justwrought · 4 years
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justwrought · 4 years
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justwrought · 5 years
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justwrought · 5 years
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     ❝  hey  kiddo,  ❞   he  says  mockingly.   it’s  a  bad  day,   really.
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justwrought · 5 years
i keep saying i’ll come back then i never do but also i’m starting to really get back into w.arframe i’m going buckwild over the new content
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justwrought · 5 years
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justwrought · 6 years
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operator vc: he’s my fuckin dad
originally i just wanted to draw my operator but then i started drawing my excalibur. eventually he started to outshine my op and so i had to redraw him and OF COURSE i had to color it.
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justwrought · 6 years
o yeah starter call
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justwrought · 6 years
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oh worm?
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justwrought · 6 years
Back during the Zariman incident, when first developing his void powers he struggled greatly to keep it under control. In one fatal incident that left one on the brink of death and two heavily wounded, the void energy building up in him overloaded and left him with a series of scars running down the right side of his face. As if the void branded him with its twisting and splintering light.
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justwrought · 6 years
Im gonna have two bnha verses, one vigilante, one student bc sometimes it be like that. Anyways.
Quirk description:
Radiant Energy: arthur can manipulate what is called “void energy”. However, because there’s so much built up inside his body if he doesnt wear a special suit to focus it it can “overload” and possibly kill him. He wears a suit and his chosen alias is “Excalibur.” With his suit he is able to manipulate his energy and focus it into making it a sword
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justwrought · 6 years
Recover File 00? >yes Downloading information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continue? >yes File 00.
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Upon the gleaming pedestal of the Orokin Elite lied the Capitol. Lua was their home, and with it, their trophies. The Tenno stood guard in a twist of irony at their own resting place. They were never told what was in those pods that lay under the surface of the water, they never questioned it either. These specific Tenno were of elite stature, they were chosen by the Orokin themselves and took pride in this.
This is where you were from, where you had first been given your frame. You had always been silent, a quiet storm plaguing your mind as you watched your fellow guardians be brought out to fight a war that you did not create. There is a sickness we have. In our shimmering cities, injustice lays in the bowels of mankind. Others feared you, but I knew this is who you were. You wished to descend upon it. A righteous fury. A radiant justice. Pure, exalted, anger at the abuse sprouted from our vast empire.
This was your hubris. Your treacherous thoughts were discovered and you were stripped of your status, forced to fight in the very war you loathed. And I knew— I knew that the embers of rage in your soul would grow into a wildfire and consume your very being.
That… is who you are.
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justwrought · 6 years
RULES: think carefully about your character and their development through their journey (canon or OC) within their story. fill out the chart and tag whoever you want!  please repost, so the dash isn’t clogged with reblogs.
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GOD OF: retribution - hide as one might, there is no escaping the wrath of his justice.  truth - though his eyes may appear human they can see through deceit. revolutions - the seeds of corruption are planted everywhere, and where there is corruption there will always be revolution. victory - when a war is raging the one to pray to most for success is he who is lord over it.
ASSOCIATED WITH: twisting golden spires. armor clad soldiers. swords upon shining pedestals. youth and a fist raised in protest. the decaying architects of a lie. people gathered in protest. a cloth wrapped around ones eyes.
bittersweet nightshade  -  the most popular meaning for bittersweet or woody nightshade is truth and honesty. it also symbolizes friendly love or more aptly - platonic love. looking at it from the point of view of witchcraft, it’s a flower that you can use for protection from evil spell as well as healing rituals.
oak (leaves or acorn) -  When oak leaves and acorns are combined, the entire symbol can stand for power, authority or victory.
hematite - grounding, clarity, manifestation.  hematite is the most powerful gemstone to use for grounding. it can help you clear away confusion and orient you toward practical action in the real world.
lapis lazuli - vision, truth, awareness.  it helps you discern and speak the truth, as well as discover your truest inner self.
onyx -  focus, discipline, self-mastery.  onyx focuses and directs your energy toward your goals, helping you stay the course. it can help you rebuild your vitality after a prolonged illness or period of depletion, and is useful for work that requires disciplined focus and perseverance.
griffins -  a legendary creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. As the lion was traditionally considered the king of the beasts and the eagle was the king of the birds, the griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature.  
wolves -  they have the ability to make quick and firm emotional attachments, and often need to trust their own instincts. Thus they teach us to do the same, to trust our hearts and minds, and have control over our own lives.
blue -  peace, harmony, unity, trust, truth, security, confidence, conservatism, order, sky, water, cold, technology, cleanliness, depression, loyalty, immortality, stability, masculinity and protection.
black -  power, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, anonymity, unhappiness, depth, style, sad, remorse, anger, underground, technical, grief and death.
SCENTS:  the smell after rain, hot summer days, sweat & blood
ACCEPTED OFFERINGS/WAYS TO HONOR: prefers being honored, set up oak leaves & acorns on the sides and hematite in the center, if asking for guidance add lapis lazuli and onyx.
BLESSINGS/GIFTS: seeing the truth, protection, mental strength, foes defeated without lifting a finger
tagged by: no one i stole it :3c
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justwrought · 6 years
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also i’m not gonna change my icon style for his other excal bc i’m looking @ them again and,,, im love the pastel
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justwrought · 6 years
excltedblade > justwrought
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justwrought · 6 years
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i missed this boy holy fuck
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justwrought · 6 years
han / *stillsolo‌
 It  wasn’t  as  if  he  hadn’t  thought  things  through  before  visiting  here.   This  time,  you  really  couldn’t  blame  him  for  having  been  somewhat  oblivious  to  DANGER.   Who  knew  two  factions  had  been  tailing  him,  wanting  to  claim  his  bounty  for  months  now?   Han  couldn’t  keep  track  of  everything.   He  was  only  human.   (  clarification:  the  time  before  this  instance  had  just  been  a  mild  streak  of  bad  luck  ).     It  wasn’t  his  fault!   
Just  as  he  was  about  to  explain  to  these  two  —  lovely,  bickering  reconnaissance  units,  belonging  to  both  THE  CORPUS  and  THE  GRINEER,  why  he’d  trespassed  LUA’s  highly  restricted  grounds,  Han  turned  to  the  to  the  sound  of  sharp  clicks  of  metal  against  the  gilded  flooring.   Distinct  in  nature,  the  sound  heralded  something  —  someone  he  didn’t  think  he’d  ever  see  again.
❝ Kid! ❞  Solo  hollered  then ducked  as  a  split  body catapulted  over  his  head,  his  gasp  subdued  by  the  sickening  squish  of  organs  ripping  apart,  splattering over white polish,  and  —  hells.   That  smelled  like  kest.   Couldn’t  say  he’d  missed  that.   ❝ Wasn’t my fault — ! ❞   Han  hit  the  floor  and  pawed  his  surroundings,  searching  for  THE  GRINEER’s  firearm  before  scrambling  up  a  short  flight  of  stairs.
At  the  foot  of  the  stairwell,  with  his  back  against  the  railing,  Han  sneered  as  the  world  narrowed  to  the  blaster  he  held  and  the  slowed  shadows  of  his  foes,  falling  back,  going  down,  their  blaster  rifles  clattering  on  the  marble  floor.   Laden  with  the  distant  cries  of  battle  and  crumbling  stone,  the  newfound  silence  wasn’t  without  beating  out  a  profound  quake  that  vibrated  right  under  his  skin.
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  Right.    WARFRAMES.    The  killers.   The  righteous  hands:  WARRIOR-GODS  cast  in  STEEL  and  FURY,  striking  their  enemies  in  a  way,  one  could  never  comprehend.
it  was  as  if  he  moved  with  no  force  against  him.  it  was  with  ease  and  nothing  more,  and  nothing  less.  he’d  grown  numb  to  how  sickeningly  easy  it  was  to  slice  through  bone  with  nothing  but  pure  energy  in  hand.  with  the  last  of  foes  defeated  he  allowed  the  energy  dissipate  into  the  air.
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he  grumbled  as  he  looked  at  his  once  polished  frame,  the  golden  highlights  now  dirtied  with  blood  and  gore.  he  JUST  cleaned  it  too...  ah,  but  such  is  his  life,  to  never  dirty  himself  would  mean  he  isn’t  doing  his  JOB.
his  head  turned  to  look  at  han,  with  that,  he  gave  a  casual  shrug.  ❛ either  way,  i  ended  up  saving  your  ass,  AGAIN.  you’re  lucky  i  was  nearby! ❜  and  by  nearby,  he  was  only  really  on  the  other  side  of  lua.  not  that  it  was  a  big  deal  either  way.  orbiters  were  wonderful  creations.
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❛ we  should  probably  get  moving  though,  i’m  certain  there’ll  be  another  territory  war  once  they  find  their  troops  dead.  the  grineer  aren’t  smart  enough  to  pin  it  on  a  tenno  at  first  glance.  it  would  be  best  if  we  travel  by  my  ship,  it  has  cloaking  technology  and  no  offense  but  your  rig  is  kinda  old  fashioned. ❜ 
he  started  to  walk  ahead,  pulling  his  pistol  from  his  side  and  holding  it  at  the  ready  should  they  run  into  any  more  trouble.
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