k00242524-blog · 5 years
This is my final piece
I have had bumps along the way during this print project but I enjoyed every minute
When Things didn’t plan out as I had planned I did not fret as I knew that it would turn out for the best in the end
I feel as if I had done my best with this project and although stones aren’t all that interesting I found an awful lot more about limerick and the city I am now living in.
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
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I figured that since my desk in the class room was in the Centre that I’d have no wall to have my other stuff on , I decided that I would staple them on the other two sides I had left and I think it brings everything together
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
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I had enough time to get a side of each design on my wooden frame , it would have been nice to have the 2 sides of each. Which is what I had done before the Easter holidays
I will have to rethink what I am going to do with the other two sides
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
I came back after the Easter break to find that all my prints had fallen down and were no longer on my wooden frame, the class were going to Spanish point but I felt I would be under more pressure if I had went as all my prints had disappeared.
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
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I scanned my woodblocks onto the computer and fixed them in photoshop
I then went online to a t-shirt design website to test out how my design would look on a t-shirt
I was happy with how it looked and I printed the design
I then went to the print room and put my design on a screen and printed on the bottom of my t-shirt
I went with the grey t-shirt first because of my stone wall , I decided to go for a bright orange to go with the black
The screen blocked some areas in my design but once again I actually preferred it as it looks more like the prints I have done for my wall
I loved this process and I was amazed as how fast drying the ink was
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
This is how my tower is looking at the moment , I have printed all my stone wall prints so now it’s just time to stick them up - this week we are also doing our t-shirt silkscreen designs which I Am really looking forward to
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
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I am very happy with how it looks so far , I’m glad that des let me use this for my prints as I feel it will bring my stone wall prints to life , I will be reprinting my two designs so that I have enough to go all around my wooden frame
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
I began to think about how I want my prints to be displayed ad I felt a wall was just too plain 
I also thought that having my prints on a corner wall would make them feel as if they were over powering one aonother
we had a guest speaker recently and she had her prints on this wooden frame that des had made, this would be the ideal place for my prints as they each got their own side 
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
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I stuck with the woodblock print technique but I decided to make it more difficult for myself 
I planned to do a reduction print however , the way I did my prints it was easier to get the centre (red brick) cut out in the materials store 
I first started with the black ink on the grey sugar paper, just like my first prints
I then mixed orange and a tinge of blue to make a red/brown brick
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
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for my second type of prints I wanted to challenge myself more.
this time I went for a more complex design stone wall, again I opened my image in illustrator and separated the different pieces to try get an idea of what to follow.
after I had printed these two images I actually preferred the original photo I had taken, I felt it was more stone like 
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
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I decided that woodblock was the best printing material for my stone wall. I felt that this was a new technique for me which I was very open to trying.
I had originally planned to print grey onto black paper , however when I went to the print room there was no white ink to be found.
I improvised by switching my colours around, I then printed black ink onto grey sugar paper and although it didn't work out hoe I planned I actually prefer how it turned out now.
I also found it hard to get the right consistency of black because when I printed the design in full black they actually turned out to look more like cow prints then a stone wall print, this made it very time consuming 
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
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I decided to try focus more on stone work since thats what most of my photos consist of. I also felt that this was the right approach as I felt I was slightly over thinking the project.
I opened the photo on the left in illustrator
I wanted to try get simple shapes and colour scheme for my first design as I did not want to over complicate myself first.
I plan on printing onto black paper with grey ink and then using alight green for the green moss
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
in doing my research of Area 1
I began researching into the areas I had found on my path. learning the history behind everything has be very interesting to me. 
when I was walking around the old limerick I felt I was back in time
now I know that this is the feeling I want to aim for , for my project 
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
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in these photos I am trying to contrast best the history of “old limerick” by contrasting old photos I could find and pairing them with either ones I had taken or newest photos taken by others 
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
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We did etching onto metal plates the second week into the project, I tried to replicate a photo I had taken of a metal gate of st mary’s church.
I found this technique hard to get right and at this stage in the project I was still unsure as to what I wanted to focus on
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
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Part - 2
Posting these photos I have taken I am beginning to see a similarity between them all, that are all made up of stone walls
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k00242524-blog · 5 years
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Photos from Area 1 - part 1
I got Area 1 for my print project
First I made a list of all the top sightings in the area.
I then set off on my path to see what I could find.
These are some of the photos I took on my path
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