justmemeagy · 4 years
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Photos not mine credits to the owner
Sexuality is not just about who you choose for your sexual partner/s. Sexuality is complex and personal, and involves understanding the sexual feelings and attractions we feel towards other people. Sexuality also forms part of our sense of self – how we feel about our body and our personal expression, including our gender identity. Everyone has a different experience of sexuality, and each one of us has the right to choose if, and how, we wish to express it.
People usually refer to sexuality as sexual preference – who you are physically attracted to and what sort of sexual behaviour you choose to participate in. Sometimes it can take a while to define your sexuality and, even then, it can still change – and that is ok. Sexuality is not a static thing; it’s only natural that it will develop and change as you grow and have new experiences.
Most importantly, your sexuality is about what feels right for you and what makes you happy – not simply conforming to the expectations of other people.
Sexual orientation has been and to some degree is still seen as a taboo topic. For many years it has been argued that sexual orientation is based on one's gender and one's sexual preference, should be based on one's sex (i.e. females should be attracted to males and males to females). For generations, these narrow views were considered to be the norm. However, hidden within society was a lifestyle that once aired was seen as deviant. Homosexuality and many sexual orientations were seen as sexual deviancy that needed some type of treatment to cure.
Society is obsessed with finding what determines one' sexual orientation, if an individual is homosexual or bisexual. Surprising, society is not really fascinated why heterosexuals are 'straight'. "Straight people do not 'come out' because our society assumes that people are straight unless they say that they are not . This assumption is known as heterosexism, which is quite offensive and disrespectful towards the homosexual community.
Many people use the term sexual preference to describe someone's sexual orientation, such as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, etc. Heterosexuals are individuals attracted to the opposite sex, homosexuals are individuals who are attracted to the same sex, while bisexuals are people who are attracted to both sexes. However this term is outdated because "sexual orientation is no longer considered to be one's conscious individual preference or choice, but is instead thought to be formed by a complicated network of social, cultural biological, economic and political factors.Sexual orientation is based on one' erotic, romantic and affectional attractions. These attractions could occur with the same gender (sex), to the opposite gender (sex) or both.
Gender identity is ones sense of being a man or a woman. Gender identity is how you feel about and express your gender. Culture determines gender roles and what is masculine and feminine. Gender identity is defined as a personal conception of oneself as male or female (or rarely, both or neither).
The expression of your gender through the way you behave and dress is an important part of your self-identity, and is central to your mental health and wellbeing. Many transgender people hide their gender expression in public for fear of negative reactions, violence or discrimination.
Never let anyone decide who you want to be and how to express yourself. That's toxic.
Feeling able to show your true gender is important to your emotional and mental health. There are lots of possible gender identities out there! People can identify as one of the binary genders, as moving between genders, as no gender or as another gender altogether.
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justmemeagy · 4 years
In blog I wanna talk about sex. This topic might be a little handy but I wanna break the taboo and talk about what’s important, and what we must learn.
So SEX who doesn’t love sex, right? We are not saints after all, somehow at some point in our life we thought about this word and to be honest when I first thought about this word, something in me stirs.
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“What would it feel like?”
The first question that pop out in my mind. My friends who engage in this activity before me said things like.
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“Its feels nice”
“Its amazing”
“Its heavenly”
I laugh and come to think of it I know every good thing comes with a price. You see not all sex are safe. It may feel amazing but the health risk is still there. Today there are a lot of cases regarding STI’s, HIV’s and a lot of sexually transmitted disease here in cagayan but we still lack at sincerity. We still act like its not a big deal. So to make it interesting I will put some interesting facts about SEX, SAFE SEX, SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE, PREGNANCY AND SEX TOOLS.
What is the safest kind of sex?
The best way to protect yourself if you’re going to have vaginal or anal sex is use a condom every single time. Using lube with that condom also makes sex safer, especially anal sex. When it comes to HIV, oral sex is much safer sex than vaginal or anal sex.
What is meant by safer sex?
Safer sex means protecting the health of both you and of your sexual partner. This means preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancy. You can decrease your chance of catching an STI by: choosing to have non-penetrative sex. Things like kissing, stroking and rubbing are safer options.
It is ok to have sex everyday?
Whether you want to have sex every day, multiple times daily, or not at all is completely normal. There is no specific “right” amount of sex that is “normal” because everyone’s sexuality is different. It’s what is ok for you and your partner.
Can we do sex in periods?
You can totally have sex while you’re on your period. Orgasms can even relieve your menstrual cramps. However, having sex on your period (whether it’s the first day or the last) won’t protect you from pregnancy or STDs. Using a birth control method will help prevent pregnancy.
Should we drink water just before sex?
Before you attack the aphrodisiacs, try drinking some more water than you usually do. Staying hydrated is the best thing you can do to amp up your sex life. For ideal levels of hydration, start drinking water 12 to 24 hours before you expect to have sex so that water reaches every cell.
What are the good things about pregnancy?
Apart from the morning sickness and swollen feet of pregnancy, you also get a clear complexion and nine other things to love about those nine months
♥️Body, Beauty, and Baby
♥️Your complexion may improve.
♥️Your breasts get bigger.
♥️Good hair (and nail) days abound.
♥️Sex can be better.
♥️You’ve got a secret.
What is the rarest STD?
Here Are 3 STDs That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
Cytomegalovirus. There is no way to tell that someone has this virus, and you’ll be surprised to find out that this STD, which spreads through bodily fluids, is very common.
Lymphogranuloma Venereum.
Intestinal Parasites.
Which STD has no cure?
Of these 8 infections, 4 are currently curable: syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis. The other 4 are viral infections which are incurable: hepatitis B, herpes simplex virus (HSV or herpes), HIV, and human papillomavirus (HPV).
What’s the worst STD you can have?
Incurable STDs
Hepatitis B.
Are STDs the end of the world?
Even if you’ve never contracted an STD, your body is home to a number of other bacteria and viruses. Contracting an STD is not the end of the world.
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justmemeagy · 4 years
Learning that you are HIV-positive can be one of the most difficult experiences you go through in life. You may feel scared, sad or even angry – this is OK, and a completely natural part of coping with something that can be life changing.
But remember, HIV doesn’t have to stop you living a long, happy and fulfilling life. With the right treatment and support, it is possible to live as long as the average person.
There are a lot of misconceptions about what it means to be living with HIV. Ultimately, everyone’s lives are different – how you cope with your diagnosis and how you move forward will be unique.
Back in my senior high school days there was this seminar about STDs and HIVs. There are living testimonies with an HIV positive visited our school and what i learn throughout their experience and stories. That the best way to help them is a
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As simple as that we should treat them like how we treat a negative HIV person. Shake hands with. Show them that we are not afraid.
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justmemeagy · 4 years
Disclaimer: nothing happen to me but im somehow involve.
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Me and my friends thought it would be nice to grab a drink together, so we decided to go to our favorite resto bar near school, the place was pack, it was loud and foggy due to smoke but the music is great and that's why we love the place and also it has this outside tables where you can sit outdoors with trees and night air which feels so nice. favorite spot was outside in left corner it was dim and i cant hardly see anyone due to the fact that i have a bad eyesight.
So the night goes on, drinks are coming my Friends and i have so much fun. I can hold my alcohol longer than my Friends i was a lil tipsy but i clearly know what im doing and i can still think straight. After a long of singing dancing and drinking. We decided to stop and just chill for bit. We stop ordering drinks and was about to go home. And here comes my friend's friend whose name until now i don't know he offered us more drinks with three of his friends so apparently they drink again and i sit there pretending that i was busy with my phone because i really dont like where it is going.
They drink and smoke weed in front of me forcing and my friends to try some. Two of my friends did the rest of us didn't but they keep on pestering us to try but we never give in my friend danica (not her real name ) suddenly grip my arms and she started shaking horribly. I look to her she was about to cry so i took her to the comfort room and ask her what happen.
She said one of the man touch her thigh she couldn't do anything I don't know why maybe it's the alcohol or she's shock. I got mad. Really mads i storm off back to our table getting my friends to stop drinking. When Christopher (not his real name) the one that touch danica. Make a bold move and put his arms around my shoulder acting like everything is fine but it's not.
With a stern look i said to him
"Stop or im involving the police this is too much"
Lucky for me i sound incredibly convincing he stop bothering me and eventually i got my friends to stop drinking and go home.
The morning after that we talk and there i knew that the, Christopher was engage in a same sex relationship before. I was relieve that nothing goes out of hand that night.
This may serve as a lesson that every drink drug comes with a great danger. Drink moderately and JUST SAY NO.
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justmemeagy · 4 years
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Im writing this blog to express my sexuality, things that’s been a taboo but needs to be discuss in here you can see my values and my thoughts about sexuality.
Sexuality is diverse and personal, and it is an important part of who you are. Discovering your sexuality can be a very liberating, exciting and positive experience. Some people experience discrimination due to their sexuality. If someone gives you a hard time about your sexuality, it’s good to talk to someone about it.
There are many different types of sexuality . It can take time to figure out the sexuality that fits you best. And your sexuality can change over time. There is no right or wrong, it’s about what’s right for you. Some people have a hard time accepting others who are different to themselves. If there’s one thing I learn about how to deal with criticism is to never care what others think. It’s ok, if it makes you happy then does it matter if they can’t understand? You have to take care and do what’s best for you. No one got you accept yourself. Embrace what you’ve become because you work hard enough to survive life atleast that’s what you can do.
Im living in Philippines, Cagayan de oro city in mindanao to be exact. Adolescents in the Philippines face many legal, social and political barriers to access sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, putting them at higher risk of unplanned pregnancy, abortion, sexually transmitted infections and HIV, and other health and development problems. And this is bad living in such lifestyle would put us in much more dangerous environment, health issues etc.
I like to point out the thing that needed to be discuss in the context of sexuality, sexual health and reproduction, and things like STI's, safe sex contraception, HIV's, early pregnancy and so on. Things that’s a taboo for almost everybody but its needed to be discuss and somehow educate too young adults couples at any gender.
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I also want to share my personal thoughts about first sensuality. I am really a sensual person not in a sexual way like a lot of us see sensuality as an expression to show pleasure we often overlook at sensuality most of the time but if you see it in a different view sensuality comes with sensual self which means loving and accepting yourself your body your psyche your Senses. I love my body I am confident that no flaws of mine tells me otherwise.
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Second intimacy just like sensuality intimacy comes with different context self intimacy for example. I practice self intimacy because I am a great believer in the saying that self love is the most delicate intimacy. You can’t be reo ally be happy without loving yourself first.
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Third sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is a term used to refer to a person’s pattern of emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction to people of a particular gender (male or female).categories:
Heterosexual: Attracted to people of the opposite sex
Bisexual: Attracted to people of either sex
Homosexual: Attracted to people of one’s own sex
Pansexual: Attracted to people of any gender identity
Asexual: Not sexually attracted to other people
I classified my self as a Bisexual. Yes, I have no shame admitting it I am attracted to both sex male and female. Others may think it’s weird and awkward and others would also question, is it even possible to be attracted in both. Well in my
experience being attracted in both sexual orientation doesn’t feel awkward nor it’s weird we prefer anything that’s sit right for us and there’s nothing wrong that.
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Lastly sexualization. I am a women and being one isn’t easy. I need to stand strong among men species that harass me for being me, my body, my clothes, my weight, my height. Objectifying us like we aren’t humans at all and if that’s not a big deal to you women then it should be.
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