jvaughnthedon · 3 years
Sexy/attractive astrology placements
That’s obviously not all placements but just some that came to mind right off the bat.
🥀 Sun/moon/Venus/mars in 8th house
These people attract a lot of attention due to their quiet and powerful charisma. They have magnetic & sexy gaze and aura. People can get obsessed with them pretty easily and/or be incredibly jealous/envious of them. They should watch their back and they know it. That’s part of why they could have trust issues. Also have mysterious and serious vibes that’s very sexy to others.
🥀 Sun/moon/Venus/mars in Scorpio
similarly to 8th house placements, Scorpio placements have intense aura that attracts lots of people, and they could have lots of obsessiveness around them. Wether it coming from them or other people. no matter what other placements they have in their charts, Scorpio placements really take over even if it’s just one inner planet in scorpio you will still feel it in them and their energy. Sexy yet reserved. Seductive yet playful. They don’t trust easily which can make them seem hard to get which adds to their appeal. They could look powerful or just have an intense look to them that attracts attention. Can sometimes also have a naive/angelic look at the same time which adds to their charm. Also can have mysterious, seductive and serious vibes that makes people curious. They know how to attract people using their sexiness and sometimes they do it without noticing. Powerful & sexy gaze.
🥀 Sun/moon/Venus/mars aspecting Pluto
They usually have a lot of people going after them and it’s so easy for them to cause others to be obsessed with them. They don’t even try it just happens. Even if they don’t have Scorpio in their charts, Pluto aspects and especially hard once are really easily felt and seen, it gives dark and sexy aura or look to the person, which combines with the other influences in their chart. Can attract a lot of attention, jealousy, envy and again obsessiveness, especially with the hard ones. Very magnetic and mesmerizing.
🥀 Ascendant aspecting Pluto
Intense and dark look/aura. Eye catching. Mysterious and/or intimidating vibes. They don’t trust easily and are quite guarded and quiet especially at first so that adds to their mysterious and dark aura. Captivating & Magnetic looks and knows how to seduce. People may also not trust them at first. Attraction & repulsion simultaneously affect on people.
🥀 Venus aspecting mars
charismatic, good looks, confident & fierce look and aura. Can attract people pretty easily most of the times. Popular with the opposite sex, or at least catches the opposite sex’s attention quite well without trying too much, just by being themselves. Can have intense/ sexy/ animalistic sex appeal/ look to them. Especially the hard aspects.
🥀 Neptune 1st house/conjunct ascendant
This one really makes you shine in a unique way. Vulnerable, shiny, ethereal and out of this world look/aura. They attract attention in a subtle way. People can fantasize about them a lot or project on them. Fairy-like Beaty. They just ooze glamour. Some sex- symbol celebrities have that like Kim kardashian and Kylie Jenner.
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jvaughnthedon · 3 years
♇ 𝔣𝔞𝔪𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔶 𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔰 ♇
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❦ so, i got tired of seeing leo placements as the occurring placements that appear when it came to fame and money indicators that i got up from my bed and opened my mac to make a post about the other fame and money indicators, but first; i will list the leo placements before speaking about the other ones.
fame indicators that are spoken about the most ⬎
⟶ leo placements; leo rising, leo sun, leo moon, leo mercury, leo venus and leo mars are the main one, (generational planets aligned with leo can do so). leo mc can do it too.
❦ they're great fame indicators because leo is the main sign of stardom, recognition and talent; whatever planet and house it'll land in, will give the individual on the certain theme of the planet and house.
❦ for example, if one had a leo venus, they will become recognised for their talent in art, beauty and romance, if it landed in the tenth house, they will be recognised for their ability to have their talent of art and aesthetic to aid them to rise in status and public image. and being known for their pleasing appearance.
⟶ leo degrees; the 5°, the 17° and the 29°.
❦ all of these degrees have their different meaning, though still provides perception by large audiences. having a 5° does signify an individual having short-term fame or it could give a kin admiration from a large scale at a young age.
❦ having the 17° gives someone a long term fame, longer than the 5°, but it's more of a thing that they would have to come up with more stuff to be kept in the public eye. being brought up time to time, so there'll be points some of them will have the fame decreased but there will always be something new that causes them to be in the mouths of others. or it could imply they do one thing that makes them remain famous.
❦ thus the famous 29° provides someone for sure long term fame, though, it could be receiving fame through destructing yourself or leaving a heavy mark on the industry. definitely a non-forgettable person will have this degree. also indicates someone not needing to do much to achieve recognition.
fame indicators people dont really speak about ⬎
⟶ the 2°, the 8°, the 10°, the 11°, the 12°, 20°, 22°, 23°, 24° and 28°.
❦ the 2° gives crazy fame to people, being able to create something or come up with something others have not and being able to strive only for the money bag. also gives someone supreme power in whatever sign or planet it lands on. if it lands on uranus, it gives a person supreme power of being able to come up with things others cant, supreme power of groups and the internet.
❦ the 8° makes someone have a mass of people watch them, can be both negative and positive. the 20° degree can do the same but it's more mass-like, causes an individual to be more controversial.
❦ the 10° causes the industry to be intrigued by you, most likely to become an industry plant, therefore being put in everyone's faces to the point they have to see you everywhere. the 22° degree isnt only known as the kill or be killed degree, as it is ruled by saturn which rules over long impact, it gives a person extended in time acclaim.
❦ the 11° can give internet fame, being known for being shocking or just unique. the 23° does the same but also makes others want to follow you because you create something trendy thus gaining immense amount of followers.
❦ the 12° provides an individual to have others see themselves in them. hence making fans live their lives through that person. along with the 24° makes groups of people enhanced and devoted towards the kin, and the kin becomes idealised.
❦ the 28° makes someone build a name for themselves, being able to gain money through whatever they can so they can provide for their family and their next generations.
fame indicators placements people didnt know of ⬎
⟶ sagittarius mars, cancer mars and scorpio moon
❦ i noted that a lot of influencers/celebrities have a sagittarius mars, as mars symbolises our drive and sagittarius being the sign of abundance, this makes someone have a drive for earning the good sides of life.
❦ as for cancer mars, the most emotional mars placements, they have drive to nurture and provide for their loved ones.
❦ scorpio moon is found in many celebrities' big three/six, as many people dont know, the moon symbolises conveniences of the home or you could say expected outcome whereas scorpio symbolises money that comes in our bank. so having these two together causes someone to subconsciously manifest great amount of money and success throughout their life.
⟶ sun in 2h, sun in 5h, sun in 7h, sun in 8h and sun in 10h
❦ sun in 2h, think of mr krabs, everything he does, he will make sure that he will earn money from doing it. earning money is how they feel emotionally secure, so if they feel protected with money around them, they will make sure they can reach to that point.
❦ sun in 5h, earning money by being talented and by being an internet personality. (can do that for sun in 11h too).
❦ sun in 7h, earning money through partnerships, (business ships, relationships, friendships, contracts and law/court cases).
❦ sun in 8h, being passionately devoted towards receiving money, the type to do anything to get money. can signify inherited money, (so does sun in 4h).
❦ sun in 10h, having authority in wherever they work in, making them people who get more money than the people they work around.
⟶ jupiter aspecting sun, pluto aspecting sun and neptune aspecting sun.
❦ jupiter aspecting sun, having luck with earning money. could earn money by travelling.
❦ pluto aspecting sun, earning money by the amount of power they have over people. could lead to exploiting people's wallets.
❦ neptune aspecting sun, manifesting money into your life.
⟶ activated 10h.
having all types of planets in the 10h signifies fame.
❦ sun - your purpose was becoming someone who is in the public eye. is seen as a leader and powerful thus having control over the people.
❦ moon - you are someone who is viewed as healing and emotional to the public eye, therefore them being attached to you.
❦ mercury - you are someone who is adaptable and can work their way up the pyramid. being known for phrases and your intellect.
❦ venus - you are someone who is perceived as charming and aesthetically pleasing therefore having many people who are interested in you.
❦ mars - you are someone who is seen as a being who is enthusiastic and straightforward to what you want, making you someone who will reach and snatch the fame out of somebody else's hands. (being ultimately competitive about it)
❦ jupiter - you have luck with the public eye, being someone who is incredibly liked by the public and receiving many abundance from them and from the authority who aid you.
❦ saturn - may cause you to receive recognition a bit slower than others, but when you reach it, your fame will stay there longer than others. people admire your hard work.
❦ uranus - your creativity, eccentric and weird persona makes them public eye interested in you, always coming up with something different therefore never being seen as boring.
❦ neptune - being perceived as glamorous and mysterious by the public eye. others may project onto you, or people will say you're way more than you are and put you on a high pedestal.
❦ pluto - you are someone who is there to make a change, a colossal change, people might react badly to it; someone who is controversial.
⟶ stellium in the 2h, 8h, 10h and 11h.
❦ having a house stellium causes an individual to be hyper focused to the themes of that house. firstly, having a stellium in the 2h can indicate that you are someone who is hyper focused on earning money and controlling how you earn your finances, causes you to be someone who is hyper focused on gaining materialistic things.
❦ a stellium in the 8h makes someone hyper fixated and intensely devoted on attaining money, can feel powerful with it, a good indicator of earning money from your future spouse.
❦ having a stellium in the 10h makes you super focused on being recognised, or just having that feeling of becoming someone of authority.
❦ a stellium in the 11h automatically makes you someone who is recognised and by the community, could be a community in real life and on the internet, though it could make a being hyper focused on having a crowd of people follow them.
fame indicators people overlooked ⬎
⟶ activated 5h.
❦ mainly personal planets like sun, moon, mercury, venus and mars will work more, but generational planets like jupiter, saturn, uranus and neptune could also work, but there might be a slower climb to the top. especially if saturn is there.
❦ north node in the 5h is a very good placement for fame, as north node does speak of what you need to achieve in this life time, so when you have north node in the house of fame and entertainment...if 2+2 is 4 and 4+4 is 8...
pluto ❦
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jvaughnthedon · 3 years
Watch ""I Got Rich When I Understood This" | Wallstreet Trapper & Tom Bilyeu" on YouTube
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jvaughnthedon · 3 years
Femme Fatale
/ˌfam fəˈtɑːl/
noun an attractive and seductive woman, especially one who is likely to cause distress or disaster to a man who becomes involved with her.
confident, black lace, ruthless and cold while smiling coquettishly, well-maintained hands and nails, charismatic, impossible to win an argument with, lipstick of a color of blood of her enemies, intimidating, red wine, clicking of her heels on the marble floors announce her arrival, signature scent, looks that could kill, rose petals, rich dark eyebrows, beautiful because that's how she feels, flirts with everyone, silk dresses and sheets, actually respectful when the authority is deserving
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jvaughnthedon · 3 years
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Femme fatale aesthetic moodboard
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jvaughnthedon · 3 years
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jvaughnthedon · 3 years
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requested by 13-bottles-of-rum
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