justeenm19-blog · 4 years
After looking through the code book for the Add Health study, I have decided that I am interested in the abuse of alcohol and it’s link to parental involvement. Regarding the use of alcohol, all the relevant variables will be placed in my personal code book
The abuse of alcohol among adolescents and the involvement of their parents.
I am interested in this particular topic because many of my friends and family have attained an addiction for alcohol. I’m also interested in the level of involvement parents of these alcohol abusing adolescents play in their daily lives. Variables reflecting alcoholic consumption are included in my code book ie. Consumption quantity and frequency and also parent’s awareness.
According to medical author, William C. Shiel, alcohol abuse can be defined as the excess consumption of alcoholic beverages, whether its on individual occasions or as a regular practice. A report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, reported that the use of alcoholic drinks are indeed common in today’s society. Researchers even suggested that teens are more likely to abuse these drinks than adults.
In the adolescent stage of human development, many important changes occur in the body, physically, emotionally, socially etc. In this part of life, many opportunities to experiment with alcoholic substances arises a lot. The exposure and consumption of alcohol can greatly impact a persons life and in most cases, there a negative result. The human anatomy, according to an article on the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), begins to develop health issues due to the constant use of alcohol. Illnesses such as heart failure, strokes and liver damage begin to occur. The emotional development is affected as the individual tends to get verbally and physically aggressive quickly said, Cynthia A. Stappenbeck and Kim Fromme. If consumed excessively, alcohol can affect a person’s life, as well as the lives of their relatives and associates. Arguments over drinking can occur in personal relationships which can lead to further conflicts. Other social consequences are poor performance at school, absenteeism and also violent behavior.
An article by The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, states that as teens get older and seek greater independence, some parents find it challenging to talk about alcohol abuse. They may find it difficult in setting rules or communicating about this particular issue. Other parents may think that permitting their child to drink in the home will lead to appropriate relationships with alcohol. According to a study conducted by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism found this to be untrue. Results showed that parents who provided their children with alcohol at home, experienced the steepest increase in drinking. Vanessa Jennings wrote an article which stated that some parents set strict rules for their children and this may drive them to consume it even more because of rebellion. Van Leuwe found that frequent communication between parents and teens are indeed associated with teenage alcohol abuse. Some teens think that privileges would be taken away if they get caught drinking and are less likely to consume alcohol at a heavy quantity, due to fear.
There is indeed a strong link between involvement and a teenager who abuses alcohol.
I genuinely think the involvement of parents has an impact on adolescents and their issue on alcohol abuse. Many things parents do, influences these young adults in doing the right or wrong thing.
•William C. Shiel Jr. (2018) (MedicineNet) https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=10925
•Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (2010) (Addiction Centre) https://www.addictioncenter.com/teenage-drug-abuse/underage-drinking/
•Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) (2011) ttps://www.scielosp.org/article/rbepid/2011.v14suppl1/136-146/en/
•Cynthia A. Stappenbeck & Kim Fromme (2014) (American Psychological Association) https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=alcohol+emotional+effects&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DeydKhDZ7AfIJ
•Vanessa K. Jennings (Journal of Drug Education) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4095821/
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