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fuck capitalism 
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So I know almost nobody (if anybody) follows me on here, but if anyone does see this, I’m currently writing a book. It would really help if maybe y’all send me your emails, I could share the doc with you that it’s written on. I don’t really have much done, only like 2 1/2-3 chapters at the time I’m posting this, but any opinions would be very much appreciated :) .. Thanks so much ahead of time to anyone who decides to PM me about this! <3333 
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Really weird moment when someone calls you an anorexic jokingly and you get really happy because they’re usually calling you fat and lazy.
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Haha nobody will miss me when I’m gone haha
Maybe I should just get it over with lmao
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This Friday I'll be making an apple pie and I'm truly in love with this recipe I've used for the dough so I wanted to share it
- 6 tablespoons of flour
- 3 tablespoons of sugar
- 3 teaspoons of baking powder
- 40grs. of butter
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons of milk
Once in the mold, make some holes with a fork and then in the oven for 15 min. at 180°C (350°F)
No special order to put the ingredients in, just mix, you can and SHOULD use your hands, apparently it should be enough for a 28cm (11in.) mold but I use a smaller one.
It's not dry, not hard but not fragile either so it's a solid base, has an amazing taste, I can't possibly explain how much I like it.
And remember, sharing a recipe it's never useless 🤡
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“Men don’t like really skinny girls-”
BITCH WHO SAID I WANT TO LOOK GOOD FOR YOU? The same men who say this are the same men that are overweight, not an inch of muscle, lack good hygiene, and breath smell like dog shit on a summer day! GTFOH!!
(I will use this video to keep making ed memes till the day i die idc hahaha)
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19K notes · View notes
Sharing because the argument was relatable. It’s like watching me argue with myself, but it’s from a outside view 😂
The wifi is out which is fine and not a big deal except it is and I’m experiencing vaguely withdrawal-like symptoms
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Friendly Reminder: drink some water!
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