k00299537 · 7 months
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unfinished work
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k00299537 · 7 months
Artist Research : Ernst Chladni
Ernst Chladni (1756–1827) was a German musician and scientist who made significant contributions to the study of vibrations and acoustics. Chladni, who was born in Wittenberg, Germany, made important advances to our knowledge of sound and the mechanics of vibrating plates and membranes. The contemporary study of resonance and acoustics was made possible by his work.
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In Chladni's most well-known work, sound waves were visualised using what are now referred to as "Chladni patterns" or "Chladni figures." He showed how the particles will arrange themselves into clear geometric patterns when a thin layer of sand or other small particles was sprinkled over a vibrating plate and then exposed to particular frequencies. These patterns gave rise to a visual depiction of the standing waves on the surface by revealing the nodes and antinodes of the vibrational modes.
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k00299537 · 7 months
Movement project / Fashion workshop 19/2/24
This workshop was the workshop that I was most looking forward to. As I was hoping to do fashion in second year, I held this workshop out for my last two weeks of the movement project. For the first week of the workshop we got to do drawings of model lineups and had to design outfits based around the idea of our topic on the movement project. for my inspiration, I researched Iris van Herpen and she actually did a whole collection on the depiction of movement in music, where she tries to incorporate soundwaves into her fashion designs.
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To me, I could tell straightaway that this collection was heavily inspired by soundwaves. The flow of the material and repetitive lines grasped me instantly. Iris van Herpen’s collections have always stood out to me. There’s always been something special about her work that has stuck with me after viewing her pieces, so I know she would come in handy with my project.
So, for the first week of the project we continued with doing these model lineups, find an inspiration to work with and try create solid designs that we could involve within the second week.
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In these three designs I created I cut up the pictures I had printed from Van Herpen’s work and attempted to make my own designs with the material she had used.
Unfortunately for most of the second week of the fashion workshop, which was this week I was sick so I could not attend Tuesdays to Fridays workshop. Over the weekend, I am hoping to procrastinate and get as much work done before my assessments.
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k00299537 · 7 months
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This line art painting was created with watercolours, black and white pens and paint. I attempted to capture the sensation of body movement in response to sound. The way the body moves freely and flows, the bleed of colour from the lines represents the energy released when doing such an act, and the colours I've selected are ones I associate with lights and lasers used at festivals and raves I've attended.
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k00299537 · 7 months
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k00299537 · 7 months
Artist research : Romare Bearden
Romare Bearden, an African American artist who lived from 1911 to 1988, Bearden was well-known for his unique collage style, which frequently combined pictures from books, periodicals, and other printed items.
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His collages exhibited a distinct fusion of representation and abstraction. Themes pertaining to African American culture, music, religion, and urban life have been explored in Bearden's art. In addition, Bearden addressed political and social themes in his writing, such as the Civil Rights Movement. His work addressed issues of racial identity, discrimination, and the pursuit of equality, reflecting the times in which it was created. He attended a number of universities, such as the Sorbonne in Paris, the Art Students League in New York, and Boston University. His many artistic inspirations were influenced by his scholarly endeavours.
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Romare Bearden's "Jazz" series consists of a series of collages that eloquently convey the spirit of jazz music. Jazz's spontaneous and rhythmic qualities are celebrated in this series of colourful, dynamic artworks that were produced in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Throughout the entire series, Bearden's unique collage style is on display. Photographs, written materials, magazine cuts, and other items were among the many tools he used. He was able to replicate the intricacy of jazz with his compositions by using this technique to create rich, textured pieces.
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The "Jazz" series is still regarded as a major component of her legacy. These pieces of art are praised for their avant-garde style, cultural relevance, and capacity to capture the evocative and metamorphic qualities of jazz. Romare Bearden's "Jazz" series is essentially an artistic expression of his passion for music and his ability to bring the improvisational and dynamic elements of jazz into the visual arts. The series continues to make a significant contribution to the nexus between music and art.
previous work I have done was inspired by roamers work also, this was used when I was finding ideas during the print workshop.
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k00299537 · 8 months
Movement Project - Print 6/2/24
Whiles doing the print workshop I wanted to center my pieces around movement in light and lasers at raves. From the primary sources I have which were videos I have captured at events I tried to incorporate that into the prints in which I made.
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Stills from videos in my camera roll
I started by getting large white paper and cling film. The cling film was then stretched and scrunched to add some sort of texture so it was not a large blank block on my page. Once the cling film was scrunched I took it over the to oil based inks and rolled blue & pink ink onto it. This was put through then put through printing press. Because this was only a rough idea of what I would do it actually turned out nice and I really liked it.
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It’s not exactly what one would say is lights or lasers combining to create a sense of motion and hypnosis but I didn’t want to have an exact piece based off the videos, I preferred to take a different spin on it.
I do want to create more of these pieces with black paper as I find the colours will come out more pigmented and maybe try make neon pigments as it would be more similar to the colour of the lights and lasers at the raves.
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k00299537 · 8 months
Sketchbook work
My take on abstract art and body’s movement to music. My plan is to create a large scale detailed abstract piece which will be painted and the same as the other sketches I have included
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k00299537 · 8 months
Artist Research / Mark Leckey
British artist Mark Leckey is well-known for his investigations of young culture, technology, and the relationship between art and everyday life. His 1999 video collage "Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore," which documented the UK rave scene from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, brought him a great deal of attention. Leckey creates a nostalgic and immersive experience that honours the spirit and intensity of rave culture by fusing music, sound, and discovered footage.
In “Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore,” Leckey masterfully weaves together found footage, music, and sound to create a captivating portrayal of the UK rave scene from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. The video collage celebrates the energy, community, and aesthetic of rave culture, offering viewers a nostalgic and immersive experience.
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His method of approaching rave art is unique since it goes beyond simple documentation. He explores the more profound social, cultural, and private facets of rave culture in addition to capturing the sights and sounds of the event. Mark investigates identity, memory, and the effects of technology on modern society in his works.
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Installation view of Mark Leckey’s UniAddDumThs (man)
Mark’s fascination with rave culture also extends past “Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore.” He has been delving into the topic using a variety of media, including as performances, sculptures, and installations. By utilising a multidisciplinary approach, he is able to effectively convey the sensory overload and community vibe of raves, allowing viewers to reflect on the cultural significance of these events.
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Mark Leckey : Containers and their Drivers
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k00299537 · 8 months
Movement Project - Sculpture 29/1/24
(week 3)
During the third week of the movement, I continued with the sculpture workshop because I felt like I hadn't accomplished enough. Even though I struggled with this elective, I knew I still needed to do something, so I didn't want to give up on myself. Since I still have three weeks remaining on this project, I chose to concentrate on fashion for the last two weeks so that I would have solid concepts for what to do. I came across artists like Junya Watanabe, Neri Oxman, and Yegor Zaitsev while I did research on fashion designers that incorporate sculpture into their designs.
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I was still unsure about what to create despite my extensive research. Making an accessory was my first idea because I didn't want to go overboard and attempt to create a huge fashion piece when I had very little experience designing pieces. The metal strips were bent and twined before being combined with the same methods from last week's scrap pieces.Using this knitted wire mesh material, I decided to make a head piece/covering after attempting to bind the materials using a hot glue gun and other adhesives in the previous sculpture class, which did not work. The process taught me the importance of having a sturdy surface for the materials to rest on. To determine the size of my piece, I mapped it out using scrap paper and masking tape to make a fake head. Then, I stacked mesh wire on top and trimmed and tucked the sharp parts in to protect my hands.
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order to keep the metal pieces from falling off, I used extra wire to hook them through. This process took approximately 40 minutes and was similar to stitching the metal designs onto the mesh. Even though I'm still not totally infatuated with my design, I think I did quite well considering I never had much of an interest in sculpture. Upon reflection, I see that my creation still needs some polishing, which I will take care of before the semester is over! In 
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To make sure there are no sharp edges anywhere on my artwork, I plan to lay some form of garment underneath so that it may be placed on top of someone's head for a quick photoshoot to properly capture pictures of my design.
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and that is the piece in all its glory
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k00299537 · 8 months
Movement Project - Sculpture 22/1/24
(week 2)
I had no clue what I was going to do for sculpture, or have any idea to begin with. Both Michael and Sarah asked everyone to gather around a big sheet of paper at the beginning and jot down terms related to our topic for around five minutes apiece. Subsequently, we would alternate two spots and continue writing any more words that related to the other person's idea until the page was full.
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After returning to our sections, Michael and Sarah asked us to choose five terms that truly caught our attention and consider what resources we might utilise to make those ideas come to life. I don't know what terms I chose, but they had something to do with shiny, disco ball, etc. I ultimately used a material similar to sheet metal, and Sarah used the guillotine in the woodworking studio to cut them into large strips. I started playing around with the material, folding, bending, and stacking it to obtain a general idea, but nothing immediately came to me.
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After awhile I did more research artist and discovered Joe Rush, a British artist. He is the founder of Mutoid Waste Company, a performance arts collective that has performed at Glastonbury Festival. Some of his work includes
IN THE , A SCRAP BUST. By Joe Rush. Dore & Rees.
'pedal' By Joe Rush. Dore & Rees.
Blue Boy. By Joe Rush. Bonhams New Bond Street.
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Joe's art is pure magic, and I was immediately drawn to it. Some of his designs make logic, while others don't. During the first week, I was still unsure of what I was going to produce, so I kind of just messed about and came out with this piece.
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Something that would still reflect off lights or lasers but be less flashy and aesthetically pleasing was what I wanted to create—something that was somewhat similar to a disco ball but not quite the same.
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Unfortunately I dont know what happened to this piece so I do only have photos and videos
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k00299537 · 8 months
Movement Project - Print 16/1/24 (Week 1)
While working on the print workshop Because of being out on Monday (15/1/24), I was unclear of the exact concept I would choose for my prints. I started by reflecting on my interests and the reason I wanted to get involved with movement in music, which is that I appreciate music in general, raves and festivals in particular. The way that music increases serotonin and readily fosters human connection intrigues me. Over the past several months, I've discovered that DJing and watching friends and other people DJ at events is an intriguing hobby of mine. I thought it would be cool to print sound waves or the dj software system's beat per minute system bur still didn't know an exact way to do it so Eoin came and helped me with the concept.
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I then got the idea to create a lino print of my DJ decks that I had. I began by creating ombre prints, print-on-top prints, and other coloured patterns.
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I do have more prints that I done I just can't find them but im sure no one has thrown them out, once found I will upload !
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k00299537 · 8 months
Movement Project
For the movement project I am basing my project on movement in music. I wanted to centre it around how different musical genres like jazz and techno affect how people move aswell as rock, pop, etc. Incorporating sound waves, audience response, and musical movement was also a goal. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to include in my project right now, so maybe I can produce more work in the future.
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k00299537 · 10 months
Artist Research / Cristóbal Balenciaga
Spanish fashion designer Cristóbal Balenciaga established the upscale fashion brand Balenciaga in 1919. The brand is now widely associated with cutting-edge styles, creative silhouettes, and a dedication to stretching the limits of fashion. Balenciaga is known for its contemporary and frequently unorthodox approach to design, and it has had a major influence on the fashion industry.
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After starting his own fashion house in San Sebastian, Cristóbal Balenciaga started his career in his native Spain. His revolutionary designs won him notoriety across the globe once he relocated to Paris in 1937. Architectural shapes, meticulous detailing, and the use of opulent textiles defined Balenciaga's works. His extraordinary skill and impact on other designers earned him the titles "The Master" and "The Couturier's Couturier."
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Among Balenciaga's pioneering creations were the balloon skirt, the baby-doll dress, and the cocoon coat. In the realm of fashion, his ability to work with textiles and create sculptural shapes made him stand out. He was a stickler for detail and was renowned for his commitment to excellence. Beyond his peers, Balenciaga left a lasting impression on upcoming generations of designers.
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Following Cristóbal Balenciaga's retirement in 1968 and the original couture house's closure in 1972, there were phases of transition for the brand. Balenciaga didn't become well-known again until Nicolas Ghesquière was named creative director in 1997. Ghesquière gave the company a contemporary, edgy look by fusing streetwear and technology into his designs.
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After Ghesquière left, Alexander Wang assumed creative control in 2012 and gave Balenciaga's designs a youthful, athletic feel. The co-founder of the design company Vetements, Demna Gvasalia, assumed the role of creative director in 2015. With her enormous silhouettes, logo-centric designs, and daring combinations, Gvasalia frequently challenged conventional rules and introduced a unique and innovative approach to fashion.
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Balenciaga, which embraces a strong and irreverent style, has continued to make waves in the fashion industry under Gvasalia's management. The brand is well-known for its large trainers, oversized silhouettes, and avant-garde designs that subvert preconceived ideas about high-end clothing.
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Balenciaga's influence in popular culture has been cemented by partnerships with a range of musicians and brands. The brand has gained recognition as a symbol of modern luxury thanks to the frequent appearance of its products on celebrities, influencers, and in the music and entertainment industries.
In conclusion, Balenciaga has solidified its position as a dominant force in the high fashion industry thanks to its extensive history, dedication to innovation, and capacity for change. With its bold designs and determination to push the limits of conventional aesthetics, the brand never fails to enthral the fashion industry and fashion aficionados alike.
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k00299537 · 10 months
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k00299537 · 10 months
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k00299537 · 10 months
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