jvayis-blog · 5 years
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hello squad fam, my name’s lia and i’m 18 and uhh , yeah! i’m excited to be here and i also don’t know what i’m doing at all ever so pls accept me :~) this is my girl jiayi who lowkey loves pet names pls, and she’s a total mess! she hates her life and she hates her dad and she hates herself so you could call her something of a… triple threat. HENNYWAYS please give her lots of plots and maybe force some love or more pain onto her
jiayi is the youngest of four children and was originally born in taipei, taiwan but later immigrated to south korea because her father was in extremely shady dealings and her mother thought the family would be safer if they left
once they move it turns out nothing would change, and her mother would end up raising the kids mainly by herself as their father was in and out of jail for drug use/dealing
whenever his dad was home he was aggressive towards his mother and would taunt/ridicule jiayi for the way she would behave/dress/speak claiming she wasn’t strong enough
their mother made her living by working three jobs and sometimes wouldn’t come home until wee hours in the morning which initially left jiayi very confused, feeling neglected, and with weird ideas of what love really was
she was good at what she did though so it paid the rent of their tiny apartment and put clothes on her childrens back and food in their stomach and that’s all she was trying to do. even back then jiayi knew that and so even with all the messiness that was their household, they were very close. her mom was probably even her best friend growing up
obviously, all of this was incredibly harmful to her development and confidence growing up and made jiayi hypersensitive of her every action and word. this resulted in jiayi not really talking a lot when she was younger and keeping entirely to herself. she didn’t do any sports and wasn’t apart of any clubs at all. just went straight from school and back home again until she finally grew old enough to work independently
once jiayi started working she started racking in some of her very own money which meant she could spend it whatever way she wanted. now, she’d always been artistically inclined, a characteristic that might have developed due to her lack of speech and friends. she loved to draw, paint, sing, rap, and had always wanted to get into music production. so when she had enough she bought herself the makings of a mini home studio and started messing around with making her own music
jiayi’s music was always a personal thing - never really meant for anybody else. but once one of her friends caught wind of her music things started to get a little crazy. encouraging her to try out to become an idol, jiayi went along with it for two reasons: she needed the money and she didn’t think she would get far and figured she had nothing to lose
from there, you can guess what basically happened. her life got flipped upside down and got farther than she could have even imagine, becoming a trainee and then debuting in a group.
jiayi is a lot more confident now, sometimes seemingly overly confident to those around her. even if on the inside she still feels like that insecure little girl she was growing up
also calls herself a local meme enthusiast & there’s a 99% chance she’ll quote some type of vine during a conversation
but deep down despite all her stupid memes.. .. or whatever… it’s mostly a kind of coping mechanism to her? like she just really HATES feeling vulnerable so she makes up for that by being super outgoing to distract herself from thinking too much about her family but always goes 100% just to make sure they stay afloat
but she’s a Good Girl she really is, esp hates seeing people struggle or be in pain and would do as much as she can to help/defend them, which is why she often puts herself second and sacrifices a lot in the process
kinda hard to take srsly, but she gets annoyed pretty quick too despite how easygoing she is, so you’ll def know when she means smth is impt to her
at the same time people might get easily annoyed at her bc she might come across as someone who doesn’t take stuff seriously but it’s just bc she doesn’t wanna get too emotionally invested and hurt
so if you think you’re gonna have a heart to heart with her … well, good luck charlie
BUT she’s a funny girl and works hard
trustable 4 sure, ur secret’s safe w her
would make a friend in general despite everything FOR REAL she’s good for cuddles n making ramen and making you laugh
anw LOVE MY BBY PLS!!!! thank u babes i look forward to interacting w u all cuties
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jvayis-blog · 5 years
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jvayis-blog · 5 years
I hate it when ppl are like “on a scale of one to ten” fucking bold of you to assume I can count
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jvayis-blog · 5 years
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selfie expert chou tzuyu
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jvayis-blog · 5 years
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