Take What You Want | Rafe Cameron (Part 2)
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A/N: it's finally here!! part 2. i apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes, i wrote this pretty fast and didn't really bother looking it over since i wanted to get it out to you guys tonight! let me know your thoughts :)
WARNINGS: swearing, mentions alcohol, teasing, smut, intercourse, (p in v), mentions public indecency, oral (f receiving), explicit content, praise kink, dirty talk, loss of virginity, 18+. let me know if i missed any!!
PAIRING: Rafe x Fem!Reader
Part 1
“And he just let you go? Just like that?” a scowl broke through Top’s features as he lugged his half of the cooler along the dock, muscles rippling along his exposed peck, preparing himself and the boat for one hell of a day with the alcoholic beverages that settled nestled between ice in the large cooler. Rafe was on the other end, a similar image of muscles corded along each area that strained to hold the weight of the cooler as he struggled to keep his mind from wandering to you. 
“In what world does Shoupe arresting his niece for public indecency look good on his part?” Topper let out a deep chuckle, the two boys out of breath and sheening with sweat in the midday sun. Both shirtless and glistening in the sun, muscles rippled along their chest, abdomen, and arms even as they set the heavy cooler down with a thud and rested their hands on their hips, mirroring one another unintentionally. 
“You’re fucking lucky you were with her and not some other girl, then. You know he wouldn’t have hesitated to take you in at the first sight of your teeny tiny little-” before Topper could speak the belittling words about Rafe’s indeed, not so little appendage, he flipped open the lid of the cooler with a groan, grabbed a can of beer dripping with condensation and tossed it at Topper’s chest. Topper caught it with an oomph, followed by a smirk as he cracked the can open and cooled instantly at the refreshment. 
“You know just how to shut me up,” he winked, downing the beer in three big gulps, letting out a sigh at the cool liquid dripping from his chin. Rafe rolled his eyes at his arrogant friend, already buzzed off the few beers he’d had in the short time that Rafe and him had gotten to work this morning. Rafe needed a distraction from thoughts about you and what dress you’d show up in. Even after his antics in the shower after he had been left with quite the dilemma, he hadn’t been able to force the image of you and your glistening cunt, hovered above his own reddened cock, ready to take him inside of you. He could imagine just how you would feel
 tight and warm, like a sweet welcome home. 
“Look who it is,” Rafe tipped his chin at the sight of you walking shoulder to shoulder with Kelce’s new plaything, Annika. The two of you seemed to be in deep conversation, lots of hand gestures, your scowley expressions differing from hers of shock and amusement – you were definitely telling her all about your wild night, just as he had been doing only moments before. Kelce followed behind, clearly not refraining from checking the both of you out from behind, oblivious to the words that were being shared in a gossipy whisper. He probably wasn’t even listening. If he had been, he would have been laughing at his friend’s expense. 
Rafe had a hard time not storming down to Kelce, grabbing him by the shirt, and slapping him silly just for looking at you that way. Because no matter how hard he tried to fight it, the thought of anyone else looking at you had his hands involuntarily balling into fists, heavy with the desire to start swinging them. He knew that you weren’t his, he wanted to fight it, but the anger and jealousy was overwhelming, just at the thought. 
“I’m surprised your parents let you out of the house this morning!” Topper hollered your way. Your cheeks were already tinged pink, from the sun and the teasing that you were sure would forebode after the stupidity and chaos that had ensued last night. Topper stood smugly facing Rafe, and Rafe had to twist his body to watch you walk down the dock, eyeing your skin nearly appearing glittered in the sun, like you were a magnet that nothing could resist – him or the sun. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Rafe growled, tipping his chin up to the sky and praying for the patience and grace not to tackle Topper over the edge of the boat, right here, right now. Kelce stood behind the two of you, a look of confusion directed toward Topper. “What a clueless fuck”, Rafe said to himself, realizing he had inaudibly murmured the words under his breath. 
“Why the fuck wouldn’t my parents let me out of the house?” Kelce made a ridiculous expression of confusion, shoving at Topper’s shoulder as the three of you made your way onto the boat. Your step was tentative as your foot left the dock and you tried not to squeal as Rafe’s cool hand, the one that had just been holding a beer, came to clutch at your waist as he pulled you onto the boat without so much as a look down at you from where you stared up at him with a coy expression. He simply ignored the voice yelling at him in his head to look down at you, maybe even smile, or say hello, and instead steadied you and just stared back at his friends while you were left to recover from his chilled touch. 
Suddenly Kelce’s expression shifted to an arrogant one. "Cause I’m an animal?” He smirked, puffing his chest out and flexing his muscles for all to see. Rafe took a step back to grab Kelce a beer in an attempt to keep himself from cursing his stupidity. He tossed him the beer, and felt rather pleased with himself as he now stood off to the side, with the perfect view of your tight ass as he eyed you from behind. His hardon was now a constant bother, but the strength that it took to will his eyes away from you was near impossible, and he was all too aware of that. You were worse than any drug he had ever done. 
“You? You’re an animal, Kelce?” Annika scoffed and Rafe watched as you had a hard time holding back laughter as he shot her a death glare. Rafe would be lying if he said that it wasn’t just as amusing to him, watching Annika emasculate poor insecure Kelce
 but he needed it, he could certainly use more of it at least. 
Meanwhile, while Kelce continued his pouting like a bitch in Annika’s direction, trying to defend his honor, Rafe was busy focusing on the fact that you weren’t wearing one of those damned sundresses that Rafe had been looking forward to, instead
 a little blush bikini stuck to you like a second skin that had him readjusting himself. His own words from last night rang in his ears – “I expect to see you tomorrow and next time, I don’t want you wearing these.” He had snapped the waistband of your underwear, feeling quite pleased with himself knowing that that very pair of underwear were soaked with your excitement and need for him and that you had to sit in your uncle’s car trying to recover with those soaked panties sticking to you. 
“Okay, but what the fuck did you hear? Why wouldn’t my parents let me out of the house? Something I need to be worried about?” All Rafe wanted to do was tell him to shut the fuck up and drop it, to stop asking so many damned questions, and stop being such an obnoxious prick. So
 Rafe may have been a little irritable, but who wouldn’t with a dick as hard as his, one that he had no control over, and no way of relieving the aching swell that seemed to overwhelm his entire groin. 
“Not talking to you, dumbass.” Topper bit out. “I’m talking to y/n
” Kelce’s eyes immediately snapped in your direction and if you weren’t already profusely blushing, flushed with embarrassment and shame, you certainly were now. Kelce glanced at you with surprise. 
“What the fuck’d you do?” Kelce let out a deep chuckle, knowing it must have been something by the way that you were instantly reddening, glaring back at him. Yes, you were one to get embarrassed easily and often, but Kelce could see that hint of slyness and daringness that he had never sensed in you before, and he knew right then and there that you had been a sneak
 and he wanted to know everything. He had a feeling Rafe was written all over it, but didn’t dare eye his brooding friend, perched next to the cooler with an obvious glare in Kelce’s direction – one that he had sensed since before he even stepped foot onto the boat. Rafe only really got like this over two things – his dad
 and you. Because Rafe had a soft spot or so for you, maybe a hard one? He wasn’t sure, he just knew that Rafe couldn’t control himself around you, and any situation that Rafe did not obtain complete and utter control seemed to crawl under his skin and turn him into some contemplative, scowley ass. He wasn’t used to it – giving up power for anyone else. 
Rafe came to stand next to Topper, placing his hands on his hips, huffing, and grumbling something indiscreet under his breath about needing new friends. He shook his head and tried not to think about you standing only a few feet away now with those soft hips and red little cheeks, blushed, and embarrassed over what a little vixen you were with him last night – caught. He couldn’t help but glance at you, to find you sending a glare toward Topper and Kelce that you seemed to be trying to conceal
 but couldn’t. You wore your emotions on your face clear as day, it was something that he had come to adore, being able to read every single emotion that passed over you, and made things much more enjoyable when teasing you relentlessly. 
“Rafe could tell you too,” Topper shrugged, stirring the pot – as always, and playing right into Kelce’s suspicions. He pointed an indiscreet finger toward Rafe, which Rafe swatted away with quite a lot of force.
“You’re suck a dick, Topper.” Annika rolled her eyes and Kelce stared at her now, shocked that she knew and hadn’t told him either. More trouble with his flavor of the month, it seemed. It wouldn’t last much longer. 
“Why am I the only fucking one here that doesn’t know what the fuck is going on? Someone spit it out, right fucking now.” Kelce threw his hands up, glaring at everyone but you as you stood meekly as if trying to disappear now that you were all actually about to talk about the events of last night, knowing you would have to sit through it trying not to groan and whine in embarrassment at each humiliating detail. 
“Stop saying fuck so much,” Rafe growled, now annoyed by both of his friends. 
“Seriously, you sound like a fucking dumb ass.” Annika brushed past him and Topper and Rafe knew that would be the last time she would probably join them on the boat, unless Topper decided to take a ride with her as well. And by the way that she had been eyeing him, Rafe wouldn’t be all that surprised. 
“Can someone please just tell me what happened? Rafe? Y/n?” You rolled your eyes, walking away to lounge next to Annika. There was no way in hell that you would be delving out that information like the sight of your uncle’s face as he had found you in Rafe Cameron’s lap, lips swollen from kissing while you tried to conceal your bare sexes wouldn’t haunt you for the rest of your damn life. 
Setting your bag down, you plopped down on the cushion and tucked yourself under Annika’s arm as the both of you soaked in the sun, trying to ignore the men you had left behind. The two of you seemed to be hitting it off quite well for not having been around each other all that much. 
“Why isn’t anyone saying anything?” Kelce continued throwing a tantrum of sorts, trying to get the down low on whatever he had missed out on, and it was truly so Kelce of him. 
You weren’t necessarily angry that Rafe had spilled the beans, since you had done the same with Annika, it was the fact that he told Topper – fucking Topper, and that meant everyone was soon to hear about it within the next two weeks. Whispers followed the two of you leaving, and of course, Topper would also be the one to fill Kelce in too, unable to keep his mouth shut. You had no doubt he was stretching the truth too, dramatic hand gestures and wide excited eyes were what gave him away — he was a sucker for drama and gossip. They were certainly a pair, while Rafe wanted nothing to do with any of the gossip and drama that seemed to circulate the outer banks, weekly. He could tell when his friends were about to go in on a gossip session and allowed himself to withdraw from the conversation and roll his eyes profusely at their shared immaturity. 
“Where’s everyone else?” Rafe grumbled, and you wondered if he was in a bad mood because his friends were so obnoxious this early in the day, with only a few drinks in them, or because you had explicitly gone against his command and shown up, bikini top and bottom sticking to your tan, plush skin. No dress in sight.
“This is everyone today,” Kelce shrugged, cracking open a can of beer, and you could hear Annika growling next to you with displeasure. 
“He’s such a moron,” she grumbled and you giggled. All three sets of eyes turned in your direction and you had to hide your face in Annika’s side. Her arm was lugged around your shoulder and you cozied up to her, relaxed, and casual. You were taking the opportunity before everyone got here and made everything all tense and chaotic, but it seemed that you weren’t being joined by anyone else, and you were understandably relieved. 
Rafe slowly retreated his gaze and focused on the issue at hand. “What the fuck? I thought you two were bringing everyone. You both planned this, I didn’t have anything to do with it, I just supplied the boat and the drinks.” Rafe threw his hands in the air and another set of giggles broke from the two of you. Rafe scowled in your direction, but didn’t turn to give you his full attention this time – if he was being honest, he thought it was beyond adorable, and he wanted to fuck those soft little giggles away until the only sounds you were making were languid and desperate. But he could settle for your breathy laughs any day. What was he even thinking right now? He scolded himself, physically shaking his head and getting back to the problem at hand. 
“I just had the idea at dinner, a bunch of people had plans.” Topper shrugged, “people have shit going on this weekend and couldn’t make it I guess.” Rafe had a feeling that that wasn’t entirely true, that maybe this was all another plan to get you and him closer, without everyone else in your way. 
Topper was really trying to prevent Rafe from fucking it all up, letting another girl sit on his lap in a tight, too small bikini right in front of you. He could picture it as soon as he had the idea, as he had seen it many a time – too many times. He had the tendency to self-sabotage as soon as he had the chance at something good, and what kind of friend would Topper be if he just let that happen? As soon as the sight of Sofia, Rafe’s on and off hookup, sitting on Rafe’s lap, petting his hair, and whispering in his ear while you sat in silence, trying to keep your eyes away from them and from spilling with tears, Topper knew there was no way that he would allow Rafe to hurt himself and you like that. So, Topper canceled plans on everyone else as soon as the two of you got out of there in a rush in hopes that Rafe hadn’t already fucked it up, and then told Kelce he just wanted it to be a small, intimate group today, but that Annika could join to keep him and you company – not to tell Rafe either. And here you were, and this was how Topper preferred it. He knew this was how everyone else preferred it too. He could tell by the way that you turned onto your side and giggled and gossiped with Annika, probably about them. 
Rafe retreated to the steering while the other two boys prepared to spring off, getting to work hollering at each other until the wind was whipping through their hair as the boat sped and skipped along the water. All three of them couldn’t help themselves at glimpsing at the way that the two of you lazed in the sun, clearly looking as if you were enjoying yourselves. They were all sharing the same thoughts about the two of you
 and not one of them called each other on it.
Topper spotted Rafe out of the corner of his eye, hand saddled at his groin as to conceal the damage that you had done by turning and exposing your ass to him. You had shifted your hips, looking delicious as he eyed the dip in your waist and the way that your ass curved. Rafe was struggling
 truly struggling and it only worsened as you raised one leg over Annika and the two of you continued your non-intimate snuggling and gossiping. The curve of your waist was on perfect display for him and images of you on the fluffy white pull-out sofa that he had had many girls on, but none like you. He snuck closer, continuing mild conversation with Topper, who had clearly spotted his hard on with amusement and who Rafe was sure knew exactly what he was doing. Topper engaged in conversation, but was extremely aware of the fact that his friend was only half paying attention, really just trying to draw you in. Topper would later pretend like it annoyed him, but really he was desperate to see the two of you finally hash things out and give into your desires, because he was tired of the bickering, and Rafe’s rashness every time you came around.
“What are we gonna do with all these drinks?” Rafe bit his lip, eyes drifting between you and the coolers that sat before him, full and practically overflowing with alcoholic beverages that he now realized were up to him and the four people around him to consume. 
“Girls! You want some drinks?” Topper called a little too loud for the proximity, as you were just above them on the upper level. The two of you turned, your lip already placed between your teeth as you took the opportunity to watch Rafe and his perfectly sculpted muscles as he heaved the cooler closer with a grunt. 
“Drink up, we gotta get rid of these.” He smirked, his grumpy attitude null only momentarily as he spotted you eyeing him, thighs shifting. You wanted him and he wanted you
 it was like a game that neither of you were going to win, and neither of you could help yourselves. 
“We can’t drink all of those between the five of us,” Annika laughed at them, standing to look into the cooler while you turned to your other side, tucked your hands under your head and watched Rafe with a small, innocent gaze that had him taking in a shaky, uneven breath. He took the opportunity of privacy while Annika retreating to join in conversation with Topper and Kelce a distance away, rising up the steps and closer to you like he was stalking his prey, but trying his best to be discreet. 
“Come here you,” he lowered himself onto what was practically a bed, taking Annika’s previous spot as you turned around and he pulled you into his body. There was no point in hiding what was going on here, to each other or to everyone else around you. It was clear the two of you were beyond interested at this point. Once he had you alone, he also knew that there was no use in trying to pretend like what had happened last night was a dream of sorts, since he was sure that the two of you were soon to be relentlessly teased about it anyways. 
“You mad?” You pulled your bottom lip back between your teeth, casting a nervous excited look his way. Your eyes were practically batting for him as you playful rolled your bum and he lowered his hands, another shaky breath leaving him as he toyed with the band of your bottoms – the culprit. 
“Oh, I’m furious.” He smirked. 
“Could have fooled me,” he propped himself up on an elbow, raising the band of your bottoms on one hip, and rubbing the flesh that was now exposed. 
“How can I be angry when you show up in this?” He shrugged, smirking back at you. When he knew he wasn’t going to get a response, he decided to get a response out of you in a different way, the way he knew best – teasing you. 
“You get a good talking to last night?” He smirked, laying back and pulling you against his broad chest. Just the mention of last night had you blushing again. Your hands pressed firmly to the hot skin and you couldn’t help but squeak at the way that he handled you. Your legs were now intertwined and your core was now pressed against his thigh, ass perked at the angle as you tried your best not to run yourself against him for the friction you so desperately craved. His hand was on the small of your back, pressing you to him firmly, your own hands on his chest.
“Something like that,” you shook your head at the memory of your uncle sitting in the driver seat in complete silence, until the flood gates opened and he yelled at you – “Rafe Cameron? Rafe fucking Cameron? You know the kind of man his father is? And he aint any fucking better, y/n, and you know it. That’s not the kind of man I want to see you with and if yo’r daddy knew about you sneaking around with that boy he’d be marching down to Tanny Hill to take a shot at that boy and then I’d have to fucking arrest him and lock him up. You think I want to do that?” 
“Gonna tell me what he said?” Rafe smirked back at you, finding your embarrassment and the shame that you clearly felt over disappointing your family amusing and exciting, in an erotic way. You were just so innocent, so people-pleasing, and perfect in every way. 
“Not worth repeating,” You grumbled, followed by a groan. Your head plopped down against Rafe’s chest just in time to hear him let out a low chuckle. 
“You’re making me hard, baby.” Rafe’s voice was surprisingly deeper than it had just been, huskier than his previously playful ones. “Painfully fucking hard with you in that little two piece,” his head fell back and he shifted his hips, inadvertently poking you with what you now knew was his “painfully” hard cock. 
“And here I thought I was disappointing you,” you spoke softly and sensually for your teasing words. 
“You have no idea how hard it was for me to go home yesterday and try not to think about what you were doing
 I know you had to have touched that pretty little pussy that I didn’t even get a chance to taste. You know what I thought about while I stroked my cock in the shower? Taking you up against that same wall, soapy tits, and a pretty little soaked pussy just waiting to be filled. Mmmm, my little plaything, all mine.” he groaned at the thought and you could just picture his head falling back and his eyebrows drawing together as he bit his lip. He began to nuzzle his head into you and his hips seemed to be moving in tangent. His hands wandered, gripping at the flesh occasionally, and you liked that he couldn’t help himself in that sense. 
“I knew you’d make the cutest little sounds and now that I know exactly what they sound like, it’s all I can fucking think about.” He growled, stomach tensing as he raised just slightly to growl the words into your ear. His nose pressed into the side of your head as he breathed you in, nuzzling himself into you, barely able to get enough. You pressed yourself harder into him, breathy and just waiting for him to continue the words that had you practically creaming. 
“I want to hear them again, want to make you scream for me this time” the word “me” was emphasized by his hand groping the outline of his heavy cock, threatening to spring free. “
 but what would your uncle say, y/n? What would he say to you grinding your little pussy against my thigh, about to make yourself cum just from my words. Haven’t even fucking touched you yet
 what do you think your uncle would have to say about that, angel?” He smirked in amusement, knowing that he was riling you just to fill you with panic and shame at the thought of last night and how it felt to disappoint your Uncle Shoupe. You hadn’t even realized that you were grinding yourself against him and a small feeling of panic returned at the thought of where everyone else was on the boat
 were they watching Rafe embarrass you?
There was a very small part of him that wanted to be the sweetest guy, be soft and affectionate, hold you and kiss you, and make you cum with sweet encouraging words
 but teasing you was so much more fun, and he couldn’t let himself be that guy, not so easily. He couldn’t let this version of himself go so easily – no matter how tempting your sweet cunt was. 
“You know how badly I want to fuck you? How badly I wish I had you all to myself? You know what I’m going to do to you when I get you alone?” His hips began to grind shamelessly against you as his hands clutched your hips with bruising force. 
“Please,” you let out a breathy whine and if you hadn’t been so consumed by pleasure, you would have slapped a hand over your mouth and vowed to never make the sound again out of pure shame and embarrassment. 
“Fuck, you beg so pretty for me.” His voice became just as breathy and desperate, his throat bobbing between the sweet venom that left his lips swollen from biting. You wanted nothing more than to lift your head and press your lips to his, feel his tongue run over your lip, and feel the warmth of his mouth. Just the thought of those lips, of that tongue, the image of him slinking down to your waist and devouring you had you letting out a helpless whimper. Rafe practically fell apart at the sound, but covered it up with a deep chuckle. He wasn’t sure if you were buying the act that he was putting on, acting cool when he was practically melting for you. 
“I’m afraid once I start fucking this sweet pussy
 once I get a taste, I’m never going to be able to let it go.” The words were out before he could stop them, before he could think of the implications, and the conclusions that you might draw from that. 
“Then don’t,” the word was paired with a longing sigh that had Rafe clutching your hand to press it against himself. He could feel you practically trembling in his hold as soon as your hand pressed against him, and the image of Rafe’s length from last night re-entered your mind. What were you to do with yourself? You were like a puddle melting into him. 
“Hey, guys
” Rafe’s hips stopped their grinding and he wanted to growl profanities, warnings, and threats at his friends until they were tempted to jump overboard. He could hear the quiet squeak that left you and the stilling of your once desperate and wandering hands, the hand that still pressed into him, now merely hovering. 
“Yes?” There was no play in Rafe’s voice, he was not messing around. 
 Annika forgot her sunscreen and she’s getting
 toasty, so I think we’re just going to take the boat back and call it a day.” You could hear exactly how nervous Kelce was to be interrupting the two of you, especially when he could see how badly Rafe had needed that, how long he had been wanting
 no, needing you. Not Kelce, Topper, nor Annika would be the ones to get in the way of that. 
“Just drive steady,” Rafe called back, irritation no longer present in his voice, as he was now very very pleased with the day that he had ahead of him. You weren’t too far from the dock, and in the meantime, Rafe had plans to kiss you until you were breathless and your lips were sore and bruised from his sucking and nibbling. He didn’t waste time, not even in answering Kelce, as he pulled you into his chest, and got to work
 groaning in between kisses, and then murmuring your name like he couldn’t believe you were actually pressed to his body
 and he wasn’t just holding someone else, picturing your face and pretending that their pornographic moans were your own — this was the real deal.
Rafe felt the boat come to a halt after minutes of Topper’s maneuvering to the dock, and didn’t waste any time in shifting his body on top of yours. His hands pulled at the string at the back of your bikini, and immediately, you gasped, and placed your hands against your breasts to keep the top from falling to the side.  
“Rafe!” You scolded, that element of breathy desperation still present in your voice. You were practically writhing as he worked you almost over the edge just by kissing you, like you were the most delicious thing that he had ever tasted. “They aren’t even gone yet, Rafe.” You whispered, sucking in breath after breath, tanned chest rising and falling. 
“We’re taking the cooler and we’re leaving! Keys are still in the ignition,” someone awkwardly called, but Rafe didn’t give a fuck about the cooler or that he was probably ruining his friends plans for the day as he began to undress you, hastily and with his own chest heaving in anticipation. 
“You never told me
 if you’re a virgin.” He didn’t want to make you nervous or scare you off by making it into some big thing, but if it was your first, then he wanted to make sure that he wasn’t being too rough with you. There was plenty of time for that. You bit your lip, eyes blinking rapidly, as they always did when you got nervous, and Rafe knew the answer. He slowed his undressing, and leaned down to whisper in your ear, delicately moving the hair out of his way as he spoke. 
“Don’t worry,” he laid a soft peck to your cheek and pulled back simply to examine your features as his words sank in. “You’re going to feel so good
 going to make you into my little sex kitten, never gonna be able to get enough after I’m done with you and you know how good I can make you feel.” You blushed at his words and built up the courage to bring your eyes to his. He almost groaned at your inherent nature of batting your eyelashes up at him without even knowing that you were doing it. 
“Fuck, I’m trying to take it easy on you, but you’re making it so fucking hard
 looking at me like that.” You nearly caved at the way that he spoke, like you made him so weak for you. 
“Fuck me like you would any other girl,” you mumbled, taking your lip in between your teeth once again and nervously biting down hard on the flesh to distract you from the anxiety that was creeping up your chest. 
“But you’re not any other girl,” he scowled down at you, slowly lowering himself as he began to peel your bottoms off, staring between you and your bare, probably reddened and glossy sex. 
The thought of whether or not someone might see you, especially Rafe’s father, had escaped your mind as soon as Rafe let out a loud groan a the sight of what he had managed to do to you, paired with his brows drawn tight and his mouth falling agape at the sight of you
 it forced every other sane and rational thought away. 
“I’m going to stretch you a little, okay?” He bit his lip to keep his mouth from hanging wide open and drooling at the salivating image in front of him. “Tell me if it hurts
” he slowly brushed a finger along your center, up your clit, and back down as he gathered the slickness between his fingers and you let out a gasp as he pushed two fingers in and your back curved in delight at the sensation of having someone else’s fingers pushing into you, larger, and somehow feeling firmer as you clenched around him. 
“I haven’t been able to forget how you touched yourself
 I’ve practically memorized exactly how you toyed with your little clit.” He shook his head and groaned, momentarily having to close his eyes as if it was taking a lot of focus to keep from bursting at the seams. 
“Doesn’t com-” your words were interrupted by a sharp inhale as he angled his fingers upward and began to slowly pump them in and out. 
“What was that?” He teased.
 compare,” you choked out, twisting in his grip at the overwhelming and new sensation. 
“Can’t wait to hear what you’ll be saying when I finally stretch you out with this fucking cock,” he groaned as he groped himself again and you eyed exactly where his hands had just been gripping himself. 
His fingers slowly retracted and he left you feeling empty, but it didn’t last long as he began to position himself lower, looking as if he was going to drool along your lips as he was prepared to take you into his mouth and dine. Both thumbs were placed against each lip and he spread you softly, followed by a long teasing lick directly up your center, his tongue finishing with a flick against your clit and you jumped at the sensation with a high-pitched squeak leaving your lips. 
“Stay still, baby. That’s your one job,” he smirked and placed a firm hand against you, keeping you in your place as he began to suck and flick and draw circles along your most sensitive parts. You were a mess – writhing against his palm, squirming, moaning, squealing. You were an embarrassing mess, but Rafe only saw it as heaven, watching the pleasure shoot through your body and the ways that you reacted to him. 
“What if someone catches us, Rafe?” You squeaked out, afraid that the sounds you couldn’t help but making were going to draw attention to the two of you where you lounged at the highest level of the boat. “W-what if someone hears me?” 
“Than they’re going to know exactly how good I’m fucking you,” you could picture the smirk even as you laid your head back and shut your eyes tightly, trying your hardest to prolong your orgasm. Until he withdrew and you knew
 knew that it was about to happen, knew that he was positioning himself against you, and that he would soon do the very thing that you had gotten yourself off to for months, maybe even a year now. You had pictured him
 going soft and slow and being so caring, and you had pictured him being impatient and rough with you, telling you to take it and smothering your sounds with a hand against your mouth. You had pictured him whispering in your ear, soft praises, and you had pictured him growling and grunting and calling you such filthy names, humiliating you as you came around him. 
“Ready, darling?” The name sounded too intimate, too real, but your chest seemed to flutter at the sound of it. He raised your legs over his chest, resting against his shoulders, and laid a soft kiss to it one of your ankles. You nodded, squeezing your eyes shut tighter, but you didn’t feel the pain of him pushing past your barriers. Soon, you felt his hand on your chin, and he was forcing it down. 
“I want you to look at me
 look at me, y/n.” His hand gripped your jaw and when you met his eyes it was clear that he was desperate to have your eyes on his, knowing that you were present, experiencing every sensation that he was as he slowly pushed into you. With each inch your brows drew closer together and your jaw slackened, mouth forming an o as he entered you, stopping at about halfway and letting you adjust to him. 
“Breathe,” he brushed a strand of hair from your face and allowed you to let your head roll to the side, a look of slight pain, but ultimately still overwhelming pleasure as he waited for the relentless, almost unbearable squeezing to relax just a tad. “Breathe, baby
 God, you’re so fucking tight.” He was breathless as he spoke the words and you wondered if it was painful for him too for a moment. 
“You’re so pretty when you cry,” he brushed a stray tear that you hadn’t known had squeezed from your eye as you forced them shut out of discomfort. Just as you were taking another deep breath in, he speared in the rest of the way in and a loud shriek left your lips and your back arched. Rafe had to admit that the sight was unbelievable, one that he hoped to never forget, and would be exactly what he thought about the next time he was alone and needing a release. 
A low throaty groan left his parted, pink lips, creating a sensation of fluttering down your abdomen and through your core. “Fuck, baby
 talk to me,” he groaned, beginning to work his hips against yours, grinding and snapping at just the right angle, forcing sounds that you had no control over from your own parted lips as your face was contorted into one of pure pleasure and shock at the new sensation. 
“Am I hurting you?” He breathed out, a whiny moan following from the two of you, his much deeper and guttural, and yours almost let out with a gasping inhale of pure neediness. 
“No, no, no - fuck! You’re making me feel so good, Rafe” your voice held a brokenness that sent Rafe reeling. Rafe swore he had never experienced something like being on the receiving end of such pure desire and pleasure like that from you. It introduced all of the many feelings he had wanted to avoid, the many feelings that he had wanted to push away — being afraid of losing that feeling from you, that attention, and sensuality directed only toward him. He didn’t let the thoughts scare him and instead grew determined to hear more of those hisses of pleasure and the purring of your words in his ear, telling him how good he was making you feel. 
“Fuck! Baby, you’re so pretty like this beneath me, but let me see you on top.” He groaned, being quick about flipping the two of you over without ever leaving your warmth and you gasped and shrieked at the quick movement, and the feeling of him spearing deep into your sore cunt, deeper than he had been before. You cried out at the sensation, afraid to move, and sitting down with him nestled as deep into your warmth as he could possibly be. At the first movement, Rafe was convinced that he was about to cum right there and each touch or sensation had him jolting and groaning, clutching the surface beneath him as his chest heaved up and down.
He loved how hesitant you were to raise and lower yourself back onto him, sensitive to the swollen head of his cock brushing along your walls and whimpering with both discomfort and pleasure, until eventually all you felt was the immense overwhelming sensation of chasing your orgasm, placing your palms against Rafe’s chest and flicking your hips up and down, the flesh of your ass bouncing with each movement. Rafe’s abdomen tensed as he sat up slightly to watch you, mesmerized by your face and that waistline as you moved on top of him. Your breasts were perfect and perked just right and he couldn’t help but suck your nipple into his mouth with a deep hungry groan of praise. His teeth against the sensitive bud had you moaning like an angel and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. He held your waist in a bruising grip, tightening, and tugging you all the way down on him. It sent your head back with a loud groan shouting your impending orgasm, and Rafe knew he was done for. As soon as his final thrust upward sent you into a fit of spasms and clenches, your core tightening like a fist around him, he was sent into a similar state of euphoria.
“Oh fucking hell, I’m cumming. Ah, fuck.” He hissed, his hips jutting upward, out of his control as he worked himself through his orgasm. 
There was a moment of pure ecstasy that admittedly lasted far longer than Rafe had ever experienced post-sex with anyone else — a prolonged moment of heavy breathing slowing and the rush of endorphins, the feeling of being wanted, and Rafe having fulfilled those long awaited desires the two of you had shoved into some corner of your mind long ago, the first time you met. Rafe wanted to wrap you in his warmth, and stay in yours forever. He couldn’t imagine anything better than this right here
 post-sex glow, listening to the beating of your heart as your naked and warm body relaxed against his, vulnerable and wholly slackened against him.
“You know you’re mine now, right?” Rafe had to admit even he was shocked by the words actually leaving his mouth, but he wouldn’t let this moment pass without trying to achieve what he had suppressed for so long. 
“Oh, I am?” Your voice was shaky, trembling more than even your legs and the muscles along your hips from working yourself up and down on him only moments prior.
“Yes. You’re mine, in so many ways
 in every way, you are mine.” You smiled into the crook of his neck, hoping that he couldn’t tell and waiting for your lips to relax before speaking, since you weren’t sure if you could hold back the happiness and elation that you were sure was to shine through if you had. 
“I wonder what Uncle Shoupe would think of this
” you murmured, nuzzling into Rafe as the two of your chests rose and fell with soft laughter. 
He followed up with soft languid kisses that made your skin prickle with goosebumps, tingling with each touch of his full lips against you. Both arms wrapped completely around your waist, crossed over one another as he held you as close to him as you could possibly be, never wanting to forget the feeling that your body pressed against his elicited.
Tag List: @lovegeorgia @amanduhh1998 @belcalis9503 @lovedetlost @angelofcigs @toystory2wasjustokay @illicitfixations @little-lovesick-mess @magnificantmermaid @fangirlwithlou @dreamingwithlouise @gillybear17 @chibijusstuff @pono-pura-vida @palmwinemami @sugarcoatedstarkey @ellesalazar @caidi-paris @outerbankspov @pickingviolets @vancehoppergirl @forthe-love-ofsmut @spear-bearing-bi-witch @0fucsgiveon @rafesxgold @justcallmemariastarkey @xoxo3m1ly @allsmilesreally7 @abbybarnesstuff @bigenergy777 @maybankslover @jjmaybank-wife @caidi-paris @mrs-starkey1 @rafesxgold @leclerc16s
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Just this once (JJ Maybank x Reader): Part two
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If you haven’t done so, please read part one before this!
DARK content, NON/CON smut, violence, oral (f! receiving), begging, smallish age gap.
Please read at your own risk! Minors are not welcome! This is a mature, 18+ fic which features dark content so if this is in any way triggering or makes you uncomfortable please leave and do not interact!
Thank you in advance to all those who comment, like or reblog! Any feedback is greatly appreciated :)

It had been two weeks since that day. To my utter relief, JJ hadn’t mentioned anything more. It was as if nothing had even happened, and everything went back to usual.
But I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that that wasn’t it. That JJ was just biding his time until he could try something again. Or maybe I was just rationalising the fact that JJ hadn’t mentioned anything because he did just want me for my body. The idea that he was, in fact, just a man, who viewed me sexually despite our history together hurt my heart more than I wanted to admit.
It was a rare day off for me, where I had basically spent the entire day buying groceries, cleaning the house, and catching up on some uni assignments. I had also taken some much needed time to myself, taking a long shower, painting my nails and spending a bit longer on my hair and skin. I was starting to feel more like myself, and when JJ called and offered to come over with food, I accepted.
I was beginning to forget what had happened that day and happily waited for JJ to come over. I pull on a light top and some shorts to combat the warm summer night air, making sure there were drinks in the fridge. I didn’t drink alcohol, so JJ didn’t either when he was just with me, which I appreciated.
I hear a knock at the door and jump to open the door, looking forward to having some company. JJ beams at me as I open the door, holding up a paper bag of something that smells so good my tummy rumbles, suddenly remembering I hadn’t eaten much today.
“I come bearing gifts,” JJ announces as he steps inside, pressing a kiss to the top of my head as he walks in and places the food on the table in front of the sofa.
“Thank God, I would have kicked you out if you hadn’t gotten me food.” I joke, walking to the kitchen.
He plops down on the floor in front of the coffee table, back to the sofa as the fabric of the sofa was too hot to sit on in the boiling summer heat. I come back holding the drinks, one to my forehead to cool my heated body down.
I sit down next to JJ, skin glistening with sweat and as I hand him his drink, I swear I see his gaze linger on my chest for a second, beads of sweat rolling down it.
Don’t think like that, Y/N. He promised.
“You did not,” I say in awe, as JJ pulls out a familiar wrapper, holding my favourite restaurants shawarma, my mouth watering at the sight of it.
“Do you even know me? Of course I did.” He replies, placing some fries and dips on the table.
I take a bite of the food, suppressing a moan as my stomach is finally filled with something other than water. We fall into a familiar routine, laughing and joking as we put on a comfortable movie and eat until we can’t anymore.
Feeling bored of the movie now, I turn to JJ.
“Wanna play a game?” I ask.
“Sure?” He replies, eyes still focused on the movie.
“You can try beat me at poker but lose miserably again,” I laugh, ruffling his hair playfully as I stand up to get the cards.
I feel his gaze on me as I sit down at the end of the coffee table, setting up the game as he lowers the volume of the movie, watching it offhandedly.
We play for what feels like hours and to my surprise, JJ does a lot better than usual.
“Okay, let’s make this interesting,” JJ offers, cockier than he usually is when we play this game. I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously but tell him to go on. He fixes me with a strange look and my stomach twists slightly.
“If I win this hand, you have to do something for me. Just one thing, and that something will be revealed after I inevitably win. If you win this hand, I will be your slave for a whole week. I’ll do whatever you want. Deal?”
I chew my lip, thinking for a second, weighing the pros and cons. I nod slowly, still slightly unsure but figuring what was the harm.
I lay down my cards, and JJ smirks as he throws his own down, an annoyed groan leaving me and laughter coming from him.
“You’re such a piece of shit, JJ,” I say half glaring at him, half amused by him.
“I believe you owe me something now, Y/N,” he replies, a grin on his face.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, what do you want?” I ask rolling my eyes, my competitive side getting the best of me.
He pats the place next to him, and I crawl over to him, sitting and facing him. The shit eating grin he wore has left his face, leaving only a small smile as he looks at me for a couple seconds, assessing my face.
His head tilts back slightly, resting his head on the sofa as he looks at me, his Adams apple bobbing up and down his neck as he swallows. He straightens his head, speaking.
“You look so beautiful today, Y/N,” JJ speaks in a small voice, just staring at me.
Dread fills me and a pit forms in my stomach. Where was this going?
His shaky hand lifts and he places it on my exposed knee, caressing the skin with his thumb. His eyes look down to his hand and my own eyes follow his actions. But when I lift them up again, his face is suddenly much closer, close enough that I could make out the specks of grey in his blue eyes, even in the shadowed light.
I hear him swallow again as I sit paralysed, waiting for him to do or say something but praying that he wouldn’t, my heart thumping in my chest.
“Kiss me, Y/N.”
My breath hitches in my throat as the pit in my stomach grows, my heart falling into it. This wasn’t happening. Not again.
Before I can think of something to say, the patience runs out of JJ’s face and he closes the gap between us, a hand on my knee and the other on the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him. The kiss is hard and desperate, bruising as he pours all his emotions into my lips. A gasp leaves me and I shove at his chest, but the hold on the back of my neck forces me to tilt my head slightly, allowing him to entangle his tongue with mine and deepen the kiss.
A helpless sound leaves me as I find myself in the exact situation I was hoping and praying I wouldn’t have to ever be in again. He finally pulls away for a second to breath heavily, his forehead on mine but not letting up on his grip.
I move my head from his, angry tears leaking from my eyes as I speak.
“We said just once, JJ! Just once! What is wrong with you?”
I push him with all my might, crawling backwards away from him.
“I told you nicely, JJ. We can’t do that again, we can’t ruin our friendship. I don’t like you like that. How many times do I have to spell it out to you? You need to stop now, we’re not doing this again!” I spit out at him.
A yelp leaves me as JJ grabs my ankle, pulling me back to him so now I’m underneath him on the floor. I kick furiously at him but he straddles my thighs, pinning my wrists to the sides of me as. Frustrated and angry sobs fill the air as JJ speaks, but I was unwilling to hear him.
“Why, Y/N? What is so wrong about this? I love you and you love me.” JJ pleads with me.
“I can’t stop thinking about that day. I’m sorry, I can’t. I tried to stay away, I tried to control myself but I can’t. It’s like now that I’ve tasted you once, I can’t stop. I need more and it’s like every second of every day, all I think about is you, and the taste of you, and the sounds you make, and how fucking beautiful you are. You’re so perfect. Don’t make me stop, please, Y/N. I need you.”
I shake my head, eyes shut, hating his words, hating myself for doing what I did with him in the first place, hating him for feeling the way he did.
“Come on, Y/N. It was so good last time. Just let me make you feel good again,” JJ’s husky voice tries to persuade me but my struggles don’t stop, needing him off of me.
He presses sloppy kisses to my neck, tasting my skin, and my chest tightens, surrounded by the overwhelming need to get him off of me.
“No, JJ, I said stop, get off of me, now!” I scream at him, no longer willing to be patient with him. I dig my nails into the hands pinning my own down, drawing blood, and thrashing as much as I can but he continues kissing down the valley of my chest, exposed by the v neck of my top.
I let out a scream of frustration, and miraculously I’m able to free a leg from under him and knee him in his crotch. JJ groans on top of me at the pain, loosening his grip on me and I crawl out from under him, quickly standing on two feet and running to the front door, not knowing where I was going to go but needing to get away from him.
I have barely taken a few steps in front of me when an arm wraps around my waist from behind, another around my mouth as JJ lifts me effortlessly, dragging my panicking body back whilst whispering sweet nothings into my ear, throwing me onto the sofa.
I bounce in place and before I can collect myself, he’s on top of me again, kissing me and breathing me in like his life depends on it.
I move my head to the right and whine, pushing his face away from me before he grabs my hands in one wrist, holding them above my head.
I gasp and my hips flinch away from him when JJ pushes his hand under my shorts and panties, cupping my pussy.
“Remember this, Y/N? Remember how good it felt when I touched you? Only I should be allowed to touch you like this. Only me.” JJ says, beginning to rub fierce circles on my clit, a pool of arousal starting to drip from me involuntarily.
“You don’t have to do this, JJ. You know how much you mean to me. Please don’t do this.” I say with tears in my eyes, my voice hoarse, resorting to begging.
I don’t know what I would do if JJ did this. My whole world would crumble and I’d never be okay again. He was my everything for so long. My sweet JJ. I could feel myself sobbing, devastating wails leaving me at the thought that I was being betrayed by the person I loved and trusted most in this world. The person I thought of as family, who I had taken care of and who had taken care of me for so long. He couldn’t be doing this to me. Not my J.
“I love you, Y/N. And I’m gonna fuck you until you accept it.” he speaks with an almost shaky voice, as if it pained him to do this. And yet, he was doing it anyway.
He pulls my shorts and underwear off in one swift motion, crawling down my body, ignoring my kicking legs and pushing hands. He reaches my legs, prying them open forcibly and burying his face in my pussy.
I hear him groan and see his eyes close in pleasure as I try to lift myself and move backwards from his mouth, but he pulls on my thighs, bringing me back to his awaiting mouth.
“You don’t know how much I’ve craved the taste of this sweet pussy, baby. You taste even better somehow.”
All I can do is arch my back slightly and ignore the pleasure swirling in my stomach. His grip remains on my wrists, pain throbbing in them and mingling with the pleasure he pulls from my unwilling body as his tongue explores my cunt. He looks up at me, keeping eye contact as he licks my clit into his mouth, suckling fervently, the vibrations of his lewd groans running through me.
“I could you eat out all day, baby, fuck you taste good.” He says breathlessly, rutting his tongue against my pussy and lapping at the juices leaking from me. I try to squeeze my thighs shut and push him out but it only seems to help him bury himself into me and encourage a faster pace.
I continue pleading with him, mindless begs running from my mouth but it’s like he’s deaf to them. His mouth works against my cunt incessantly, and even as the knot tightens and I cum, whining loudly, he continues until I cry harder at the overstimulation on my bundle of nerves.
His mouth is reluctant to leave my body, gazing at the throbbing pussy he assaulted as he licks his lips, tasting me again. His finger runs through my slit teasingly, collecting the wetness and sucking the digit in his mouth to savour my flavour.
“J,” I beg, my voice breaking as he yanks his clothes off of his body.
His grip never leaves my wrists as he pulls me up to straddle him, his angry cock poking at my entrance as I cry hard, trying and failing to twist my body away from his awaiting shaft.
“Remember when you rode me? I’ve never cum like that before Y/N, you made me cum so hard, the way your tits were bouncing, you looked so gorgeous just fucking yourself on me. You can’t tell me you don’t love me, not when we made love like that, so romantically. I’ve never fucked a girl like that before. It’s only you, Y/N. Just you and me. Ride me like that again,” he demands, beginning to split me open on his dick.
I cry out in pain, my mouth gaping open, my hands that he still holds on his chest in fists, his other hand guiding my body down his length on my waist.
“You’re so fucking tight,” JJ moans, beginning a punishing pace, losing control and not allowing me to adjust to his entire thick cock intruding inside of me.
Frustration and anger begin to crawl back inside of me and I lean away from him as much as I can, eyes fixed to a point away from his head as I scratch his chest with my nails, leaving angry red and bloody marks. He hisses in pain but his cock is relentless, fucking up into me fast and painfully hard as dizziness fills my head from the overwhelming feelings.
JJ pulls down the top of my top, releasing a breast and immediately sucking on my hardened nipples, leaving angry red marks in his wake. Sweat coats me and my energy is lost, vision beginning to sway. I try my hardest to keep fighting him, not wanting to give in, but when he pushes me onto my stomach, I can’t help but wail defeatedly.
I keep up my scratches and pushes, but fighting becomes much more difficult from this angle, my hands pinned behind my back and head pushed into the sofa cushion. JJ’s shaft forces itself back into me and I wince at the ache.
“You take me so well, Y/N. You see? We’re made for each other. We’re perfect for each other,” JJ continues his delusional ramblings but I block him out, eyes clenched shut and finally lying limply, trying my hardest to zone out. I couldn’t think about what was happening. I couldn’t face it. It hurt too much. And it made me hate myself too much.
He pounds into me, his face buried into the crook of my neck and panting, pressing kisses to whatever skin he could. My wrist bones crunched against each other, tears covered my red cheeks, my eyes and lips swollen and wet.
JJ babbles sweet words into my ears, trying to convince me to love him, accept him, let him make me feel good. I chant quiet no’s, sobs leaving me and horror and heartbreak the only thing I can feel.
“Fuck, Y/N, I love you,” JJ moans as he cums inside of me, painting my walls with his load, twitching inside of me.
Even as he collapses on top of me, wrapping his arms around me from behind, kissing the top of my head in what is supposed to be a loving gesture, I can’t help my shaking body. How could I ever have believed it would be just that once?
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Just this once (JJ Maybank x reader)
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DARK content, NON/CON kiss, DUB/CON sex, violence, guns, underage drinking, mentions of blood, mentions of domestic abuse, smut, smallish age gap
Please read at your own risk! Minors are not welcome! This is a mature, 18+ fic which features dark content so if this is in any way triggering or makes you uncomfortable please leave and do not interact!
I am planning on making a part two to this, which will feature darker content so be warned!
Thank you in advance to all those who comment, like or reblog! Any feedback is greatly appreciated :)

“How drunk are you right now, JJ?”
I look at the glassed over eyes of the blonde in front of me incredulously, angry but of course still concerned. The chaos surrounding us fades into the background as I wait for him to speak, the sounds of screams and running contrasting the calm ocean waves.
He scoffs before replying. “Calm down Y/N, I’m not that drunk,” he says, although his slight swaying tells a different story.
I had barely registered what was happening. One minute I was talking to some cute guy, and the next he was on the sand and JJ was on top of him, pounding him with his fists.
It was like he was possessed. His eyes were dark and his hair was in his eyes but he kept going, kept punching this guy he had just tackled and incapacitated before he could even fight back.
JJ continued beating him, the chants of “Fight! Fight! Fight!” ringing in his ears and encouraging him despite my own shouts at him to stop or even Pope and John B’s attempts to get JJ off of the poor guy. It wasn’t until blood started spattering did the chants die down and people started getting scared. And it was only when JJ pulled out the gun, pointing it at the guys forehead did the chaos really start. People tripped over each other trying to run away, shrill screams filling the air.
My eyes had widened at the sight of it and I screamed JJ’s name, Pope and John B stepping back in fear as JJ leaned down and hissed something at the barely conscious boy lying in the sand. I barely registered what I was doing when I threw myself at him, attempting to pull him off before he could make a mistake he would regret for the rest of his life. It was only when his elbow hit me in the face, hard, sending me back onto the sand did he finally stop.
It was like I didn’t recognise him. The misunderstood, sweet boy who, growing up, would come running to me whenever he had problems with his dad. I was four years older, and I had practically been his baby sitter since he was a kid.
Being an only child to a mostly absent mother meant we were very alike, and I had always had to take care of myself. I had dropped out of school when I was 16 despite my school smarts, knowing I couldn’t realistically make it out of obx without any kind of finance. So I started working full time, shifts at the wreck, really any where I could just to get scraps of money so I could afford food and the roof over mine and my moms head.
And of course, came the responsibility of JJ. I had caught him lurking around the cut at night when he was barely 8 years old with a bruised eye, the young boy of Luke Maybank, an infamously no good piece of shit. He was wary about coming to my house so he wouldn’t just be out roaming the streets, but eventually I had convinced him.
From then on, it was like he was my little brother. He would come to my house whenever things got bad with his father, or if he just wanted to get away. So practically every day. I’d feed him and give him a place to sleep. Most importantly, we were an emotional comfort for each other, away from our shitty parents who couldn’t care less about us, who we could be real with.
Feeling an almost maternal instinct over him from caring for him since I was 12, I tried my best to not burden him with my own problems. But JJ wasn’t stupid, and when he was around 14, he started trying to help me, knowing how badly I wanted to go to school. He started working jobs young, and would forcibly give me spare change he had, or goods that he had “found” (which were obviously stolen, but would deny any time I scolded him for it).
Now we were older, I had been taking online classes for a year now, but JJ still came running to me for food and comfort, which I gladly gave him. He was a good, sweet boy who made reckless decisions at times and was a bit boisterous, prone to occasional underage drinking, fights and stealing, but kind and so caring for the people he loved.
Feeling like his baby sitter or big sister since he was young meant I would try and sway him away from the decisions he made, to focus more on school. Of course, there was only so much I could say, not wanting to push him away by lecturing him too much. But it was times like this, that I really felt anger at his stupidity, and I wanted to scream at him.
I can barely say anything as John B and Pope snatch the gun off of him, shouting at him for his actions. Kie pulls us along, something about the sirens and how the cops are coming. I barely realise as we pile into the Twinkie, despite my coming to the party at the beach with other people.
All I can hear is the ringing in my ears, the sharp pain in my cheek fading to throbbing, and all I could see in my head was the manic and almost psychotic look in JJ’s usually soft eyes as he had tackled the guy.
Vaguely, I could hear Kie scolding JJ as she assesses my cheek and I have to fight to keep my tears in. I have never been much of a crier, and I wasn’t about to cry over a small injury or in front of JJ’s friends. But the idea that JJ was no longer a little boy who needed help with his father, a victim, and was in fact capable of so much damage and hurt was flooding my mind.
We reach my house and I bite out a quick goodbye as I stumble out, hearing another door slam behind me. I speed walk to my front door, JJ calling my name, but I can’t face him. I didn’t know what it was, and I hated feeling this way, but it was almost like the image of him as my little brother was tainted. I hated it.
I don’t wait for him as I step in but I knew he had come in. I walk to the bathroom, dropping my purse on the floor on the way there. I contemplate what I’m doing there for a second, before turning the tap on and washing my hands. My gaze remains on my hands, not quite wanting to look at the damage on my face, not wanting to face the fact that my JJ had hurt me.
I could hear him breathing heavily behind me and the thudding of my heart as I spend longer than normal washing my hands, wanting to drain away the horrors of the day.
“Y/N?” JJ spoke.
And it was like my heart broke. That voice that had cried to me so many times, laughed and argued with me. How could the loving boy who’s voice that belonged to do something like that?
I look up at him through the mirror and almost flinch at the sight of the bruising injury on my cheekbone, a slight trail of dried blood running down it. I pause, just looking at him, the blood splatters on his face, his hair, but not a single injury on his flawless skin. And noticeably sobered up some.
“What the fuck possessed you to do something like that, JJ?” I speak with so much venom it shocks me. He had never been on the receiving end of that much anger and disgust.
He sighs, running his hand through his hair and looking up at the ceiling as his Adams apple bobs when he swallows. He looks at me again, just staring for a few seconds with this strange look on his face before chuckling, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek as he shakes his head.
“You wouldn’t get it, Y/N.” He spoke neutrally.
I was taken aback by his response. Since when did he start believing that?
“What wouldn’t I get JJ? What this guy, who I have never heard you mention having any kind of conflict with, did that was so bad you beat him so hard you almost killed him?!”
He opens his mouth to speak but I beat him to it.
“And then you held a gun to his head? While he’s barely conscious on the ground and could be dying right now?”
Anger bubbles up inside of me and I don’t even notice that I’m shouting at him.
“Do you even realise what the fuck you did JJ? You almost killed a guy! You could go to jail for this! And how many times have I told you to get rid of that gun! How fucking stupid can you be?!”
I look at him, breathing hard and heart pounding, waiting for an answer. He keeps his arms crossed, gaze on the floor, not meeting my eyes. He shakes his head again before answering.
“You wouldn’t get it.”
The tears finally fall as helplessness rises in my chest.
“I don’t understand, JJ. You’ve been like my little brother for gosh knows how long now. I’ve been good to you, haven’t I? I’ve helped you, I’ve tried to guide you to be the best person you can be. But what, now all of a sudden you’re just throwing all that away to be this violent, aggressive, piece of shit? Look at my face JJ!”
He looks up at me and his jaw clenches.
“It’s not pretty, is it? You did this, J. Because you decided to get reckless and fight someone as if they weren’t even a human to you.”
I sigh, biting my lip and making eye contact with him. “Please, J, I’m begging you, just explain to me why you did that. You’re better than this, I know you are.”
We stand in silence for a few seconds, just watching each other. Then, JJ’s nose flares and anger fills his face.
“You want to know why I beat that motherfucker? Fine, Y/N. You asked.” JJ says, his voice hard and like ice.
“He was talking to you. He was flirting with you. He was touching you. He was looking at you with that fucking look on his disgusting face, and I knew exactly what he was thinking. He was thinking, that you were a nice piece of ass that he could have some fun with.”
He’s stepping forward and I suddenly feel a lot smaller than normal, my back to the sink but beginning to dig in as I attempt to move back as confusion fills me. He’s never cared before about guys that I talk to.
I take a breath before speaking. “What is that to you, JJ?”
“You think I like seeing men talk to you like that? See you like that? You think I’ve enjoyed seeing you with these sleazy guys who just wanna fuck and leave? You’re mine, Y/N.”
My eyebrows furrow slightly at his confession, concern and worry suddenly filling me and my heart sinking in my throat. Please no, JJ. Please don’t say what I think you’re saying.
“I have loved you all my life. We make each other happy, we’re best friends, I’m the only one who understands you and you’re the only one who truly understands me. I fucking hate seeing you with anyone that isn’t me. It makes me sick. After all we’ve been through together and you think you can find that kind of connection with any other guy?”
He takes another step forward and grasps my face with his hands as I instinctively grab onto his wrists.
“J,” I shakily let out but he stops me.
“I have been waiting for you, for so long, to notice and finally realise that we are meant for each other. I’m not your little brother, Y/N. I might be a bit younger than you but that doesn’t mean anything. I can’t stand to look at you with any other guy. I want to kill every one of them that even tries talking to you, because they don’t deserve you, they don’t know you. I love you.”
The heaviness in my stomach worsens and I feel nauseous as he gazes into my eyes, adoration in his expression and tone.
“JJ, you know-“ I begin but am cut off by the sudden pressure of his lips on mine, a gasp coming from my mouth as a moan escapes his. My head spins and I’m frozen, my eyes wide and looking at his own closed ones, the blood on his face.
The kiss is short but passionate, strong and full of unspoken words and emotion. His lips are soft and taste like seawater but all I feel is disgust at the idea of kissing someone I have never perceived as a potential romantic partner, someone young who I have only ever felt maternally for. I muster up the strength to push at his chest as I bite his lip, making him stumble away from me at the force.
My eyes are wide and mouth slightly gaping as I look at JJ in a light I have never seen him in before. He brings his hand up to touch his previously perfect skin, finding a spot of blood on his lip.
What just happened?
“Y/N-,” JJ begins before I stop him.
“Get out.”
“Get out, JJ! Now!” I practically scream at him.
I look up at his face and my resolve almost breaks upon seeing the pleading expression on his face. But the anger in my heart overwhelms my sorrow for him and I glare at him pointedly until he leaves, only finally letting out a breath when I hear the front door slam.
What just happened?

I lie in bed, freshly showered, soft music playing in the background while I stare at the book in my hand which I just can’t seem to focus on. I’ve had two online classes today, and worked a long shift at the wreck but all I could think about all day was JJ’s confession yesterday.
I had calmed down significantly since yesterday and all the anger I felt was replaced by sadness. I had spent all day rationalising his behaviour, not quite wanting to believe JJ.
He was drunk, right? He couldn’t have meant everything he said. Of course he loves me, I love him too. He was just confused by my anger at him, I’ve never shown him that much malice before.
I was so angry at myself. Yes, he did something stupid yesterday, the worst thing he ever did but I was meant to be a comfort to him. I had lashed out at him and barely let him explain himself, just throwing him out when he had
 kissed me.
I could still feel his lips on mine, hear the sound of his moan and my skin crawls. It’s not that I find JJ repulsive or something - he’s gorgeous and charismatic and fun. But I could never be attracted to him. It made me sick just thinking about it. It felt gross and wrong.
But even the pain of the bruised and swollen injury on my cheekbone couldn’t keep me angry at JJ. All I could think about was the little boy roaming the streets at night, no place to go. All I saw was the young child running to me after his dad had finally come home after a week bender, only to beat him for the dumbest of reasons, bloody and broken.
I hated how I reacted and my heart hurt thinking about him, thinking about how this could change everything. I needed to see him, to explain to him how we was just mistaking his feelings for me. Sure, I knew he had always had a puppy crush on me, but I always thought that was just the novelty of having an older girl friend. He couldn’t love love me.
I sigh, thinking about what I could say to him that wouldn’t cause too much damage to our relationship. JJ relied on me, yes, but over the years I had come to rely on him too. I wouldn’t know what to do if JJ reacted badly to what I said. And he was nothing if not stubborn.
As if on cue, I hear a knock on my window to my right. Startled and snapped out of my thoughts, I look and see the very person I was thinking about. He waves at me as my brain attempts to sort its thoughts, not knowing what to do or say.
A flood of emotions rush through me as I stand up and pad to the window, opening it wordlessly and letting JJ in as I go back to the bed and sit. He stands awkwardly, with his hands in his pockets as I fiddle with my own fingers, looking up at him.
Neither of us speak, and tension fills the air. I hate it. Just as I’m about to speak, he beats me to it.
“I probably shouldn’t be here. Sorry. I just.. I just needed to see you.” JJ speaks, his voice uncharacteristically small.
I bite my lip, contemplating, before patting the mattress next to me.
He hesitates but sits down next to me, a purposeful gap between the two of us. I turn to him, one foot hovering above the ground and the other leg bent on the bed, my knee just brushing his thigh.
I see his eyes linger on my legs for a second before meeting my own. I’m suddenly hyper aware of the lack of clothes I am wearing, a small pyjama top, no bra, and shorts that barely cover my ass. I’ve never thought about how I looked with JJ before.
I chew my lip, thinking about what to say.
“I- first I want to apologise for how I acted yesterday.” I say.
His face remains the same but I see a flicker of shock in his eyes, not expecting to hear me say that.
“I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. I was just scared, seeing you do something so stupid like that.” I continue, my words slow and carefully chosen.
He nods at that, and I feel relief to see sorrow in his eyes. He scratches his chin before speaking.
“Yeah, I shouldn’t have had the gun. If it makes you feel any better, John B has it hidden somewhere so I can’t get to it.”
I chuckle at that, feeling almost giddy that I didn’t have to explain to him why what he did was wrong, and the conversation was going okay for now.
“I know- I understand what you were saying yesterday. I get that you probably feel that way because we’re so close, and we’ve kind of protected each other for so long. So I get why you hate seeing me with guys that haven’t been the greatest, because you feel protective over me. And I really appreciate that JJ, I love you, and our friendship is so important to me. But you have to understand that what you did yesterday was wrong, so wrong. You cannot beat people up just for talking to me. You - you can’t act that recklessly anymore. You’re not a kid anymore, J, you can get into some serious trouble.”
I lick my lips, trying to address what troubled me the most.
“And- and the kiss yesterday. I know that you, you may think you like me in that way but we’re friends, JJ. You crossed a boundary doing that, but I would really like to look past it.”
I grab his hands, urging him to look at me.
“Please understand, J, you know how I feel about you. I don’t want to ruin that.”
His face remains the same for a few seconds contemplating. He blows out a breath, before his face shifts into anger, and he rips his hands from mine, standing up.
“No,” he replies in disgust.
My heart drops, pressure in my throat. I swallow, looking up at him and trying to keep the tears down.
“I can’t do this shit anymore. Pretend like being friends is enough. You said it yourself, I’m protective of you, I’m your best friend. Why the fuck would you even attempt to stop our relationship? It’s inevitable, Y/N. We love each other. We’re the only ones who could ever really love the other one, flaws and all. We’re perfect for each other. Why are you saying this shit? Like I don’t know what my feelings are? You’re not my baby sitter, you’re not my older sister. Cos people don’t feel the way I do for you for their sisters.”
My heart thuds as I let him speak, dread filling me.
“I can’t- I can’t keep stopping myself from kissing you. From touching you. You’re so goddamn beautiful, Y/N. You’re so perfect. Everything about you. It’s like I’m high when I’m with you, and crave you every time I’m not. I need more, Y/N.”
My brain struggles to process his words, my breathing heavy and body shaking slightly. But as I do, an idea comes to my head.
No, Y/N. Don’t. It’s a bad idea. Don’t do it.
All I can think about is that I can’t lose JJ. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I did. But my thoughts can barely function and I speak before I can think about it.
“If- if we
” I swallow, trying to gain the courage to say it before I back out.
“I know you find me attractive, JJ. So if we, have sex, just once, would- would that make you feel better? That way, the novelty would wear off and maybe you’ll feel differently after.”
Even as I’m speaking, I can hear how dumb this is. My brain is screaming at me and I regret my words as soon as I speak them. But I couldn’t take it back now.
JJ stands in front of me, dumbfounded. I had always been the strong one, the decision maker, the opinionated one. But this- this was new territory. To both of us.
I can see the clockworks in his head and my heart thuds, waiting for any kind of response from him. But then he slowly nods and dizziness surrounds me, my mouth dry.
He drops down next to me, his eyes never leaving mine, mouth slightly gaping open in shock. I had never been shy with him before, but now it was like I didn’t know what to do, what to say, how to act.
“Just this once, J. Just so you can get over whatever this is. And we can go back to usual. Okay?” I say, my voice quiet.
He nods again, but I shake my head.
“I need to hear you say it. Okay, JJ?”
He licks his lips, eyes flickering to my own as he speaks.
“Okay, Y/N. Just this once.”
I let out a deep breath, my shaky hands lifting to gently grab JJ’s face, stroking his cheek with my thumb. He watches me, not knowing what to do, so I lean in. I see his eyes close before my lips meet his own and mine close. I kiss him softly and lovingly, before moving my mouth and barely feel his own move with mine. I slowly slip my tongue into his mouth, and it’s like he finally awakens. His strong arm snakes around my waist and pulls me into him, forcing me to manoeuvre my legs to around him and I feel his chest against my barely covered breasts.
His kiss becomes more passionate as he deepens it, and I tangle my fingers in his hair, pulling slightly and he groans. I push away the glaring thoughts in my head, losing myself in the kiss, the feel of his body on mine, trying to forget who exactly this was.
His fingers push under my top, kneading my flesh. His movements are fervent and clumsy, which I’m almost grateful for, not wanting to experience the confident player JJ has made a name for himself as in bed.
I pull away from him, needing to catch my breath and JJ looks at me with such intensity and adoration, his pink lips swollen and eyes glassy, that doubt fills me again. But I keep my eye contact with him, panting.
“Take my shirt off.” I instruct him.
His fingers hook to the hem of my shirt, and I raise my arms, allowing him to peel it off of me. I feel my boobs bounce as they escape the tight top and my nipples immediately harden in the exposed air.
JJ pulls me closer to him by my waist, so that I’m straddling him, now completely on his lap. His thumbs hesitantly brush over my nipples, before pinching them slightly, and I let out a soft moan.
His eyes flicker up to mine at the sound and straight away, he leans forward, pulling a nipple into his mouth, licking the bud before suckling at it. The vibrations of his moan runs through me and I throw my head back at the feel of his tongue, vaguely aware of the music still in the background.
His hand returns to my tit, kneading as his head moves to the other one and sucks the hardened bud into his mouth. I massage his scalp with my hold in his hair, letting out pants at the pleasure.
After a moment, I pull his head away from my chest, leaning down and kissing him as I find his length through his shorts, palming at his hard on.
“Fuck, Y/N,” JJ groans at my touch.
I ignore his voice and the feeling clawing at me as I climb down from his lap, kneeling on the floor between his legs. As I pull at his waistband, I look up at him.
“Is this okay?” I ask, to which he nods, the best response I could get out of his delirious state.
I pull both his shorts and underwear off at the same time, his hard cock springing out. My eyes widen slightly at the generous size of him as he leans back on his hands, breathing heavily. I feel his intense gaze on me as I wrap my hand around him, my fingertips barely able to meet.
My thumb collects the precum leaking at the tip, and I spread it down his length, lubricating him. I tuck my still damp hair behind my ear and hover my mouth just above his cock, letting a trickle of spit lubricate him more before I begin to slowly jerk him.
I can see his chest lifting and deflating rapidly as I speed up, the moans he tries to contain some filling my ears. But when I wrap my mouth around his cock, his hips flinch and he lets out a loud appreciative moan. Despite my experience, I struggle to swallow much of his length, needing to squeeze some with my hand as I twist my tongue and suck at what I can fit comfortably in my mouth.
The salty taste of him and beachy scent of him surrounds me. I attempt to swallow more of him down, gagging as he hits the back of my throat but seeing it as a welcome distraction from who I am doing this with. His hands hesitantly tangle in my hair as I suck his cock, my throat anticipating the load my mouth tries to milk from him.
I pull myself off to take a breath, still jerking him with my hand to get him off quicker but confusion fills me instead when JJ pulls me away from his dick, kissing me sloppily.
“I need to taste you, baby girl, please.” JJ begs as he pulls me up from the floor.
I ignore the nickname, allowing JJ to push me down onto the bed and hover over me.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this, Y/N.” JJ says, kissing down my neck and chest, stopping to lick my nipples as his hand slips past the waist band of my shorts, cupping me.
As he reaches between my legs, he wastes no time pulling off my shorts and spreading my legs, letting out an appreciative sigh at the sight of my glistening folds.
“You’re so fucking perfect, Y/N.” he whispers.
He licks a slow stripe past my folds, collecting the slick on his tongue, tasting me for the first time. His face contorts in pleasure and he grips my inner thighs almost painfully as he begins to bury himself in my pussy.
I know that JJ is satisfying his own needs as he focuses on slurping the wetness from me, not using his fingers and focusing purely on the taste of me, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy.
I grip onto his hair, knowing now that he likes that, and loosely wrap my thighs around his head as the wet sounds of my pussy and his tongue fill the air, my breathy moans mingling with it.
I begin to ride his face slowly, his sucking moving to my clit, and his tongue lapping at it roughly. His movements become even more enthusiastic, moving his head up and down as he pushes himself into my pussy as much as he can, catching as much of my slick as he can.
His tongue moves inside of my hole, thrusting in and out and I jump at the intrusion, to which JJ grips harder onto my thighs, not letting me leave.
I finally push JJ’s head away, a bit forcefully, the bad feelings creeping up on me more and more, my brain telling me to fuck him quick and this will all be over.
I pull him up by his arms and wrap my legs around his hips, lifting my hips up slightly so that the tip of his cock meets my cunt.
“Fuck me, JJ,” I whisper.
He leans back, pulling his shirt off before hovering over me once more, kissing me softly. His eyes are full of emotion, lust and admiration, overwhelmed by the sight of his dreams coming true. He couldn’t believe it.
JJ tears his eyes away from mine, redirecting his attention to my pussy, his cock poking at me. He uses his hand to guide himself and he slides up and down my wetness, collecting it, before the tip finally catches at my hole.
His gaze stays at his cock sliding slowly inside of me, disappearing inch by inch, only flickering his eyes up to me to see my eyebrows furrowed and mouth gaping slightly, trying to take him with the pain of the stretch.
“You look so beautiful, baby.”
I clench my eyes, focusing on the painful yet delicious stretch, loving the way his slow pace lets me feel the ridges of his cock which brush the right spots inside of me.
I bite my lip when I feel his hipbone against mine, whimpering as he bottoms out. His gaze remains on the sight of his cock inside me, revelling in the feel of it as he allows me to adjust.
He returns to his place above me, staring down at me lovingly and placing soft kisses to my lips before he begins to move. Oh so slowly, he pulls out, before thrusting back inside. The wetness of my cunt allows him to move easily, but the tightness of my walls hug him, reluctant to let him go.
“You take me so well, Y/N.” JJ praises as he begins to speed up his pace slightly, but still slow as he fucks me. His kisses rain down my neck as he thrusts into me, sucking at spots on my chest and tasting the sweat on my skin.
His slow pace is romantic and loving, his hold careful and sweet and I hate it. I hate the way his soft lips kiss me and taste me like I’m the only girl in the world, his intent gaze solely on me as he fucks me passionately.
So I push at his shoulders, gripping onto them and sitting up with him as he sits up on his ass, staying connected through the move. I kiss him, hard, so as to escape the emotions in his eyes and begin to ride him.
The groans he lets out are plentiful and my own moans are loud as I bounce up and down on his shaft, my eyes closed and focusing on our pleasure. Still, I feel the hold to be too intimate as he grips onto my waist, looking up at me, so I move his hands to my ass, encouraging him to help me bounce and entangle my hands in his hair, pulling him to a nipple which he gladly nurses on.
I keep control as I slide up and down his thick cock, grinding his tip into my sweet spots inside of me. One of his hands snakes down to my clit, and begins to press precise circles on the sensitive nub, sending delicious waves of pleasure through me and triggering uncontrollable loud moans, my mouth open in ecstasy.
Even as he plays with my clit, I refuse to make eye contact with him, keeping the ordeal strictly sexual, refusing to succumb to any kind of romantic or emotional feelings JJ may try to connect to it.
I keep my arms wrapped around his shoulders and JJ begins to fuck himself up to me, meeting my bounces, heightening both our pleasure.
“I’m gonna come, baby, keep going, please,” JJ speaks, his thrusts becoming pounding as he chases both our highs.
“Fuck, I need to see you come, Y/N,” he says, rubbing harder at my clit.
“J,” I accidentally moan, his eyes lighting up at the sound of me moaning his name.
“Come with me, Y/N, come on, baby.”
And to my dismay, I feel my walls fluttering around his cock and immense pleasure courses through me, my mouth open in a scream as I grip onto his cock. JJ let’s out loud groans as his length twitches inside of me, spurting his load into my spasming cunt.
I remain on top of him, his cock softening inside of me as I catch my breath, panting and still feeling JJ’s eyes tracing my face.
His hand comes up and wipes a bead of sweat from my neck, leaning forward and tasting it suddenly. As the high of our orgasms leave my body, the feelings return and nausea rises in my throat. I peel myself off of him, feeling his eyes on me as I lay down on the bed, nude on top of the covers.
JJ slides down next to me, still watching me and I finally turn my head to look at his eyes. I stare into them, wondering and trying to decipher how he’s feeling.
Without thinking, my hand raises and I caress his cheek, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on his lips for the last time.
“Did that make you feel better, J?” I whisper.
He nods, his face completely relaxed and full of love, as there had always been. What I didn’t know, was that it did make him feel better, but it wasn’t enough. Now that he had a taste, he wasn’t letting go.
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jj maybank x his casual spanish
+ bonus:
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thinking about what these arms could do to me :D
he definitely has a choking kink
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this is literally mean jock!rafe from @onsunnyside 's drabble, IM GOING CRAZYY
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345 notes · View notes
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70 notes · View notes
Warnings: public unprotected hot tub sex, fighting, public masturbation, voyeur
If there was one thing JJ hated it was Kooks. They were all the same. Entitled, rich pricks. Summer night parties ended with more fights and brawls than a prison with all the egotistical assholes running around. JJ was impulse must of the time but when it came to you.. he could get cruel. Especially in the hot tub at the latest Kook mansion with Rafe Cameron’s eyes tracking your every move.
You always felt Rafe’s eyes on you whenever you were at parties. It made your skin crawl but you couldn’t help but enjoy how possessive JJ became. He’d bend you over Rafe’s table and hold eye contact while he fucked you if you’d let him. But it would only end in a fight and someone getting stitches. Plus, Kooks talked to cops.
“If he doesn’t stop looking at you, I’m going to lose my fucking shit.” JJ growls, his arm thrown loosely over your shoulder in the hot tub. You had a clear view of the Kook sitting on the patio, sipping a beer while maintaining his unblinking gaze.
“He’s a creep. Ignore him.” You plead, sliding your hard across his lap and grabbing his cock in an attempt to distract him. JJ’s attention snaps to you, his eyes darkening as you get him fully erect in a matter of seconds under the water.
“He’s looking at you like a piece of meat.” JJ bites out, his body tensing as you both try to track your movements under the water.
“Yea. I want to knock his fucking teeth down his throat.” JJ growls, hissing through his teeth when you free him from his swim trunks to stroke him.
“More than you want to fuck me?” You whisper sweetly, teasing his throbbing tip with your thumb. You bat your eyelashes at him as he starts to breathe harder, his eyes barely having any blue left.
“You want me to fuck you out in the open for anyone to see? Remind that fucker who you belong to?” JJ rasps, his hand coming up to pull you closer by your throat. You lean in and run your tongue along his lips, continuing to stroke him as he shudders.
“Please, baby. I’m all yours. Do what you want with me.” JJ’s eyes dart from you to Rafe and back. His lips tipping up in a mischievous smirk before he moves to the opposite side of the hot tub, giving Rafe his back and pulling you onto his lap.
“Fuck me and make him watch, pretty girl. Make him watch you fall apart as I fill your cunt with my cum.” JJ smirks, pulling you in for a heated kiss. You pull back breathless, looking up to see Rafe leaning back casually in his chair without a care in the world as he stares back at you. A brow raises at you, a silent challenge to see how far you’d take this.
The power you felt was unimaginable. The ability to make someone you both hated watch as you fucked someone else had you nearly ready to burst already. Fuck the party and fuck Rafe Cameron.
You bite your lip as you tuck your bikini bottoms to the side and let JJ line himself up with your entrance. Your entire body shudders as you slowly sink down on his thick length, your head tipping back as JJ’s hands move to guide your hips until you’re completely filled by him. Your entire body is flushed and slick with sweat from the heat of the outdoors and the hot tub water along with the very public sex you were about to engage in. It all only heightened your need for release, leaving you on the edge already.
JJ’s hand cups the back of your neck, his other arm wrapping around your waist as he starts to roll his hips. Your fingers dig into his muscular check as your body ignites with sparks and your toes start to curl.
“Look at me, baby. Open your eyes.” JJ rasps, pulling you from your blissful haze. Your eyes slowly open and you clench hard just by seeing the look of pure lust and adoration on his face.
“Look at me while you fuck me. Ride my cock.” JJ practically growls, his teeth bared as he nears his own release. He was so hard and thick inside you, nudging your insides so deep that there was no way you’d be able to walk right after this.
“Fuck.” You pant, digging your fingers in harder as you start to fuck him back, meeting every powerful thrust just as greedily. Just when your body grows taunt and your pussy clamps down like a vice with JJ’s mouth on your throat, you look up to make sure Rafe is watching.
You’re immediately startled by what you find. So startled you let out a gasp and your movements falter but JJ doesn’t stop. JJ groans against your neck as he cums, signaling your own release that has you biting down on your bottom lip so hard you taste blood. The orgasm seems to last forever as you whimper and whither against him, watching with fascination and horror as Rafe smiles back at you just as he cums in his hand under the table, just visible enough for you to see. He quickly covers himself with a towel but there was no denying what has just happened. The disgusting display throws you into another orgasm and you bite JJ’s shoulder to keep from screaming even with the sudden gush of fluid between your thighs. JJ feels it too, his arms tightening around your body as he fucks you through it, murmuring praises and loving words as you finally come down.
You’re horrified by the fact that you just came to the sight of Rafe Cameron finishing. It was disgusting and erotic which made you hate him more. He’d stolen the moment from the two of you and warped it to satisfy his own needs like he does everything else. Instead of getting mad and storming off over your public claiming of your boyfriend, Rafe had jerked off to the sight.
“You squirted in the fucking hot tub.” JJ’s amused voice draws you back from your angry thoughts, his lips still on your neck as he rubs a soothing hand down your back. You also hated the fact that Rafe had caused you to squirt for the first time. Without even touching you. Rafe grins at you like the satisfied predator that he is, discreetly cleaning himself up and tucking himself away before sitting the towel back on the table for some unsuspecting loser to use later.
“Take me home.” You murmur against JJs ear, lifting your hips so he can tuck himself away and slide your bottoms back in place. JJ tries to look over his shoulder at Rafe but you stop him with a kiss.
“Take me home and fuck me in our bed.”
“Only if you promise to squirt for me again.” JJ growls, kissing you hungrily before sliding you off his lap and helping you exit the tub. JJ wraps you in a towel as he throws a satisfied look at Rafe and throws his arm over your shoulder to lead you out the back gate. Your legs still feel like jello as you cling to JJ’s waist, the after effects of the hardest orgasm of your life still lingering in your system when you hear someone jogging to catch up with you both.
“Hey JJ, I just wanted to thank you.” You tense at Rafe’s voice, immediately noting the way JJ’s body stiffens against yours as he stops to face the provoking Kook.
“Stop.” You murmur to JJ but he ignores you.
“For what?”
“For letting me see what Y/N looks like when she cums from watching me jerk off. I bet she felt really fucking good too.” Rafe flashes that cocky smile as JJ pulls away from you to shove Rafe in the chest.
“Stop it!” You cry, completely humiliated and embarrassed.
“The fuck did you just say?” JJ growls as Rafe shoves him back, stepping into his space with a dangerous look in his eyes.
“I said, your cum might be in her pussy but she came thinking about me. So remember that the next time you want to have a pissing contest with me.”
You reach for JJ but it’s too late. His head snaps forward, his forehead catching Rafe’s nose. Rafe curses, stumbling back as blood immediately gushes from his nose and down his lips. Rafe locks eyes with you, giving you a wink before his expression hardens and all hell breaks loose.
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OUTER BANKS 3.10 | Secret of the Gnomon
376 notes · View notes
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this is so dad!rafe đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«
603 notes · View notes
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Tol boi💖
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it’s your first midsummers because you’re a pouge who’s not used to heels. so halfway through you’re limping and rafes like “why didn’t you say anything???”
soft and chivalrous rafe is where i'm going with this đŸ’Ș
as a pogue, you don't attend nearly as many "fancy" events as the kooks do. but that all changes when you start dating rafe. he's bringing you everywhere, wanting to show his perfect girl off to the island's richest and most powerful people.
he takes you shopping on the mainland, and by the end of the trip, your outfit is composed of the finest and most luxurious fabrics, down to the shoes.
speaking of the shoes, they're starting to kill your feet. standing around chatting with people whose tax brackets are ten times higher than yours and walking around with your arm looped around rafe's means no sitting whatsoever. the height of the heels is the nail in the coffin, stretching and flexing your feet so hard that you're barely keeping it together.
"c'mon. let's get you a drink, princess," rafe speaks. you nod in agreement and begin to move your feet. you try to stop your face from wincing, and you almost hide your pain from rafe. however, your mission fails when you take your next step and your ankle buckles.
rafe is quick to catch your near-fall, eyes wide as he holds you up.
"woah. you okay, baby?"
"yeah. yeah, i'm fine," you respond, shrugging it off.
rafe gives you a look, letting you know that he can see right through you. "no, you're not. what's wrong?"
your eyes tear away from his. "my feet are just sore," you mutter.
"why didn't you say anything?"
"i didn't wanna embarrass you. wanted to impress your friends and make you proud."
"you could never embarrass me, baby. i would show you off if you were wearing flip-flops," he says, his thumb stroking over your cheekbone. "i hate that you've been walking around in pain all night without telling me."
"'m sorry," you apologize bashfully, your cheeks heated at how sweet he's being.
rafe crouches down, and his fingers find the clasp around your ankle. he undoes it and removes your foot from the shoe, repeating his actions on your other foot. then, when he stands back up, he lifts you up bridal style with your heels still in one hand. you let out a small yelp, followed by the sweetest giggle rafe's ever heard.
"rafe, what are you doing? people will see," you say as your eyes roam around the crowd.
"so let them. i'm not letting you walk around with sore feet and wobbly ankles. we’re going home."
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Wrong name. Drew Starkey
A lil blurbđŸ«¶
“That feel good, baby?” Drew breathed out leaning against the headboard, as Y/n turned her head, leaning her head on his neck. She sat on his lap, her legs spread wide as his fingers worked inside her. A light blanket covered both of their legs, he loosely rested his arm on her thigh using his other hand to rub circles onto her clit. “S-Shit, Raf-” She cut herself off, whining as he stopped his movements. “Rafe?” he questioned, as she embarrassedly nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. “Rafe? Baby c’mon.” He jokingly groaned as she let out a huff. “Shut up Drew.” She mumbled as he looked down at her. “Oh, so you do know my name.” He laughed as she slapped his chest. “Are you thinking of Rafe, while you’re soaking my fingers?” He asked, making her blush. “Quit it,” she whined, as he laughed. “I’m never forgetting that by the way. But also ‘cause you're squeezing my fingers right now, I’ll ignore it.” He went back to moving his finger, as she let out a moan. “Fuck, f-faster.” She panted, her hand wrapping around his wrist. “I’d love to baby, but if you squeeze my hand any tighter I really can’t move it.” He whispered as she loosened her grip. “Cum for me, honey.” he rasped, his fingers finally bringing her to the edge. “Drew,” she dug her nails into the skin of his wrist. “I got you, I got you.” He stopped his movements as she let out shaky breaths. “I wanna see your face baby, you always look so pretty.” She slowly moved to straddle his lap, as he grinned cupping her cheeks. “So beautiful,” he mumbled, pressing his lips against hers. “It’s just sad to think you were thinking about Rafe,” he jokingly pouted as she scrunched her nose. “You’re annoying.”
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Got So Bent Out of Shape That I Probably Need A Chiropractor
Master List
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x female!reader, slight JJ Maybank x female!reader
TW:18+, pure self indulgent filth, toxic relationship, violence, angst, fluff, drinking, unprotected sex, breeding kink, oral (f receiving), choking, spitting, possessiveness, extreme dominance, praise and degradation, I think thats it but honestly there's so much happening so just read at your own discretion
Summary: You and Rafe have been playing a toxic game of cat and mouse for months, and he finally catches you.
Word Count:5k
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Rafe Cameron is the bane of your fucking existence. He's arrogant, crass, and, unfortunately for you, a mind-blowing lay. You detest everything he stands for, and yet you can't stay away.
You've had an on-again-off-again friends-with-benefits situation for almost a year now, but at some point, it progressed past that. You wouldn't call it a relationship per se, but along the way, you started sleeping over and cleared your roster. 
You have your reasons for not making it official, primarily that you're both admittedly toxic. More often than not you're at each other's throats, projectiles being lobbed across the room at each other's heads before the two of you wind up tangled in sheets. 
You break it off every few weeks, trying your damndest to stay apart. It never fails that one -or both- of you gets drunk or high and comes crawling back. He's an itch you just can't scratch, and as much as you despise it, he's infected you like an incurable disease. 
There's always been an unspoken understanding that even when you're apart, and even though you're not technically together, you're off the market. It's a mind-boggling situationship, the two of you somehow committed while simultaneously not having contact names for each other. 
Regardless of the circumstances, you haven't slept with anyone else since Rafe and you thought the same could be said for him. You're on another break-thats-not-really-a-break after having an explosive fight last weekend. 
Initially, Rafe was drawn to your spitfire attitude; he's seen you in more fights than he can count and he just had to have a taste. That proved to be a bad idea because as it turns out, you're the only person he's ever met with a temper worse than his, and it's a recipe for disaster. It's too late though; he drank your poison and it's all but replaced the blood in his veins now.
You're standing with JJ at Tannyhill as the party rages around you. The alcohol coursing through you does nothing to quell your anger when your eyes land on Rafe's arm wrapped around none other than Amber. She's a past fling of his, and you know for a fact that she's been itching to get under him again. 
You know what he's doing; it's not the first time. Hell, you're guilty of it too. This is the dance you guys do. You go your separate ways, one of you hangs off of a random person just to press the other's buttons, and then you hate fuck until you fall back into the same old pattern. 
This time it strikes a nerve like never before because it's personal. In the past, it's always been a Touron being used as a pawn; but tonight is a whole new ball game. Amber terrorized you for years and Rafe knows this; at least three of those aforementioned fights were with her.
You momentarily reason that maybe, just maybe, it's not what it looks like. That thought is quickly erased when he leans down and nibbles on her ear, whispering something that causes her eyes to widen as she lightly slaps his arm. 
Your blood boils, and all you can think about is settling the score. Two can play this game. You turn to JJ with a sinister smile and he gives you a pointed look like he already knows what you're up to. 
He's well acquainted with your push-and-pull dynamic with Rafe and has expressed his disapproval until he's blue in the face. 
"How do you feel about getting under Rafe's skin?"
JJ is Rafe's Amber, and you know this will cut him just as deep, if not deeper. It's a perfect scenario; you're close enough with JJ for it to work, but not so close that it'll damage the friendship. 
"What are you thinking?" He asks with genuine intrigue, and you already know he's gonna be down. 
"He's here with Amber, so I was thinking we can have some fun of our own. We don't actually have to do anything, we just need him to think we did."
He shakes his head with a smile and wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side. 
"You're evil and I respect it. Ground rules?"
You lean in the same way Rafe did a moment ago, a sickly sweet smile on your features despite your intentions being anything but. 
"Act like I'm telling you something that would make the devil blush. As for ground rules, just do whatever feels right, but it has to be believable. Lingering touches, whispers, and maybe a few kisses if the opportunity presents itself."
He plays along, laughing lightly and giving you a lustful look that even you would believe if you weren't in on it. 
You weren't expecting him to slip into character so easily, and your reaction is genuine when he kisses right below your ear before murmuring into your neck. 
"If he doesn't realize what he has, I'm more than willing to bend you over and show him. Just say the word." 
Your mouth drops open in shock at his words and he gives you a cheeky grin. 
"You said to make it believable." 
You shake your head and match his expression, nuzzling impossibly closer to his chest. 
"This is going to be fun."
It's not long before you're leaned back as JJ does a shot off of you, licking up your stomach before retrieving the lime that's slotted in your chest with his mouth. The cool breeze on the wet stripe causes goosebumps, and JJ smirks down at you.
As the alcohol flows, the line becomes blurred and the sexual tension is palpable. You aren't planning on sleeping with him, but crazier things have happened. You feel eyes burning into you but don't give him the satisfaction of capturing your attention. 
Instead, you stand up and grab JJ's hand, leading him over to the makeshift dance floor where a few other people are grinding on each other. 
He pulls you back so against his chest as your hips start to sway, and his hands grip your waist tightly. Your bodies have practically meshed into one, the thumping bass causing you to vibrate. 
All of your senses are overwhelmed, the feel of JJ's calloused palms on your bare torso and the intoxicating scent of weed mixed with cologne making you feel euphoric. 
Your hand comes up to reach behind you and tangles in his blonde hair as his lips attach to the side of your throat. There's a blissed-out smile on your face as the two of you move together seamlessly, and you turn your head to kiss him. 
He reciprocates immediately and tugs lightly on your lower lip before slipping his tongue into your mouth. You make out for a few minutes, the flavor of beer and mint mingling on your taste buds. 
It's so different than Rafe, but you don't mind. He tastes like expensive whiskey and he's more aggressive. JJ is gentle yet commanding, and it's a nice change of pace. 
You break apart to breathe and continue dancing, when your eyes lock onto Rafe's. You give him a sly grin and shoot him a wink for good measure, never slowing your movements against the man behind you. 
You falter when a look you would almost think is hurt crosses his features, and it makes you second-guess everything. This has definitely gone further than you intended, but that's what happens with Rafe. 
He makes you crazy and impulsive, and all you wanted to do was beat him at his own game. You excuse yourself from JJ and head toward the keg, deciding you definitely need another drink. 
It's as you're filling your cup that you hear Amber's shrill voice and freeze. 
"I'm not letting him slip away again. Besides, he's always told me I'm the best he's ever had, so he'd be crazy to let me go. He's been telling me all night that he can't wait to have me back in his bed later."
The red cup slips from your hand as you whip around, rage overtaking any logic. You're seeing red as you stalk forward, and she scoffs when she sees you. 
"What do you want, pogue? Did your boy toy already lose interest?"
That's the final straw as your eyes darken, and you snap. Fury you've never experienced radiates through your body, and you suddenly understand how people black out and kill in a fit of rage. 
"Round four, bitch."
There's a brief moment before you lunge when you see her face drop and you smile in satisfaction. Some would argue it's psychotic to smile before you walk someone like a dog, you just think it adds to your charm. 
She doesn't have time to react before you lean your weight into your right arm, your fist swinging around from the side and connecting with her cheek. Her friends scream as she's sent flying back, and you ignore them while climbing on top of her. 
You should've stopped after the first blow, but her words ring in your ears and all you feel is the blunt force of your knuckles connecting with her face. 
Normally you wouldn't fight a girl over a guy, but it's Rafe. Nothing about your relationship with him is normal.
Besides, she's had this coming for a long time. 
You're so pissed you don't notice your skin split open, or the crowd that's gathered to watch the shitshow unfold. 
You're abruptly wrapped in strong arms and pulled off, flailing violently against the restraint. The arms tighten as you're manhandled toward the house, hard muscles rippling as they dig into you. You land a lucky shot with your foot, and the person drops you on the porch with a yelp. 
You spin around ready to have your second altercation of the night when you see Rafe rubbing his knee. He stands up straight when he notices you looking at him, and his eyes peer down into yours. There's a familiar fire in his cerulean irises and it only spurs you on. 
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He snaps and he's already braced for the shove he knows is coming. 
Your hands push against his chest in a fruitless attempt to move him, and he gives you an amused look. 
"What's wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you? You are such an asshole, Rafe!"
Before you can think it through, your hand connects with his cheek and his head snaps to the side. Your chest heaves with pants as you stare up at him, and he processes what you just did for a moment before turning his face back to you dangerously slow. 
"Get in the fucking house."
You cross your arms defiantly, partly to prove a point and partly to stop yourself from hitting him again. 
"Go fuck yourself."
You attempt to go around him, but you're stopped in your tracks when his hand flies up to your throat just as you're about to step past him. His hand holds you in a punishing grip, not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to keep you in place. 
His head dips down so he's level with your face, and you gulp at the gravel in his voice. 
"Y/N, get in the fucking house before I make you."
When you don't comply, he chuckles lowly and throws you over his shoulder. Your fists pound on his back but it's as if you're hitting him with a pillow as he carries you up the stairs and into his room. 
He sets you down roughly and points to the bed before heading toward the ensuite. 
You listen this time, aware that you're teetering the line between being stubborn and taking it too far. You watch as he returns with a first aid kit and kneels in front of you, taking your battered hands in his much larger ones. 
You wince when he presses a rag to the cuts littered across your flesh, and he tightens his hold when you try to pull back. 
"That hurts."
He rolls his eyes and continues, though his pressure lightens. 
"Should've thought about that before breaking someone's face."
You yelp when he wipes your wounds with an alcohol pad and he presses a kiss to the inside of your knee. 
"I know, I'm sorry. I'm almost done."
You don't protest again as he finishes up and you flex your fingers a few times to make sure nothing is broken. 
"Why did you attempt to murder Amber?"
You scoff at the idiotic question, the flame in your chest reigniting. 
He gives you a pointed look and you shrug, your combative attitude back as if it never left. 
"The same reasons I want to go downstairs and strangle Maybank until his eyes pop out of their sockets?"
You stand suddenly and he moves to block your path when you head for the door. 
"I'm not fucking doing this. I'm going back downstairs to find JJ and finish what we started."
There's no truth to your words, but you spit them out anyway; dead set on antagonizing him the way he did you. He knows this and laughs as he provokes you in a way only he can.
"So you just spread your legs for anybody now? I knew pogues were whores but-"
He's cut off by another slap, this one hard enough to leave a handprint and you know you fucked up. It's a miracle he let one slide, but two? You're in deep shit. 
In the blink of an eye, he has you pinned against the bedroom door with his body pressed into yours, a dangerous glint in his eyes. 
You return his harsh gaze, the two of you silently daring the other to make a move. You refuse to give him a reaction and ignore the slick between your legs. 
"You are mine. Your pussy, your throat, your moans, your soul; they're mine. Do you understand me?"
You continue acting as if his words don't phase you, but he doesn't miss the way your body subconsciously leans into him. You hate the smug look on his face and fight against him, but he only presses further into you. 
"Stop fucking fighting this. When are you going to admit you don't actually hate me?" 
There's an uncharacteristic vulnerability in his voice that makes your head spin and against your will, your eyes dart to his lips. 
"When it stops being true." You bite and just like that, the moment has passed and his eyes darken. 
"Fine, we'll see if that's how you feel when I'm through ruining you for anybody else. No man will want you after I'm done because your pussy is going to be molded to the shape of my cock. You can't escape me, princess. You might as well lean in and enjoy."
You're not sure what it says about you that his promise has you dripping, but you can't bring yourself to care. The tables have shifted, and in an instant you're slipping into the headspace that casts all morals and dignity aside, eager to give Rafe anything he wants. 
His hand slips into your shorts, finding your slick folds as if they're his home, and he tsks. 
"Your mouth can lie all it wants, but your body always tells the truth. You love that I own you, that I use your body. Say it."
Your voice escapes you as his thumb finds your bundle of nerves, and any morsel of fight you have left is sucked from your body.
"Say it, or I won't let you come tonight."
You know he means it, and manage to force your tongue to form the words. 
"I love that you own me and use me."
He hums with a smirk and pinches your clit before resuming his previous movements. 
"Good girl."
You whine when he suddenly retracts his hand, but you're quickly appeased when he picks you up and carries you to the bed. Your body bounces against the mattress as he chucks you down like a rag doll, and you squirm when he just stares down at you. 
It doesn't last long, and you gasp when he reaches down and tears your shirt down the middle. The rest of your clothing quickly follows, and much to your surprise, Rafe settles between your legs.
His hands splay across your knees holding you open for him, before his mouth attaches to your thigh. You moan as he sucks and bites dark hickies into the flesh, a lasting reminder of his sentiment from earlier.
He continues on his path until you're writhing beneath him, your hips bucking up to search for any form of friction. His palm comes down on your thigh with a harsh slap, and you settle back into the bed.
"What do you want?" His voice is akin to a growl as he coaxes you and you lift your hips again in response. Another slap and a warning glare have you whimpering as he holds eye contact. 
You huff in frustration as your hand reaches for his head, and he emits a groan when you grab onto the buzzcut that's grown out just enough for you to grip onto. 
"I want your mouth, Rafe. Please."
You barely recognize your own voice as you breathe the words and he flashes you that million-dollar smile. 
"You're so pretty when you beg."
You're about to bite out a snippy retort when his mouth attaches to your heat, and you cry out loudly. He licks a broad stripe before pulling back to spit. He watches as his saliva drips down slowly and groans.
"God you're so fucking sweet. It's like a drug, I could survive off of you for the rest of my life."
Your eyes roll back at his words, and he dives into you like a man starved. He sets a brutal pace, giving you no time to adjust before curling two fingers into your gspot. 
Your head tilts back as you see stars, and if you weren't so far gone you'd be embarrassed at how quickly he has your high approaching. He hums when he feels you tightening around his fingers and you gasp at the vibration. 
He bites down before sucking your clit into his mouth, and that's all it takes to make the coil in your belly snap. The combination of lewd noises and the coolness of his rings sends you into overdrive as your back arches off the bed, and he lets you ride it out before pulling back. 
You take a second to regain your senses, and when you do you hear the familiar clinking of his belt buckle. You start to get up, ready to return the favor when he pushes you back down. 
"Not tonight. I need to feel you around me."
You don't respond as he covers your body with his, and he presses his mouth to yours in a bruising kiss. Its clashing teeth and sloppy tongues, and Rafe lets out a strangled groan when you lick around his lips to clean off your arousal. 
He teases your entrance torturously slow as you buck into him, and smirks. 
"Who's pussy is this?"
You don't hesitate, too desperate to be full of him to think of anything else. 
At that, he slams into you and you gasp at the sudden intrusion. He gives you a second, locking eyes to confirm, and starts thrusting sharply when you give a nod. 
His head drops into the crook of your neck, flooded with relief at being seated inside you once again. 
"No one else is ever allowed to feel how perfect and tight this pussy is. Only I get to hear your pretty sounds and watch you fall apart."
You nod your head vigorously, seeking out his mouth again as moans tumble from both of you. He accepts your answer and rewards you by hitching your leg over his shoulder to get a deeper angle.
Your nails dig into his back at the new feeling, and you rake them down to his back dimples as you feel his muscles flex under your touch. 
You're quickly approaching your second orgasm as his grunts fill your ears, sweat beading across both your chests as the heat from your bodies warms the air. 
"Such a good little whore for me, taking this cock like it's your job. My perfect girl." 
His hand comes up to your throat when you let out a whine and you part your lips. 
He smiles brightly, obsessed with how eager you are to please him, and leans down. The whimper you let out is pathetic as he spits into your mouth before capturing you in a messy kiss. 
His fingers squeeze with delectable pressure and you let out a silent scream when his other hand starts rubbing fast circles on your clit. 
"Come for me, baby. Soak the sheets and show me how good it feels."
That's all it takes for white-hot pleasure to engulf every nerve ending, and he sucks a mark onto the column of your throat as you tremble against him. He waits for you to come down before flipping you over and snapping his hips into yours. 
He growls as he fucks into you, letting spit drip from his tongue and down to where your bodies meet. 
"Such a greedy pussy, sucking me in like it can't live without my cock. Maybank could never make you feel like this, no one else can."
You're an incoherent babbling mess now, your mind empty as your focus on the feeling of Rafe's cock dragging against your walls. 
You mewl when he tangles his hand in your hair, pressing your face into the mattress as he fucks you into another dimension. You shiver when he presses wet kisses down your spine, his voice right next to your ear as he whispers praise. 
"Good girl, you're doing so well. So beautiful like this."
The mixture of praise and dirty talk has you trembling, your legs nearly giving out beneath you. Rafe notices and slaps your ass before grabbing a pillow and placing it beneath your hips. 
He presses you down so you're propped up, and you feel tears spilling out onto the linens as the pleasure swirls around you like a vortex. His body is practically on top of you now, the weight grounding you just enough for you to push back and meet his thrusts. 
He chuckles and shakes his head, completely enamored. 
"Look at you, using my cock to come for the third time. So greedy."
You manage to shake your head and kiss his bicep that's propping him up next to your face. His features soften at the realization and he leans down to press a kiss to your shoulder blade. 
"Oh, how sweet and thoughtful. You just wanna make me feel good, huh?"
You nod your head and whimper, closing your eyes as he presses a kiss to your cheek. It's the most intimate you two have ever been, and you're met with a fleeting thought that something has changed. It's quickly wiped away when he switches up his place, slowing down to fuck you hard and deep. 
"You wanna make me come, princess? Want me to fill you up until you can't take any more? Maybe I'll fuck a baby into you. See what Maybank thinks when all round and pretty with a Cameron inside you."
You clench down at his words and he hisses, his own high dangerously close. 
"Come for me one more time, baby. Come with me." 
His request triggers your third orgasm and you scream until your throat is raw as shockwaves of pleasure roll over you. Rafe's hands entwine with yours, squeezing tightly as he gasps. Hot ropes of cum coat your walls and he fucks it back into a few times before gently pulling out and collapsing next to you. 
Your mouth feels like you've been chewing on cotton as you try to catch your breath, muscle fatigue settling into every square inch of your body. 
You and Rafe are a sight to behold; eyes glazed over, tangled hair, and flushed skin glistening with salty sweat.
You lay in silence for a few minutes, Rafe's fingers tracing featherlight patterns on your back as if they're following paths he knows by heart. You're convinced he's about to pass out when he stands, making his way into the bathroom. 
You listen as the shower starts running, and will your limbs to work so you can gather what's left of your clothes and one of Rafe's shirts to leave. Your efforts are interrupted when Rafe reappears and turns you over, gently scooping you into his arms. 
You wrap yourself around him, too tired to argue, and let him carry you into the bathroom. He carefully steps into the shower with you still clinging onto him and you weakly shake your head. 
"Too tired for round two, Rafe." It's a slurred mumble and you frown when his chest rumbles with quiet laughter. 
"We need to shower." He explains, his voice tender in a way you've never heard before. 
"Together? Without sex?" You're genuinely baffled at the suggestion. He's never done this before, and your heart flutters at the sudden change in behavior. 
"Yes? We're sweaty and gross, and I don't want to get it in the bed after I put on fresh sheets." He says it's like it's the most simple thing in the world, and you let him, too exhausted to put any more effort into thinking. 
He carefully sets you down, his hands holding you steady as you stumble a bit. You stay still as he takes it upon himself to wash your hair and body, letting yourself revel in the newfound affection. 
This is a new side of Rafe, and you're surprised at how willing you are to accept it. You let your eyes flutter closed as the water cascades across your skin and lean back into Rafe when his arms wrap around your waist.
"I didn't fuck her, you know. I just brought her to piss you off, and it was cruel. I knew your history and used it against you. I'm sorry."
Apparently, Rafe is full of surprises, because never in a million years did you think you'd ever hear him apologize sincerely. You turn around to face him, clasping your hands around his neck as you give him a short kiss. 
"Thank you. I'm sorry for kissing JJ. Seeing you with her just made me so mad and I did it without thinking." 
He kisses your forehead and pulls you closer, setting his chin on top of your head. 
"They say love makes you do crazy things." 
His voice is barely audible, but the words sound like they're coming from a megaphone as they sink in. 
"I'm sorry, what?" You ask puzzled, looking up at him in bewilderment. 
"Come on, Y/N. You have to know by now. You don't get that angry and jealous over someone you aren't in love with."
His statement hits you like a freight train, and you blink a few times as you try to work it out. 
Does Rafe make your head spin? Sure. Do your eyes immediately seek him out in a crowd full of people? You guess. Does your stomach do somersaults when they finally find him? Like an Olympic gymnast.
Is Rafe the only person you want to see when something happens, whether good or bad? Of course. It's then you're struck with realization, and it knocks the wind out of you. Holy shit. 
You're in love with Rafe Cameron.
All the fighting, all the games, and all the supposed hatred were because you couldn't come to terms with your feelings.
You convinced yourself that you hate his stupid toned muscles, and his dumb perfect smile, and his annoyingly blue eyes, and his infuriatingly infectious laugh, and- yeah, you're an idiot. 
Rafe watches as you connect the pieces, his thumb gently rubbing your cheekbone as he seizes the opportunity to memorize your features. He sees the exact moment it all clicks, his irises somehow becoming an even brighter blue than they already are. 
"How long have you known?" You press; surely he just recently came to this conclusion too. 
"A few months." He grins and he can't help but laugh as you swat at him wide eyes. 
"Why didn't you fucking tell me?"
His eyebrows raise in amusement and he shakes his head, his cheeks burning from the wide smile he wears. 
"I know you, and if I had told you, you would've smacked me and screamed at me until you lost your voice."
Your shoulders slump in defeat because he's right; it would not have gone over well. He continues with his shower, periodically focusing on how cute you are when you mope. 
Once he finishes up, the two of you dry off and he tosses you one of his sweatshirts before slipping into some joggers. 
You wait patiently as he strips the sheets and replaces them before crawling into bed and snuggling into the down pillow. You're out within seconds, and Rafe's heart flutters as he watches you sleep in his bed wearing his clothes.
It seems to be a new unspoken agreement now; that the two of you are together and belong only to each other. He relishes in the thought and creeps into bed as quietly as he can manage so as not to disturb you. 
He settles in, and the second you register his warmth, your body shifts closer to his. Your arms flop across his chest with your hand resting gently against his neck while your leg is perched up on his waist. You let out a content hum and bury your face into his arm, wanting to be as close as possible even in your sleep. 
The thought makes his heart drown in love and he wraps you in his embrace while pressing a kiss to the top of your head. He chuckles to himself and reaches over to shut off the light, fatigue clawing at him as his eyes burn. Not in love, his ass.
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if you've ever wondered how syt!rafe looks like, this is how i picture him đŸ€­
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Prompt 20 with rafe too plsđŸ„Č
"i'm gonna fuck you so good you forget all about that bastard."
warnings 18+, unprotected sex, filming of a sex tape, creampie, language, cheating (technically cheating back)
prompt list (requests closed) / rafe masterlist
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You never expected to film a sex tape. You've fantasized about it but never thought it'd come to fruition, especially not with someone other than your boyfriend. Or, rather, your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend.
Then again, you also never expected to be cheated on.
Be that as it may, you were determined to get your revenge. And Rafe Cameron was more than happy to oblige and offer a helping hand.
A smug look is plastered on Rafe's face as he practically grins at his phone resting against the headboard before you. He's fucking you from behind, fighting desperately to erase your boyfriend from your mind and your pussy.
"I'm gonna fuck you so good you forget all about that bastard," he speaks through gritted teeth. "The only thing you'll remember is how hard I made you cum."
You let out a whimper as Rafe works you hard, pounding deep into your pussy without mercy. He's relentless, each thrust's force unabated. He wants to punish your boyfriend, and this was the way to do it. Fucking you until all you yearned and longed for was him.
"Fuck, Rafe," you whimper, your eyes staring into the camera. "Fuck me harder, baby."
"Yeah? You just love letting me use this pussy anyway I want, huh, sweet girl?"
You nod pathetically, and somehow, he finds the strength to go harder, fucking you with reckless abandon. He grips your hips tightly, his blunt nails sinking into your skin as he drags you back against his cock. The sensation making you hiss with pleasure, and you throw your head back, arching your spine.
"Tell him who owns this pussy now, baby. Let him know who fucks you this good," he urges, smirking when you all but scream his name as he fucks you. You're a mess, your skin all sweaty and your hair tousled from the rigorous actions, and Rafe loves it. He lives for it.
"Pass me the phone," he demands.
You muster up the remains of your energy, grabbing the device. You struggle slightly, but you manage to hand it to him over your shoulder.
Rafe angles the camera above the two of you, capturing your pussy as it takes his entire length over and over. You're wet enough that the mic can pick up the sloppy noises, and you know it'll sting even more when your boyfriend's forced to watch you take someone else's cock.
Your cries increase in volume as your orgasm rapidly approaches, and your walls flutter around his cock. They grip him like a vice, making it harder for him to hold back.
"Shit, I'm gonna cum, baby. You gonna be my good girl and cum for me?"
"Y-yes. Gonna make you proud, Rafe," you call. Rafe's drilling into you so hard that you can barely move, and you're panting heavily, trying desperately to breathe. "Fill me up, baby, please."
Rafe doesn't need to be told twice, and he brings both of you to your peaks. You call out his name, really rubbing it in as you cum harshly. Your body becomes limp as Rafe groans, releasing and fucking his cum into your pussy.
Chest heaving, Rafe brings his face back into view, leering into the camera. "I just raw-dogged and came in your girl, bro. She's mine now."
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updated rafe taglist (join here!): @pankowperfection @tinyluvs @oncasette @rafesmoon @hopesdadswife @taintedxkisses @goldenroutledge @penny4yourthoughts @bmo-bri @hemogloban @princessbetsy123-blog @slytherhoes @dreamingwithrafe @vigilanteshitposting @twelfthmortalofcrimsonpalace @wildflwrdarlin @saturnband @adoreyouusugar @rosie-cameron @f4ll-for-you @rafesdirtyslut @tell-me-when-ur-ready @bbycowboi @venomwh0re @cecesrings @indigoreccs @cumbuckett @jjmaybankisbae @enhypens-hoe @loverofdrewstarkey
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filth raises filth
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warnings/tags: DUB-CON, characters are aged up as needed, unreliable narrator, Hunger Games!AU, victor!Rafe, tribute!Reader, power dynamics, mentor!Rafe, these tags are not exhaustive
wc: 6.6k
summary: After winning the 67th Hunger Games, Rafe’s life as a victor isn’t as picturesque as he imagined. The real downer is training a set of worthless tributes every year only to watch as they are brutally killed in the arena.  Yet, it is your reaping that signals a new beginning for the morally bankrupt victor. So you better get on your hands and knees and pray for yourself.
the resurgence in popularity of The Hunger Games is to be blamed HAHA + did y’all know that canonically, District 12 includes North Carolina? edit: the trailer for the ballad of songbirds and snakes dropped and it rly cemented how much I loved Snow and Lucy’s mentor/mentee dynamic aldksfja
banner by @straywords
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