k00287291 · 1 year
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Here are my favourite pictures from the photoshoot. The top ended up not fitting my model correctly so I chose to model it off the shoulder instead but as a result of this the back doesn’t sit correctly. Obviously I wish it would have fit and sat correctly but I do still like the outcome.
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k00287291 · 1 year
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Very last minute I have actually decided to not add the exposed thong detail. The material I had left was all small scrap pieces and I did try initially to attach them all together to make the strip but it wasn’t working. My model is also very short so there isn’t as much space between the top and the skirt like there is on the mannequin below so I think it would look unnecessary.
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k00287291 · 1 year
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I have attached the arms to the top and tried it on my model. The sleeves were way to tight and so I had to seam rip the elastic all off and apply for of it in order for it to stretch more. This can be seen on the picture above. It doesn’t match my drawing of the design as much as it did at the start and looks a bit flat but I have no other choice if it doesn’t fit.
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k00287291 · 1 year
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One sleeve is complete and in order to make the other one I have to add the bottom of the side of fabric that I was using to make the first sleeve and add it onto the bottom of the other side as the bottom of this side is missing because I used it to make the skirt. I’m going to try to put the elastic on that stitch so that the scrunch will be there and it won’t be visible.
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k00287291 · 1 year
I’m finally starting the sleeves. I am aware that in order to make a sleeve like this there’s a few methods of going about it. Because I have never done anything like this before i’m going to go for what I think seems like the easiest option which is to sew elastic onto the fabric and scrunch the fabric together in order to create the bubble effect.
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k00287291 · 1 year
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I have added a piece of material to the back of the arm hole to take it from the picture on the left to the one on the right so that it is circular and easy to attach a sleeve onto.
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k00287291 · 1 year
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I’m finding this material really hard to work with. I’m constantly cutting off threads everyday from not only the hem but the actual material itself. It frays so much and it’s hard to stay on top of cutting the threads as it takes so long and i’ve so much more to do but I know I need to do it in order to achieve a clean and more professional looking piece.
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k00287291 · 1 year
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I have stabilised the bottom hem to the best of my ability by using interfacing. I have never used it before so i’m not actually too sure if I did it correctly or not but the bottom hem is definitely looking a lot sharper. I also added a strap of material at the side to connect the from and bag and create and arm hole. However now I think i’m going to have to add some material to the back as the arm hole is not circular.
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k00287291 · 1 year
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Here is what the outfit is looking like currently. The top has been cut out of the big back piece from the original top. The straps were made from the front pieces and the closure was also taken from the original piece. You can’t tell from the first picture but there isn’t actually anything connecting the sides at the minute as i’m not too sure about adding the sides when I still need to make two darts across the chest. I’m also worried about the bottom of the top, again you can’t tell in these pictures as it’s pinned but the bottom hem is very uneven and isn’t sitting parallel to the body so I may have to rip it and add some boning in order to stabilise it.
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k00287291 · 1 year
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Y2K or “year 2 thousand” has made a huge comeback within fashion in recent years. The exposed thong trend in particular, is one of y2k’s biggest moments in fashion history yet, and proves just how far we’ve come from conventional and conservative fashion statements that told women to “cover up”. The exposed thong can be used as an accessory much like a handbag or a jewellery but more than anything it can be seen as a nod to the notion that women will wear and do exactly as they please despite the looming essence of the male gaze.
“Some may argue that flashing one’s thong is only for the pleasure of the male gaze, and thus, inherently, anti-feminist, but others rebute that not wearing what you want only further stifles a woman’s right to chose” - says NYLON on the rising trend.
Above Christina Aguilera and Halle Berry can both be seen participating in the trend in the early 2000’s.
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Some of my most favourite renditions of the trend in recent years can be seen above by Kim Kardashian, Hailey Bieber and Dua Lipa.
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k00287291 · 1 year
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Today I sewed my skirt. Before I dyed the dress blue I unpicked all the shirring that was on the top of the dress. I did this in order to create a blank canvas and to maximise the amount of material as I was using it for both the skirt and the sleeves.
To sew the skirt I literally just cut a section off the bottom of the dress and sewed in together at the side using a zig-zag stitch and hemmed the top. I wasn’t to worried about measurements with the skirt as the material is so so stretchy so it would fit multiple sizes.
I will add the underwear details later, after the top is made just to make sure I have enough material.
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k00287291 · 1 year
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This is my chosen design. It’s my favourite out of all the ones I came up with and the one I would most likely wear myself. I have sewed a skirt before and that is it. I have never sewed a top together never mind a corset style one with complex sleeves but i’m excited to at least attempt it. It’s really outside of my comfort zone as i’m going in clueless but i’m excited to learn and experiment.
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k00287291 · 1 year
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My final three designs as seen here in my sketchbook. I like the first one but I think the bra detail would be really difficult. The second one is nice too, I love the contrast of textures from the satin to the knit I think it would make an interesting concept however I do not know how to crochet that well. The last design and the one i’m leaning most towards is my favourite. I love the corset style top and the puff sleeves however I don’t know If I have enough material for a too like that.
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k00287291 · 1 year
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The rest of my designs based on how I modelled my garments on the mannequin
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k00287291 · 1 year
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Here are some designs I came up with after modelling them on the mannequin
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k00287291 · 1 year
Over the easter break I dyed the white dress blue. I think this should tie in nicely with the blue in the other fabric. I used a synthetic dye as the fabric was mostly polyester. It didn’t come out quite as dark as I would have liked it to but I don’t have time to order it again so i’m just going to work with what I have.
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k00287291 · 1 year
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Now that I have a rough idea of what I want to do for the top of my outfit i’m starting to incorporate it in with the other garment in order to make a full outfit.
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