justyou324 · 6 years
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justyou324 · 6 years
The real reason Voldemort killed Snape
He didn’t want the Elder Wand.
He was jealous of the nose.
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justyou324 · 6 years
Cal: so Farley yelled at me today
Cal: it was one of the most frightening experiences of my life
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justyou324 · 6 years
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why am I not surprised
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justyou324 · 6 years
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F a e r i e s    c a n’ t    l i e 
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justyou324 · 6 years
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- MVDarklight
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justyou324 · 6 years
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“Why waste my anger on you when the fault is mine? I should have anticipated another betrayal from you, one more mad grasp at some kind of childish ideal. But I seem to be a victim of my own wishes where you are concerned.” His expression hardened. “What have you come here for, Alina?”
I answered him honestly. “I wanted to see you.”
I caught the briefest glimpse of surprise before his face shuttered again. “There are two thrones on that dais. You could see me any time you liked.”
“You’re offering me a crown? After I tried to kill you?
He shrugged again. “I might have done the same.”
“I doubt it.”
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justyou324 · 6 years
Hufflepuff: are you ivy? ‘cause you’re looking vine
Slytherin: why did I marry you?
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justyou324 · 6 years
When you meet me you think I’m quiet, when you talk to me you wish I was quiet, when you know me you get scared when I’m quiet.
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justyou324 · 6 years
Lens of Experience
Personal Signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer - Lens of direct experience. Understanding through doing, instinctual response, and feeling themselves.
Social Signs: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio - Lens of experience through others. Understanding through connections, empathy, and relations to immediate others.
Universal Signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces - Lens of distant experience. Understanding through conceptions of morality, philosophy, and larger social patterns.
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justyou324 · 6 years
What the signs fall in love with:
Aries: selflessness, dark features, working good in teams, sharing things
Taurus: familiarity, loyalty, tenderness, sharing relaxing/intimate memories
Gemini: the details (sparkly eyes, high fives, clumsy grins, sighs), mysteries
Cancer: comfort, the color blue, people with golden hearts and snarky humor
Leo: clumsiness, cute laughs, gentle physical contact, messy hair, confidence
Virgo: (falls with) time, suits&ties, ponytails, aesthetical prettiness, neatness
Libra: playfulness, kept promises, closeness, sharing secrets, caring words
Scorpio: winks, funny jokes, meaningful conversations, bright/shining eyes
Sagittarius: freedom, late night talks, cute smiles, good fashion style, luscious lips
Capricorn: sweetness, cuteness, nice hair, kind & hard working people, passion
Aquarius: mind connections, friendship necklaces, super nice sense of humor
Pisces: affection, coziness, heated sarcasm and funny stories, inside jokes
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justyou324 · 6 years
Things you’ll have to like about the signs
Aries: will stand up for you no matter what, knows the worst jokes, sassy attitude
Taurus: always knows nice places to go to, will send you cute memes, will listen to you when you need it
Gemini: will give you good fashion advice, knows how to make you smile, pure heart
Cancer: will always be honest with you, very comforting, best sleepover buddy
Leo: always up for adventures, isn’t afraid to do weird things with you, will always have your back
Virgo: if you ever need help they’ll be there for you, will snap at wannabes, best at being unintentionally sarcastic
Libra: will go to the end of the world with you, they spread happiness and ease wherever they go, has the best makeup tips
Scorpio: they’ll protect you from any harm, you can talk with them about anything for hours, cutest pal with the puppy-eyes
Sagittarius: always up for a challenge, likes to do sporty things, will make you laugh in any situation
Capricorn: there’s nothing that can stop them from doing what is right, will always tell you the truth, will love you with any flaws you have cause the make you “you”
Aquarius: their sarcasm makes life so much better, they’ll binge watch any series on Netflix with you, has very creative and inspiring ideas
Pisces: will never push you or dare you to do something, will listen to music with you all night while talking, is actually a great cook
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justyou324 · 6 years
Quick Observations
I’m gonna try to list things I’ve noticed about the signs and avoid or give a different take on stereotypes, so here’s hoping something sticks lmao
-loves being naked, or is just super comfortable showing skin. I’ve never met an Aries who didn’t like to strip down the second they’re alone.
-hides their food, like a little squirrel.
-Aries temper is stupid exaggerated, most that I’ve met are pretty easy going.
-more likely to talk shit when you leave the room than a Gemini, even about people they consider close friends.
-BABIES when they’re sick sweet jesus. We give a grown man w/ a cold a run for his money
-even if they’re shit talkers, they’re still the friend that will roll out of bed at 3am to come get you. V accommodating of people.
-life of the party bc they’re friends with everybody, they’re like a local celebrity
-the gossip is rarely mean spirited, it’s more like “oh shit was I not supposed to say that?”
-y’all are some pretty motherfuckers
-will not tell you why they’re mad at you, but will passive aggressively show you a meme that hints at what you’ve done wrong
-so tough and resilient. They’ll be going through some heavy shit, feeling every inch of it, and still try to make sure that YOU are taken care of.
-less likely to be the mom friend at the party, but the one who ends up needing to be mommed. Y’all party hard.
-SUCH GOOD STYLE. Y’all are always on trend before it even starts, and by the time others catch on, you’ve already done it the best it can be done.
-said to need ego stokes, and yet they’re always the friends stroking my ego. Fr y’all are like flower girls w the compliments
-really good eye for aesthetic
-how do y’all always have good skin and really well manicured hands wtf
-better with technology than an Aquarius
-stressed out 25/8 bc they’re busy getting shit done, barely holding it together.
-usually have really weird or bold style that would not work on anyone else. Most likely to dye their hair all the time
-even if ur features aren’t conventionally attractive, they’re symmetrical or just arranged on your face in such a way that they become attractive
-SMARTer than they’re given credit for. The ones I’ve known have a keen interest in science or social justice & can educate u real quick
-will share a psycho gf meme, tag their s/o, and add “🔪😊”
-either quiet and observant, or loud and has everybody laughing their asses off. Always over people’s bullshit
-another one with good style. Most likely to have tattoos and piercings.
-more serious, smart, and worried about their future than they let on.
-the girls esp tend to have a lot of people jealous of them bc their personalities are usually loud and captivating
-how is every single one of you fine as fuck I’m mad
-why are y’all always so fuckin tall and attractive get out of my house
-most likely to be the music/music snob friend
-not boring at all, actually the one everybody is waiting on to show up at the party so it can really get started
-actually tend to fit in better than most people than to be the oddball, hello this is the sign associated with humanity
-most likely to have a contrarian hot take when nobody asked
-you haven’t seen them in years, you’re acquaintances at best, still remembers to tell you happy birthday
-the person you thought was really sweet and unassuming but SURPRISE BITCH they’re actually savage
-most likely to look at you like they’re still trying to make up their mind about you
-usually really good at art, or just have good taste in it
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justyou324 · 6 years
@ the FBI agent monitoring my phone… I truly apologize for all the smutty fanfics you have to deal with
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justyou324 · 6 years
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endless list of favorite characters [1/∞]:
↳ alina starkov
I’m the Sun Summoner. It gets dark when I say it does.
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justyou324 · 6 years
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Our Dark Knights..
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justyou324 · 6 years
You’re all talking shit about Severus Snape and I am not denying he has been a shitty person; bullying Neville to the point where his boggart was Snape, to think of one example
“One of the bravest men I have ever known” seems pretty damn accurate to me because the man lied and betrayed Lord fuckin Voldemort, and even in his last moments kept it up.
That mother fucker was brave.
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