jwdsrot · 2 months
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how i feel about ossan's love! good show. i'm on ep 2.
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jwdsrot · 2 months
going to edit jwds to a fiona apple song soon...<3
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jwdsrot · 2 months
23.5 spoiler i guess
ongsa...girl. well at least the curtain goes up next episode
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jwdsrot · 3 months
i swear i can edits to other music, not just florence and the machine. i really do
in the meantime have some jwds with no light no light
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jwdsrot · 4 months
didn't you guys love it when jwds had red string of cuffs keeping them together all the time!! so please have some jwds with fleetwood mac
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jwdsrot · 4 months
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Janie Bryant on Instagram
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jwdsrot · 4 months
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Janie Bryant on Instagram
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jwdsrot · 4 months
you've got me wrapped around your finger / do you have to let it linger?
i present to you my mash fandom debut: traphawk linger by the cranberries amv
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jwdsrot · 4 months
thinking about how dongsik and joowon are the inverse of each other. thinking about joowon's journey realizing that blood is not thicker than water, ties can be severed from abusive family members (no matter how painful that is) and that among many things, his father's cruelty is what took away and destroyed dongsik's family who actually were a positive force in his life. many things about beyond evil appeal to me, but i mainly want to put a pin on the central themes of the show, particularly the failures of adults and parental figures, how that ripples through the lives of their successors in an especially vicious and self-destructive manner. this is a commonality found between multiple characters in the show (minjeong, joowon and jeongje) - but i want to put emphasis on joowon's struggle with this because his path to freedom was walked to completion, in comparison to minjeong whose life was cut short and jeongje who we part with carrying the painful knowledge that he may never achieve absolution, as his journey has only begun.
the show, technically starts at the beginning of joowon's journey/arc. unfamiliarity and discomfort force him to adapt and self-reflect, because the only way joowon was able to free himself was by breaking every rule his father set for him, going beyond his selfish confines and breaking down the walls he built. joowon is unable to get his physical body dirty, he is emotionally closed-off and is incapable of understanding why the people in manyang, particularly dongsik, would look out for anyone other than themselves. he is selfish, rigid, guilt-ridden and bashful; but it is exposure to dongsik's unwavering faith in and patience for others (for jeongje, for sangbae, for the people of manyang that have wronged him for years) that erode his harsh edges. dongsik, although not without flaws and contrary to what his outer appearance and manner of speech radiate, is kind and forgiving. that kindess, that forgiveness, as well as joowon's own guilt and shame is essential to getting him to a point where he is comfortable bloodying his hands, his clothes, and his face to protect dongsik (+ jihwa and her partner. to protect his friends).
dongsik recognizes joowon's pain too ("i know what it's like to be blamed for something you didn't do"). he sees his guilt, it's not inordinate to what joowon's done per se but a large portion of it brings so much shame to joowon ("please, stop doing unnecessary things out of guilt.") how could i have been so self-righteous when the man who bore me is responsible for so much misery? how do i rectify this, how do i absolve myself from the guilt? all dilemmas joowon grapples with, and dongsik, knowing pain and shame all too well does not grant joowon mercy when he is bowed down, forehead to cuffed hands while joowon's own are also cupping dongsik's, begging for it. mercy is letting joowon go, it's lifting the burden of responsibility off his shoulders - but instead, dongsik’s final request ensures that joowon truly atones ("i ask you to arrest me" - "no, how could i do that? i have no right") by informing him that the only way to live with guilt is to try and do right by the people who expect something from him. "joowon-ah", dongsik says as he softly picks up joowon's clenched fist, the look they share informs joowon that going through with the arrest is how he'll do dongsik right. it's what dongsik, his now friend, expects from him. that's what their final scene as partners is all about, in my opinion.
and something good does come out of dongsik's firm but tender confrontation. joowon gradually becomes a better person who seeks community and whose life, in return, is enriched by the friends that forming community gave him. dongsik and joowon's parting is bittersweet, but in letting joowon know that his actions matter to others and that he is wanted and expected by others - (jihwa, as part of the larger collective whose feelings towards joowon are influenced by dongsik's, texts him and checks in - that expectation to show up and empathy for when he does not respond is an invitation letting him know that there is a place for him if he chooses to occupy any) - dongsik sets him free.
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jwdsrot · 4 months
Love is...
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Today is Valentine's Day, and this is a good reason to repost an article about my favorite love drama.
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The problem with most romantic stories, in my opinion, is that they use formulaic moves. As a result, showing love only on a very superficial level. While true love is not expressed only in isolated romantic scenes, it is woven into life, becomes part of the personality and permeates the world in the eyes of the loving person. This is exactly what we are shown in Beyond Evil. In honor of this, let's look at Beyond Evil as a love story.
1. Love is - mystery
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Love begins with a meeting with a stranger (even if you are friends with them from school). Interest, the desire to know a person for who he really is, and not just to use their resources - that distinguishes a real feeling from a superficial attraction.
The ability to see the other person as a mystery, interesting in itself, an unexplored land.
2. Love is - to go out into foreign territory.
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In another person, we are primarily attracted to what we lack in ourselves. But here lies the main problem. What we lack in ourselves is what we could not assimilate, what causes confusion or even fear.
And falling in love, we sometimes have to meet with what we have been avoiding for so long and diligently. And learn to understand and appreciate it.
3. Love is - desire to touch
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This is how the great director Stanislavsky defined love. Behind this is not only sexual attraction, but above all the need for a sense of reality. The reality of the other, and the reality of oneself in contact with them .
Each of us needs someone else to feel the reality of our existence, we need a touch - with someone with whom we want to share this reality.
In Beyond Evil we see a great example, how love can manifest itself in this desire to touch, even before the person realizes their feelings
4. Love is - to see
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Loving means being willing to see a person for who they are, even in those aspects that they prefers not to show to others or even trying not to see themselves . But the person who shared your darkest experiences becomes really especially close to you.
5. Love is - to protect
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In love, we begin, often quite unconsciously, to extend to the other person our own instinct for self-preservation and our own sense of boundaries.
6. Love is - to share life
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The desire to share - impressions, ideas, memories and just food. Sharing food is like sharing life, letting the other person into your personal space and giving them some of your life energy.
7. Love is - strive to be seen
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Love energizes life. Raises the desire to be brighter, more noticeable, live your life more fully and, of course, attract the attention of a loved one
8. Love is - "Ram into you and bite"
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Partner love, unlike other types of love, involves more than just gentle touching.
It is natural to want to penetrate lover’s borders - and in this desire there is something annoying, sometimes even aggressive. The desire to tease, to provoke each other, may be born from the desire for a sharper and more intimate contact.
9. Love is - compassion
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In light infatuation, people use affection as a source of positive emotions, but leave as soon as it becomes stressful. But truly loving, we inevitably share not only the joy, but also the pain of a loved one. In the end, the lovers share each other's fate.
10. Love is - to Let go and to Catch
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This is the name of the last two, final series of Beyond Evil and in these words the dynamics of harmonious relations. Intimacy is a wave, not a straight line.
We catch and release each other, only to catch again later. And it takes a special trust in both cases - to let go and wait for the return. To fall into the arms of another and know that they will catch us.
11. Love is - to share a common silence
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Particularly deep relationships are distinguished by the ability to be together in silence. And to withstand that special level of intimacy when there are not even words between you.
12. Love is - to walk beside
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It is hardly possible to stay in a long-term relationship if you make completely different decisions, choose different paths. The ability to look in one direction, to create some kind of joint world - this is what makes people a real partners.
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jwdsrot · 4 months
only two degrees of separation between shin hakyun and catherine breillat btw. and yet.
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jwdsrot · 4 months
cant stop staring at you its like i forgot that staring is rude 🙄
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jwdsrot · 4 months
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happy valentine's day!
handing you denial of feelings and my lds in a crop top and/or leather pants agenda
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jwdsrot · 4 months
what show should i start now that chaser game w did not turn out to suit my tastes..
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jwdsrot · 4 months
Sexual/Sacred Joke (Translated)
This is an 18+ Vogue interview from 2010 with Shin Hakyun so read at your own risk
Shin Hakyun appears in Director Lee Hae-young’s sex-fantasy film Festival as a macho man who is preoccupied by size. In order to surprise this quiet, bashful actor who only opens his mouth on screen, I threw at him some mischievous questions filled with sexual innuendos. 
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Now, the readers won’t be interested in your serious narrative. So let’s pretend that this interview is one big sex joke, and play a game. 
Ah… Okay, hehehe (he sounds like he doesn’t understand).
Do you think all directors are perverts?
Us filmmakers, we all have perverted tendencies. We just live quietly without showing them.
Live without showing… So you admit that you have perverted tendencies. 
I don’t know. But I’m certain that those tendencies are provoked by the directors.
Actors occasionally seem to feel pleasure by swinging a whip or shooting semen all over the place on screen. You attempted a threesome in Thirst, right? I do think it’s heartbreaking that you had your wife taken from you by a vampire, but wickedly, you were lying in between Song Kangho and Kim Okbin.
They were tangled up in each other’s pleasure and ended up killing me before finally having sex, and I involuntarily found myself on the bed between them. It wasn’t my intention.
Hm hm, are you prepared to speak about the filthy desire sitting in your heart at any moment?
No. Expelling that filthy desire through acting is enough.
What do you think about the comedic expulsion in Joint Security Area and Save the Green Planet?
You’re talking about older things. They are merely victims. They are abnormal people who were driven to insanity by society.
Do you act for communication or pleasure?
Communication 6, pleasure 4. I’m not good at communicating. I was born that way. I wasn't able to tell my stories since childhood.
So you’re very repressed.
Is it a problem that I don’t have much to say? I’m saying that I have a big desire to communicate, but I don’t want to express that through speech.
I understand. But we all have to say something. That’s how interviews work. Should we talk about the center of acting-based pleasure? Is it the mouth? Hands? Ears? Chest?
The brain. The brain becomes very sensitive… and the cells roar, I don’t know how to describe it.
Try your hardest to think about what to say.
So… This is… Just, it’s like that. It definitely feels like something is being relieved…
Let’s say it’s the feeling of ejaculating. Then what about size?
A man’s size.
In Festival, this guy is a macho cop who has no hopes or plans for the future. We don’t know if he says he’s big because his genitals are actually big, or if he’s actually not that big but is lying instead. Like most men do.
How about you?
Me? I don’t think size and confidence are directly proportional. Saying that makes me feel smaller for some reason.
Oh! You don’t feel like someone who's small. So you don’t need a Na Hoon-A-esque performance. But are sexual confidence and sexual jokes directly proportional to each other?
I tend to only listen.
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Are you saying you’ve never told a sex joke before?
There are many times I don’t talk at all in any situation.
Have you read erotic novels? Ones like Let’s Go! To the Rose Inn by Ma Kwang-soo, Try Lying to Me by Jang Jung-il, The Road to the Racetrack by Ha Il-ji. 
I like classic novels. I’ve been re-reading The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky and King Lear and Othello by Shakespeare.
I expect nothing less. You starred in this movie with Oh Dalsoo, Sung Dongil and Ryu Seungbeom. Their sexual tendencies are also diverse. Sung Dongil prepares a whip and handcuffs and waits to be dominated, Ryu Seungbeom who loves dolls more than women, fairy Oh Dalsoo who wears laces and moves around gently…
I’m so jealous of those actors. They’re really funny if you see them on set. They act and talk freely. But compared to Oh Dalsoo, I’m a talker.
I know that Shin Hakyun and Oh Dalsoo fall in a similar category. In comparison to Sung Dongil and Ryu Seungbeom who are always hopping about, you two are pure, silent, and internal perverts. How was it with Won Bin, who you filmed My Brother with?
That guy talks less than me. He’s really quiet, to the point where I’m curious [about him]. I heard he likes games, but… when compared to him, I think I would have to keep from talking more.
Oh, but not now! How much do you consider women’s feelings?
Women’s feelings? I’m happy when the other person is happy. I work hard to satisfy the woman. Depending on the situation, I would use various actions and techniques.
How would you feel if you found your lover’s vibrator?
In the movie, I see it in secret and pretend not to know. I’m an unconfident person who even failed his examination for promotion, so size matters more to him, and thus he is hurt by his lover owning a vibrator.
I read Park Min-gyu’s novel recently and it had a similar story. A car salesperson returned home and asked for a meal, and his wife asked “Haven’t you eaten yet?” which made him go ballistic and cause a scene in their house. At that moment, he finds a vibrator in their closet. His mind goes blank and he runs away from home, sailing off to the moon.
I understand. But sexual capability isn’t too important to me, so I think I would be fascinated by the vibrator. [I would ask] Where did you get this? Do you normally use it? Is it good? I would respect it as it’s a form of play that doesn’t pertain to the man’s abilities.
Are you closer to a sadist or a masochist?
I despise getting hit, and I also hate hitting the other person because they wouldn’t enjoy it.
Do you have masochistic tendencies when you work? In Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, I heard you were beaten by Song Kangho so much that you had bruises all over your body, but you didn’t scream once.
There is a side of me that exudes newfound energy when I’m exhausted and abused.
Sexually, what do you think is between the rebellious teenage phase and the greasy old person phase?
There would be the youth who freely enjoys everything and the middle-aged person who is filled with fantasies.
Which one do you fall under?
I don’t know, I’m not sure where I would fit in. Regardless, I’m healthy. Hehe.
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What would you say to all the withered virgin men and women?
I don’t even get to meet any of them.
What if they came to you for advice/counseling?
So? What do you want me to do? That’s your problem.
As a reporter, I have no choice but to invade the actor’s private life. We are pitiful torturers. You understand, right?
Yes, I know. I’m sorry I can’t be a fiery sacrifice for you.
I heard you drink alone for more than half of each year?
I drink every day. I like feeling intoxicated. I considered brewing alcohol on my own if I didn't act.
When are you most bored?
I’m most bored after finishing a project when I’m waiting without any future plans. I’m also bored when I have to drink on the set while waiting, without the presence of my character.
How did you feel when you first watched Like a Virgin, Director Lee Hae-young’s first installment of his sexual fantasy work?
It was touching. It was cute to see young Ryu Deokhwan crossdressing in a Chinese-style dress and applying lipstick. Also the scene where the father looks down at his son while riding an excavator.
What would you say if the actual Madonna entered this room, completely nude?
Please leave! I’m scared. You’re not my type. I like round women.
Have you ever pictured yourself wanting to slap Marilyn Monroe’s buttocks?
What buttocks? I do want to have a drink with her. Even though we wouldn’t be able to understand each other and there would be no need to talk in the first place.
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If you had to act as either a priest or a monk who is facing some sexual challenge, who would you pick?
Song Kangho hyung played a priest in Thirst. The monk role would be more fun. It would be the Buddhist version of Thirst, called Did You See?... (T/N: “Did you see” in Korean is pronounced “Bwat-ji,” which sounds similar to Thirst’s Korean title “Bak-jwi.”)
Oh! You told a joke for the first time.
You’re asking troubling questions so I can’t be serious. Try asking this question to other actors. They’ll all be good at [answering]. I can’t talk or sing and I freeze whenever I even see a studio camera. I’ve had no reason to train for this type of conversation, either.
Try playing on the boundary between jokes and serious talk. Let’s make the claim that, for instance, Lindsay Lohan wants to have a threesome with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and 45 minutes later, she will announce her marriage to Brandon Flowers of the band The Killers.
I’d do anything if it’s for acting in a film…
What do you mean by that?
I could act as a gay or transgender character, or I could run around the Myeongdong streets while naked.
That’s not a scene I would particularly want to see. If only one film could remain in this world, what should it be?
Wealth and honor, hehe. (T/N: Term for “wealth and honor” in Korean is pronounced “bu-gwi-yeong-hwa” and the word for “movie” in Korean is “yeong-hwa.” Shin Hakyun was making a pun based with the last two letters/syllables of the first word, which overlap with the word for “movie.”)
You keep smiling/laughing only.
Smiling is my habit. In school, I was friends with everyone. Smart kids, carefree kids, kids who always fought. They were all nice to me, and that was because I always smiled without saying anything. Since then, smiling has become a habit.
So smiling was your version of camouflage. It is a bit sad for being the origin story of a million-dollar smile.
What pose would you do if you were chosen as the cover model of Playboy?
I would show my back. I’m not confident about my front. My butt appears in this film Festival as well. It is a shame that I had to look oily and plump due to my character being a lazy drunk.
When does the orgasm of acting come around in this film?
This movie begins with a scene where I ejaculate.
Ejaculation, right off the bat?
Lastly, please say a word for all the pitiful audience members of this generation who are struggling with sexlessness and frigidity.
I think frigidity has more to do with mental factors rather than physical… But I don’t have that, so… I’d only know if I’ve experienced it… I’m not even a doctor, what should I say? Anyway, I’m healthy when it comes to sex. I’m not indifferent. I’m sure of that.
@capricorniohash, @pass-in-the-night, @seveneaglestar, @ladykyrin
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jwdsrot · 4 months
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new ha kyun photos / interview dropped
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jwdsrot · 4 months
what if i loved you so much it drove me to betray the thesis of our show
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from the unfilmed script for Hawkeye on the Double
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