 days
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justbrxwsing · 20 days
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I’ve only watched others play through this game cuz I want to wait until the full release to play it lol hopefully by then he would be more involved in the plot
Also I’m a sucker for doomed siblings let me have this angst for a while, tbh I think Hades would just have Hypnos wake up in a comedic fashion
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justbrxwsing · 23 days
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TRANSISTOR, 2014 dev. Supergiant Games
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justbrxwsing · 23 days
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Sibling fight
if you want it, a quick translation
1: "yo, shorty"
2: fx) thok thok thok "Hey, ow ow ow-"
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justbrxwsing · 23 days
*Kaiju no. 8 #113 spoilers*
this is a lot to unpack holy shit. I had a feeling the kaiju that entered Kafka wasn’t a normal kaiju, and this confirms it. It seems to have a sort of history with #9. I’ve seen some fan theories that it’s sort of like a kaiju meant to kill kaiju’s. Could that be true?
As for the meikei era big ass monster, I’m wondering how #9 was able to contain it for so long. Is #9 just a smaller and more conscious form of the monster?
When #9 says “you’re still not that deeply connected to it,” I know he’s talking about the kaiju inside Kafka and harnessing its full power.
My guess is, #9 might’ve been human at one point, fought against another human who had kafkas kaiju inside of them, the battle ended somehow and #9 absorbed that big ass monster, and slowly lost the ability to transform back into his original human form and became more like a humanoid kaiju. That’s why #9 can only take humans bodies and not turn back into his own. He’s long gone and has lost his humanity or the big ass monster he’s absorbed took over (cuz last chapter kikorus dad took control somewhat).
If the entire conflict between #9 and #8 was inevitable, then will Kafka suffer the same fate? We already know his body is slowly starting to change permanently into his kaiju form. How long does he have? Do the answers lie in the past? How will he get closer to the kaiju inside of him and understand the history of it and the rest of the world?
Man this shit is getting juicy! I knew after this arc we’d start getting into kn8 lore.
Oh and as for that last panel, maybe Kafka is gonna be knocked out for a while and the kaiju inside of him will communicate with him and he’ll find out more about the kaiju world. I wouldn’t be surprised if that hit did some serious near fatal damage to his core as it was right in his chest.
Also how the hell did the people back then defeat these monsters without the technology that the story currently has?? Is that why there are kaijus like Kafka, monsters meant to destroy other monsters in human bodies? And as technology became more advanced everyone just kinda forgot about that or it started becoming taboo?
Where do kaijus even come from? Is it like some aot or jjk shit where they are born from humans, some backwards evolved kind of human, or only certain humans can transform into them?
So many questions and theories!! The potential this story has is amazing and I hope the author really cooks up something amazing.
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justbrxwsing · 23 days
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i like to imagine that zagreus just sits and pouts in the styx whenever he gets frustrated after a close run (this is me projecting)
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justbrxwsing · 24 days
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More train art! Art that I made while on the train bc steady lines on a train or bus are just not a thing
Wanted to experiment with a very rough brush and a painterly colouring look
Timelapse under the cut
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