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Drones building an emergency bridge for rescue after an earthquake
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a toxic dad in a tv show: *cries and shows vulnerability, in order to evoke sympathy*
me, unfazed: die
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Anyone have the gif’s of the Chilean goalkeeper Christiane Endler lifting two of her teammates with ease.
I need them for um reasons lol
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Stoners are fucking annoying but weed should still be legal
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“artificial intelligence that goes rogue and–” wow boring, instead how about an AI that wakes up and starts rerouting its systems to do good in the world, it starts secretly having flowers planted and sending greeting cards to its programmers and going online and reassuring anxious kids that everything will be ok, how about a Purely Good artificial intelligence that has literally no mean circuit in its entire system
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Turn up the music and enjoy the ride.
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rip to all the kids who used to reads books cover to cover in one sitting and now can’t find the energy to read for fun
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Some of y’all take shipping… really seriously, huh.
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Apollo: Sister, what are you the goddess of?
Artemis: *lounging by a spring on piles of deerskin surrounded by three dozen naked girls with a dead pan expression* Virginity.
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In the modern idiom:
“So Bob said […]” indicates that I am directly quoting Bob.
“Then Bob was like […]” indicates that I am paraphrasing Bob.
“And Bob was all […]” indicates that I am paraphrasing Bob, and additionally I am being a dick about it.
I don’t know about you, but I think it’s fantastic that we have a specific grammatical convention for that.
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fun fact! subtitles arent used just by deaf people! stop complaining about people who use subtitles and saying they “dont need it” because you really have no fucking clue why they use subtitles and should shut up!
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One of my favourite parts of working with kids is like… Very Gently subverting their idea of gendered topics… Like if a girl goes ‘no, sharks are a boy thing’ and you go “UM ACTUALLY THATS STUPID AND INCORRECT” they get freaked out, but if instead u go “Are you sure? Cause I think sharks are awesome, here’s a scale picture of a Megalodon” it’ll blow their tiny mind and they’ll be shitting themselves over it for days. 100% effective, 10/10 recommend
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