kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
Noraā€™s fighting style
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Weapons, techniques etc.Ā 
You could say Noraā€™s first experiences with fighting were fistfights. She learned to use her fists to express her anger and frustration already at a young age abd they are still her prefered way of fighting. Later she learned kick-boxing and self-defence techniques that are taught at the LEA academy. Her biggest advantage in a fight against a superior opponent is her agility and speed of action as well as her talent of improvisation to change tack. She used to learn to fight against Elementalists in the manner of getting out of the way of their attacks (like fireballs and so on) and force them into a close-combat fight. A strongarm can be difficult since she needs to be careful not to take serious hits that would knock her out right away. When it comes to opponents with magic like mental manipulation etc. she has no chance and tries ro stay away from species with that kind of magic as much as possible.
When it comes to weapons she mostly uses knives, bow and arrows. She learned to use all kinds if weapons during her time at the LEA academy, but her father already noticed, when she was still a child, that Nora has great aptitude for archery. By now she is a great archer, who never miss the target. Knives are used by her in close-combat fights. A verbal sparring with Nora will end up quickly in a fight, since Nora will always uses her fists as response due to her lack of self-control because of her agression problem. Her endurance during a fight is trained and high. She knows her personal limit very well and paces herself correspondingly. She can endure a lot of pain - she is used to it- and it is also am impulse for her from within that makes her feel the most lively during a fight, bevause of the rush of adrenaline and so on. Her success rate is high - she needs to win- failure can be deadly in her profession and way of living. Does not mean she never lose a fight. It happens at times, of course, but you better donā€™t meet her on the streets after a lost fightā€¦
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Shifting abilities
In her youth Nora had only little relation to her shifter side. Her parents tried to help her, but they werenā€™t well informed about it either. So she didnā€™t choose an animal till her early twenties - a black cat. She noticed the elegance and agility, with which cats are moving on, especially while climbing, and thought that cat like reflexes and agility would be a great addition to her own abilities. Also because of her doing free running (parkour) and due to cats inbuilt balancing system they always land on their feet. On top of that cat eyes can see better in the dark than human eyes and thinking of Noraā€™s later development of profession it is really helpful.
Her second animal were added years later - a harpy eagle. The claw of a full grown harpy eagly can easily cup a fist of a grown up man and they are perfect to get better halt while jumping from wall to wall. She almost never shifts fully into one of her animal form, only shifts partially like using their claws or eyes. The harpy eyes make Nora even more a deadly accurate archer, even out of long-distance.
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
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commission for @divinedinosaurs ~ instagramĀ 
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
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This is not a formal event, people are expected to show up in whatever they want to wear for the event. (šŸ‘˜ šŸ„»šŸ‘• šŸ‘–šŸ‘ž šŸ‘Ÿ šŸ„¾ šŸ„æ šŸ‘  šŸ‘” šŸ©° šŸ‘¢šŸ§„šŸ‘—šŸ‘“ šŸ•¶ šŸ„½šŸ‘‘šŸŖ– etc.)
There might be a lineup, hence the late start, do not show up before the time given and then complain about the wait time and the heat. If you decided to show up early, itā€™s because you could withstand the heat. (ā˜€ļøšŸ’¦)
Ace of Club Mallick will be present (he was def there before 6PM so were most of the hunters, but all of them were required to be there before opening, and councilā€™s members who decided to show up earlier too.) and visible for the first hour, (to cut the ribbon, invite people in, look good and smiley, etc.) after that, heā€™ll be tending to other matters and might return once all regular patrons have left the premises. (given the current state of affairs he probably will be too busy trying to stop a faction war with spades, so he probably wonā€™t be back, but who knows.) (šŸŒ)
The club council members will be present as well, though theyā€™re free to come and go as they please. Affiliated of the club council are free to come in if they wish to. (āœØ)
Keep your weapons out of your hands for the entire duration of your visit. (šŸ™āš”ļøšŸ™)
Those who show up early might be in for some free surprises. (only the drinks are free ok.) (šŸ»)
The food will not be for free. Water will only be available for the first 3 hours, after that only alcoholic beverages will be served. (šŸ»šŸ»)
There are no invitation cards needed for this event, you just have to be a Club and youā€™re free to go on. (šŸ’™ā™£ļøŽšŸ’™)
For this event ONLY, regular customers will be allowed on every level of the establishments. (šŸ‘€)
There is going to be a guided tour happily given by one of Mallickā€™s brother; Pribas, also known as Yureifā€™s twin. (šŸ™Œ)
Yureif will be present as well, heā€™s acting as the bartender for this inauguration only, it is recommended to not mistake him for the person in charge of the Tour as the twins are prone to not correct these mistakes and might take advantage of it to pleasantly engage you in their games. (šŸŒšŸŒš)
The event will end for those who are regular citizens at 2AM, for others, council members, hunters, staff, ace, it will go on until theyā€™re satisfied with whatever they stayed longer for. (eg. tidying up, talking last minutes changes, answering pertinent questions, getting drunker, idk, etc.) (šŸ§¹šŸŖ šŸ—)
Security will be present on site for any safety concerns & unruly patrons. (šŸ›”)Ā 
Please be aware that it is possible to get banned from ever entering the establishment during this inauguration. (āŒ ā­•ļø šŸ›‘ ā›”ļø šŸ“› šŸš« šŸ’¢)
We ask that if you truly are disasstified with another client, you take it 10 buildings away from the site if you really, really, really CANā€™TĀ not fight them. (ā¬…ļøšŸššŸ”ŸšŸšāž”ļø)
Have fun but remember to go home in one piece. (āœØšŸŒ¶šŸ’„šŸ’ØšŸŽ¶āœØ)
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
- another comes
There he perched, eyes looking below watching those worth interest move to and fro. Aresā€™ current favorite was withering his patience. This mere mortal possessed will enough to eject his hold upon his mind. In other times, he would find it worth applauding and his interests would grow. Educating a strong mind into a disciple was what he enjoyed. Jihoon had all the making of a worthy disciple, especially now, with that one piece of annoyance gone from his sight.
So while he was annoyed at the refusal in his actions, Ares, God of War, watched the mortal construct his plan as war marched to his doorstep. And not by his doing but he may still get the outcome he desired.
And then a blackhole appeared, Ares turning his eyes to see her walk free of it, the sky collapsing it close once through.Ā ā€œYouā€, he said squinting.Ā ā€œWhat idiot would summon you Nemesis? Donā€™t tell meā€, he began recalling the tales spun of her purpose and domain.
ā€œThere needs no reason but oh have I missed this realmā€, she said her form shifting, horned head retreating and eyes like lava flickering. A grumble passed her lips as rainbow hues passed her figure. Midnight hair came forth and a violet garment,Ā  its ends a vortex of darkness. Skeletal wings stretched out behind her, her sword cradled by the left and the right holding the scales, skulls with molten eyes floating around. Her garment held to her frame by silver keys.Ā ā€œThere is one, who prays fervently. I must thank himā€, she said then dove off the platform, a trail of darkness that echoed woes behind her as she descended then disappeared.
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
09 SEPTEMBER 2024;
ā€œNo one puts their children in a boat unless the water is safer than the land.ā€
King of Spades Gal Haejung led the procession of refugees and their guards through the city, pleased with how orderly her followers were keeping things. Her expression was that of a gentle smile, something rather offset considering the stony visages following in her wake. While some eyes were red-rimmed, both in the refugees and the guards that led them, the tearful goodbyes and profuse thank yous had taken place already. Although it wasnā€™t a rule, there was very little conversation happening as the procession moved.Ā 
They passed through the Joker and into Club territory, stopping when they met the Club Council and their delegation. Haejung eyed the Clubs, her small smile steadfast as she took in their numbers, formation, and supposedly pre-planned reception. A delicate snort escaped her nose as she spotted the medical personnel, but she made no comment. Turning her back on the council, she addressed the refugees,Ā ā€œWeā€™ve already said our goodbyes, so I wonā€™t keep you. Hopefully the next time we meet, it will be under better circumstances. Those that change their mind on my offer can find me in the Joker for the next two hours.ā€
Stepping to one side and allowing the refugees to start moving back into their territory, theĀ Command Sergeant Major called for attention from her soldiers. After a seamless about face, they marched back into the Joker. Half left for other posts now that theyā€™d seen their family off, but the other half stayed in the Joker and along the road separating their faction from the Clubs.
Around 250 Clubs have returned to their own territory from Spades. The Majority are elderly Clubs who refuse to defect that were being taken care of by their Spade relatives, Clubs who didnā€™t want to live under a known resistance leader but didnā€™t want to abandon the faction they grew up in, and Guardians with Children who refuse to defect.
Of the 250, about 30 Clubs changed their minds once they reached the border and swore allegiance to the Spade faction. Most of these were middle-aged and older Clubs with family across the border.
The refugees are in a much better state than the average Club. They are well fed, clean, dressed in matching polished armor, and each family (or individual) has a small pack of goods. They look like slightly rougher Spades.
Emotionally, the refugees are all over the place, butĀ somberĀ is the overwhelming feeling. Many are defensiveĀ of their decision to leave in the past, and view their Club entourage with suspicion. The majority are intensely protective of their packs from the Spades and will refuse to let them go if asked.
More than half the refugee group left immediately after the Spade escort, heading back to the homes they abandoned years ago in hope they havenā€™t been moved into by another family.Ā 
Individuals with muses at this exodus event must open a ticket to discuss their museā€™s actions.
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
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CONSTRUCTION: Began end of 2023 - Completed August 2024
PURPOSE: To give the opportunity to Hunters to meet, mingle, drop the goods, train among other hunters and also rest in between excursions, before or after said excursions.Ā 
STAFF: Waitress (4) rotation shifts, Receptionist (2) rotation shifts, Blacksmith (2) they handle their own hours, Employees in charge of receiving and registering the huntersā€™ drops (2) they handle their own hours, Employees in charge of sorting drops, placing them in appropriate package/bags/pouches & in charge of handling their dispatching (6) they handle their own hours, Bartenders (3) rotation shifts, Entertainers (any customers who wishes to get on stage, free of charge, but may get some tips or their own admirer to take home), Manager (1) responsible of visting the site once in a week to ensure things are going well, conduct surveys and relay the information to Mallick by the end of the week, Security (7) one on the stairs that are found on Level 1, one at the reception desk,Ā the rest are scattered around the place as needed. (if there are some forgotten, theyā€™ll be added later on. these are positions filled by any members of clubs of any and all ranks.)
LEVELS: The establishments consists of 4 MAIN LEVELS, each of them serving a different purpose. Thereā€™s a basement and a small backyard that is only accessible to Hunters.Ā 
ACCESS: Denied to any non clubs, defectors to Clubs are allowed, Hunters have access to all levels, non Hunters only have access to Level 1. The establishment is opened to any and all ranks. Guests of other factions are not allowed in even if accompanied by a Clubā€™s member, no exceptions given, even to Hunters. Penalty for trespassing will be handled by The Council and The Ace of Clubs.Ā 
LEVEL 1; You can find on this level
Reception desk, located on the right side of the entrance door, all guests have to check in with the receptionist and receive a stamp on the back of their hands corresponding to what type of guest they are. Different symbols will be assigned for this purpose (More on the symbols to come. aka WIP.).Ā 
Bar & Restaurant; located right after the reception desk, tables can be found all around the room, plus a stair facing the barā€™s counter that is blocked and kept as such by security guard standing there to make sure those who enter have the required clearance.Ā 
LEVEL 2; You can find on this level
Training rooms, a total of four of them can be found. The backyard can be accessed through a set of stairs in one of the training room that leads there. The backyard has a wooden fence around it, trespassing will result in consequences that no one but the culprit will be held responsible for. The backyard can be used as a shooting range for bows only, no AXE/SPEARS throwing. Sparring and other things that might be needed. Sparring has to be done without ANY weapons.Ā 
LEVEL 3; You can find on this levelĀ 
The rooms on this level are only filled with one thing: The food brought forth by the hunters, other hunting goods, anything that needs to be stored for the kitchen and for the dispatching to the places where it will then be distributed accordingly to the rest of the citizens in need. There are two rooms with a desk and two lead employees to register the good, security stays there to transport the goods to the appropriate room, where other employees will then sort them out and get them ready for distribution.Ā 
LEVEL 4; You can find on this levelĀ 
Restrooms, sleeping rooms, cleaning rooms. Hunting teams tend to rest together, they are dispatched together and they return together. Hunting teams are also divided per seasons, then biweekly, it is very possible that the restrooms will only be accessible to the team thatā€™s just returned from hutning and the team thatā€™s about to head out for their huntings.Ā 
BASEMENT;Ā You can find on this level
The blacksmith and all the weapons that are being made, repaired, etc. This a bit like an armory that only belongs to the establishment itself.Ā 
*That is it for the establishment itself, more to come on how The Hunters are picked, who can become a hunter, how they can be distinguished, how teams are formed, each teamsā€™ symbol/tattoo, etc.Ā 
*The establishment will not tolerate discrimination of any kind towards anyone because of their rank, or anything else for that matter. This is a tolerance zero zone for fighting of any kind that is not about sparring in the training zone. Patrons who break this rule will be banned from entering the premises again, no matter their ranks and status.Ā 
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
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Art by tobi ę³³
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
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Some naturalist illustrations!
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
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Rook doesnā€™t write a lot in that battered journal he always has with him, but the few entries he has made seem more like an attempt to battle his demons and make sense of the jumbled chaos trapped inside his mind than anything actually historic- His awakening, perhaps, stands as an outlier in this pattern, as without scrawled maps on the backs of pages and complete madness in the margins, he remembers with a surprising clarity the moments related to finally becomingĀ ā€œThe Hyena.ā€
You always wonder what makes you the person you are when you sit down to think about it, right? Itā€™s not crazy to wonder if you were made in a moment, and that you became everything you were meant to become the second you open your stupid, fat little mouth to scream for the first time, or if youā€™re made of the bits and pieces of the people you met before now like a mosaic, like nothing youā€™ve ever done is unique to you, that youā€™re just wearing a patchwork suit of everybody who ever laid a hand on you in your formative years, and trying desperately to make sure the stitches hold so you donā€™t end up with your ass out in front of the newĀ people who matter to you?
Iā€™m not going to pretend to know the answer, Iā€™d need a lot more introspection and a hell of a lot more drugs to chase that down, but Iā€™d like to pretend itā€™s neither, that Iā€™m in control of my own path, the parents who abandoned me and the people I stepped on to get here be damned, that Rook Wainwright is what I make of myself, and nothing anyone else says or does will change that- But I canā€™t do that for the Hyena. Everything that made himĀ was thanks to this city.
The kid who earned that name is a lifetime away now, and I wonder if I looked at him if Iā€™d recognize myself in his face. Would I be able to look at some fifteen year old kid with bare arms and no notable scars and say I knew where he was headed? That heā€™d know a fraction of what I know now about Kadeu? About myself? Would I even want to deal with that cocky fucking upstart gunning for the position I hold now? I canā€™t be sure. He and I are different people. I owe my life to him.
Awakening was hell and a half. Thereā€™s not a lot that can prepare a teenager for that sort of shit, waking up in a cold sweat, starving for something food canā€™t fix with a tail of all things. Brutal little bastard I may have been, I wasnā€™t beyond terror. There was something about that moment that showed me I was properly alone, and would be for a long damn time- after all, Iā€™d known the way people treated concubi, we were the whores. Always after our next thrill, a cheap fix. Always feeding, ever hungry but never finding that one final hit that finally lets us rest. Of course I hid it, who wouldnā€™t? Supposed to have another twenty years before I was choking down anger and fear the way I had to to keep my stomach full, my head clear, and here I was a damned baby thrust into the embrace of a whole new kind of bullshit.
Whoever my parents are, I think they had a sick sense of humor to make a son like me. Did they even think about what Iā€™d become, or was my old man just like me, getting it in first and asking questions later? The less I think about that question the better, actually. I reckon at the very least, one of them would be proud of the nightmare I became on the battlefield for theirĀ ā€˜sacrificeā€™ of wasting time carrying me to term, if they were Clubs, of course. Canā€™t imagine if they were Hearts theyā€™d be too thrilled about having a heavily tattooed brawler for a son.
I guess awakening was my saving grace as much as it damned me- I wouldnā€™t have survived as a One forever, I was already struggling to keep myself fed and out of the elements, I would have been just another corpse if I hadnā€™t come into my own that early, another footnote in Clubā€™s bloodied history. Instead by the time I was in my thirties I was a Jack, a JackĀ from the lowest of the lows, and the nickname Iā€™d taken on was reverence instead of a taunt. I was a Hyena, brutal, tireless, willing to prey on those who dared show a shred of weakness in front of me. They were right to call me a scavenger early on, what was I if not feeding on the scraps that the other animals of Kadeu left behind? Their anger, their uncertainty- their lust?
Heh, their lust. How wonderful an addiction. desperate low ranks and stupid high ranks alike throwing themselves at someone hardly out of his teens because he could kill. The stories I could tell about myĀ ā€˜mercenaryā€™ work, when a couple hundred coins bought my services, it didnā€™t matter what theĀ ā€˜dutyā€™ was. How many high ranks threw me a bone for a night with aĀ ā€˜savageā€™ and only made me stronger for the next fight? I never bothered to keep count. Awakening freed me to feed the way I was meant to, it was Kadeu that took advantage of that for itsĀ own pleasure and helped me grow and spread like a weed.Ā 
The shame in the aftermath often tasted sweeter than the Chrono they bribed me with. To lie with a Concubus, that was bad enough, the drama if word got out.Ā for that concubus to be me?Ā Well, itā€™s certainly lucky for many that my tongue is only loosened by purse strings willing to do the same, and even luckier that I donā€™t remember their faces or names thanks to my own taste for drugs and alcoholā€¦..
Hm. If we are a patchwork of people and experiences, then Iā€™m certainly a vile and filthy quilt. I suppose thatā€™s to be expected- I am what I was born to be, after all.
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
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There once was an old poet named Pindar that said:
ā€œThe best of healers is good cheer.ā€
His incorrectness wasnā€™t entirely his fault; He lived and died hundreds of years before knowing one Fallon Montgomery.Ā 
Had he gotten the chance to meet her, he would have come to the same conclusion as many of those she trained and helped: Fallon Montgomery was one of the best healers around, and she seldom used any good cheer.Ā 
Fallon takes the gifts she was bestowed very seriously, for one main reason. She believes the gods choose who is allowed to stave off deathā€™s visit to strangers, for a reason. The idea that the few are chosen at random is incomprehensible to her: Their gifts have the ability to do both so much good in the world, and also deal something worse than death if not handled properly. She believes, still in her core, that the gods wouldnā€™t risk mortalā€™s lives like they were nothing but playthings. Not when it came to medicine, anyway. In every story, the gods only want to be celebrated and worshiped by as many mortals as they could get- and so the creation of healers was done to help ensure just that.Ā 
Not that sheā€™s any sort of priestess or devoted zealot. She only claims spiritual loyalty to one god, and even then, itā€™s in the privacy of her silent meditations.Ā 
In her mind, she was given her gift in order to help people because the omnipotent believed her capable- and willing- to devote everything she was into finding the best possible way to actually help all who needed it. Because, simply put, she was.Ā 
She is.Ā 
Sheā€™d already been raised under the perfect circumstances to have been labeled a viable candidate for the emitter switch, both in personality and in the work her parents had inspired. Her work in and around the medical corps gave her a solid foundation to build her skill. Having helped deliver infants of many different species, and the challenges that each could bring, sheā€™d had a head start in the knowledge portion of her emitter training. In turn, she could focus more of her energies on how to most effectively translate that knowledge to actually using her mana.
She was given the opportunity to truly help all who needed it, she wouldnā€™t waste it. Fallon was and still is, determined to help the whole of city, not just a fraction.Ā 
And so, she devoted her life to her skill; Her free time spent buried her studies, memorizing the similarities and differences between the main species. In learning how to tell the species apart with only a half second glance, and how to correlate that to the pacing out of mana. There wasnā€™t time in between work and study for her to put any focus into any other portion of her life. Outside interests, a family of her own, all simply had to wait- until eventually she admitted that there would just never be room for them. Learning to be content in her work hadnā€™t been a difficult lesson.Ā 
It didnā€™t make her cold, though her blunt honesty could sometimes come off that way. Bedside manner had been a part of her training, she knew how to be gently honest when she needed to be. She just doesnā€™t see the joy in frolicking about while there are still people on the brink of death. So sheā€™ll turn down most offers of parties or revelry, choosing instead to be content with the social interactions between herself and collogues or patients. Expanding her own skill, furthering her own goal- those have always taken priority for her. Being with the resistance hasnā€™t changed any of who she is at her core, nor how she views her gifts.
Helping to lead the resistance feels like a natural course for someone of her kind, at least at surface value. They seek a betterment for all, just like she does. Just like what she assumes her gifts require her to do. And through them, she has more access to the people who need her the most.Ā 
The only change the resistance brought to Fallon was the loss of a strict, professional filter sheā€™d adopted as a proud Spade. And a large, running tab with a cheap whiskey distributor.Ā 
Vintage Task
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
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Details: Die Rƶmische Ruine in Schƶnbrunn, Carl Moll - 1892
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
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THE DECK; modern au cover series
Get today's top celebrity news, celebrity photos, style tips, exclusive interviews, and more when you crack open this monthā€™s copy of The Deck. Volume 1 features Diamond Highranker @ara-kadeu as photographed by Bry.
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
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EROS: ā€¢ scornful jealousy ā€¢ pink ā€¢ presents a certain decorum ā€¢ heavy air in a nightclub ā€¢ has a tattoo they regret ā€¢ sex & love therapist for their friends ā€¢ juvenescent ā€¢ uses enchantments ā€¢ aloof ā€¢ wears rose-coloured glasses ā€¢ velvet, latex, & lingerie ā€¢ milk baths with champagne bubbles ā€¢ impetuous in love ā€¢ intense eye contact is a sport ā€¢ kinky ā€¢ soft lips ā€¢ wears stacked rings ā€¢ sets fashion trends ā€¢ graceful movements ā€¢ marble floors ā€¢ heavy perfume or cologne ā€¢ deeply emotional ā€¢ born glamorous ā€¢ Ā [05/23]
PAN: ā€¢ enjoys poetry & prose ā€¢ wool ā€¢ smell of decaying leaves in autumn ā€¢ prefers to be barefoot Ā ā€¢ tends to overindulge Ā ā€¢ easily excitable ā€¢ thriving in social circles ā€¢ loves being around campfire Ā ā€¢ antlers ā€¢ dirt paths ā€¢ the sound of wind chimes ā€¢ penchant for sticky fingers ā€¢ pine trees ā€¢ stamina for days ā€¢ falls in lust ā€¢ vagabond ā€¢ physically stronger than given credit for ā€¢ foxglove ā€¢ welcomes luxury ā€¢ non-confrontational ā€¢ charming words ā€¢ talking to animals ā€¢ nature for jewelry ā€¢ [05/23]Ā 
IRIS: ā€¢ lifeā€™s a technicolor spectrum ā€¢ has a lot to say ā€¢ beaming smiles ā€¢ always has candy with them ā€¢ flirting by accident ā€¢ walking to the beat of their own drum ā€¢ gossamer curtains ā€¢ has a surprising amount of connections ā€¢ blushes very easily ā€¢ confident laughter ā€¢ uses a staff ā€¢ fresh fruit slices ā€¢ decorated handwritten letters ā€¢ a social chameleon ā€¢ blood made of honey ā€¢ treating people with kindness ā€¢ sentimental heart Ā ā€¢ vases full of wildflowers ā€¢ feels fulfilled when helping others ā€¢ has a healing aura ā€¢ always travelling ā€¢ stained glass windows ā€¢ just trying to be a good person Ā ā€¢ [05/23]
Keep reading
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
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Iā€™m so honoured to be part of the @fodlansfables! I made Ferdinand as the pied piper of Hamelin!
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
Hello Future by stantough
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kadeunpc Ā· 3 years
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hands in various paintings by artemisia gentilenschi
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