jzindman · 10 months
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here is the source of all the sounds:
music - shop theme from waterworld on the snes !! swapping places - portal gun sound (i will change it i promise) changing mass - ping pong balls from the ucc sky bridge button - the goat button from my room
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jzindman · 10 months
sound !!! and music !! wowie :0
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jzindman · 10 months
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he sadly isnt gonna be the actual character, but he can walk and run !! by getting the player's velocity and applying it to a blendspace 1d, unreal can fade between the idle, walking, and running animations depending on how fast the player is moving !
next step is to add jumping and fling (switching to the ball to fling yourself) animations,,
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jzindman · 10 months
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get it girl !!
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jzindman · 10 months
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send em to da meat grinder boss
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jzindman · 10 months
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blueprints for the button and moving platform respectively !!
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jzindman · 11 months
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added buttons and moving platforms !!
moving platforms can be placed in the level and given a starting position, ending position, and move speed !!
if you set them as the child of a button they become activated by the button too ! this is how you can make button activated doors like the one seen here:)
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jzindman · 11 months
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done programming the mechanics,, texturing time !! designed some simple tiling textures in krita and transferred them into unreal.
also learned how to make a cel shader for the game which pretty much sets game objects to one of 2 light levels based on the amount of exposure to a light source they have.
material nodes arent fun !!
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jzindman · 11 months
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cool color scheme !!
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jzindman · 11 months
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forget everything posted before this, new game idea !! physics-based sciency cartoony test chamber puzzle game with the overarching mechanic of a ball you can swap places with.
(very much based on games like portal antichamber and superliminal !!)
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jzindman · 1 year
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Updated the meshes and textures of the altar and gemstone!
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jzindman · 1 year
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Here is the first level of the game! Intended to be a shrine in the center of the world, it houses 14 crystals for the player to collect in a certain time frame! With various levels to run around on, the player must be quick. The shapes were crafted using vertex selection and the boolean tool in Unreal's modeling mode. While getting things to line up was a bit difficult, I was overall able to create a radially symmetrical environment.
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jzindman · 1 year
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jzindman · 1 year
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Here is a landscape created in Unreal Engine. The terrain is very steep and mountainous and requires precision platforming in order to traverse. In order to get to the top of the mountain and see the pretty view, the player needs to follow the path and make it across various obstacles.
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