Dear Sebastian M. Rasinger
Don’t you think it’s kind of incredibly hypocritical to discuss typos you’ve noticed in undergraduate pilot studies, when your actual published textbook is rife with them, to the extent that I’ve been correcting them throughout?
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Haven’t really been using this much lately but:
1. I’m done
2. I wrote some pieces for the uni paper and they got a bit controversial and I loved it
3. Our best pranks this year have just been being very quiet and then yelling at unobservant housemates and making them shit themselves
4.I’m at home to work but they’ve postponed it so I’m actually at home to read
5. One of my friends is living with my boyfriend next year so trips back will be awesome (but I’m a little worried he’ll get jealous)
6. I’m going back for the weekend in three weeks and it seems so far away
7. All in all, the past three years have been invaluable, but making the choice to move was definitely the right one.
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the other day my housemate and I went for a walk in Bute Park and it was super pretty and I’m really proud of these photos
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so we have to answer a questionnaire for our second presentation (apart from that’s not a presentation??) for some reason they think we’ll have written loads up like it’s 99 days until the deadline why would we have written it up
I’m feeling particularly sour because I’ve been working my fucking ass off and I’m 11 participants away from getting all my data collected so I CAN’T write anything up but my dissertation is actually my fave thing to do so......
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I really need to find somewhere to live next year but I don’t even know where to start ughhhhhh
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haha how funny would it be if my dissertation supervisor didn’t keep ignoring me hahaha haha ha h 
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minus the red this basically shows which participants I do and don’t have so I’ve kinda got a long way to go but also not that long????
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I am exactly halfway through my data collection and it’s anyone’s guess what might happen next
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it’s like 4am and I’m trying to do my essay and I’m so tired but someone got drunk and came round and fell asleep in my bed and his butt is so far on my  side that my knees are off the edge but he’s too out of it to understand and deal with the problem.. at least there’s no danger of me accidentally falling asleep now
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still relevant
instead of doing my essay, can I just lie on the floor and cry because I don’t care?
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I thought it would be a good idea to do everything in third year hahahahha I have so many exec things and enrollment sessions and training sessions and so many regrets
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Thursdays at Ladybird, children, CU and USW alternative/rock societies are bringing you a (hopefully) cool new night
You might as well try it out at least once?
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put my housemate’s cutlery in jelly (Office inspired) because exam stress broke me
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last night we were talking about Trainspotting and Finn said “sitting around, watching trains” and I realised he has zero idea what that film is about
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been doing so much work recently that if I put “s” in the search bar it comes up with google scholar and not my main blog.. oops(?)
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deadline: 20th
Research Methods: 977/1440
History of English: 0/1600
Panic level: 9.8/10 (I need to do more stats and use too many words or RS and HoE is just way way waaayyyy too daunting right now)
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