k80fit · 8 months
K80 Challenge
This challenge I created for myself was very much inspired by the 75 hard & soft challenges but I’ve made some modifications & made it an 80 day thing instead of 75 days (don’t know why lol)
My Rules:
~ Drink at least 2 litres of water per day
~ Stick between 1,500-2,000 calories during the week & close to 2,000 as possible on weekends. It’s okay if I go over by a little bit occasionally
~ Exercise at least once a day but aim for twice when possible. Get outside for one if weather ok
~ Read at least 10 pages of any book per day
~ Take a picture of yourself every day
~ Remove post-it from the wall*
*You may remove a post-it if you have exercised at least once that day. Days that you do not do any form of exercise do not count & a post-it shouldn’t be removed for that specific day
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