k-an-kennon · 8 months
Aw, someone in Australia read my Master of the House yesterday on Kindle Unlimited there. Good on you, mate! Did you like it?
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My newest story is live on Amazon!
I have a special promotion set for the weekend of April 8th & 9th, so keep your eyes peeled!
Stats: 94,500 words; 287 Word pages, almost 500 Kindle pages [KENPC]
It’s got a little bit of mystery, a little bit of suspense, a little bit of romance, and a whole lot of steamy graphic sex, so be sure to read with one hand free (if you know what I mean)! ;)
It’s available on Amazon for $2.99 in the US and it should be available on all other Amazon sites around the world too.
If you have Amazon Prime, you can read it for free as part of the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library; it’s also on Kindle Unlimited and you can read it for free there too as part of their free trial offer.
Your support means a lot to me; every little bit of exposure and positive word of mouth helps!
K An Kennon
I grew up not knowing my family—my dad sent me off to boarding school when I was little and I only saw him a few times a year if that. When he disappeared at sea, I never expected that my life would be changed so dramatically. Rather than inherit money, which would have been nice since trying to go to college while deep in debt wasn’t exactly fun, I inherited something else instead—a title. I was supposed to be the new Master of the House of my dad’s remote Nevada manor. What the hell was that supposed to mean? What the future would have in store for me was, well, quite eye-opening to say the least.
The biggest roadblock to my newfound position isn’t the property or the title, no, it’s the fact that the manor already has a resident dark and brooding queen—The Mistress—and she doesn’t seem like the type of woman to be trifled with.
The board is set and all the pieces are in play, so whether I want to or not, it’s up to me to make the first move…
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k-an-kennon · 8 months
It's ready--it's finally ready. My epic tale of sibling love is available once again, freshly polished off and easier to read than ever before. Out of all of my Pookie stories, this is the one that means the most to me. You see, earlier that year, I lost a dear sibling to one of the most devastating cancers imaginable. This was, in essence, my heartfelt and cathartic response to that. There is no possible way that this story can mean as much to you, dear reader, but still, I hope that you can feel the heart and passion that I've put into it and enjoy...Homestead.
Homestead (110499 words, ©2016-2024)
A young woman travels with her mother and older brother to her grandmother’s rural family farm to clean it up and get it ready to sell after her grandmother passes away. What at first looks to be the waste of a summer vacation becomes so much more as deeply hidden family secrets are slowly revealed along with a lot of bare skin...
How do you get to my ASSLR page?
Copypasta this into your browser line and edit out all of the spaces before you hit enter:
https:// pookiesfamily. asslr. org/
PS: I've also found that if you simply Google "pookie asslr" that'll also take you right to it, along with a link to the ASSLR forum if you'd like to pop in and say hi.
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k-an-kennon · 2 years
Hi I’m still missing your stories, I’ve read similar stories from other writers but they don’t come close to the quality of your writing and I’d love to re-read them.
Have you found a new home for the Pookie stories yet? If not would you consider selling me text files or pdf versions of the stories? Sent via Dropbox or whatever suits you? I can pay via PayPal or any other method.
Hi Rick!
I'm delighted that there is still interest in my Pookie stories! You may have missed the dialog happening on my other Tumblr recently (this one, k-an-kennon, is specifically for the stories that I can put on Amazon). If you didn't know, the other one is called pookiesfamilyii. I'll repost this over there, so you can follow the breadcrumbs in the notes section below if you haven't seen it.
Another fan of my Pookie stories mentioned (just a few days ago) that you can find all of my Pookie Originals released up to the end of 2018 on an internet archive called "The Wayback Machine." Just Google those words and it should lead you to a free site called archive (dot) org and while there, search the history of pookieiii (dot) tumblr (dot) com and you should click on the Dec 2018 archive. In it, you'll see my old Pookie III Tumblr like it used to be back then and have access to all but four of my released Pookie Originals. I'm still looking into other options as to where I can release my old and new Pookie stories.
In the meantime, I'm editing/re-writing one that I had almost finished before Tumblr pulled the plug on P3 so that it can be posted on Amazon and see where that gets me. If it proves worthwhile, I may revamp some of my older stories in a way that Amazon would be okay with. (They pay writers about ½ a penny per page read in their Kindle Unlimited program.)
If you'd like to help me financially, reading my Amazon books is the way to do it, especially if you leave glowing reviews. I have the links on my page here somewhere, but you could always go to Amazon (dot com or uk or whatever country you live in) and search for "K An Kennon" and you should see the three titles I have there so far. Master of the House is more like my Pookie Originals than the Valkyria ones are.
Surprisingly, I earn more if you read my Amazon books in the Kindle Unlimited program than if you paid for them outright (works on any phone/tablet/computer/etc.) A fun trick is to sign up for the free trial, quickly read all of my books and then cancel it at the end of the free trial period. I get paid by Amazon for you reading them, but you don't get charged a subscription fee for it! Win-Win! That was one of my old story titles, by the way! ;) With Jeff Bezos flying dick rockets to the upper atmosphere, he can definitely afford it.
Thanks for writing in and giving this aspiring author some inspiration to get back to the writing desk!
K An Kennon
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k-an-kennon · 2 years
Hey. I love the Valkyria stories.I loved the premise and the tumblr dedicated to Valkyria was awesome. I have read the 2 Daughters of Freyja novels a couple of times each, and fell in love with many of the characters, especially Judy. Will there ever be a third? You kinda left it hanging and I'd really loved to know what happens next. In any case...Thank you for the Valkyria stories. They kind of inspired my own erotica writing I may try to post somewhere.
Prudence/Dill/Picklepuss? Is that you in disguise? If so, DM me, kay?
If not, I tried passing the Valkyrian baton to my editor and cohort who wanted to try her hand at writing the third book, but she disappeared off the face of the Earth.
I had a five book set pre-planned out before I'd even finished writing the first one, but when the reception on book 2 was *less than favorable* I agreed to hand over the reins, considering I had planned for the story to get a lot darker before it got any lighter (and readers were not happy with the level I'd already gotten it to).
I have a few [Pookie] stories on the backburner that I haven't finished yet that I might be able to revamp to make acceptable to the Amazon crowd (as in un-Pookify them). Those are much closer to seeing the light of day. Valkyria Book 3 is still only an outline at best.
Do you think there's still interest in Valkyria? You're the first person to mention it to me in months, if not years...
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k-an-kennon · 3 years
I'm specifically looking to re-read all of "homestead" Idk if you already have it up somewhere but I'd love to hear about it as soon as you're able to post it somewhere. Heck I'd pay for a copy of it and any of the others like that one. Thank you 🙂
I'd love to be able to sell it to you, too, but Amazon has a big hang-up against consensual incest between brothers and sisters in storylines unless it's a limited subplot between Lannister siblings or takes place in flowery attics. If it's the basis of the whole story and described in romantic, graphic detail? That's a no-no. :/
I'm trying to think of ways to get my "other" stories out there again, but keep running into roadblocks.
If it's something that can go on Amazon, I'll post that info here. If they involve that other non-Amazon-friendly theme, I'd post that info on Pookie's Family II.
Thanks for remembering me!
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k-an-kennon · 3 years
Where can we read your stories from Pookie? I loved your stories. Was halfway into homestead when it got deleted. Would love to finish it. You are an amazing writer!
Why, thank you! I don't know of a safe place to post them since Tumblr killed the Pookie story blog. If I find a decent option, I'll likely post that info on Pookie's Family II. This Tumblr is specifically dedicated to my Amazon stories, so any new stories that are worthy/able to be published there, I'll be sure to post that info here!
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k-an-kennon · 3 years
Can you post your old work on Literotica? That way it would have less of a chance of being deleted. I think your excellent stories would do well there.
I tried looking into Literotica, only a few months ago even, and I wasn’t content with the process/how they operate. If I have to edit my stories and have them fall within certain parameters to how a site specifically functions and how they use your material, then I’ll go the extra step and make them acceptable to Amazon. I was 58k words into a new Pookie story when the blog got the axe. I’ve thought of a way to rewrite it and make it work for Amazon, so that’s what my next writing plan is when I have a chance to do so. That way it’ll be new for everyone.
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k-an-kennon · 3 years
Pookie III has been shut down! :( Where will you try next, or, where can we follow you now?
Tumblr evidently didn’t want it to exist anymore. I was working on a new story too. I plan to finish it the way that I originally intended and then edit it so that I can put it up on Amazon. Say what you will about Amazon, but they’re the only place right now where my stories don’t get deleted. (As long as I follow their rules!) That means that nobody can [obviously] be related...*cough* *cough* Master of the House *cough* Excuse me! ;)
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k-an-kennon · 7 years
I miss your tumblr stories! Why did you take them down?
I didn’t take them down--Tumblr terminated the main account they were attached to without warning and wouldn’t tell me why. I’m in the process of reposting them over on Pookie’s Family II.
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k-an-kennon · 7 years
It’s the 2-year anniversary of Welcome to Valkyria! Quick! Head on over to Amazon where you can pick it up for only 99¢!
P F Dill is hard at work on the prequel and the sequel and you might find out that everything isn’t quite what it appears to be. I’ll give you a big clue--women don’t really die in Valkyria, so be sure to keep that in mind before succumbing to those crying wolf or ranting about tired TV Tropes.
PS: You can also read it along with my other ebooks for FREE if you take advantage of the Kindle Unlimited trial or if you are an Amazon Prime member where you can read it for FREE as part of the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library.
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k-an-kennon · 7 years
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My newest story is live on Amazon!
I have a special promotion set for the weekend of April 8th & 9th, so keep your eyes peeled!
Stats: 94,500 words; 287 Word pages, almost 500 Kindle pages [KENPC]
It’s got a little bit of mystery, a little bit of suspense, a little bit of romance, and a whole lot of steamy graphic sex, so be sure to read with one hand free (if you know what I mean)! ;)
It’s available on Amazon for $2.99 in the US and it should be available on all other Amazon sites around the world too.
If you have Amazon Prime, you can read it for free as part of the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library; it’s also on Kindle Unlimited and you can read it for free there too as part of their free trial offer.
Your support means a lot to me; every little bit of exposure and positive word of mouth helps!
K An Kennon
I grew up not knowing my family—my dad sent me off to boarding school when I was little and I only saw him a few times a year if that. When he disappeared at sea, I never expected that my life would be changed so dramatically. Rather than inherit money, which would have been nice since trying to go to college while deep in debt wasn’t exactly fun, I inherited something else instead—a title. I was supposed to be the new Master of the House of my dad’s remote Nevada manor. What the hell was that supposed to mean? What the future would have in store for me was, well, quite eye-opening to say the least.
The biggest roadblock to my newfound position isn't the property or the title, no, it’s the fact that the manor already has a resident dark and brooding queen—The Mistress—and she doesn’t seem like the type of woman to be trifled with.
The board is set and all the pieces are in play, so whether I want to or not, it’s up to me to make the first move…
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k-an-kennon · 8 years
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Daughters of Freyja (Volume 2) Uprising
Is now up and live on Amazon!
If you haven't read Volume 1 yet, I am doing a special FREE promotion for Welcome to Valkyria over the Memorial Day weekend! From 12:00 AM Saturday to Monday at Midnight, you can download the first book in the series for FREE.
Here's the Amazon link to Volume 1: https://www.amazon.com/Welcome-Valkyria-Daughters-Freyja-Book-ebook/dp/B01433V2I8
I can only do one FREE promotion per quarter, but since both books are in the Kindle Unlimited program, you can actually read both for free by signing up for the 30-day free trial and then reading both books during that 30 day period. I still get credit if you do that, so by all means take advantage of the free trial!
If you have any comments or questions, I'm all ears!
K An Kennon [AKA Pookie]
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k-an-kennon · 9 years
Couldn't reply to the other comment. I should really sign up to Tumblr although I don't have anything to say via any blog. Anyhoo, formatting is soooo much better. I am using Firefox to read and forgot that you have mentioned about the different browser cakness when posting large text/stories on the Pookster blogs. Must be as frustrating as a TNG escort's clients only wanting an actual tour (scenic and interesting as it may be) and no FUN of any kind - total madness!
This is madness?!
 Thanks for the feedback!
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k-an-kennon · 9 years
Dig the Black & Blue & Pink short story, but you really need to sort out the formatting. It hurts my brain reading it which really distracts from the story itself. We want to enjoy the vibes you're sending so please don't make it so hard to read. Other than that, good job!
Oh hey! I think you’re the first person ever to send an ask via my k-an-kennon Tumblr! I know when I first posted the story, I think I might have been using Firefox at the time and it was not very user-friendly in letting you format imported text and editing only made it worse. I’ll see if another browser will let me make it look nicer now after the fact. Thanks for the feedback!
EDIT: I played around with some things and used Explorer to repost the story from a web-filtered doc file and that seems to have done the trick. Word to the wise: don't use Firefox to post detailed text of any length. It seems to work fine for pictures though, in fact, that's what I have magic-apples and berried-treasure defaulted to. I use Chrome for most everything else. Let me know if the formatting problems have been fixed! Thanks!
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k-an-kennon · 9 years
Black & Blue & Pink
Black and Blue and Pink
A Valkyrian Short by K An Kennon and P F Dill
  The Skurges event was being held at the southern tip of Valkyria, near the banana plantations. I always preferred it when the event was held nearer to the northern cities or at least close to the Fensalir mountains where the woods were lush and green and where rivers and streams could be found everywhere. In the south, the soil was rockier and much of the landscape was barren save for the massive banana plantations. It was hotter, dustier, rockier, and overall much less pleasant a place to hold such a large gathering for the Sisters of Skadi. What the banlands (which most of us called the banana-lands) offered was a lot of wide open dirt and gravel roads that were perfect for motorcycle events, that is, if you had a bike that was suited for off road conditions.
Now that I’ve told you about where we were headed, you can go ahead and forget all about it because this story is about what happened to us on the way there. Sort of “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Skurges” if you will. You see, Yarmilla and I were taking a detour off the main drag in order to visit her most favorite bakery in Valkyria in the tiny plains community of Sjöfn; an itty-bitty town nestled among fields of wheat in the lower plains region of Valkyria, about a two hour ride southwest of Freyja. Half of that time was spent on the long narrow winding road through the hills and fields to get to Sjöfn. It was worth the extra time to Yarmilla to taste one of those scrumptious crème cakes, and if it was worth it to her, then it was worth it to me as well.
Yarmilla pulled into the pint-sized PNIS station (Petrol N’ Idunn Supplies) on her all-black Triumph Bonneville and I followed closely behind on my shiny blue Harley-Davidson Electra-Glide. Yarmilla majestically dismounted her metal steed and effortlessly flicked down the kickstand with the toe of her boot. Her long black hair streaked with vibrant blues looked magnificent even after miles of being tousled by the wind; her mirrored aviation sunglasses hiding her gorgeous blue eyes that could make me instantly wet for her with the most furtive of glances. Her long-sleeved black leather jacket was always open in front to show off her admirably large breasts—much bigger than mine—and her jacket below the line of solidarity was cut into long dangling strips that made it look like she had been attacked at some point by a careful and meticulous clawed beast that shredded her jacket ever so perfectly in parallel lines.
Her most shocking garment was a pair of black leather buttless (and crotchless) chaps that when viewed from the side almost looked like leather pants. She wore those in defiance of her mother who was a high-ranking official in the High Mother’s inner circle. Yarmilla’s mother was a staunch advocate for no clothing at all and only ever wore her official Lawmother robes when she had to. If she had another square meter of leather, Yarmilla’s chaps would have been in direct violation of the national exposure laws.
I, on the other hand, wore much less than the average Sister of Skadi. While it was true that when we went on our forest hunts or honed our combat skills, we often did so completely naked; at most times we wore our traditional leather accoutrements that so obviously separated us from the average TNG (Totally Naked Girl) public. My go-to outfit consisted of a short-sleeved high-solidarity leather jacket (vest really) that only went to my boob-line. I always had it open in the front as well because Yarmilla liked seeing my titties. I wore a narrow studded leather belt and ankle-high motorcycle boots. I sometimes wore gloves, but not on warm days or else my hands would get too sweaty. I would always marvel at how Yarmilla could keep her cool considering how much leather she wore even on hot days. My long hair was naturally blond, but I liked to dye the tips with pink hair color so that my hair started out looking platinum blonde at the base and transitioned into cotton candy at the ends. You would think that was the reason why my nickname was Pinky but then you would be wrong.
Yarmilla, or Blue as I usually called her, started calling me Pinky soon after we met. I had been a mild-mannered school teacher with a fondness for unicorns, romance novels, and cuddling until I met Blue and fell madly in love with her and she whisked me away from my humdrum life into a life of excitement and passion. I had originally called her Yarmy, but with my faint German accent, people thought I was calling her Yummy instead. Blue always had colored streaks in her hair as long as I knew her, so that was an easy switch for me. She had called me by my actual name, Lena, until about a week after she had adopted Blue as her nickname and decided that she liked it and that I should go by a color as well. She said her favorite parts of me were pink so that’s what she would call me—Pink. That quickly evolved into Pinky and it stuck with me ever since. A few weeks later, I dyed the tips of my hair pink to cement the connection and never turned back.
“Lena, did you see anyone out on the street when we pulled into town?” Yarmilla asked in her mild Russian accent while looking around the empty PNIS parking lot. She only called me Lena when she was serious about something or angry with me. I knew barely any Russian and she knew very little German, so we spoke exclusively in English to each other.
“Not that I can recall,” I said looking around. Something definitely didn’t feel right. It was way too quiet.
We walked up to the front door of the convenience store to see a handwritten sign that read, “Sold out of Idunn. Come back later.”
“I’ve never heard of a PNIS completely selling out of Idunn,” I remarked and shook my head.
“Neither have I,” Yarmilla said suspiciously. She lifted up her sunglasses to peek through the windows into the dark store at the empty shelves inside. The doors were locked but the two petrol pumps were functioning so we filled up our bikes and paid at the pumps with NipNap before heading down the road deeper into town, this time much more alert and at a slower speed.
Not a single person was out on the road. We pulled into the small parking lot in front of the Dalurinn Bakari to find it just as deserted as the rest of the small town. The front door was locked. Yarmilla pounded on it but there was no answer.
“Where do you think everyone went?” I asked while looking in every direction to see if I could spot another person anywhere.
“I have no idea, but something doesn’t feel right. Let’s walk around to the back. The lady that runs this place, or at least did when I was here last time, lives behind the bakery.”
I nodded and followed a half step behind her to the back of the building. We circled around the garden shower to a door that Yarmilla tried first to find it locked before pounding on it for a few moments to no response. I glanced over to the shower to see that the stones that made up the shower floor were still wet.
“Look,” I said pointing at the shower, “someone was just here and showered. It had to have been recently.”
“Do you think they also took the apple wash with them?” Yarmilla said pointing to a section on the wall where the Idunn apple wash dispenser would have been but it looked like it had been haphazardly ripped off the wall leaving a gouge on the side of the building.
“You think someone is stealing or hoarding Idunn supplies?” I asked shaking my head in disbelief.
“There is definitely something fishy going on here Pinky. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Sjöfn is having Idunn supply and demand issues?” I said.
“Well, sort of, I think someone is stealing Idunn for nefarious reasons. The Sword of Heaven might be—shh!” Yarmilla immediately stopped talking and I froze to try to listen to everything around us. I distinctly heard the sound of a deadbolt sliding and the back door opened up a crack.
A loud whisper issued from the dark crack, “I no have any Idunn! I swear it!”
“Elda, is that you?” Yarmilla said trying to see through the crack.
“Who is?” said the weak-sounding voice from inside. “Who know Elda?”
“Elda, you know me as Yara, daughter of Vysokaya.”
The weak woman behind the door gasped audibly and opened the door wider and I was surprised to see a small stooped-over old woman wearing a floor-length tattered dress and she had a shawl wrapped over the top of her head.
It was Yarmilla’s turn to gasp when she saw the old woman and said, “Elda! What happened to you?”
Elda frantically looked around outside and then motioned for us to come in.
“Quickly! Before anyone see!” she said in a loud whisper. I looked around too but could see no one else anywhere. I followed Yarmilla into the domicile and past Elda who closed and locked the door behind us. The small building smelled of mildew and flour. The place was a mess.
“What in Skadi’s name is going on here?” Yarmilla demanded; her eyes ready to burst into flame.
“Shh! Not so loud!” Elda waved her arm feebly and walked slowly over to the table to sit down at one of the chairs. “They hear you! They always hear!”
“Who Elda? Who is listening?” Yarmilla said only slightly quieter.
“The bad men!” Elda said while looking around fearfully.
“Men? As in has-a-cock men?” Yarmilla replied incredulously.
“Yes, real men. They come and take all Idunn. Girls in bad, bad shape. Men take over town, everyone so scared, they no leave home,” Elda said, the fear in her eyes was palpable.
It took a while to get the whole story out of Elda, but it went something like this. Some unruly men without escorts started causing problems in the town and they were chased off by the town’s only two pussy police officers. The men returned that night, somehow subdued the clerk at the PNIS station and smashed all of the bottles of Idunn and everything else that had any Idunn in it, including any fruit. The men were gone before the pussy police showed up. The two pussy police officers tried tracking down the men but the officers disappeared and everyone simply thought they were out looking for the bad guys.
When the PNIS got a new shipment of goods soon afterwards, everyone thought things were fine again only to find that the supply was tainted somehow and had the opposite effect on women that drank it, while men that drank it were fine and it cleared them of their fugue causing some of the townsmen to join with the renegades. The men rounded up all the Idunn products from people’s homes including their soaps and body washes that contained Idunn and destroyed them. Yarmilla was getting angrier with every new detail from the frightened and frail old woman.
“Why did nobody call for help?” Yarmilla said steaming.
“We try call, but police not there. Only two officers in small town and only phone in PNIS send calls to station where nobody answer,” Elda said feebly. “Only phone that work. They cut lines? I am not to know.”
Right then we were interrupted by a loud crash that came from outside in front of the store. We quickly wound our way through Elda’s living quarters, past the bakery’s kitchen and into the front customer area of the store ready for a fight but nobody was there. Yarmilla quickly pulled aside a curtain to peek out through a front window and made a very unpleasant noise. She then ran to the front door, pulled back the deadbolt and ran out into the parking lot but once again, there was nobody there. What was in the parking lot and what had made the loud noise was our two motorcycles lying on their sides with their tires slashed. These renegade men were not only devious; they were silent and crafty too! They knew we were in town and we were definitely on their hit list.
Yarmilla quickly motioned for me to check one side of the parking lot while she checked the other, but we could see no sign of anyone in either direction—plenty of locked doors and shuttered windows—but no signs of life anywhere. We regrouped back inside the bakery to come up with a plan.
“Motherfuckers!” Yarmilla screamed once we were back inside. With her accent fueled by rage, it sounded like she said moth hair fracas. “How dare they do that to our beautiful bikes?”
“See how sneaky?” Elda nodded, her eyes full of concern. “They take things, they do things, and like poof, they gone!”
“Dirty stinking cowards,” Yarmilla fumed. “Once I get my hands on them, I’ll throw them into next week!”
“At least we know they fear us,” I said rubbing my chin. “They also don’t want us to leave and tell anyone what’s happening here.”
“You have no hidden stash of Idunn anywhere?” Yarmilla said.
“I certainly don’t,” Elda grumbled, “you think I would look like this if I did?”
Yarmilla gave a quick glance to me first and then back to Elda and said, “You have any crème cakes? I can give you a power boost, that’s for sure.”
“Sorry, but no crème left. No fruit filling either, just some dry doughnuts left with no filling at all. So sad!”
Yarmilla nodded slowly and said, “That will work.”
Yarmilla’s nickname with me was Blue, but to the sisterhood, she sometimes went by The Cuntilizer. I’m sure you’re familiar with how amazing things taste when they are dunked in a Valkyrian woman’s pussy, especially if she’s turned on. When it came to Blue, when she was furious, something special happened to her pussy juices making them extra strong and potent. It was sometimes worth getting in a fight with Blue simply because the makeup sex was awesome!
Elda wobbled over to her ice box and returned with a small box of cold plain doughnuts. Yarmilla took one out of the box and smelled it. She nodded her head and then broke a piece of it off. She took the bite-sized morsel of doughnut and rubbed it between her pussy lips; her buttless chaps were of no hindrance whatsoever. She then examined the doughnut chunk and made sure it was well-coated with her juices and placed it in Elda’s mouth. Elda was quite surprised once she had tasted it.
“Gydja minn!” Elda exclaimed. “You…you are a Vor Lind!”
“Before Lind? Huh?” I asked not understanding her.
“No, no, a Vor Lind! Is Icelandic for, how you say, fountain…um…spring fountain!” Elda, with newfound energy belying her apparent age, took a different doughnut from the box and dunked a broken off section of it into Yarmilla’s pussy before eating it.
“Definitely,” Elda nodded while chewing, “your mother is a Lawmother after all.”
“Don’t remind me,” grumbled Blue.
Elda looked a little younger almost instantly and no longer stood with a noticeable stoop to her posture. We snacked on Blue’s custom doughnut holes while we formulated a plan of attack. Everything began at the PNIS station on the edge of town, so that’s where we would begin our investigation and possibly lure out any miscreant men on our trip there since we would have to do it on foot. Considering Sjöfn was such a small town, it was less than a kilometer from one end to the other along the main road. Much like the doughnut bits we snacked on, the walk to the PNIS station was a piece of cake.
Our brisk walk back to the PNIS station was uneventful. We tried to see if there were any movements or people anywhere, or even people peeking out of windows between their curtains, but we didn’t spot anyone else. Still, it felt like we were being watched the entire time. The parking lot at the petrol station was just as empty as before. The door was just as locked and the “Sold out of Idunn” sign was in the same place, but the station seemed different somehow.
“Ah,” Yarmilla said pointing at a light inside the building. “That wasn’t on before, was it?”
That had to have been it!
“I don’t think it was, no,” I said shaking my head.
Blue pounded on the glass door angrily. One more iota of force from her fist would have surely shattered the glass. There was no movement inside and I quickly scanned the vicinity to see if I could spot anyone to no avail.
“Didn’t they know that a PNIS station,” Blue said pulling back her fist, “is supposed to always…be…open?” She launched her fist into the glass section of the door and it shattered into smithereens. I turned my head slightly away to make sure no tiny glass fragments flew my way, but they all went in or down. She then blew on the backs of her knuckles but they were no worse for the wear. Not a cut or spot of Blue’s blood to be seen. My Blue was one tough chick.
She reached through the glassless door and flicked open the deadbolt. We could have crawled through the opening in the door, but that would have been far less elegant than simply walking in over the scattered shards of broken glass. Good thing we were wearing our biker boots. Even the naturally tough feet of a TNG girl would have gotten shredded on all the glass.
“Hey, I think your front door’s broken,” Blue announced to the seemingly empty store and received no response.
We carefully searched around the display racks and behind the counter but there was nobody there. The place had all been cleaned out of anything remotely edible, save for some imported dried meat intended for men with a picture of a tiger on the package. Disgusting! The only door other than the front led to a back storeroom but it seemed to be blocked. Not locked per se, since the door didn’t have a lock, just blocked on the other side. With a deep breath and a strong shove, the door pushed a metal rack out of the way with a loud clanking sound and then opened freely. We heard an audible gasp in the dimly-lit room and Blue and I were instantly on high alert, ready for a fight.
“Please, please don’t hurt me!” a woman’s voice beseeched us.
I looked around for whoever it was that seemed ready to hurt the woman until I realized she meant us.
“Is there a reason we should want to hurt you?” Yarmilla asked the woman and I finally got a good look at her. The woman was crouching behind a stack of boxes. She had shoulder-length brown hair with matching brown eyes and was wearing a stark white t-shirt and a beach towel with blue and red stripes wrapped around her waist.
“I…I didn’t let you in, but you came in anyway,” the woman stammered in fear. She was clothed, but definitely didn’t look as haggard as Elda did nor as aged. It was quite possible she was younger to begin with.
“I hear you’re having an Idunn supply problem,” Blue said glaring at the woman.
“Oh! We just got a new shipment actually!” the woman said gesturing to the stack of boxes she had been hiding behind.
“Really now?” Blue asked still glaring.
The woman swallowed nervously and said, “Yes ma’am! I…I couldn’t risk opening the store right away for fear…fear of a run on the place. Please, help yourself to some Idunn.”
Yarmilla opened up one of the cardboard boxes that wasn't sealed and pulled out a bottle of Idunn. It looked full. Blue then twisted off the cap effortlessly and was about to take a drink when I stopped her. I saw the cowering woman swallow nervously again while watching us expectantly. Something definitely wasn't right.
“Have her try it first,” I said nodding my head in the direction of the nervous woman.
“Oh, I’m not thirsty,” the woman said with her eyes full of fear. “Thank you though. I just had some, I’m good. Thanks.”
“There’s always room for Idunn,” Yarmilla said holding the bottle right in front of the woman’s face and the woman broke into tears.
“Please don’t make me drink it, please!” wailed the woman.
That took Blue by surprise. What Valkyrian woman could possibly say such a thing about Idunn?
“What did you do to it?” Blue asked quietly yet in the hauntingly scary way she can when she is not happy about something.
“I didn’t do anything to it, but the men…I think the men did something terrible to it,” the woman cried, tears running down her cheeks.
“Tell me about these men,” Blue said calmly yet I could hear the fire in her voice.
“They have my brother!” the woman balled. “They said if I didn’t do exactly what they wanted, then bad things would happen to him!”
“Well we are here to make everything right again,” Yarmilla said as she set the bottle down on a shelf and crossed her arms, “so why don’t you start from the beginning?”
The frightened clerk, whose name was Margo, told us about the time just over a week before when she started noticing men coming into the PNIS store that she didn’t recognize. They would buy up Idunn products and pay with cash since they didn’t have NipNap on anything but their cell phones and since Sjöfn was so remote, it didn’t have any cell towers within range. The men kept returning and buying more Idunn and leaving, but it didn’t strike her as being odd at first because townsmen often came in unaccompanied to buy Idunn for their moms or sisters, etc.
When Margo noticed that her supply of Idunn was much lower than usual, she tried to reorder through the in-store TNG kiosk as she normally did but it wouldn’t work right and she had hoped that her order went through anyway as it had been touchy at various times in the past. Also at that time, one of the three girls that worked at the PNIS disappeared, but Margo and the other girl, Darci, simply wrote her off as getting the wanders so they had to switch their schedules to 12-hour shifts to accommodate for the missing girl, who was a night owl and loved the 9PM to 5AM shift. Darci had taken the 5AM to 1PM shift and had found the place unlocked and unstaffed one morning and the night owl Henrika was nowhere to be found. The rest of the normal Idunn was gone but everything else was intact and in its place. The cash register hadn’t been broken into and nothing else was missing, so Darci figured that Henrika must have gotten the wanders something fierce and was headed off in the direction of the nearest woods.
When the Idunn didn’t get restocked the next day as expected, the townsfolk bought up everything in the store that had even a little bit of Idunn in it as well as all the fruit. The town only had a few TNG club members, but they complained that the kiosk wasn't working and the comm center wouldn’t send their messages out.
“Now wait a minute,” Yarmilla said, “I heard that the bad men smashed all of the Idunn and the fruit.”
Margo shook her head and said, “That came later, after we were finally restocked.”
I chimed in to get the story back on track and said, “What happened after the kiosk stopped working?”
“Oh,” Margo said continuing her story from before, “that was when one of our pussy police officers stopped in and said there were some complaints about the station from people. I was here at the time and was really exhausted after a couple of days with 12-hour shifts and told her about waiting for a resupply and that it was running late. I begged her to keep an eye out for Henrika because she was too young to be gone that long from just the wanders.”
The officer wasn't too concerned about the missing Henrika since some of the townswomen were over a hundred and would sometimes get the wanders for weeks at a time. In Henrika’s absence, Darci had been taking the 1AM to 1PM shift and Margo had been working the 1PM to 1AM shift. Two days later, Margo arrived at the store for her shift to find a small crowd gathered there including the two town pussy police officers. The standard resupply from Idunn had come early that morning but everything in the store was smashed to pieces. Broken bottles were everywhere and fresh fruit was stomped into the ground amidst the broken bottles. Darci was nowhere to be found. One woman said she came up to the store and heard the ruckus inside. Once she saw sight of a bunch of men smashing bottles and stomping on things, she quickly ran off to notify the pussy police, but when they got there the men were gone and another woman said she saw them running away into the nearby fields. The officers got a quick description of the men and took off in the direction she pointed. Darci and the officers hadn’t been seen since and everyone in town went into panic mode and locked themselves inside fearing that the men would come back and break into their homes and smash all of their food too.
Yarmilla looked at me and then back to Margo and said, “Your story sounds a little different than what we’ve already heard about it.”
Margo scowled and said, “Did you hear about it from someone else that was here? False rumors get spread much faster in this town than true ones.”
Yarmilla puffed out her chest and gestured to the boxes of tainted Idunn, “Considering you tried to poison us with this stuff, I’m not sure if we can believe a single word you’re telling us.”
I checked to make sure that nobody had tried coming into the PNIS store. I had pretty good hearing, but I checked anyway and it was still empty; I couldn’t see anyone outside through either the windows or the broken glass door.
“The note from my brother!” Margo said brightening up.
“What note?” Blue said.
“It’s up at the checkout counter on one of the shelves below the register,” Margo said pointing out towards the main part of the store.
“Pinky?” Yarmilla said to me and I knew what she meant by it.
“You got it Blue,” I nodded and carefully surveyed the vicinity before heading over to the register to search for her brother’s note. It didn’t take long. It looked hastily scrawled on a piece of yellow construction paper in blue ink that made it look slightly green against the yellow paper. I took it back to the storage room and read it aloud to Yarmilla.
Margo, please read this carefully because it is very important. Tomorrow you will be receiving an unexpected delivery of Idunn. It will be a different recipe than normal, but act like it is the same as it always is. They will not let me go until everyone in town has had some of the new recipe. Don’t worry, it is not poisoned, but older ladies might feel weaker after drinking it depending on how old they are. You must keep this message secret. Tell nobody or they will never let me go. Your loving brother, Paulo.
“This is definitely from your brother?” Yarmilla said looking into Margo’s eyes and Margo nodded.
“That’s his handwriting,” she said.
“And these are part of that special delivery?” Yarmilla asked gesturing to the open boxes and Margo nodded again. “Who delivered them?”
“I don’t know,” Margo said shaking her head. “I had sat down because I was so tired after cleaning everything up and had no Idunn to refresh with and I must have fallen asleep because a customer woke me up when they walked in saying that there was a stack of boxes out in front of the door—these boxes.”
“Are these all of the boxes then?” Yarmilla said looking over the stacks.
“There were two more, but people bought them,” said Margo.
“What happened to the people that bought them?” glared Yarmilla.
“I…I don’t know exactly. People said it made them feel terrible. One lady said she felt like she overdid it at the creamery and looked way older than normal. Word got around that the men must have done something to them, so I moved all of the boxes back here and put the sign on the door and have been hiding here ever since.”
“Wait,” Yarmilla said staring at Margo, “what about something you said earlier. What men said they would do bad things to your brother if you didn’t listen to them? When did they tell you this?”
“What do you mean?” Margo looked confused.
“You said that bad things would happen to your brother if you didn’t do exactly what they wanted,” Yarmilla said calculatedly.
“What? I showed you that letter from my brother,” Margo said with a scrunched-up brow.
“Yes, and it said that they wouldn’t let him go. Who told you they would do terrible things to him?”
“Uh, nobody. That message was all I got. They must be doing all sorts of bad things to him because that was days ago now.” Margo looked helpless. “If these men are willing to and able to make women disappear and destroy and steal all Idunn supplies in town—I hear they are even stealing the apple wash off the showers—then who knows what they are willing to do to my poor brother?”
“Do you have any other family?” I asked while Yarmilla stewed.
“It’s just my brother and I now. We had been living with my grandmother but she went up the mountain years ago.”
“Your mother?” I asked Margo.
“I haven’t seen her since Paulo was born and that was twenty years ago. Gram said she never was one to stay in one place for long.” Margo looked sadly down at the floor.
Blue was pissed.
“Do you have anything to eat?” Yarmilla said tersely.
“Eat? Uh…” Margo looked around the storage room. “There’s still plenty of bread. The men didn’t destroy that at least. That’s pretty much all I’ve been eating is bread and water.”
Yarmilla grabbed a sealed loaf of bread off one of the storeroom shelves and opened it up. She took out a slice, pulled off a large chunk of it and then dabbed it on her pussy, soaking up all her stray juices of fury. She then instructed Margo to open her mouth and Blue placed the moistened piece of bread in it.
“Oh wow,” Margo said surprised by the jolt of rejuvenation it offered to her. Margo immediately stood up straighter and looked 100% more confident almost instantly. “Can you always do that?”
“They don’t call me The Cuntilizer for nothing,” said Yarmilla with a determined look on her face.
“Someone is here,” I declared, my Skadi senses tingling.
Blue and I both exited the storeroom in a fighting stance, ready for combat, but there was nobody there. I thought I saw some movement outside and quickly ran to the front door, avoided the bulk of the broken glass on the floor and ran out to see a figure dart around the corner of the building in the direction of the wheat fields. Without wasting a second, I kicked my run into full gear and I could hear Blue a few steps behind me.
The figure disappeared into the tall wheat field. The wheat wasn't the height of a person, so there was no way the figure would have been able to outrun us and hide at the same time. The runner might have been able to elude a normal Valkyrian woman, but certainly not a Sister of Skadi. Hunting elusive prey was in our blood!
The tracks ended a mere twenty feet into the field and would have surely stymied an untrained eye, but I could see an uneven lump of wheat stalks packed far too tightly together a few feet back from the end of the tracks and off to the side. I motioned to Blue to be quiet and pointed out the suspiciously lumpy area to her and she nodded. We quietly circled around it while also quickly surveying the area around us every few seconds. We both froze when we heard the distinct sounds of a radio squelch followed by a clicking noise; the sound was coming from under the lumpy wheat.
I quietly pushed the wheat-covered mound with my boot and it moved far more easily than it should have. Yarmilla spotted something near her feet and bent over to grab it. She lifted it up and the whole wheat covered mound of dirt went with it as she flipped back a large wooden plank the size of a door to reveal a hidey-hole dug into the ground with a very frightened young man in a sweatshirt and blue jeans lying on his back inside it clutching a walkie-talkie.
“Well looky what we have here,” Blue said as she hoisted the young man out of the hole by the front of his sweatshirt and held him aloft in front of her. He gulped in panic and dropped the walkie-talkie into the hidey-hole.
We heard a gasp from the direction of the PNIS station and we both quickly turned to see Margo standing there with a shocked look on her face.
“Paulo?” she said in bewilderment.
Holding the young man in the air, Blue turned to Margo and said, “This is your missing brother?”
By then, Margo had closed the distance between us and stood next to Blue staring at the young man. He looked dirty in his grey ragged sweatshirt and scuffed blue jeans but otherwise appeared no worse for the wear. He had short brown hair and brown eyes that matched Margo’s. His sneakers were tied loosely and had traces of dried mud on them. Margo’s towel that had been wrapped around her waist had fallen off in her haste to follow us into the wheat field. It was obvious that she hadn’t shaved in quite some time for her pubic hair was long enough that a pussy police officer would have given her a ticket for violating exposure laws.
“Yes, it’s my brother Paulo! Please set him down! Please!” Margo begged and Blue complied.
“Don’t try doing anything stupid Paulo,” Yarmilla scowled as she released his sweatshirt from her iron grasp.
“We’re all in danger!” Paulo wailed as he frantically looked around as if expecting something to pop up out of the wheat at any moment. I looked around too just to be safe but saw no movement. If there were more lumpy hidey-holes in the field there would be no way to spot them with a quick visual scan.
“Danger?” Blue said as she quickly looked around, always keeping Paulo within her peripheral vision. “Are there more of these hiding spots in this field Paulo?”
“I only know of one other, but there might be more! Please, we’ve got to go somewhere safe before anyone sees us!” Paulo whined liked a frightened little boy even though he looked to be about twenty.
“Alright,” Blue said taking charge, “everyone back into the PNIS station then!”
Margo went first, followed by her brother and then Blue right on his tail in case he tried running again. I brought up the rear and constantly scanned the vicinity for movement or trouble as we made our way back to the relative cover of the station. Once back inside, I took up guard duty to watch for trouble while Blue grilled Paulo. I stayed close enough to hear every detail while occasionally peeking out the front door to check for people.
“Alright Paulo,” Blue said sternly, “who do you work for?”
“I…I don’t work for anybody ma’am. Margo works here and makes plenty for the two of us to pay for everything we need!”
“No Paulo,” growled Blue, “who are these men you work for? Are they Sword of Heaven?”
“Oh goddess no ma’am,” Paulo sounded appalled. “I don’t work for them at all and I’m pretty sure they have nothing to do with the Sword of Heaven. They said if I don’t do exactly what they tell me, they would do horrible things to my sister!”
“If they’re not Sword of Heaven, then who are they?” Blue said angrily.
“I don’t know, just some guys I guess. They kept saying this town belongs to them now and stuff.”
“A whole town that belongs to men?” Blue fumed. “That’ll be the day!”
“Please ma’am! You’ve got to keep Margo safe! I don’t care what you do to me, just don’t let them get Margo!”
“Then Paulo, you have to tell us everything you know about these men so we can stop them,” Blue said with the smolder in her voice more than evident to my trained ears.
Paulo recounted his tale of how he was approached by a couple of shady men that seemed to know an awful lot about him and his sister and they had him drink some special apple juice that cleared up his mind and had first lied to him about it being good for women too until he saw what happened to a woman when she drank it—it made her old and tired and that freaked Paulo out. The men said they would make his sister drink it too if he didn’t do exactly what they told him. He was to keep out of sight of everyone and spy on the townswomen, especially what was to happen at the PNIS station and report back to them regularly. They made him copy a message word for word that they wrote to give to his sister implying that he was the one in danger and not her. He was ordered to check in regularly on his walkie-talkie and let the guys in charge know if anything happened at the PNIS station. He told them about Blue and me arriving at the station but he swore that he didn’t follow us to the bakery and that someone else must have slashed our tires since he didn’t have any weapons—just the walkie-talkie. Blue searched him thoroughly to see if he was lying and true to his word, didn’t find anything else on him.
Blue hovered over his denim-clad crotch and said, “Wait, what do you have in here?”
“Just…just my penis ma’am,” gulped Paulo.
“Your cock? Right,” Blue sounded incredulous, “show me.”
“Ma’am?” Paulo sounded worried.
“Pull your pants down Paulo,” Blue commanded, her voice as sharp as steel.
Paulo glanced over to his sister and she merely nodded. He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down and a rather large penis flopped out. It wasn't even hard, but I could tell it was bigger than most other penises I’d seen. Blue took hold of it gently and lifted it up, looking underneath and around it. I could swear that it got a little bigger with her doing that.
“That is all you after all,” Blue sounded impressed as she released it and it didn’t hang as loosely anymore. She turned to Margo and said, “Did you teach him how to use this thing?”
Margo snorted; sounding mildly offended and said, “What kind of sister do you take me for? Of course I did.”
“Just checking, no need to get all huffy,” Blue said coolly. “I’m the youngest of three sisters, so I never had a brother to have fun with and teach the ways of the world.”
“When was the last time you were milked Paulo?” Blue said letting him pull his pants back up.
“I…uh…I don’t remember actually,” he said looking to Margo who simply shrugged. “The guys said absolutely no self-milking or my head would get fuzzy again.”
“Really now?” Blue said curiously. “What do they mean by fuzzy?”
“Oh, you know, like after a long day and guys start to go all sleepwalky and stuff,” Paulo said trying to figure out how to explain himself.
“The fugue,” I offered from my guard position a number of feet away.
“Oh, yeah, that,” Paulo said.
“Hmmm,” Blue pondered. “When was the last time you got fuzzy, so to say?”
“Uh,” Paulo thought, “it must have been before they gave me their special Idunn mix. A few days at least.”
Days? All men that I ever knew started going fugue after a half a day of being awake and some lightweights would even be white-eyed by lunchtime. That was always why you couldn’t risk giving a man a longer work shift than four hours or else the fugue would hit them and they’d be mindless sleepwalkers almost like girls that would get the wanders. Unlike women that were under the effects of wanderlust, you could tell how strongly it was affecting a man by how white his eyes were, often completely glossing over their pupils and irises. Men in the military were given special rations to avoid the fugue and if they wavered and got hit by it, they would be immediately ejected from active duty and possibly court martialed if it was proven they entered that state knowingly.
“Special Idunn?” Blue said sounding quite interested. “Tell me about this special Idunn.”
“Oh, I, uh, think they put something in regular Idunn to change it somehow.” Paulo started moving his hands to help with his descriptions. “It tastes totally like regular Idunn, but instead of making you feel tired and sleepy, it wakes you up. Better than coffee filled with NectarSweet even. They sent a shipment of it here with that note they made me write.”
“There’s still some in the back,” Margo said gesturing to the back room.
“There is?” Paulo brightened up. “Oh please let me have some! I am so thirsty you wouldn’t even believe it.”
Margo gasped, “But Paulo! What if it’s poisoned?”
Paulo scoffed at that, “It’s not poisoned Margo. We drank some just to make sure.”
“Who is this ‘we’ you speak of?” Blue said quickly.
“I think his name is Roy, maybe? He helped me deliver the cases and made sure I put my note on the boxes. I said I wouldn’t do it unless I knew it wouldn’t hurt anybody, so he drank one and then I did. I felt great afterwards actually.”
“Hey Pinky,” Blue called over to me even though I’d heard everything they said perfectly. “See anything out there?”
“Nothin’ Blue,” I replied. “Not even a car this entire time.”
“Go and grab one of those tainted Idunn bottles out of the back, will you?”
“You got it boss,” I said and gave one last glance outside before trotting into the back to retrieve a bottle of the suspect juice. I handed it to Blue and she inspected it. She then handed it over to Paulo and watched him calculatedly, as if she was expecting him to use it as a weapon at any second.
“Thank the goddess,” sighed Paulo as he twisted off the cap and downed half the bottle. “It’s still really good. I was worried it might have gone bad or something.”
Margo looked at Paulo drinking the tainted Idunn and I could see the longing in her eyes.
“It feels like I haven’t had Idunn in such a long time—I miss it so much,” Margo said sadly. “All I’ve had to drink lately is water from the shower.”
Paulo looked immediately more awake and energetic but I could tell he was sad that his sister couldn’t share the same feelings with him.
“Margo,” Blue said in her I-want-to-test-something voice, “I want to see what happens to you when you drink it.”
Both Margo and Paulo looked appalled.
“Uh!” Margo gasped.
“What! Why?” Paulo said confused.
“I want to see what it does to you,” Blue said calmly.
“You drink it and see what it does to you,” Paulo said to Blue defensively. Kudos to him for trying to protect his sister.
Blue merely grimaced and said, “Margo, when was the last time you had any real Idunn?”
“Wow, days,” she said trying to recall. “I can’t exactly remember, so much has happened since then.”
“And you look maybe…thirty something to me,” Blue said looking carefully into Margo’s face and eyes. “What is your real age?”
“I’m…uh…44,” she said.
“What a coincidence,” Blue smiled. “So am I!”
“Yeah, but you still look like you’re in your twenties,” glowered Margo.
“Give the bottle to your sister Paulo,” Blue said in her calm voice that I knew meant, “Do as I fucking tell you to or else.”
Paulo frowned and looked down but did as Yarmilla asked.
“You really want me to drink this?” Margo said as if Blue had just gone either insane or sadistically cruel.
“If my suspicions are right, you won’t feel any different,” Blue said as calmly as ever.
“And if your suspicions are wrong, will I just shrivel up and die?” Margo said dejectedly.
“I have a backup plan either way,” Blue said as she grinned devilishly at Paulo and he gulped nervously.
“Does she really have to drink it? I’d be happy to drink as much as you want me to!” pleaded Paulo.
“Yes Paulo, and your sister is going to be fine, just watch,” Blue nodded at Margo who held the bottle up in front of her face nervously.
Margo sniffed the drink and then took a tiny tentative sip then said, “It tastes okay. It doesn’t taste all that different really.”
“Drink the rest of the bottle,” ordered Blue.
“I have to?” Margo sighed and Blue nodded.
“I love you Paulo,” she said to her brother and then drank the rest of the bottle. “You know, it tastes just fine. I mean, I don’t feel the pick-me-up that Idunn normally gives you.” Margo handed the empty bottle to Blue and they stood there for a while in silence.
After a few moments, Margo broke the silence and said, “So what? Do I look different?” She looked back and forth between Paulo and Yarmilla.
“Not really,” Paulo said. “I mean you look different than you used to before those guys came to town, but not really any different than from before you drank it.”
“Damn!” Margo scoffed. “You mean I could have been drinking that stuff the whole time I was back there? Fatherfucker!”
“Do you feel any different?” Blue asked.
“Uh, I feel a little more sleepy maybe,” Margo said contemplating her well-being, “but then I’ve been getting awful sleep since this whole mess started.”
“Sure, sure,” Blue nodded then turned to Paulo. “It’s time for experiment stage two. Take off your pants.”
“My…pants?” Paulo sounded confused again.
“You already saw his cock,” Margo said sounding annoyed.
“Yeah, and I’m going to see it some more,” grinned Blue mischievously.
Paulo sighed and unbuttoned his pants once again and lowered them enough so his cock popped out again.
“All the way off,” Blue said looking around on the floor in her vicinity. “There’s no glass in this area so you can take your shoes off too.”
Paulo frowned but slipped his shoes off and then his pants and said, “Sweatshirt too?”
“Only if you want,” Blue said as she scouted the tile floor. “Keep in mind, you’ll be lying down on your back really soon here on the floor. You might be more comfortable with it on.”
“I will?” Paulo said not sounding very pleased with the idea.
“Yep. Hey Pinky, come over here and lend me some of your saliva,” Blue said to me and I immediately began to force my mouth to salivate and work up a goodly amount of spit for her. I had a sneaky suspicion as to what she had planned. I had experienced firsthand what she could do to fruit when she was angry, but using a human male like that? Quite different indeed! I spat into her hand and she added her own spit to it and then proceeded to cover Paulo’s cock with the mixture. She stroked up and down his cock and it became hard almost instantaneously.
“So I’m to be milked I take it?” Paulo said taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.
“Sort of,” Blue said smiling mysteriously.
“You should have said so then,” Margo said still sounding annoyed. “I could have done that much.”
“Nah,” Blue said stroking Paulo’s nice large cock, “you’ll see why I have to do it. Now lie down on your back Paulo.”
Paulo sighed and carefully sat down on the floor and then reclined onto his back. His hard cock jutting up into the air, glistening with saliva. Blue immediately straddled over him and lowered herself onto his lap as easily as she would mount her motorcycle. Her buttless chaps were pulled taught to the sides of her legs making it so that Blue’s angry wet pussy was unobstructed as I watched Paulo’s cock slowly slide into my favorite lips. I couldn’t help but feel a little twinge of jealousy. Not that I wanted that cock in me, but Blue’s pussy was getting some attention from something other than me. The feeling of jealousy only lasted a moment though when I reminded myself that Blue was surely doing it for a selfless reason. I’d not known her to be all that cock-hungry before.
“Oh my goddess, that feels amazing,” moaned Paulo and Margo snorted in response as if she was offended. She sounded more jealous than I felt.
Blue slowly began to ride up and down on his cock like a piston and Paulo simply lay there and moaned in pleasure.
“Margo,” Blue grunted as she continued to ride Paulo’s cock, “lie down on the floor next to him.”
Margo scowled but did as commanded.
“How close are you Paulo?” Blue asked as she continued her slow piston action on his cock.
“Oh, uh, I can’t tell. It feels really good. Pretty soon, probably,” he groaned between gasps of air.
“Do you like pussy Paulo?” Blue grunted.
“Yeah, I like pussy,” he grunted in response.
“Do you like sweet pussy?” Blue said breathing harder.
“Yeah, sweet pussy, sure,” Paulo said sounding somewhat dazed. He probably hadn’t expected anything like this to happen to him today.
“Pinky, get over here and straddle his face will you? Let him taste your sweet pussy.”
I gave another glance outside and then followed instructions.
“So what am I supposed to do?” Margo said sheepishly. “Just lie here and watch or what?”
“This is for your benefit Margo, just be patient,” Blue puffed as I straddled Paulo’s face and lowered my pussy over his mouth while facing Blue and she grinned at me.
Before I’d even gotten my pussy down to his mouth, Paulo grunted and said, “Ah! Ah! I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!”
Evidently just seeing my sweet pussy slowly descend towards his face was enough to send him over the edge, so I took that as a compliment. Blue stopped her piston action in midair with just the tip of his cock still inside her while she reached down and milked his cock into her pussy as he came. I could tell it was a lot because the excess dribbled down and onto Blue’s hand as she coaxed his milky discharge into her pussy. Paulo groaned and bucked and quivered as Blue carefully squeezed every last drop of cum out of his cock and into her pussy and then she lifted up off him and quickly covered her vagina with her hand to prevent any more cum from leaking out. She rose off Paulo then squatted over a confused Margo.
“Open your mouth Margo,” Blue instructed.
“Seriously?” scoffed Margo.
“Yes, and no more talking from you until this is over,” Blue said as she lowered her pussy over Margo’s mouth. Blue removed the hand covering her vaginal opening at the last second and with her other hand, pulled Margo’s head up forcing Margo’s mouth to fill in for the hand. I had a pretty good sense of balance, but I still marveled at Blue’s ability.
“Don’t bother licking, just suck and swallow, suck and swallow, good girl,” Blue cooed and Margo did as commanded. The look in Margo’s eyes quickly changed from shock and surprise to relief and ecstasy. I could hear the sounds of Margo slurping and swallowing and knew exactly what was transpiring. I watched transfixed for a few moments as Margo essentially nursed from my lover’s pussy. The sounds of sucking and slurping were interrupted by a soft snore coming from Paulo. He hadn’t moved from his position and despite how uncomfortable the floor looked, he must have been relaxed enough to fall asleep.
“How did you do that?” an astonished Margo asked Blue as she picked herself off the floor with more vigor than I’d seen from her.
“They don’t call me The Cuntilizer for nothing,” Blue winked.
“Did his cock make you cum?” I asked.
“No, neither did her mouth,” Blue said smirking and looking down at the sleeping Paulo. “But that’s for the best. I can get much angrier if I go a while without cumming and I have a feeling we’ll need me to be much angrier before this day is over!”
Margo looked way more chipper than before and had a youthful glow about her.
“How are you feeling?” I asked Margo.
“I haven’t felt this good in days!” she remarked. “Whatever you did sure worked!”
Blue simply nodded like she knew it would work the entire time and said, “Wake up your brother. We have more work to do.”
Margo shook her sleeping brother and his half-flaccid and drippy cock flopped from side to side. He groaned and said, “I’ve already been milked today Margo. Wait until tomorrow.” He then promptly fell back asleep.
Margo frowned at looked at Blue, “You must have really drained him.”
“I doubt he was sleeping very well out in that hole in the field,” I offered.
Blue found the towel that Margo had been wearing around her waist when we first found her and used it to wipe off her hands. It was a shame to let perfectly good man cream go to waste, but we did have more pressing concerns and unaugmented cream might have dulled our senses anyway. The same stuff that had the potential to give a much needed boost to Margo could knock Blue and me down a few pegs if we weren’t careful, considering we were operating on completely different levels than Margo was.
Blue looked at me and said, “Go grab another bottle of that fake Idunn from the back, will you?”
I simply nodded and did as requested. I learned long ago to not ask her why when she gave a command because she always had a good reason for doing things; besides, Blue had a certain way of saying things that made you not want to disappoint her in any way. I hastily retrieved a bottle from the back room and presented it to Blue.
Yarmilla opened the bottle and took a deep whiff of the contents.
“I smell no man cream in this stuff at all,” Blue said glaring at the bottle. “Margo, prop him up for a drink.”
Margo knelt down and lifted up her brother into a sitting position, yet his eyes remained closed.
Paulo groaned again and said, “I was just milked Margo. I need my sleep.”
“Open your mouth and drink this,” Blue said to a groggy Paulo whose eyes were only half-open. Once some of the tainted Idunn was in his mouth, he woke up a little more and was able to swallow it without choking. After a few moments and a few more gulps, Paulo was back to a moderate level of consciousness once again.
“We’re still in the PNIS station?” Paulo looked around. “I thought we were back home for some reason. Did someone steal my pants or something?”
Blue kicked the dirty jeans over to Paulo and said, “Put them on if you want. We might need your cock again before this day is over either way.”
Paulo slipped on his dusty jeans and then slid on his shoes that were still nearby.
“Alright Paulo,” Blue said after he had finished getting dressed, “you’re going to show us where these guys go in the wheat field.”
Paulo instantly had a panicked look in his eye, “I…I don’t know where they go. They hide from me too!”
“Where did you write that note for your sister?” Blue asked calculatedly.
“Uh, it was at like some old abandoned farm house past the wheat fields. That’s where they prepped the new Idunn. That Roy guy said there was no point in me going back to the farmhouse because their headquarters were somewhere else.”
“Good,” Blue grinned maliciously, “then that’s where we’re going to start looking. Lead the way Paulo.”
Paulo expressed his concern over his sister’s wellbeing, but when Blue explained that she would be coming with us, he didn’t have a good enough reason to not do as Blue ordered. Paulo first led us to the other hidey-hole that he knew about but it was empty, and then we made a lengthy trek through the wheat field and over a number of hills until we came across a very old cottage that looked rather rundown. As we got closer, I spotted a well-used trail running through the wheat field. It must not have been as obvious to an untrained eye, for I had to point it out to Margo. Paulo quietly told us that it was the trail he and Roy used to carry the Idunn back and forth from the PNIS station to the farm cottage.
Blue instructed Margo and Paulo to be dead silent unless it was something important so that I could listen intently for the sounds of others. Yarmilla might have had a more magical pussy, but I had exceptional hearing to match. Once I was content that I couldn’t hear any voices or unnatural sounds, I gave the go-ahead signal and the four of us crept closer to the cottage. We got close enough to see that the rickety front door was wide open. We stealthily circled around the cottage to verify that there was no back door before we headed through the open front.
The place was empty yet it was a mess. Strewn all about were broken bottles and old plates; broken frames of old paintings and smashed up cabinets and shelves littered the place. It was a rather spacious one-story cottage otherwise with two empty yet equally messy bedrooms. The old wooden floor was surprisingly sturdy and didn’t squeak. The only thing that wasn’t in shambles was an old area rug in the middle of the floor. Everything else appeared to be systematically destroyed otherwise; even the old beds were broken and the stuffing strewn about from the mattresses. Other than us, it was devoid of any people.
“This place looks even worse than when I was here last,” Paulo said but Blue silently stopped him from saying anything else and motioned for the rest of us to stay quiet too. I looked at her for an explanation. She pointed down at the rug and motioned for me to come closer and whispered in my ear.
“That rug is much newer than anything else here and it’s the only part of the house not covered with broken shit,” she whispered. “I’m going to look under it. Keep watch.”
I nodded and motioned a gesture of silence to the siblings and pointed at the rug, then went back to a shushing motion with my hand. Blue cautiously approached the rug, crouched down, and slowly lifted up the corner of it before pulling the entire rug back to reveal a trap door beneath it. Paulo definitely had a surprised expression on his face but said nothing otherwise. Margo knew to stay quiet as well.
Blue flipped up the recessed ring-shaped handhold in the trap door and pulled on it, but the door appeared to be shut tight or locked. I didn’t see a keyhole anywhere, so if it was locked, it was done so from the other side. Not to be deterred, Yarmilla grit her teeth and yanked aggressively on the handle until the strain on the metal was too much and the grip broke off in her hand but not without pulling a sizeable chunk of the door with it, leaving a jagged hole in the trap door and proving that there was indeed an open area beneath it.
“No point in being sneaky anymore,” said Blue frowning, “if there’s anyone down there, they know we’re coming.”
The hole was just big enough to fit an arm through, and that’s precisely what Blue did. She reached into the dark hole and a few seconds later I heard the sound of a deadbolt slide open and when she pulled her arm back out, she pulled the door up and open revealing a staircase leading down into the darkness.
“You two stand watch,” Blue pointed at Margo and Paulo as she tucked her sunglasses into a jacket pocket. “Yell if you see anyone.”
Blue descended the dark staircase in a fighting stance with me right behind her. Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness, with only the light from above to illuminate the area, I could tell that it was a wine cellar that had been converted into a rather large storage chamber. There were empty Idunn bottles and cartons, beverage containers, and body wash dispensers all over the place. Some of the items were in neat piles, and some were just scattered willy-nilly. It was definitely the place where the renegade men stored the stuff they stole from the townsfolk.
I couldn’t hear anything other than the sounds that Blue and I made while investigating the room. I approached her and said, “Do you think there’s anything down here besides all of this stolen stuff?”
I could see Blue nod in the faint light and said, “Yeah, whoever locked that trap door from this side.”
We maneuvered our way around a few more piles of stuff and some tall racks and I was surprised to see a narrow corridor leading off into pitch black darkness behind it. I was extra startled when some lights flickered on and they practically blinded me in surprise. Blue was exceptionally calm about it when I realized that she had flicked on a light switch that I had not seen in the dimness.
“I wonder where they’re getting their power from?” I remarked quietly.
“My thoughts exactly,” Blue said suspiciously. “Check on those two upstairs, will you?”
Paulo was taking his guard duty seriously while his sister got distracted looking at broken pictures and paintings scattered about. I went back down the stairs to join Blue as we carefully explored the newly exposed corridor.
“Why build a hidden tunnel under an old cottage?” I whispered to Blue.
“I don’t know,” Blue whispered back, her eyes darting everywhere as we cautiously advanced down the corridor. “I aim to find out.”
The corridor took a sharp angle to the right, almost like the tunnel hit another coming in from a different direction and two teams of tunnel-builders had gotten their measurements wrong or something because it didn’t make any sense otherwise. The cement-covered corridor ended at a roughly made brick wall that appeared to have been built long after the corridor had been constructed. In the middle of it was a repurposed old steel door. It was locked. Blue took one good look at it then kicked out with her right leg directly below the door knob and it easily dislodged the single brick that the door’s deadbolt was slid into and the metal door flew open with a loud crash startling a woman tied to a folding chair. We quickly looked around the room expecting a fight, but the tied-up woman was the only one there.
“Thank the goddesses!” the woman cried when she saw Blue and I. “The men took off when they heard you coming. How many of you are there? A lot I hope!”
“Just us for now,” Blue said as she quickly assessed the tied-up woman. The woman was wearing a bath robe and appeared to be bound poorly to the metal folding chair, perhaps in great haste.
“Only two? ONLY TWO?!?” the woman cried out and it echoed in the small room and down the corridor as well as down another corridor that the men must have used to escape.
“Calm down,” Blue snapped at the captive woman as she loosened the woman’s ropes. “You’re dealing with the Sisters of Skadi here. How many of these men are there?”
“Oh, I don’t know—a few maybe,” the woman grimaced. “I didn’t count them.”
Blue pulled the rest of the ropes off the woman and said, “These weren't tied on you very tight. Why didn’t you slip out on your own?”
“Everything happened so fast. We heard the trap door alarm which caused the men to panic and they quickly tied me to this chair, grabbed a few things and then ran off. A few minutes later, you smashed open that door and scared the shit out of me!”
I surveyed the small room while Blue interrogated the woman. There were a few desks along the wall with some computers and monitors on them, all turned off. There looked to be a small stereo system with a microphone and headphones next to the computers and on the other side of them was an old picture tube television. What really stood out on a separate set of desks and tables was what looked to be a chemistry set complete with beakers and Bunsen burners, very similar to the kind they used at the school I used to teach at before Blue entered into my life. Next to the beakers were a whole slew of empty Idunn bottles.
There was a noise behind us in the corridor we had come from and Blue and I whirled around to face it, ready for combat.
“We heard a loud crash,” said Margo and I saw Paulo jogging down the corridor to catch up to his sister. Margo saw the woman getting up from her chair and cried, “Henrika!” Margo ran past me and threw her arms around the previously tied-up woman.
Henrika looked confused. “M…Margo? Paulo? What are you two doing here?”
“We’re helping them find you and the men and everyone else,” Margo said but stopped when Blue quickly held up her hand and peered down the other corridor.
Out of the shadows at the end of the unexplored corridor stepped four men. One held onto a tire iron, one a switchblade knife, one a carpenter’s hammer, and the other held what appeared to be the wooden leg of an old table. The one in front holding onto the tire iron had a walkie-talkie hooked to his belt and it squelched radio static followed by another man’s voice that said, “Confirmed boss. Just those two.”
“Who told you to lead them here Paulo?” the boss said.
“I didn’t even know this place was here,” sneered Paulo back. “You didn’t tell me shit.”
“Yeah, just in case you pussied out on us like you did,” the boss man scowled.
Blue and I stood defensively waiting for any of them to make a move.
“Where do you have the other women you kidnapped?” Blue fumed at the boss man.
“They’re fine. You’ll be joining them soon actually,” the boss said grinning smarmily.
“Just give up, you’re outnumbered,” Henrika said calmly and we waited for the boss to respond until it dawned on Blue and me that Henrika said that to us. “They won’t hurt you if you don’t fight.”
“Yeah, listen to Hen. She knows what she’s talking about,” smiled the arrogant boss guy. “Paulo isn’t going to fight us either, are you Paulo?”
Paulo looked down and shook his head.
“If you aren’t going to help, then get the fuck out of the way,” Blue said with such fire in her voice that it could set the room ablaze.
“Ladies, ladies,” the boss said as if he was in total control of the situation, “as you can plainly see, we all have weapons and you don’t…”
With blinding speed, Blue twirled with a roundhouse kick and knocked the tire iron out of the hand of the surprised boss man and before he had a chance to process what just happened, she followed that up with a cross hook to the side of his head and he slumped to the floor unconscious.
I capitalized on the initiative that Blue gave us and leapt forward to take on the man that concerned me the most: the guy with the switchblade. He was distracted enough by seeing his boss slump to the floor that I was able to grab onto the wrist of his weapon hand. He tried to pull his arm away but was completely taken by surprise at the fact that I was stronger than he was—far stronger. He yelped as I easily wrenched the dagger out of his grip, flipped the blade in the air, caught it again and began to stab downwards with it, his eyes filled with fear obviously expecting me to stab it into him but instead I jammed it blade-first into the concrete wall and it shattered into fragments. I then tossed the disarmed man back to a waiting Blue for her to finish off as I stepped forward to take on the man with the hammer.
“There…there’s more of us waiting outside!” the man with the hammer pleaded, the panic in his voice more than apparent; the man with the table leg slowly backed up down the corridor.
“Who is in charge?” Blue said, the fury in her voice was unwavering.
Table leg man pointed with his shaky free hand at the slumped over body of the tire iron man lying next to the recently knocked out switchblade wielder.
“Do you want to end up like your boss?” Blue said coolly as if she could break the man in two with nary an effort, which in fact, she could have had she wanted to.
Both the hammer man and the table leg man shook their heads.
“Then drop your weapons!” Blue ordered.
The clatter of the table leg resounded in the hallway followed by the hammer a second later. They were smart enough to see that even though they were armed and we weren’t, they were still considerably outmatched.
“Put your hands behind your back and lay down on your bellies,” Blue commanded the two conscious men and they obeyed.
“Margo,” Blue said quickly glancing back at the three wallflowers behind us, “bring me that rope over there.”
Margo nodded and retrieved the rope that had been used to tie up Henrika. Yarmilla, a knot-tying maestro, had hammer and table leg man’s hands tied behind their backs using the same rope with plenty of length to spare, so she also tied up the two unconscious men’s hands as well, all linked together with maybe a two-foot length of rope between them.
“Alright boys,” Blue addressed the two men that were still awake, “how many more of you are there outside?”
“Lots!” quickly answered the hammer guy while the other one said, “One!”
“Lots more than one, dude,” the hammer guy reprimanded the table leg guy through clenched teeth.
“Like who then? Who? Paulo’s right over there man. What sort of cavalry are you expecting to come in here and save you? You may as well tell them the truth. Game over man, game over!”
Hammer man sighed angrily and muttered, “Just shut the fuck up dude.”
“Alright, you get to shut up now,” Blue grumbled at hammer guy, “or else I’ll be more than happy to knock you into la-la land like your boss there.”
“You, what’s your name?” Blue poked the dirt-stained jeans of table leg guy with her boot.
“Uh, Clyde?” he said.
“Clyde is it? Are you sure? You don’t sound sure.” Blue said sarcastically and I had to stifle a snicker.
“Yes ma’am, it’s Clyde,” he said and the hammer guy snorted angrily which told me that Clyde was telling the truth.
I quickly glanced back at Margo, Paulo, and Henrika who were all watching silently. I felt like I heard something down the first corridor and motioned for Blue to continue interrogating Clyde while I checked it out. I heard something fall and roll, like an empty can and it sounded like it was in the main storage room under the house. I stealthily crept down the hall and I could hear slow footsteps coming from the corridor. They were trying to be quiet, but my hearing was far better than the creeper’s ability to walk silently. I waited at the awkward bend in the corridor as I heard the person get closer until I saw the bearded face of a slightly chubby and short man moments before he saw me, which made him gasp in surprise.
Rather than attempt to confront me, he turned and tried to run, but I was on him in an instant and the next thing he knew, he was wheezing through his beard into the concrete floor of the passageway. His choice of weapon? A walkie-talkie, and that was it.
“Please don’t hurt me,” he wailed, “I didn’t even want to be a part of this whole mess!”
“Is there anyone else outside or behind you?” I snarled in my scariest she-bitch voice.
“I don’t know!” he wailed.
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
“Nobody will answer me on the comm, so I don’t know who is where or what is going on!”
I thought about what I’d heard on the boss’s walkie-talkie and said, “Who said ‘Confirmed boss, just those two?’”
“Ugh,” the chubby bearded guy grunted, “that was me. You have one of the walkie-talkies I take it?”
“Sort of, get up,” I yanked him to his feet and he whined when I put extra force on the back of his arm. Margo was watching down the corridor and relayed to Blue that I had captured the other man that we knew for certain about. It took only a moment for the cooperative bearded guy to get tied up next to the others using the last stretch of the rope. Hopefully there weren't any more stragglers since we had nothing left to tie any new ones up with.
Between the bearded guy named Charlie and cooperative Clyde they filled in everything they knew about their secret organization while the hammer guy, named Victor, stewed in silence and the other two remained unconscious.
The boss, named Roy, and his buddy with the switchblade named Benny had dreamed up the scheme with the help of their chemist pal Victor to make tainted Idunn. They decided they wanted to see if they could take over a little town out in the middle of nowhere because they were tired of women always calling the shots. Much like Paulo’s inclusion in the group, they conscripted Charlie and Clyde who were members of the town and easily swayed to their ignoble cause. Charlie and Clyde, who it turns out were friends beforehand, only agreed to participate if Roy and the others promised that nobody would get hurt.
“What happened to Darci and the pussy police?” Margo interrupted, no longer willing to wait to hear the long version of their sordid coup.
Margo was right. It was up to the pussy police and the Lawmothers to spend time investigating and interrogating the suspects. Blue and I still had people to find and rescue!
“You didn’t find them yet?” Charlie asked and looked over to Clyde who simply shrugged. “They’re locked in the storage room at the end of that corridor. You know, the room after the ladder.” With his hands tied behind his back, Charlie could only gesture with his head in the direction of the unexplored other corridor.
Blue looked to me and I nodded. I was more than happy to go on a search and rescue mission while Blue continued to interrogate the men. Still wary of any possible additional men that the otherwise forthcoming accomplices had failed to mention, I carefully made my way down the new corridor, past a few cubbies in the wall with shabby mattresses on them and next to small tables with garbage and some empty food wrappers on them until I found the ladder in question. A few feet after the ladder was another brick wall with a metal door in the middle. Unlike the door that Yarmilla had easily busted through, this door was even easier to open because the deadbolt was on my side of the door.
I opened the door and was greeted by an unpleasant mix of body odor and stale air. On the floor in the otherwise barren room was a number of even dingier mattresses than the ones in the hall cubbies and three gaunt figures wrapped up in blankets and towels. All three figures looked over to me with surprised expressions on their pale faces.
“Oh you poor things!” I gasped when I saw them. I was relieved to see that all three of them were alive, but they were obviously suffering from severe Idunn withdrawal. “Is one of you named Darci?”
The figure that appeared to be in the best shape out of the trio raised her hand.
“Are we being rescued?” said one of the other two with a weak squeaky voice.
“Yes, yes you are,” I said barely able to hold back the emotion in my voice. “Can you three walk?”
All three of them nodded. Darci stood up faster than the other two and helped the other ladies to stand up. One of their blankets fell off their shoulders and I could see the unmistakable uniform of a pussy police officer on her thin bony frame. To make it easier on the frail women, I pulled one of the lesser-stained mattresses down from the men’s barracks and had the three weary ladies sit on it as I pulled it down the hallway like a sled. One of the pussy police officers made me wait until she found her policewoman’s hat first. When Blue saw the condition of the three women, she was livid.
“Darci!” Margo gasped when she saw who was on the mattress. She ran forward and embraced her thin and weary coworker. “What did they do to you?”
“Nothing!” Darci whined. “That’s the point! They refused to do anything to us!”
“What are you talking about, nothing?” Blue interjected. “These men captured you and held you hostage. Just look at each other, you call that nothing?”
“No, no, don’t you watch VBC?” Darci frowned. “When bad men capture women they tie them up and have sex with them all the time.”
One of the pussy police officers nodded and said, “They refused to have sex with any of us, even when we still looked sort of normal.”
The officer with the hat and the squeakier voice said, “We got too tired to do it to each other and they wouldn’t give us any Idunn.”
“So let me get this straight,” Blue scratched her head, “these men captured you ladies and locked you up for a week without Idunn and the worst thing in your mind is that they refused to fuck you?”
“Well, yeah,” the officer with the hat and the squeaky voice said, “and I finally experienced what being cold felt like. I don’t like it.”
“And look Captain Smyrna,” Darci said getting the attention of the squeaky officer, “now the men are all tied up, so they must have had rope the entire time. What gives?”
The other officer sighed and said, “Well I’m not even horny anymore anyway. Do any of you have any Idunn perchance?”
Darci glared at Henrika, “You might want to ask their house pet. She seems to be in pretty good shape considering she was captured before I was!”
“I’m not their pet!” Henrika scoffed. “I only agreed to help them if they promised not to hurt anyone!”
“Us too!” Charlie, the bearded man piped in.
“What?” Blue snapped at the man.
“Clyde and I ma’am! We…we only agreed to help these other men if they promised not to hurt anyone!”
“Clyde?” Darci gasped. “Clyde Burlow?”
Clyde had been hiding his face from the three ladies on the mattress sled, but turned over once his identity was discovered. He had tears in his eyes.
“I couldn’t risk them hurting you Darci, so I did everything these three told me to do,” Clyde said with tears streaming down his cheeks.
“You were here the entire time Clyde?” Darci said hollowly.
Clyde nodded and turned his head away in shame. His movement was limited due to the fact that he was dead center in the array of tied up men strewn about the floor, two of which were still out cold. Victor the hammer-wielding chemist was conscious but remained silent, his face frozen in a permanent scowl.
“Are you telling me,” Darci stood up with more energy and fury than her bony frame appeared to have, “that you knew I was in there that entire time?”
Clyde nodded but said nothing, still looking away from her.
“So any time over this last week,” Darci fumed, “you could have opened up that door, gone in there, and fucked me?”
I would have been more interested in escaping, but it seemed that Darci had different priorities than I did.
Clyde stammered in response, “R..R..Roy said that none of us could have a…a…any fun of any kind—we weren’t even allowed to m…mm…milk ourselves!”
“No self-milking,” Charlie nodded.
“Yeah,” Paulo chimed in, “Roy told me that too!”
“That’s really great and all,” the hatless officer said sounding slightly annoyed, “but does anyone know where some real Idunn is? If y’all can’t tell, we really could use some right now.”
“Humpf,” the scowling Victor decided to speak, “good luck on finding any. We made sure we cleaned out the town from one end to the other.”
“There isn’t any in the storeroom either,” Henrika added. “I only look this good because I ate some of the apple wash the other day.”
“Is there any more apple wash left?” Blue asked turning to Henrika.
Henrika looked down and shook her head. “Victor caught me eating it and destroyed the rest of it.”
“Well, it’s a damn good thing that I am here then!” Blue said proudly. “So Clyde, you’re sweet on Darci, I take it? You up for helping her out?”
Clyde nodded emphatically, “I’ll do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone!”
“Hurt anyone?” Blue smiled. “Quite literally the exact opposite actually. Pinky? Take his pants off.”
“My pants?” Clyde sounded confused. “How’s that going to help Darci?”
“It would have helped me a few days ago,” Darci grumbled. “How do I play into this?”
Margo leaned over and whispered into Darci’s ear while I removed Clyde’s shoes and pants. He probably would have helped, but we left his hands tied anyway.
“Seriously? That really worked?” Darci sounded befuddled.
“Sure did. I still feel pretty good actually,” Margo nodded.
“So he gets to be tied up and fucked but I’m not the one fucking him?” Darci groaned. “This just isn’t fair!”
“I am?” Clyde chuckled nervously. “How is that going to help Darci?”
“Do you like sweet pussy Clyde?” Blue surveyed Clyde’s cock which was much smaller than Paulo’s—small and flaccid.
“Is that all you women ever think about?” Clyde grumbled. “Sex? I thought you asked me to help Darci. Us men are more than simply cocks attached to bodies. We have thoughts and feelings of our own you know.”
“Yeah, that’s great and all,” Blue said seemingly uncaring of Clyde’s philosophical musings, “but I need you to cum inside my pussy and then I will feed it to your friend Darci and she will feel loads better.”
“Fee…feed it to her?” Clyde said taken aback. “How?”
“Simple,” Blue said as she stood over Clyde and looked down at him, “I will straddle her like this and she will suck your cum out of my pussy. So can I count on your help Clyde?”
I watched as Clyde’s flaccid cock start to twitch and grow.
“Um, yeah,” Clyde mumbled as his cock started to get harder, “I uh guess. So, uhh let me get this straight. You’re going to feed my cream to Darci out of your pussy?”
“Yep, so get that cock hard for me so I can milk you,” Blue said as she watched his cock jut up to attention.
“Y...y…yes ma’am!” Clyde swallowed nervously.
“Pinky, spit,” Blue ordered and I stepped up and spat a modicum of saliva into her hand which she used to grease Clyde’s hard cock. It looked like his cock hadn’t gotten any attention in quite some time for it appeared delighted to be participating in something for a change.
Blue effortlessly squatted down and easily engulfed the entirety of Clyde’s cock and he moaned as Victor tried to pull further away, but I straddled Vic to make sure he didn’t distract Blue and Clyde from their task at hand. Blue pumped up and down on his cock with her pussy like a true professional while Clyde looked both aroused and baffled.
“Make sure it’s a really big load Clyde!” Darci called out in encouragement. “I want all you’ve got in those balls okay?”
Clyde wheezed and closed his eyes saying, “I bet it’s going to be a lot Darci. You can have every drop of me!”
“I can’t wait Clyde! I’m so hungry!” Darci replied excitedly watching the spectacle.
“Oh, I’m getting close,” Clyde puffed, his eyes still shut tight, “I’m doing this all for you Darci!”
“You give me that cream Clyde! I want all of it!” Darci cooed.
“Oh! Oh! I’m creaming for you Darci!” Clyde gasped and convulsed while Blue did as she had done with Paulo’s cock as he came by just leaving the tip in and using her hand to milk the cum into her pussy. Once it was apparent that Blue had gotten all she could out of Clyde’s cock, she used the same hand to hold the cum in place as she dismounted Clyde and quickly waddled over to Darci whom Margo had carefully assisted back onto the mattress in a prone position. Blue straddled Darci’s face and instructed her to suck and swallow which Darci obediently did.
Within a matter of seconds, color started to return to Darci’s cheeks and the years began to quickly melt off her. That also brought a new level of vim to Darci’s sucking as I could tell she picked up her pace and held onto Blue’s legs to make sure she wasn't going anywhere.
Blue looked over to me and said, “I think Clyde must have had a pretty good sized load inside of him.”
I quickly glanced over to see that Clyde had passed out and was snoring lightly. Blue sure knew how to take it out of a man! The green demon of jealousy tried to raise my shackles, but I quickly shrugged it off. Yarmilla was doing this for noble and selfless reasons! I had absolutely no right to be jealous because that pussy would soon be mine again no matter what.
“So can we have some too?” the hatless officer asked, her eyes glistening with hungry desire.
Blue looked over to Charlie who was watching with fascination and sporting a noticeable bulge in his pants and she said, “Hey Charlie, you up for helping out one of these ladies the same way?”
“Yes ma’am!” Charlie replied without hesitation and Victor snorted in response.
The squeaky captain said, “Let Officer Shelley go first. I don’t mind waiting.”
“But Captain Smyrna,“ Shelley replied, “you need it just as much as I do!”
“Yes, but I really don’t mind,” squeaked Smyrna. “These ladies seem to have everything under control.”
Once Darci was done nursing, she looked considerably better and insisted that if Paulo was allowed to walk around freely then Clyde certainly deserved the same, so Blue allowed her to untie him from the lot. Luckily, the way all of the men were tied in series made it easy enough to untie any of them without untying any of the others, besides, Clyde was still out after relinquishing his testicular load so all Darci could do was drag him over next to where Henrika and Paulo were standing so she could sit down in the chair that Henrika had been shoddily tied to.
Charlie was the easiest man to milk yet, for he was already rock hard and juicy by the time I got his pants off him and Blue slid down on his cock without needing any of my spit. Whereas Clyde had kept his eyes mostly closed during his milking, Charlie intently watched Blue in amazement as she did her thing and he blew his load rather quickly without any additional encouragement. He smiled and fell asleep before Blue was able to start feeding the load to a very eager Officer Shelley. Darci untied Charlie and dragged him over next to Clyde. Margo helped Officer Shelley position properly on the mattress for optimum feeding while Paulo and Henrika remained quiet observers.
Officer Shelley looked night and day better after her feeding. In fact, each subsequent feaster of Blue’s pussy received a higher return on their cream investment. Possibly they were getting remnants of prior cums finally draining down as well that had more time to baste in the magical juices of my beloved.
Blue smirked as she stared at Victor and said, “Your turn.”
“If you think I’m going to cooperate, think again lady!” Victor said defiantly. “That sort of thing doesn’t turn me on anyway!”
“We’ll see about that!” Blue said and motioned for me to remove Victor’s pants. As defiant as his voice sounded, he didn’t fight me as I removed his pants. His cock was harder than Clyde’s was when I’d first pulled his pants off, so Victor wasn't being entirely honest.
“Doesn’t turn you on, eh?” I said grinning devilishly at him as he scowled back.
“You women think that all men are at your command and we will do whatever you want when you want it! Think again lady!”
“If it doesn’t turn you on,” I said deviously, “then why isn’t your cock soft?” I crouched down and took his cock gingerly in my hand—more gently than he deserved—and began slowly stroking it. It began to get even harder.
“That’s…that’s,” he swallowed nervously, “simply a reaction to stimuli. If you think it actually arouses me sexually, then…then you’ve got another thing coming!”
“Another thing coming is exactly what we want,” I grinned. “We want your cock to get hard and then get milked by my partner’s amazing pussy.”
“Well that’s not going to happen, I assure you. You might be able to get my cock hard but no way will I be able to cum!”
“Cocks, like mother’s breasts, cry out to be milked. I can tell your cock wants to be milked whether you want it to be or not,” I smiled as I continued to stroke him and his cock continued to get harder and harder.
“Well you can try, but it’s not going to happen,” Victor swallowed nervously and I felt like he was trying harder to convince himself more than us.
He was hard enough by that point, so I spat in my hand and got his cock good and slick as Blue straddled him and then proceeded to milk him.
A few minutes of rhythmic pumping passed and Victor said, “See? I’m not going to cum. You’re just wasting your time. My cum belongs to me!”
“Don’t you like the idea of feeding your cum to a hungry woman?” I smiled at him and said in my sexiest voice even though he definitely didn’t deserve it, but we needed his seed to rejuvenate poor squeaky Captain Smyrna.
“I don’t care who you plan to feed it to. My cum is part of me and you can’t have it!”
“How about she just feed it back to you then?” I said sarcastically.
“You wouldn’t dare!” Victor gasped.
“Ooooh, I just felt him get harder,” Blue grunted as she continued to ride him.
“Ah, I see!” I said catching on, “you’d rather cum in her pussy and then have her feed it back to you. You want to suck your own cum back out of her pussy?”
“No way! I…I would never…” Victor sputtered sounding quite embarrassed.
“He got even harder,” Blue said as she breathed faster, “I think he likes that idea.”
I got a wicked notion and said, “Do you ever milk yourself and then taste your own cream?���
“You…you’re crazy lady, men don’t do that sort of thing,” he stammered.
“I bet he does,” Blue remarked as she picked up her pace.
“I bet you would love to know what your cum tastes like if you sucked it out of her pussy, wouldn’t you?” I stared at him and licked my lips for emphasis.
“That’s just weird, I would never,” he muttered but I could hear his resolve wavering so I kept at it.
“I bet you would love to cream in her pussy and then suck out every last drop of your cum so nobody else could have it. You could keep all your cum for yourself that way and swallow every last drop of your own cum out of her pussy. I bet you’d love that wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t you?”
“Ah…ah…fuck! Fuck!” Victor started to shake and convulse and Blue immediately recognized what was going on as she milked Victor’s not-so-reluctant cock into her pussy as he unloaded a surprisingly large amount of cum for a guy not interested in doing that sort of thing.
Once Blue was sure he was done ejaculating, she cupped her hand over her vagina and staggered over to a patiently waiting Captain Smyrna who knew exactly what was expected of her and she eagerly sucked Victor’s load out of my Yarmy’s pussy.
“So I don’t get any of it for me after all that? You women are so greedy,” Victor mumbled then promptly fell asleep.
Smyrna’s patience paid off for her transformation back to what was surely close to her ideal self was even more pronounced than the other women, and while her voice stayed high-pitched, it lost the weary squeakiness and gained a measure of authority befitting a police captain.
“Wow,” she said with an energy level tenfold that of her nutritionally-deprived self, “can all of you Skadi sisters do that? I am rightly impressed!”
“She’s extra special actually,” I proudly admitted on behalf of my beloved and Blue flashed me a cute grin in response.
I helped escort Captain Smyrna along with Darci and her groggy admirer Clyde first back to the PNIS station and then on to the police station while Blue, Officer Shelley, and everyone else remained back at the men’s secret hideout. It looked like someone had tried to break into the police station but failed to do so. Smyrna was able to use her radio at the station to contact the district headquarters and just over an hour later, the town was riddled with pussy police officers, GERTH agents, and even a regiment from an army base near Jarnsaxa. The army gals came in a large truck stocked with emergency Idunn rations and began going door to door distributing them to a very relieved populace.
With Darci and Clyde at the PNIS station, the official location chosen to bivouac the various out-of-town factions, Smyrna and I led a contingency of officers and agents back to the hideout. While I was away, the boss guy Roy and his second-in-command Benny had returned to consciousness only to find that their takeover of Sjöfn had come to a close.
From what I was able to piece together, for Blue was sardonically hushed about sharing any specific details with me, was that they learned that Roy and Benny considered themselves to be something called “sell-a-bits” which didn’t make much sense to me, but it somehow meant that they didn’t have sex, as odd as that sounds even now. I’ve heard of some women not eating food and only drinking Idunn, but not have sex? It must have been a man thing, but still that just sounded unnatural to me. Even though there were no women left in the hideout that were in desperate need of Idunn (only moderate need), Blue took it upon herself to milk both Roy and Benny and—get this—force feed their resulting creams to each other. I sure hope Victor was awake at the time to stew over that!
Officer Shelley said she must have been on lookout duty when it happened, but Margo whispered to me that it was actually Shelley’s idea to do that to the men but would deny any responsibility because it was not behavior becoming of a licensed law compliance officer. In any case, Blue and I were trumpeted as heroes of the town and we would have tried heading off in time to still make it to Skurges before it ended, but we had to wait two days for our bikes to get fixed which didn’t cost us anything because the townsfolk all chipped in to pay for new tires and clean them back up again. Neither Blue nor I were all that thrilled about being paraded around town as champions, but we humored them anyway.
Now that first night after all the hullabaloo was done with and Blue and I were fought over by who earned the right for us the spend the night at their place, that honor went to Margo and Paulo because they had the most extra room in their house. After a shared shower with Blue using some army-grade apple wash in a green canister, we finally had the opportunity to be alone with each other—the first time in many hours by then.
We had swung thru town with the express desire to get a tasty crème cake, and let me tell you, my Blue’s pussy was the tastiest, creamiest thing I had ever had in my mouth. The residual cream of a half-dozen men supernaturally transformed and percolated to perfection in my favorite pink passion pit was worth every second of what we had to endure over the course of the day. I had the most amazing and unique crème cake pussy in all the world, but what did Blue have as her reward? Let’s just say that my tongue refused to stop exploring until the sun rose again and my Blue had enough orgasms to pass out one to everyone in town with more than enough left over to spare.
It’s about time for us to swing thru town again. I hear that Elda’s bakery has a popular new crème-filled baked treat filled with only the highest-quality cream that we are dying to try out. What is the name of these extremely popular and creamy new treats you might ask? Cuntilizers.
If you liked this short story set in Valkyria, be sure to grab part one of my epic erotic fantasy series: Daughters of Freyja, Volume 1, Welcome to Valkyria.
Currently available to download to your Kindle app or other e-reader device directly from Amazon.com:
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k-an-kennon · 9 years
Version E3
k-an-k code: DoF_1E3
Changes from Version E2:
Corrected formatting issues that added extra spaces in some areas. Fixed a few lingering “and I/and me” errors. Thanks to mikeytestone for sniffing those out for me! Word count: 125,109
Page equivalent: 432
Live: 9/11/15
If you find any errors or have any questions, please let me know!
K An Kennon
PS: I’m working on a special short story involving the Sisters of Skadi that will be posted here once it is finished!
0 notes
k-an-kennon · 9 years
Version E2
k-an-k code: DoF_1E2
Changes from Version E1:
Fixed “look” --> “took” in paragraph one. (Some sneaky errors can take a fifth set of eyes to spot considering my vision is awful.)
Fixed Ingrid’s messages to same size font + italics. (Original font did not make the conversion.)
Word count: 125,109
Page equivalent: 433
Look Inside should update within 24 hours.
Special note to interested party: Folkvangr airport does not have lockers, neither before nor after customs. Either use the ones at your airport of origin or better yet, pack light!
0 notes