justonemore-cut · 2 years
I lost you before I ever got to hold you.... You were with me for three months, three beautiful months inside me. I'm sorry I couldn't keep you safe baby. I love you still so so much ❤️
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justonemore-cut · 2 years
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justonemore-cut · 2 years
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justonemore-cut · 2 years
Happy bereaved mother's Day to all the women who are not moms because they never got to meet there babies
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justonemore-cut · 3 years
Same thing always breaking me down
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justonemore-cut · 3 years
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justonemore-cut · 3 years
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justonemore-cut · 3 years
I can't take it anymore
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justonemore-cut · 3 years
I feel lonely in a room filled with people……..some will know this feeling well
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justonemore-cut · 3 years
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justonemore-cut · 5 years
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I'm tiered of being a fuck up
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justonemore-cut · 5 years
I'm sorry
I'm sorry I'm dumb
I'm sorry I'm stupid
I'm sorry I'm slow
I'm sorry I'm forgetful
I'm sorry I'm so anxious
I'm sorry I'm depressed
I'm so so sorry I can't think right and I haven't been able to for years.... Someone please understand I'M SORRY......... i truly am sorry for being the way i am
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justonemore-cut · 5 years
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justonemore-cut · 5 years
It's been two years
June 14th 2017 I lost you.... You would have been born in January but Life had other plans for you.. God saw how perfected you would have been and called you back up to live in harmony he wanted you as an angle, as much as I hate that I never met you I know you were amazing baby and not a day goes bye I don't imagine what life would of been like.. till we meet 💕
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justonemore-cut · 5 years
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Tokyo Story (Yasujiro Ozu, 1953)
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justonemore-cut · 5 years
“Nothing is more heartbreaking than when you try your hardest and it still isn’t enough.”
(via quotefeeling)
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justonemore-cut · 5 years
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