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Cute daisies
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You are enough.
You are enough on the good days.
You are enough on the bad days.
You are enough, now, as you are regardless of where you are in healing, recovery or your general goals.
You are enough.
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“Stop trying to find the right person, be the right person. Instead of being with someone who makes you happy, first, be someone who makes you happy.”
— Jay Shetty
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“Self care is not selfish or self indulgent. We cannot nurture others from a dry well. We need to take care of our own needs first.”
— Jennifer Loudon (via thoughtkick)
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Here. Have kudos on that fanfic you wrote in your head while you were in the shower and never typed it out. When I recover from the brilliance of it, I’ll come back to leave a review.
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You are worthy now, as you are, regardless of where you are in the healing process.
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The Good Place Appreciation Week Day 6: Favorite Lesson/s
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this is the funniest YouTube comment under a pedro pascal interview I have ever seen
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How to Stay Cool Without A/C
A lot of Northerners were very kind during the freeze in Texas this winter with tips on how to stay warm for people who had lost heat. This is an attempt to repay that favor for people in the Pacific Northwest and other northerly locations who are facing dangerous heatwaves without built-in A/C. My qualifications to give this advice are that I was a summer camp attendee and counselor with no A/C for many summers in humid-ass central Texas with highs over 100F basically every day. Hopefully some of it will be of use to somebody who isn’t used to the heat.
1) PUT ICE WATER IN YOUR BODY. Ice water is your best friend and the #1 way to drop your body temp. Drink more than you think you need (like, at least a half-gallon a day and closer to a gallon or more if you have to be outside doing manual work all day) to cool your insides down and stay hydrated. Have some bananas, trail mix, or a sports drink to help replace the electrolytes you’re sweating out and keep you from getting cramps, but try to have most of your fluid intake be water. I used to take a giant water bottle, fill it part way with water, and freeze it on its side so the ice would slowly melt over the course of the day and my water would stay cold longer.
2) PUT ICE WATER ON YOUR BODY. Cold water, ice, or a damp rag on your head and neck, the backs of your knees, the insides of your elbows, and under your armpits will help you cool down the best, because your blood runs close to the surface in those places. Cold packs designed for injuries or lunchboxes, bags of frozen vegetables, etc. can substitute for ice water as well. Even room-temp water will pull heat away from your body better than body-temp sweat will, especially if it’s humid, so if you don’t have enough ice, the sink, bathtub, or hose will do fine. Dipping your feet into cool water helps a ton as well if you have to sit and work and don’t want your clothes to be wet.
3) WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GET SO MUCH ICE?  To make sure you have enough ice to last you the weekend, especially through a potential power failure, I recommend getting a cooler (even one of the cheap styrofoam ones is fine in a pinch) and ~10lbs of ice from the big coolers at most gas stations, drug stores, or grocery stores. Try to do this now, before anybody loses power, and store as much in your freezer as you have space for to keep it from melting. You can use it for drinking or to keep your food cold in a power failure. You can use it for a party later if you don’t end up needing it during the heat wave, but you will probably be very happy you had it.
4) AIR FLOW. Being inside a room with the windows closed is the worst possible place to be if you don’t have A/C, because glass windows create a greenhouse effect and the hot air can’t escape. If at all possible, find a shaded place outside where you can catch any possible breeze. If not, open all your windows and, if it’s safe, doors so you can get a cross-breeze. Hopefully you have window screens to keep pets and kids in and bugs out. If not, you’re gonna have to do your own risk assessment. Fans of all sizes and descriptions are your friend; ceiling fans should be set to spin counterclockwise in summer. Even if you have A/C, finding or making a handheld fan will be worthwhile for when you have to venture outside. If you aren’t in a situation where you need to conserve ice, blowing air over a cooler full of ice will give you a makeshift A/C. 
5) SHADE. You will probably immediately notice that direct sunlight is a miserable place to be when it’s super hot. Find or make a shaded location, and don’t be afraid to move around to avoid the sun as the day goes on. Stay on the shady side of the sidewalk whenever you walk someplace. Try to shade your windows as best you can without obstructing airflow using blinds, curtains, shutters, etc. especially if they’re directly in the path of the sun. Do not be a jerk to your neighbors if their shade solutions are ugly. If you can get a shade for your car windshield, I highly recommend it, as the steering wheel, dashboard, seatbelts, and even seats can quickly become too hot to touch in a sealed car and will hold that heat for a long time.
6) CLOTHING. Light-colored, loose clothing that is as close to 100% cotton or linen as you can find is your friend. It doesn’t necessarily have to be short as long as it’s breathable. You will sweat through anything you wear, so I personally prefer only wearing machine-washable stuff. Sun hats, sunscreen, sunglasses, aloe gel for sunburns, mosquito repellent, anti-chafing supplies, etc are all worth looking into if you aren’t used to spending time in the heat.
7) TIMING. Try to stay out of the sun and avoid doing anything strenuous in the middle of the day when the heat is the worst. If you have a choice, plan to be more active early in the morning and late at night when the temperature is more bearable, and take a break in the middle of the afternoon.
Here’s a graphic from the CDC about how to recognize heat-related illnesses and what to do about them. I will add to this that if it’s hot and you stop sweating, you are getting to a dangerous level of dehydration and need to drink something BEFORE you start having more serious problems.
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So, this hasn't crossed my dash yet. (Not blaming anyone, there is soooo much going on in the world and I'd also missed it in the noise).
There is currently a strike at Frito-Lay. in Topeka. These workers are striking because:
They were being forced to work 84 hour weeks. The company's best offer so far is a 60 hour cap. This is shit we fought for a century ago, people.
Their generous offer also includes a whole 4 percent wage increase...over the next 2 years. I'm not sure what COL is in Topeka, but... Well, it's better than the entire 77 cents they've apparently gotten in the last decade.
There's also a report that a worker literally collapsed and dropped dead on the line and the foreman's response was to make them move the body out of the way and put in a replacement. (However, this is unconfirmed and, of course, the company denies it).
There have been multiple OSHA violations at this plant over the last few years, including a forklift accident that's under investigation.
They've now been striking since July 5 but, of course, it only hit the national media yesterday.
So, why am I signal boosting this?
Because Frito-Lay is refusing to budge. They are attempting to make the excuse that union leadership agreed to the 60 hour work week and crappy pay cut...when union leadership only agreed to put it to a vote.
And this means that we need to put the thumbscrews on them. Remember, this is about 19th century style working conditions.
So, I'm calling on my followers to boycott Frito Lay's until the strike is involved.
Frito-Lay owns:
Doritos (Sorry. I really am. I KNOW there's no good alternative to Doritos, although Zapp's are good if you can find them).
Sun Chips
Cracker Jack
Islen plantain chips
Grandma's (the cookies)
Matador Meat Snacks
Maui style potato chips
Miss Vickie's
Rolled Gold
The Walking Taco
PopCorners (this one wasn't on their website, but was bought by Pepsi's in 2019 with the intent of adding it. So best avoided just in case). Yes, this really is more than half of the snack aisle. Suggested alternatives:
Kettle Brand Chips
Zapp's (If you can find them. My supermarket had them once and not since, so I'm guessing the culinary cowards in this neighborhood were afraid of "Voodoo" flavored chips).
On the Border for salsa.
Wise Cheez Doodles
Store own brand alternatives, if your store has ones that are any good.
Check before you buy and let's tell these people they don't get to treat workers like that.
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Sometimes all you need is a little self love reminder from a garden pup.🌸
This pup is also featured as this month’s positive postcard! U•ﻌ•U
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i'm obsessed with characters who are like "i'm a self serving piece of shit who never does anything that doesn't benefit me personally, and if anything goes wrong i'm out of there without a single thought about helping anyone else out of danger" *cut to them repeatedly sacrificing their own best interests to help the ragtag crew of misfits they've collected to help them pull off their criminal activities, just random strangers in need of protection, and small animals*
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Things you don’t believe yet but are true:
- you will make it through this
- your struggles are very real
- your pain is real
- you’re worth the trouble of getting help
- you’re worth the effort
- you’re not a burden
- you deserve to be here
- anxiety lies to you
- depression lies to you
- anger lies to you
- loneliness lies to you
- disorders lie to you
- insecurities lie to you
- you are not a failure
- you are not a bad person
- you are not meant to be alone
- you are not ugly
- you’re not useless 
- you are not worthless
- you are loved
- you are good enough
- you are valuable
- you are beautiful
- nothing can replace you
- no one can replace you
- you make people happy
- you make people smile
- you give great hugs
- you changed people for the better
- you brighten someone’s day
- dogs love you too
- you are cute
- you are intelligent
- you are appreciated
- you deserve so many warm hugs
- you deserve affection
- you deserve to be a priority
- you deserve new beginnings
- you deserve to stop hurting yourself
- you deserve to forgive yourself
- you deserve things that are too good to be true
- you deserve lasting happiness
- you deserve a life worth living
- you will meet new people
- you will go to new places
- you will find your way again
- you will find a new home
- you will find belonging
- you will find meaning 
- you will find new things to obsess over
- you will find new passions
- you will fall in love again
- you will learn from mistakes
- you will have realizations
- you will grow
- your best is yet to come
- your problems will lose 
- you will love yourself
- you will accept things you can’t change 
- you will care about yourself again
- you will be happy 
- you will achieve great things
- every part of you will heal
- love will come back
- happiness will come back
- peace will come back
- excitement will come back
- good things and blue skies will come back
- you will get another chance
- your future is bright
- you will reach your goals
- you will pass that test
- you will overcome your fears
- you will get better
- you will heal completely
- you will be stronger
- you will find a way
- this will pass
- things will get easier
- keep trying
- you’re growing from this
- you’re doing amazing 💛
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I’ll see you again. I promise.
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