justwhotrash · 4 years
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justwhotrash · 4 years
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justwhotrash · 4 years
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The Master and tumblr text posts. A “masterpost”, if you like. I’m so good at puns.
I made all screenshots myself, except the second one of skeleton-master (source).
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justwhotrash · 4 years
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Please, let us part in good faith.
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justwhotrash · 4 years
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caps from here
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justwhotrash · 4 years
Doctor Who companions who should be allowed to say fuck:
sara kingdom
ben jackson
jo grant
sarah jane smith
Doctor Who companions who should be allowed to say fuck, but would not say it:
barbara wright
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justwhotrash · 4 years
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i felt like i’d fallen from another planet and landed in this strange girl’s body, but it wasn’t me at all. i was meant to be somewhere else. each night i’d walk home and i’d look up at the stars through the gaps in the clouds, and i tried to imagine where i really came from.
ace in every story ↠ dragonfire
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justwhotrash · 4 years
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reblog if you miss when dr who was a GOOD and DIGNIFIED series
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justwhotrash · 4 years
One minute I was watching Snakedance and then next thing I knew I was writing a 2000 word Nyssa/Tegan fanfic send help. Thought I’d share it here. 
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justwhotrash · 4 years
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“My commander?!”
The Creature from the Pit - season 17 - 1979
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justwhotrash · 4 years
Fact: The title of ‘Doctor Who’ actually spells out the names of the first doctor’s companions
That’s Steven!
O Susan
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justwhotrash · 4 years
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justwhotrash · 4 years
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justwhotrash · 4 years
Today’s fic. @ilwinsgarden requested some Vicki and Steven.
With bags in hand, the Doctor and Vicki walked into the kitchen of the small flat they had rented for a brief time in the 1990’s and met Steven who was walking toward them, a screwdriver in his mouth.
“We’re home!” Vicki said proudly.
Steven put down the screwdriver. “I can see that. I’ve spent all morning trying to fix that toaster thing.”
“No need, we bought a new one!” she said, placing it in his hands.
“Oh great, thanks. Where else did you go? You were gone a while?”
“Here and there,” the Doctor said with an impish chuckle before throwing himself into the chair. “I must get on with repairs to the ship but I must catch my breath first.”
“Here Steven, have a chewing gum,” Vicki said, “freshens your breath a treat.”
Steven took one and placed it into his mouth. At first it seemed fine but then he was greeted with the taste of strong garlic. He grimaced. He heaved and spat the gum into his palm. “What on earth is this?”
Vicki was already laughing. “It’s garlic chewing gum and you ate it!” She pointed at him and continued to laugh.
“I don’t get what’s meant to be funny.”
“It’s a joke. I’ve been at this marvellous place called a ‘Joke Shop’. And you fell for it.”
The Doctor chuckled from his seat. “Learn to appreciate these little eccentricities of the past, young man, we may be here a while.”
With a tired sigh, Steven entered the kitchen, ready for a lunch made my Vicki. He inspected the sandwiches as he passed, making sure there were no hidden surprises and that they had no suspicious colour or smell.
As he sat down on the chair next to the Doctor there was the loud noise of breaking wind.
“Steven!” Vicki said through giggles. “That’s not polite!”
“What the?” Steven stood up and glanced back at his chair, frowning as he lifted up a small deflated pink cushion. He read the side of it. “What’s a whoop-ee-cushion?”
 “You just sat on it,” the Doctor said with a guffaw of laughter.
With a sulk, Steven threw it onto the table. “Doctor, I thought this sort of humour was beneath you. I doubt you’d be laughing if she ever did this to you.”
“Nonsense, my boy and thankfully she doesn’t.”
“Enough with the jokes, Vicki. I get it, you’re very clever.”
Folding his umbrella after a walk in the rain with the Doctor, Steven arrived at the front step of the flats and peered down at the ground.
He groaned. “Great! Some dog’s done his business here. Don’t people pick up after their pets in this century?”
“They had to do it themselves, remember?” Vicki said, arriving from the inside hall. “Why don’t you do the honours, here’s a glove.”
“You do it!”
“Steven, don’t argue, do as she says,” the Doctor added.
With a huff, Steven leaned down, placed on the glove, and touched the brown deposit. “Hold on, this is hard. This is made of plastic or something.”
He looked up to see both the Doctor and Vicki grinning.
“It’s a fake doggie doo-doo. Isn’t it funny?”
He folded his arms and stared blankly. “I’m going to get some coffee. Will there be jumping beans in my cup? Will it horribly scald me? Will some snakes jump out at me from the pot?”
“No need to take it so seriously, Steven.” Vicki spun on her heels smugly and went inside.
“Humour her, my boy, she has little else to do.”
Bed time
Closing the wardrobe, finally dressed in pyjamas for the night, Steven sat upon the bed and sighed, exhausted after the long day. He looked at the bedside table and gasped as he saw a long line of ants making their way towards his cup of evening cocoa.
“Oh god, an infestation!” He made his way toward them and attempted to squash one when he realised it wasn’t real at all but some kind of sticker, stuck to the table. “Vicki!”
Suddenly Vicki arrived in the room.
“Yes?” she called innocently.
“I suppose these ants have something to do with you?”
She placed her hands behind her back. “They do as a matter of fact.”
“Thought as much. It’s all very funny, Vicki, but can we now just get some sleep?”
“I can’t sleep. There’s a storm and it reminds me of this terrible hurricane I was in with my mother when I was very small.”
“Well, sorry about that but it’s not a hurricane, its barely a storm.”
“Can I stay in here with you? That washing machine is growling at me again.”
Steven laughed. “Vicki, there’s nothing wrong with that washing machine. That’s what they used back in these times. It’s not alive.”
“It’s getting closer. It’s jumping about and shaking and it has a giant mouth and eyes.”
“Vicki!” He folded his arms and climbed into bed. “Of course, if you hadn’t played practical jokes on me all day, I’d have been quite willing to let you sleep here.”
Vicki jumped on the bed. “Oh please, Steven, I’ll be a perfect angel, I promise.”
“Hmm.” He sighed and then pointed to the end of the bed. “Alright, that end, and be quiet.”
“Next to your feet?”
“My feet or your own room where the machine might just jump up the stairs and gobble you up like yesterday’s washing.”
With a scowl, Vicki climbed in the opposite end to Steven and yanked the cover toward her, leaving Steven with no cover at his shoulders. He yanked it back.
“My sister used to do that.” He paused for a moment. He missed her. He sniffed.
“Are you alright Steven?”
“Fine, just made me think of her, my sister, you know?”
“I’m an only child. But you’re my brother now, I suppose. You do want to be my brother, right?”
Steven laughed lightly as he lay his head back on the pillow. “Yes Vicki, go to sleep before Grandad Doctor wakes us in the morning.”
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justwhotrash · 4 years
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If you don’t ship it, you’re wrong.
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