justtumbled · 2 years
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+ Bonus:
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justtumbled · 2 years
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Irondad + AO3 tags | part 1
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justtumbled · 2 years
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more single mom pepper/hot annoying neighbour tony au. may or may not be taken down
in true pepperony fashion their relationship is like this: a lot of bickering, a lot of bickering while pining, then bickering [affectionate]. also whatever this is
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justtumbled · 2 years
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7 scenes that make you cry: With or Without You
Just because we can live without something, it doesn’t mean we have to.
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justtumbled · 2 years
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lil’ merder things: elevators
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justtumbled · 2 years
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It’s like I was drowning and you saved me.
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justtumbled · 2 years
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And, at the end, when you’re in love, no matter what happens, you forgive each other.     (insp)
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justtumbled · 2 years
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lil’ merder things: neck kisses
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justtumbled · 2 years
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justtumbled · 3 years
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“you know what would be a good name, tones? de-niece.”
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justtumbled · 3 years
any grey's anatomy fic recs?
Wow, that was fast :D  Thanks for the ask! 
First off, if you didn’t know (which you might not, since this is primarily a Lucifer blog), I’ve written extensively for Grey’s Anatomy, so I can’t help but at least toot my own horn for a second.  My most popular stories appear to be Lightning Strikes Twice and the ReVerse series.  Both are MerDer epics.  Lightning Strikes Twice was written and is set toward the end of S3, in which Derek takes Meredith home to meet his family in Connecticut.  The ReVerse is set post 11x21, and works on the premise that Derek did not die, but instead suffered a traumatic brain injury.
On to the recs!
My favorite Grey’s Anatomy fic, by my favorite Grey’s Anatomy fic author, is Do You Ever Get Weary by greymcdreamysgh.  This story is a really thoughtful look at Derek & Meredith finding their way back to each other after a loss.  Written & set nebulously after S3, after several years of marriage.  The characterizations are impeccable.  Anything by this author is lovely, but definitely start with this fic.
Replaced by Everyday by Gig in the sky.  A beautiful, heart-wrenching established-relationship MerDer fic set nebulously in the future of S4.  
Calamity by LW107 is an ensemble fic in which Derek is in a motorcycle accident circa S4.  
Road to Recovery by starving student.  A post S6-fic featuring MerDer’s recovery after the shooting.  Similar in vein to my own fic, All Along the Watchtower, except with about 95% less angst.  Lol.  
It’s Getting There by nemodat.  An S2-era fic that explores what might have happened if Derek went back to NYC for a while to get some space from the Seattle drama.  WARNING: this is not a finished fic, but it’s only missing its final chapter, and what is there resolves well enough to be satisfying.  
Nothing Else Matters by GreysAddict522.  A post-S3 fix-it fic for MerDer.  This and the sequel, Gravity, in which Derek deals with the unexpected loss of his mother, are both lovely.  Actually, anything by this author is lovely.  
And finally, I have to recommend The World Turned Over by Morgen86.  Morgen86 was another one of my favorite Grey’s writers waaaaay back in the day.  Anything she writes is angsty and delicious.  
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justtumbled · 3 years
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justtumbled · 3 years
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GirlBoss, MaleWife.
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justtumbled · 3 years
Reasons to love Pepper Potts:
she’s a strong woman who’s been successfully independent for most of her life
she’s both smart and wise about the company
she doesn’t neglect her mental health when Tony isn’t good for her at the moment
when Tony switches gears out of the blue, changing the company’s goal completely, she goes along with it
when given the company, she does her very best with it
she is incredibly patient with Tony
although she gets tired of his ways, she trusts Tony, even when she doesn’t understand what he’s thinking
she doesn’t let her relationship with him change her views of her position there at the company, and continues to work just as hard as before
what happens to her is scary, but she recognizes that it isn’t Tony’s fault and that she signed up for this sort of thing when she started working for him
although he doesn’t like it and most of us don’t, she knows the suits are damaging his health and their relationship; she’s brave to speak up about it and try to settle things rather than simply leaving him or letting things deteriorate 
she’s got a good personality that drives the story forwards 
throughout all the years of problems, she stays with Tony in some way, whether it’s by his side or with the company, and she’s still with him in Infinity War, so many years after this movie franchise began
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justtumbled · 3 years
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justtumbled · 3 years
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justtumbled · 3 years
Pepperony Valentine’s Exchange
Happy Valentine’s Day @randomfandomtrashsblog - I hope you like this little fic I’ve written for you <3 Much love. 
Words: 1.4k
Parings: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, mentioned May Parker/Happy Hogan 
Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark, Peter Parker, Happy Hogan, James Rhodes, Avengers Team & Fam. 
Description: A small glimpse into domestic life & Tony’s first birthday after the battle against Thanos, surrounded by Pepper and his family. 
Mottled morning light flutters in through layers of sheer curtains, crawling up the bed inch by inch until Tony groans quietly, shifting onto his other side in an attempt to shield his eyes. It’s bright, too bright for this early, and the ache for caffeine hits him quick and fast. Soon there will be the pitter-patter of feet racing up and down the stairs as Morgan eagerly awaits her parents’ awakening, so Tony curls closer into Pepper’s side, relishing their last few minutes of silence. 
He listens to her rhythmic breaths, the steady pace of them that he’s come to treasure in this past year of bliss. They won and lived, and though the world was far from being okay, it was closer, close enough for Tony to step back, and let a new generation of heroes emerge. Though also a year of tough recovery, with support from his family and friends, new members and old, this precious time was not taken for granted by Tony nor Pepper. They knew how lucky they are to be alive, together, to raise their daughter. 
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