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Val is very much putting her clothes back on here, so looks like more than smooching was on the table... anyway... it takes her no time to convince Thor that pretty much all of his problems come from his father which... yeah... that is exactly what Thor comic readers have been saying for years...
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It takes pretty much zero work for Val to win Thor over for some smoochy time...
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Warrior's Madness is a big deal in Asgard, not something to just throw out there, so if the cover is serious than some bad stuff is in store for Thor coming up...
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Thor soon finds out, however, that he is not taking this trip alone, for even though he hasn't seen her until just now, Val seems to have stowed away with him.
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Sif is not taking Thor just abandoning her super well, which is also very fair...
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Odin's answer is "get out of here" but less "banishment" and more "take a vacation" which is fair...
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Thor isn't wrong here... it is hard to see yourself as "Thor" when you have so often been chopped up and piecemeal put into other people to power them up or to keep your own powers in check... it would mess up anyone's feeling of self...
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Thor has been pretty unhinged since he returned, picking fights and just generally being a menace... and finally, his father has enough and calls him in for a talk.
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So Thor meets this new girl... she claims to be a Valkyrie... but I don't want to tag her as that cause it muddies the tag... so I'll just call her Val. Let's keep it real here... girl its kinda sus from the word go... but she is gonna be a big part of the books over the next year so I'm gonna keep hush hush...
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So... I really like Thor and Sif together... but I know it is classic to have the new writer come in and shake everything up even though we just spent like 2 years with Sif trying to track down her lost love so this kinda sucks...
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So while I -doubt- that this is a burn on DeFalco's run (cause you gotta be crazy to just slam your boss like this,) but man if it doesn't FEEL like a burn on his Eric Masterson plot...
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Thor has been back like 3 days and Sif is like "haha, so when we getting married?"
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So with Thunderstrike getting his own book, the real Thor gets his title book back... it is a Starlin jam, but it is for sure pretty weird... also this cover art kinda wild...
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These are basically just a retelling of the Phantom Rider origins, which is kinda funny to have come AGYER a big string of stories about the character and his wanting to give up the mantle...
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Digging the grungy art on this one...
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Presented without comment...
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Original Ghost Rider means more Phantom Rider stories.
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