98% of all “transgender” violence was perpetrated specifically against people in the male-to-female spectrum[1]; of the 38 murders of transgender people reported internationally in 2003, 70% were women of color.[2]
Transgender Equality: A Handbook For Activists And Policymakers by Paisley Currah and Shannon Minter, published by the National LGBTQ Task Force.
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Note that the share of violence visited on AFAB transgender people is so small that there isn’t even room in the graph’s scale to divide that by race, but if the statistics for AMAB transgender people are any indication, the lion’s share is directed at transgender people of color there as well.
This is why it is disingenuous and damaging for AFAB transgender people, especially AFAB white transgender men, to act like their experiences are anything like trans womens’ experiences, especially the experiences of trans women of color.
(via twee-lil-lass)
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Or adopted to a family of different ethnicity / culture.
There is no such thing as transracial.
No. Such. Fucking. Thing.
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I don’t care if I lose a thousand followers overnight, but if you think “tranny” or “shemale” are remotely acceptable ways to refer to a transgender person, please unfollow me.
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I don’t get how some mothers can say “i don’t care the gender as long as the baby’s healthy i will love them” before going into labour for 8+ hours then 17 years later kick their daughter Jessica out of the house because she was born a Justin.
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start your engines
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remember when all of those anti-feminists were praising someone with the url misogyny-mermaid? remember how much they all vocally hated misandry-mermaid for having the word misandry in her url and wouldn’t listen to anyone who said it was ironic misandry?
don’t you think it’s funny that anti-feminists didn’t send misogyny-mermaid oceans of messages saying misogyny isn’t a joke?
I think about that sometimes
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Asshole alert, guys!
This blog : yourenotpassing.tumblr.com
Is stealing trans kid’s pictures and commenting SUPER hateful and disgusting comments.
Report report report
To report on mobile: 
Go to my account –>settings –>help It will say that this form is for tech difficulties. and A link will pop up that says to report a blog, use (this other form) click “This other form” Paste link to this guy’s post/blog Type of violation? –this content is gross and hateful –malicious speech
–type in his url and the reason why; hate speech, stealing photos without permission, etc.
Spread this shit like wildfire.
I’m currently in the process of documenting URL’s of the people bullied by this person. I have everyone this scumbag has slammed today. If you’d like a list of url’s to send love to, just message me.
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I see the trope in anime. That something something railgun, for example. Kyuubei from Gintama probably qualifies too. They're not always considered creepy in universe, but are certainly portrayed that way.
tropes that need to die: the creepy possessive lesbian side character who has an unrequited crush on the female protag
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the shitty thing about depression/anxiety is the fact that you live with it so long and so much that you forget how insidious it actually is. When you can’t do something and you think it’s because you’re lazy and unmotivated and then you have an up day and you get so much stuff done and you don’t think about how it’s because you’re having an up day. That this is literally how people without mental illness function
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this is a reminder to all girls who like girls that your attraction isn’t creepy or bad. you’re not betraying a friend or being “pervy” if you’re attracted to her. you’re not objectifying girls by being attracted to them. you’re fine
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“male socialized”
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something explaining why having our womanhood denied is so disturbing and traumatizing for trans womyn
our subjectivities are greatly influenced by our place in the class of woman. consequently, the ways we experience the world are inherently filtered through our understandings of ourselves as women, and in my experience the act of identifying as a trans womon comes after the realization that this is the only lens through which to filter our gendered experiences that makes any sense to us at all
for cis womyn, then: imagine if everytime you thought about anything in relation to your subjectivity as a woman - and i mean anything, even the tiniest little flighty thoughts that in any way related to your being a woman - somebody smacked you on the head and shouted “BUT ARE YOU REALLY???” and they keep doing this no matter how sure you are that yes, you are a woman
this is what it’s like to live as a trans womon, this is what it’s like to live with the ongoing trauma of having a very basic element of our subjectivities denied at every turn
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According to anti-SJ blogs “SJWs” are both ineffective 15-year old keyboard warriors and powerful forces who brainwash entire industries into pandering to them
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It’s so amazing that the trans brigade gets away with calling mean words “violence”.
Can you imagine if feminists tried to claim that saying “bitch” is violence?  Misogynists would never stop insulting us and making fun of us for that.  They refuse to even take violent threats against us seriously.  That’s just men and trans women funnin’.
But trans people call “misgendering” violence, and no one except “terfs” bats an eye.
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