justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
what I think shinsou’s search history looks like after izuku tells him about OFA and how shinsou’s quirk helped him meet the vestiges and get his powers under control:
2:24 AM: can your quirk be connected to someone else’s
2:37 AM: are soulmates a real thing
2:39 AM: can you still get a lobotomy if you want one
2:43 AM: what does it mean if a guy cries and smiles at you and tells you how much you’ve done for his personal growth and also the world
2:45 AM: how to tell if a guy likes you back
2:58 AM: diy lobotomy safe
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
Lots of stories about worlds where everyone gets a superpower. You live in a world where everyone gets a curse on their 18th birthday. No one likes it but what are you gonna do
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
Prompt: 33
"You promised your soul to a demon?!"
"Why? Why would you do that?"
"Because it's going to be really funny when the demon finds out I don't have one."
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
“Violence is never the answer,” the monk says, pumping a shotgun. “But you don’t always have to be right.”
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
You always got strange looks whenever you fed the neighborhood ravens. “I give them food, they give me company,” you’d say. One day, a raven excitedly comes up to you and whispers, “A neighbor plots against you, my lord.”
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
You always got strange looks whenever you fed the neighborhood ravens. “I give them food, they give me company,” you’d say. One day, a raven excitedly comes up to you and whispers, “A neighbor plots against you, my lord.”
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
Immortal Izuku: What’s up guys? I’m back.
Shinsou: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. I literally saw you die.
Immortal Izuku: Death is a social construct.
Aizawa: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so let’s go for 12 more just in case.
Hizashi: Shou, that’s a coma.
Aizawa: Sounds festive.
Vigilante Shinsou: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Informant Kaminari: Certainly, I’m as sure as I am honest!
Vigilante Izuku: In that case, we’re definitely lost.
Vigilante Izuku: I was arrested for being too cool.
Shinsou: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Feral Izuku: Just because I’m too short to reach the lowest self in the cabinet doesn’t mean you shouldn’t watch out for your kneecaps.
Shinsou: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
Aizawa: I’ve come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck
Izuku, holding a python: I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Hizashi, in the verge of a heart attack: You did WHAT–
Shinsou: William Snakepeare
Izuku: Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.
Aizawa: Oh, you’ve been?
Izuku: Once. In Monopoly.
Shinsou: I think I’m having a mid-life crisis.
Aizawa: You’re like 15 years old
Shinsou: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
*Izuku and Shinsou are doing something absurdly dangerous*
Vigilante Izuku: I think Houdini did something like this once! Why, if I recall correctly, he was out of the hospital in no time!
Vigilante Shinsou, deadpan: Well that’s encouraging.
Izuku: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something.
Bakugou: Deku, you don’t have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you’re a dumbass.
Kirishima: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death?
Tokoyami: How am I supposed to know?
Kaminari: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult.
Tokoyami: *sighs*
Tokoyami: You wouldn’t be trapped.
Spinner: What do you think Dabi will do for a distraction?
Mr. Compress: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Mr. Compress: … or they could do that.
Izuku: I’ve already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Shinsou: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Quirkless Izuku: I’m going to defeat you with the power of friendship! … And this knife I found.
Uraraka: What do you call a fish with no eye?
Iida, not looking up: Astyanax mexicanus
Uraraka: fsh
*Shinsou and Izuku sitting in jail together*
Vigilante Izuku: So who should we call?
Vigilante Shinsou: I’d call Aizawa, but I feel safer in jail
incorrect quotes because why not? (part 5)
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
izuku and aizawa qoutes part 9!
aizawa: You’d be stupid to lay a hand on me.
Izuku : Oh, you’d be surprised how much stupid shit I do.
aizawa : I'm not. I have to deal with it afterwards!
Izuku : I know every song to ever exist it doesn't matter if it's from the past, present or the future.
midnight : Oh yeah? Then continue this.
midnight : I don't cook I don't clean-
Izuku : So let me tell you how I got this ring.
Izuku & midnight : .....
Izuku & midnight : GOBBLE ME, SWALLOW ME-
aizawa and the other ua teachers watching in horror : what the actual fuck.
aizawa: An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away kid.
Izuku sleep deprived : An Apple a day can keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough sensei
aizawa : Oh....
class 1a : oh oh...
the league of villains : I'm scared...
Izuku texting the heros and student chat again at 1am
brokenbones : Just so everyone knows, don't ever try to climb a tree at night carrying a strobe light, owls DON'T like it.
sleepingbag : ...what happened?
brokenbones : I made a VERY bad mistake.
IamNOThere:.... young midoriya wtf
aizawa lost of hope : Izuku , I need some advice.
Izuku mixing redbull and coffee into a 5 hour shot drink : You need advice from ME?
aizawa: Yeah, frightening, isn't it?
izuku nodding : mhm.... who died?
aizawa, ordering Starbucks: Hey, I just got my heart broken, what do you recommend?
Izuku , who’s running the drive thru: …
Izuku : Tequila.
aizawa shocked : PROBLEM CHILD?
izuku : hey sensei
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
A cruel prank by your bullies leaves you separated from the rest of the class. Instead of finding your way back, you decide to “go missing” and let the consequences catch up to them.
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
You were sure your girlfriend knew your secret identity, so you were happy to flirt with her both in and out of costume. But today she confessed to cheating on you. With you.
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
The Captain is from a species that hordes things that bring them any form of joy or emotional stability. The crew is certain that her “horde” is the four Human engineers onboard whom she affectionately refers to as her “Little Murder Monkeys”.
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
You managed to retire from the supervillain game long ago, when you became a parent. Now, your grandchild has inadvertently been kidnapped by an upstart villain, and you’re about to show them why the world (rightfully) feared you.
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
So cute 🥰
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Jake still isn't used to seeing her wearing his clothes. 🤭
I apologize if the last two drawings are not so well detailed, the last few days have been very hectic. But now I finally found time to rest. Maybe I'll bring more drawings of the two of them because I miss it.
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
I happen to be in love with him, actually
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Jake couldn't help but follow the chat between MC and Jessica, especially since he was the main subject of their conversation.
Tell me, do you text with this hacker person?
Yes, I do
Why was Jessica asking this, was she seeking out information? Could she actually be involved in Hannah's disappearance? Although possible, it seemed very unlikely.....
He is creepy
Jake rolled his eyes, of course the others thought he was "creepy", "mysterious", he already knew most of them considered him as the kidnapper. But not MC, she was different, she trusted him, though she did not even know his name. What was drawing him towards MC so much? Deep down he knew, he liked how trusting she was, he liked her attitude, her determination, he liked her.
I happen to like him, actually
The smallest smile spread across his lips, MC liked him? What kind of like were they talking about? Like as a friend, or like like? Ugh, he hoped she meant it as like like. He looked around as if someone could overhear his thoughts, those thoughts that were betraying him. What was wrong with him, this wasn't normal, and it was MC's doing.
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
Write Your Story
I just showed my 11-year-old son how many coffee shop AUs there are on AO3.
He sat down the other day to write a Minecraft story about three kids who go through a portal in their back yard and end up in the world of Minecraft where they have to battle all the big bosses (I didn’t even realize there WERE big bosses in Minecraft but that’s beside the point). He wrote three chapters with a little input from me – his first beta – and y'all?
He was fucking excited. To be writing a story.
Today he came home from school and seemed a little down, so I asked him about it only to find out that some little asshole at his school told him, “There is already a Minecraft story.���
Me: Okay? So what?
Lucifer: If there’s already a story, no one will read mine.
Immediately, I dragged him in and pulled up my AO3 account. My boys know I write fanfiction, so I showed him my account and how many subscribers I have. Then I showed him how many Teen Wolf stories there are. And then, because it seemed like the perfect analogy, I said, “What if I wrote a story where two characters meet in a coffee shop and fall in love? No werewolves, nothing at all to do with the actual Teen Wolf universe. Just Stiles and Derek meet in a coffeeshop and fall in love.”
He laughed.
I showed him Mornings Aren’t For Everyone. Showed him how many hits it had, how many kudos, how many lovely comments.
Then I said, “So do you think, if anyone else wrote a story about those exact same characters meeting in a coffee shop and falling in love… would anyone read it?”
He laughed and said, “No because you already did.”
So I clicked on the Sterek tag and refined to coffee shop AU. His mind was blown to see that they ALL had thousands of hits and kudos and comments. Then I clicked on JUST the coffee shop AU tag and showed him all the fics across all the fandoms written by countless different people.
I’m going to tell you all now what I told him because it applies to everyone.
Write your story. It doesn’t matter that someone else has written a story about that subject. They didn’t write YOUR story. Only you can do that.
And I want to read your story.
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justdessertsbygabe · 1 year
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an old shassie comic (nearly 3 years old) that I never got around to compiling into one post, so I figured I might as well do it now :Y! 
please read LEFT to RIGHT!
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