jxsticeincognito · 5 years
      He could tell he got under Light’s skin so easily and it made the detective smirk. He liked winning. Childish, of course, but the small sense of victory over Light boosted his ego.
      “Truth or dare?” he repeated, considering the proposal. What did Light have up his sleeve? Sitting back a little - though not removing himself from Light’s personal space - he stroked his bottom lip in thought. It was an interesting proposition and would certainly relieve some of his boredom for a while, but why had Light suggested it? What exactly did he think he could dare the detective to do that would make him regret his decision to play along?
      “Alright” he agreed, deciding that nothing was too risky. “Go ahead. But if you’re thinking, Light, that this game will be a way to get me to back down or feel remotely embarrassed, then I’m afraid you will be sorely disappointed” he continued, arrogantly. “Who shall go first?”
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
“He could say that I’d be relapsing. That’d be proof enough.” Alice spoke. “He is quite unpleasant. They’d believe him too because he’s got a good reputation amongst other Doctors. A whisper in the right ears and I’d be locked away again.”
      The Detective frowned. A nasty piece of work is what this man sounded like. The fact that so-called ‘professionals’ had such power over the lives of their patients, even if it did not beneit the patient at all... it was sickening.
      “And what if we were to present our own professional opinion? An opposing view from another medical professional that could work against his? Surely in such a delicate environment, any court would require evidence of a relapse... he cannot give what does not exist”. 
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
Misa gave him a small smile as she took out some strawberry flavored shiny lip gloss and applied to her lips ever so slightly. With a small smack of her lips, she closed it up and placed it back into her pocket. “I’d be willing to give you as much as you like. As a model, I get offers to go and eat at different places since it’ll bring them publicity. I do know a good pastry cafe that I think you would absolutely love.”
      He awaited her answer with an element of impatience. Now she had caught his attention with the prospect of cake - strawberry shortcake, no less - he was intrigued. It did not, by any means, mean that he would eventually give her what she wanted and play by her rules. No, he simply didn’t work that way. But he would absolutely play along for as long as it benefited him.
      “In that case, I would certainly expect a large portion, if you can get me as much as I’d like” he replied. He paused for a moment, a slightly playful look twinkling in his eye. “Why, Misa, it sounds like you’re asking me out on a date” he joked, though his voice was dead-pan.
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
( o o c ) : U G H.
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    I wanna write, guys, I really do. I am just feeling way too overwhelmed at the moment. Every time I get a spare moment to write, inspiration just won’t come and I can’t. And when it does come, it’s at inopportune times like, right before I need to go to bed, or at work, or at the gym and it’s such a pain in the arse.      I’m so sorry for keeping you all waiting and I’m really hoping I get something done this weekend. Thank you, as always, for bearing with me <3
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
( o o c ) : hi guys! Just sticking my head in to let know that I’m still alive and this blog is still active, even though I’ve not been on it for ages! I’ve just been hella busy and stressed lately. I’m hoping to get to drafts and asks tomorrow evening so hang tight. Thanks, as always, for bearing with me <3
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
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Death Note | One gifset per episode
∟#22 Guidance
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
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Wammy Kids. insp.
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
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From “Star Light” doujinshi.
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
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This week on nightmares Light Yagami has definitely had.
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
Death follows him.
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
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L icons ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤlike/reblog if you save (๑•̀ㅁ•́)ฅ♡
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
The words ‘strawberry shortcake’ sparked his attention, and it was easy to see, even as his expression remained the same - even and bland - as his eyes twinkled.
“Shortcake? A tempting offer...” he considered, running a hand through his thick mess of hair, momentarily smoothing it out, only for it to stick back up once he’d let go.
“How much would you be willing to get me?” He asked, playing along.
The detective frowned, as though genuinely considering it, though he was notoriously stubborn.
“That depends on what the confectionary is, that’s being offered” he replied, being deliberately difficult. “Otherwise…” he shrugged.
[ continued post @the-second-kira ]
Misa wondered what the detective would be interested in eating. She knew he liked sweets the most. Perhaps if she offered him something sweet tasting he would comply with her. “How about I get you strawberry shortcake? Or any type of cake. You like cake right?”
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
L frowned, hoping to have provoked the other into more of a reaction than that. Light seemed remarkably calm, despite showing obvious annoyance on his face, but the detective couldn’t use that against him as an argument for him being Kira. Anybody would be annoyed if they had been pounced on.
“Using my own words against me?” He replied, haughtily, making it seem as though he didn’t care. “Say what you like, Light. It doesn’t bother me”.
At Light’s command, L thought for a moment; he could be the bigger person and stand up, but he was childish... and hated to lose.
“Why don’t you make me?” He goaded.
The detective pouted, childishly.
“I am working on it seriously. I’m tired of getting nowhere” he complained, before giving somewhat of a mischievous grin. “You know, this would all be so much easier if you just admitted to being Kira”.
He knew that would get a reaction; he did always know how to touch a nerve when it came to Light. Still, he didn’t move away, not allowing Light to sit upright just yet.
“Yes. It’s more interesting than staring at a screen for hours on end… besides, you’re always telling me I work too hard” he smirked. But the smile was short lived. He felt Light’s knee jab into his stomach, causing him to let go of his wrists at the shock of the impact.
“Ow… that was uncalled for” he complained, rubbing his stomach.
Tired of the detective’s childish behavior (seriously if L hadn’t proven his genius long enough Light would barely believe him), he let out a sigh and mentally counted to ten to prevent himself from snapping again. He wouldn’t give L the satisfaction to get a reaction just for the sake of his own need to win over him.
“I can’t admit to be someone I’m clearly not.” Light bluntly remarked, the air of challenge in his eyes. And you can’t convict me without evidences. As his knee sunk in the detective’s stomach and the grip on his wrists loosened, he could finally sat upright, supporting himself on his elbows.
“Serves you right. Weren’t you the one saying an eye for an eye?” A victorious smirk played along his lips. “Get off, now.”
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
“He sounds... unpleasant” he murmured, stroking his bottom lip in thought, running his finger back and forth over the skin. He narrowed his eyes yes, staring off into space as though trying to figure things out in his mind.
“May I ask what grounds he is wanting to send you back on? Does he have evidence to send you there? Legally, he can’t if he doesn’t”.
“I think so. I often come back with a horrid headache whenever I do it. But i believe i do have some leads on it. My sister often had suitors who would visit. One of them was studying to be a doctor. Lizzie hated him. He disgusted her. Told our father to cut him off from our lives.” She explained. “The night of the fire i saw a silhouette leaving her room, locking it.”
Her words intrigued him; it sounded mysterious indeed. A silhouette leaving her sister’s room sounded very untoward, let alone a little ominous.
“Do you require my help?” He asked, inquisitively. “If you have an inkling of who the shadow might be… I could do some background checking?”
It was no real bother to the detective. Truth be told, he was bored, and this might help ease some of his boredom.
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
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jxsticeincognito · 5 years
( o o c ) : sorry I’ve not been writing lately; things are saved in drafts and practically ready to go but my brain’s not been in the right place for writing lately. L’s awake and here, but I haven’t got the capacity to write at the moment. Hopefully I won’t keep you too much longer <3
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