k00242049-blog · 5 years
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This is one of many shots I took of the fields outside my house. This was for the surface packaging. What I had realized after and I hadn’t before is the vibrancy of the picture was very low. Therefore when I worked with it in photoshop it brightened up completely!
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k00242049-blog · 5 years
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I reshot the scene after the Easter holidays. It was the best decision I could have made. This is just a blooper from the time we did it. As you can see they are a lot messier and they genuinely look drunk which was the OBJECTIVE!!!!
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k00242049-blog · 5 years
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This designer is known as Seb Lester. Seb is an exeptional designer due to his craziness and how original he actually is. His designs are powerful pieces that almost showcase his thought process in some way. He inspired me as a designer to not be afraid to trace loops and lines and add them into my pieces!
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k00242049-blog · 5 years
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This is the old photo I used for my poster. This was for my perception vs reality design. The girls had to look so badly edited it was comical. I liked this photo but eventually I decided to reshoot it. This was a great decision as the photos came out a lot better !
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k00242049-blog · 5 years
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This is a design created by the brilliant Pearse O Halloran. I had struggled with my poster design in particular, how to keep it minimal and bold was foreign to me. I admire in Pearses designs how he designs something that appears quite crazy but then softens it. This is due to his color palette and awareness of space. This is how his design is bold and exudes confidence. This helped me to add a bit of my personality into my poster !
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k00242049-blog · 5 years
Testing the mechanics here (like I know what I’m doing). Some adjustments made. I had wanted to make his head like a bobble head in order for it to appear more animated. Therefore more force has to be applied when pushing his head down and closing the lid. His big spot infested head did not make it easier but the plaster Paris is holding up surprisingly well, even though the spring is surging his body up with a lot of force.
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k00242049-blog · 5 years
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I wanted to show the progression of my packaging design (the jack in the box). I had a hard task ahead of me designing this lovely drunken specimen and did not realize how much work was in it, until I finished jacks face. This collage shows the development of the design and some elements of trial and error....trial and error helped me to realize that when I was painting his face, I had been making an ugly man look somewhat prettier. My goal was to avoid polishing the man and achieve the sheer ugliness and to show case the look of disgust he had plastered on his face.
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k00242049-blog · 6 years
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Sebastian Errazuiriz is an amazing artist. Sebastian’s piece 12 shoes for 12 lovers inspired me to be ambitious with my design. His piece was bold, colourful and striking. I really enjoyed the drama behind the structure and after looking at his piece it gave me great inspiration !!
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k00242049-blog · 6 years
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This is Charles Jeffries, a fashion designer. He has inspired me heaps and bounds. He has a very modern touch to designing and is extremely innovative and ambitious!! His idea to create the backdrop behind his display in New York inspired me to do so with my structure aswell!
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k00242049-blog · 6 years
Walking in the shoes to the castle. I recorded my experience afterwards!! The shoes were clogging and heavy. This all helped when recreating the shoe, it wasn’t going to be heavy. The shoe was dense in colour so I when I recreated it I added a lot more colour.
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k00242049-blog · 6 years
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On my travels I can accross some cool places that helped develop my project. Footprints in Adare was really cool and had a very vintage vibe. I really enjoyed visiting the Franklin shoe repair shop, he was very welcoming and let me look at the equipment. I got to see very old machinery that they still use today to repair shoes. It was inspiring and it helped me develop my project.
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k00242049-blog · 6 years
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This is a collage of the pictures I took before I did my short film (Ireland in the 1920’s). I wanted to take the pictures to show my vulnerability at the time. Tourists and people visiting the castle were staring at me so I though it be to show my awkwardness!
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k00242049-blog · 6 years
I was experimenting with the shoes. This is part of the scene I created ! Here I wore the shoes and the tested the durability of them after walking in the water. I checked afterwards if my socks were dry and they were. I recorded the noises the shoes made. I examined how I felt personally after wearing them. I felt as though they were heavy and clogging. All of this helped in the end when I recreated the shoe as I thought of all these factors.
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k00242049-blog · 6 years
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This is the inspiration behind my backdrop! Loverboy (Charles Jeffrey) had a display of clothes set infront of the backdrop. The backdrop added that modern aspect but also created depth and kept the colour flowing throughout the display.....
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k00242049-blog · 6 years
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I’m starting a backdrop and it’s slowly coming together. I was inspired by the designer “Loverboy” who showcased his clothes infront of a backdrop! I have fell in love the aspect of creating a scene, behind an object. It creates depth, meaning and purpose. I used acrylic paints and the biggest brush I could find. My structure is going to resemble the tree of life so I really wanted to create the scene behind it to ensure there was more depth.
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k00242049-blog · 6 years
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After doing the 1920’s shoe, I realized I had solely focused on men. Therefore I decided to focus my next shoe ( 1940’s ) on women. I was truly inspired by the women of this period. They were confident and beautiful. These women had distinctive bouncy curls in their hair and wore satin dresses. I had this idea to resemble both of this attributes by using colourful satin ribbon and glue them in such a way that they curl and curve around the shoe. The colors express the women’s personalities and the the curves resemble their curls and curvaceous bodies. After wearing the shoe and outfit in my second scene I created this shoe based on my personal experience and feelings.
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k00242049-blog · 6 years
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This collage is my creative way of displaying the shoe. I felt this was important practice as my whole project in the end evolved around how the shoes would be presented. Newspapers have been around for years and years so I used that as a backdrop. The candle incorporated emphasized the fact that this was in the past, they had no electricity at that time.
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