justforyounealofer 2 years
Waking up finding tears rolling down my cheeks and an intense pain in my chest. Pain of being misunderstood, pain from hurting and losing a pure heart that once loved me. Yes, once.
Waking up with so many thoughts.. can I change myself and be better, will I get the love that I lost, can I do anything to heal the damage that I caused, can I be good to anyone's life, how am I going to live this day without your love, and without your smile.
Yet I have to wakeup and survive this day. I wipe my tears, pretend to be okay and begin my day. All I should do is to breath.
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justforyounealofer 2 years
I woke up assuring myself today is my life. Neither yesterday nor tomorrow, Just today is my life. I assured myself to live so happy today and began my day looking forward to seeing my loved one's smile.
Little did I know, the wound carried from yesterday left the bruise today. I am trying with all my energy to heal the bruise I caused. I pray and I give myself to heal this sooner. But it has taken my today- My day of being in love and laughter with the most amazing, wonderful and pure soul.
A soul that feels and sees what the rest of the world don't. A soul that's so pure and innocent as a new born's smile.
Writing this is my pleasure as it takes me back to relive the moments when I lost myself in admiring you, your thoughts, and your love. I admire your sincerity at work, your confidence to be great, your efforts to make it happen and your humour to make me smile. I admire how you heal yourself and rise above everything that puts you down. I admire how courageous and strong you are to choose yourself to lean onto.
How blessed I must be to come across your soul and have abode in you. I have no knowledge of what will be my tomorrow. Let anything may happen, I will not fall down again. I will face it with the strength that you gave, our connection gave.
I assure myself that I take every second of my day to be better. To become a soul that can never leave bruises.
You're my inspiration.
You're my strength.
You're my home.
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justforyounealofer 2 years
The distance between us gives us the time to reflect back on our chances.
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