200 Ideas
Oil repellent textile Anit-lint textile Ice cream that does not melt Heat car roofs to prevent snow from sticking during the winter. Self-heating cars to melt snow Electronic MetroCard Updated medical forms Midnight snack machine Preset coffee maker (coffee can be ready when you wake up in the morning) Cooling summer bed Self-cleaning toilets Self-cleaning bathtubs Self-cleaning sinks Self-cleaning refrigerator Washing machine that separates white colors and darks in the same cycle. Home garbage compactor Regenerative teeth Regenerative bones Regenerative skin symmetrical faces symmetrical feet symmetrical hands symmetrical breasts Micro bead extractor from the ocean Black ice detector Mermaid finder Coin counter anti-cavity chocolate Carbon neutral Brooklyn Smog filter Candy cane cigarettes Ban of carcinogenic food dyes Water locater An app to generate 200 ideas for class self-loading and unloading washers and dyers At home CT scan/ ultrasound Fish communicator Maintenance lights/ notification systems on gym equipment. Spoiled food detector in refrigerator Hand massaging gloves Foot messaging socks Body messaging blanket Head messaging cap/hat Sweet Aloe Vera Shower timer to help conserve water. Scratch proof laptop screens Life expectancy scanner. A shoot to cure addictions Super rain to accelerate afforestation. Scooter designed like a walker to held the elderly get around faster Disinfected subway Hat that transform to an umbrella when it rains or snows Non hazard railway tracks Vaccine to prevent frost bite Reentry astronaut suit in case astronauts need to evacuate the shuttle on reentry. Wig that can turn into rope in case of a need to escape from high buildings Silent trains Regenerative cells Hair growth serum to grow hair over night. Serum that turns fine hair into thick hair Serum to prevent hair thinking from peroxide Frogs with no legs Snakes with no tails Rabbits without ears Hyenas that can’t laugh Swimming bats Secret agent pigeons Kinky hair that won’t shrink Laughing cats Ocean house, (like a boat but likes a house) Talking babies right after birth No pan-handling on the train Social media timer, locks social site after browsing for x amount of time. Upside down house on a lake Ants with 2 legs Running turtles Sweet Beets Beets that don’t stain Mute button when people talk too much Double chin eraser Leg Bone straightener Orange banana Strawberry orange Anti bending nails orderless subways Non flammable gas Travel size gas masks Bomb detectors for civilians Tele-porter to any where in the world Zip line lift to other Caribbean islands Shrinking machine so you can eat more food self recharging computer self recharging batteries trash that turns to paper cat snake snake dog sun glasses with hidden compartment Reeses pieces Oreos Oreo water Oreo wine Oreo beer Oreo cider Oreo ale Oreo shoes Oreo belt Oreo hat Oreo sweater Oreo juice Oreo burrito Oreo Taco cookies and cream cologne chocolate pencil chocolate pen lobster cat shampoo lobster cat conditioner lobster juice lobster wine lobster beer lobster cider lobster purse fish perfume fish beer fish wine fish juice fish hat fish legs duck sauce wine duck sauce shampoo alligator dog alligator perfume chocolate tanning spray, taste like chocolate reeses pieces perfume reeses pieces milk reeses pieces wine reeses pieces beer reeses pieces cider reeses pieces ale reeses pieces juice reeses pieces flavored water alligator dog shoes alligator dog belt Alligator dog purse BBQ sauce flavored Jello Mustard flavored Jello Beet Flavored Jello Broccoli flavored Jello Meat flavored Jello Tomato flavored Jello Honey flavored Jello Jello Taco Jello Burrito rice flavored Jello chicken flavored Jello Oreo flavored Jello Green bean flavored Jello Mac and cheese flavored Jello Cauliflower flavored Jello Hot dog flavored Jello Hot dog juice Hot dog wine Hot dog beer Hot dog Cider Hot dog Perfume Hot dog deodorant Cinnabon perfume Cinnabon wine Cinnabon lip balm Cinnabon deodorant Cinnabon shampoo Cinnabon conditioner pepper sauce lip balm Pepper sauce shampoo Pepper sauce conditioner bacon lip balm bacon shampoo bacon conditioner bacon deodorant Omelette lip balm Omelette shampoo Omelette conditioner Omelette deodorant Lobster lip balm Mac and cheese lip balm Burrito lip balm Burrito deodorant Basil lip balm Basil shampoo Basil wine Basil Jello shot Rosemary lip balm Pinacolda cheesecake perfume Pinacolda cheesecake lip balm Pinacolda cheesecake shampoo Pinacolda cheesecake conditioner Pinacolda cheesecake deodorant Pinacolda cheesecake cider Pinacolda cheesecake beer Pinacolda cheesecake milk Pinacolda cheesecake water Coconut Papaya wine
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Movie Campaign
1.Nail polish that completely comes off on it’s on after one week. 2. onions that don’t make you cry 3. umbrella that keeps you completely dry from head to feet 4. Salt that turns into sugar 5. Lollipops that don’t cut the roof of your mouth 6. Voice translator for animals 7. Electronic cat repellent (My cat keeps biting my mac and wires) 8. A pill that helps you learn languages in a week. 9. Cake that tastes like fries 10. Donut cupcakes 11. Hydraulic shoes 12. invisible clothes 13. Temperature change blankets 14. Apple donuts (apples that look like donuts) 15. Boyfriend lie detectors that would instantly zap their tongues. 16. Nightshades, turns night into daylight 17. delay send email button for those emails you regret you sent 18. Disappearing tattoos 19. Facetime 911 20. digital bookmaker to tell what page and paragraph we reading 21. Soda that does not get flat 22. Gas less beans 23. Floating shoes to walk on water 24. 24-hour perfume 25. Edible candle wax 26. Change Donald Trump into a Mexican or black person for a year 27. Pinkie toe protector 28. Water pills that keep you hydrated for a couple days if you run out of water. 29. Underwater talking device 30. IQ test for presidential candidates 31. Empathy test for presidential candidates 32. Shoes that stay white 33. Self-inflating deflating ball 34. Ear warming headphones for winter 35. Selfing cooling winter jacket when you get too warm 36. Shirt that changes color 37. Textile that repels deodorant stains 38. Self-cleaning shirt 39. Travel bag handles that bend instead of break 40. Garbage magnet 41. Self-fixing potholes 42. Reflect light in Norway to take away the gloomy grey skies to bring down suicide rates in the winter 43. Crackers that don’t crack until you bite them 44. Railroad tracks that don’t screech with friction 45. An apple that defies gravity 46. Eyebrow stencil for perfect eyebrows 47. Eyebrow hair thinner for painless waxing 48. Lipstick that does not rub on teeth 49. Stainless teeth 50. Anti-cavity sweets 51. Sharpies that don’t stain clothes 52. Magnetic hair beads 53. Lint resistance black textile 54. One key that adapts to different locks 55. Furniture dust repellent 56. Inflammable wig 57. Ruler pencil 58. Motorized shoes with wheels 59. Scooter shopping carts 60. Cell phone cooling screen 61. Cow heel shoes 62. Wifi umbrella 63. Bean bags filled with actual beans 64. Carrots that taste like cherries 65. Bedroom slippers that light up in the dark 66. Candles that do not burn out 67. Edible floss 68. Tank tops with built-in water bottles  69. Biodegradable microbeads 70. A clock that stops time  71. Weightless dumb bells  72. Talking Owl 73. Camera’s that don’t reverse your face 74. Pencil heel shoes that support your weight 75. Solar sunglasses that charges anything  76. Self-cleaning make up brushes 77. Fire retardant trees 78. Light that changes with your mood 79. Wacom pen that also turns to a pencil 80. Wacom pen that can be a stylus for iPads 81. Apple to make actual updates to iPhones and not wait for Samsung 82. CD’s that don’t scratch 83. Miniature CDs 84. Football gear that absorbs impact so athletes will not experience pain or broken bones 85. Rubber knees to jump over buildings 86. Commercial jet packs for humans 87. Sweet aloe vera 88. Treated glass that absorbs heat in closed cars during the summer to prevent child deaths. 89. Ice that does not melt 90. A tooth implant that cleans your mouth while you sleep 91. Mildew repellent 92. Device that tames aggressive dogs 93. Same day corn remover ointment 94. Same day wart remover ointment 95. same day tag remover ointment 96. Chemical free hair relaxer 97. Estrogen Free hair straightener 98. Estrogen free hair relaxer 99. 100% Toxic free hair dye worldwide 100. Ban on producing Johnson’s baby powder and selling it to 3rd world countries 101. 100% chemical free hair lotions worldwide 102. Selling rejected chicken in the Caribbean 103. Ban on skin lightening creams to darker women with nonorganic mercury 104. Paying less for organic food 105. Ban on preventives in food that are ultimately carcinogenic 106. Skin match colors for women of color that perfectly match 107. Permanent ban on Parabens in all cosmetics 108. Heat less iron 109. Built-in neck pillows on planes 110. Snuggie airplane seats  111. Curling irons that detect when hair is about to burn or fall off 112. Anti-odor shoes 113. Heels that don’t hurt on first wear 114. Bluetooth that enables charging your phone by pairing it your computer 115.  Shoe heel with hidden pepper spray 116. Anti-food stain microwaves 117. Mosquito muter 118. TV that turns off automatically when you fall sleep 119. 911 beacon that activates when in distress, don’t need to speak 120. Shatterproof phone screens 121. Dry powder that cleans your body when no water is available  122. Beans that taste like jelly beans 123. Sweaters that don’t thread 124. Orange tomatoes -tomatoes that taste like oranges 125. 3 in one Fan -> Fan, heater, air-condition 126. Xray contact lens 127. Anti-odor leather 128. GPS bean from phone, so you won’t have to look at the screen to know where you’re going 129. Flies that gets rid of bacteria 130. Change poisonous snake venom into life-saving antidotes 131. Change deserts into fertile lands by redirecting some water resources and planting trees 132. Vaccine to prevent all STD transmissions 133. Uber planes, where you don’t need to wait for scheduled flights. 134. Night vision contact lens 135. Bicycles that converts when it rains to keep you dry 136. Car exhaust purifier 137. Hovering fan 138. Mold free sponges 139. Bacteria-free Sponges with built-in bleach 140. Mint chocolate peanut butter m&m’s 141. Mandatory natural food coloring 142. Baby translators 143. Mucus free milk 144. Screwdriver, Allan’s key pencil light 145. Retractable T-square 146. Recycled wine corks 147. Recycled plastic into clothes for the homeless 148. Litter-free zones throughout NYC replaced with plants 149. Stiffer penalties for littering in Subway 150. Stiff fines for spitting on subway steps 151. Built-in mace in cell phone cases to deter thefts 152. Scented mood lights 153. Soundproof toilets 154. Built-in digital control for hot water 155. Edible camping clothes in case you get lost with food. 156. scentless repellents for humans to keep predators away when camping 157. Mandatory GPS locators for hikers and campers in case they get lost and no cell service. 158. SOS light that can be seen in the sky 159. Vaccine that prevents Alzheimer's   160. Vaccine that improves memory 161. Floor cleaning house shoes 162. Scented gift bows 163. Scented gift paper 164. Biodegradable plastics 165. Tech the helps autistic kids to communicate when they can’t speak  or feel frustrated 166. Waterproof ceiling 167. Socks that keep your feet dry from perspiration 168. Color changing t-shirts depending on natural light 169. Toxic detectors on cell phones 170. Flexible glass 171. Screech-less blackboards 172. Translucent chalk powder that disappears 173. Germ-free tablet screens 174. Bath bombs that explode into bubbles rose petals 175. Letter re-sealers 176. Self-destructing junk snail mail after 10 days of being opened   177. Recycling old worn out clothes to new clothes for the less fortunate 178. Greaseless body oil that does not transfer to clothing 179. Pet Fur magnet 180. Books that fold into itself to save space 181. Shoes that climb any surface 182. Head cooling hats in the summer to prevent sweating 183. Pills that microwave into full meals 184. Social media stalker alert from nonfriends 185. Procrastinator zapper 186. Nontoxic instant glue that does not stick skin 187. Reusable post-it notes 188. Multicolored sharpie 189. Translucent powder that removes makeup 190. Cardboard furniture 191. Backpacks that turns into a tent 192. Backpack that turns into a pillow and blanket 193.  A clock that extends the day to 36 hours. 194. Pen-nail clipper 195. Weightless coins 196. Instant body glitter remover 197. Pencil that grows food 198. Vegetable mint candy canes 199. Radio pen 200. Wrinkle free paper
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Characters in movies are a reflection of who we are.
How might we show people that characters in a movies are a reflection of ourselves/personas?
Brands: Windex Crest White Stripes Maui Jim
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Insight Finalized
Movies are the reflection our inner most desires.
How might we show people movies are the reflections our inner most desires?
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Developing Insights
3 Top Movie insights  1. 
Movies are like windows because they give us a look into the past. 2. Movies evoke feelings of nostalgia because they trigger our fondest memories 3. Movies are reflective because they allow us to think about ourselves
Rewrites: Movies are reflective because they allow us to think about ourselves -> Movies are like mirrors Movies are reflections of ourselves Movies are reflections of ourselves, how we think, how we feel, how we live.
Movies are like windows because they give us a look into the past ->  Movies gives us a glimpse into the past We learn about historical past through movies We are educated about history through movies We relive the historical past through movies Movies educates us about historical past
Movies evoke feelings of nostalgia because they trigger our fondest memories -> Old feelings resurface when we watch movies Movies take us back to feelings and places we no longer think about We reminisce about experiences through movies
25 Executions 1. Shattered mirror with different personalities of one person (animation/print) 2. Looking into a mirror and seeing the person you would like to be (Print) 3. Silhouette projecting who you are (social media) 4. Short film of life as a movie (social media) 5. Piecing life together like the frames in movie (digital) 6. Spot light on figure (star of the movie) 7. Directing the scenes of your life (Digital) 8. Emulating multiple characters that form one (Play/animation) 9. Reviling what is actually behind the lens..just you (film) 10. Tear drop on a page showing pivotal scenes of one’s life (animation) 11. flash backs of events projecting on a wall (animation) 12. Seeing one’s self, evolve over time (animation/social media) 13. Different historical event in a window frame (short film) 14. Typography knockout of images of past events of one’s life (print/animation) 15. Movie poster style of “this is your life” (print) 16. Character dressed in iconic figures of the past telling a story (party/story telling) 17. Behind the scenes of what’s it like to be you (Short film) 18. Curtain call on the past (print/animation) 19. Credits Poster honoring the people who were the most influential in one’s life (print/animation) 20. Red carpet event, star of the “movie” live streaming 21. Re-enactment of past life events (Party) 22. Acting out emotions seen in a movie that reflects how one feels  (short film) 23. Process of put life together like a movie (film) 24. Building the set of one’s life (animation/ print infographic) 25. Breaking down the set to start a new one, like a rebirth ( short film)
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75 Insights about Movies
1. Movies are like windows because they give us a look into the past.
2. People love movies because they love stories. 3. A movie is like a gateway because it transports you to another world. 4.  Movies are like your best friends who help keep you out of trouble. 5. Movies are like stubbing your little toe against the door because they make you feel again. 6. Movies are like turning the page of time because you can relive past events. 7. Movies are like getting wisdom from the man on the corner because you can totally relate. 8. Life is like a movie because you get entertained everyday. 9. Movies are like onions because they make you cry. 10. People rather live in movies because fantasies come true. 11. Movies are like traveling because you get an experience of a life time. 12. Watching a movie is like living in a loop because we watch them over and over. 13. Movies are like suspended animation because time stands still. 14. Movies are memorable because like losing a loved one, you never forget them 15. Movies are like teachers because we learn from what we see 16. Movies are like lullabies because they put us to sleep 17. Movies are like translators because they help you learn another language 18. Movies are like Houdini because they help us escape 19. Movies are like expeditions because they take you to places unknown 20. Movies are like coaches because they make you feel like you can do anything or be anything. 21. If you want to get lost, you can do it in a movie, because they take you away 22. Movies broaden your perspectives to allow us to look beyond the horizon 23. People like movies because they can morph into someone else or something else for a brief moment. 24. Movies are like drugs because we can get addicted to fantasy 25. Watching a movie is like being at an amuse park, because it takes us on a ride. 26. Watching movies is like eating ice cream because they make us feel good 27. Movies are a peek through a key hole because they let us look into another world, culture or lifestyle   28. Writing insights about movies is like watching a trilogy because it takes forever 29. Movies bring people together because it’s like a social experience 30. Are like the portal to your soul, you get to discover who you are. 31. Movies are like silent translators because they communicate social issues parents have a hard time explaining. 32. movies are like travel agents they teach us about the world 33. movies break cultural barriers because they portray multicultural lifestyles 34. Movies encourage gluttony because they portray a lot of materialism 35. Movies teach empathy because it allows us to walk in someone’s shoes 36. A Move is like the maestro because it plays on our emotions 37. A movie is like a compass because it guides our moral values. 38. Movies are like fine wine because they get better time. 39. Movies are therapeutic because they relieve stress 40. Movies evoke feelings of nostalgia because they tigger our fondest memories 41. Movies are like acupuncture because they hit the right stop 42. Movies are our personal stylist because they keep us on trend 43. Movies are likes salesmen because they influence our buying decisions 44. Movies are like placebos because they make you believe you can do anything 45. Movies are like that friend you mom warned you about because they encourage you to explore your darkest thoughts 46. Movies are like the weather because some are unpredictable 47. Movies are predictable because you can tell where the story line will lead. 48. Movies at home gets you lazy because you turn into a couch potato 49. Movies serve as inspiration because they stimulate your thoughts 50. Just like water movies give us life 51. Movies are like companions, they are always there to keep you company 52. Movies are like the sun, they make your life a little brighter 53. Movies are ethereal because they give out of world experiences 54. Movies pull on your heart strings because they make us emotional/cry 55. Movies are like that obnoxious coworker who we walk out on when they turn us off 56. Some movies are so dumb, they kill our brain cells 57. Some movies are like when you’re learning archery, they continue to miss the mark 58. Some movies are a waste of time because they make no sense 59. Movies are like that inappropriate relative that does not have a clue 60. Movies are like that ex you wished you never entertained, total waste of your time. 61. Movies are like a shield that protects you from the outside world 62. Movies are like food gone bad, they leave a bad taste in your mouth 63. Movies are like taking drugs, they keep you on a high 64. Movies are like liars because they don’t always tell the truth 65. Movies are like ATM fees, they keep taking your money 66. Movies are like that favorite desert, you can’t get enough of it. 67. Some movies are like going to see Swan Lake, it’s first exciting then you get extremely bored. 68. Watching movies are like that thing you said and you can’t take back,  you can’t unsee it 69. Great movies are like the amazing people in your life, you get to experience them only once in a life time 70. Watching too many movies alone will turn you in to a hermit 71. Movies are like mood rings they reveal emotions that you never knew you had 72. Movies keep us grounded because they show us how to be empathetic 73. Movies help us grow because it teaches life lessons 74. Movies are reflective because they allow us to think about ourselves 75. A movie is like life, it’s not that serious.
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kacycharles-blog-blog · 13 years
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Kacy Charles 
My New York
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kacycharles-blog-blog · 13 years
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Kacy Charles
My New York
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