kae895 · 6 years
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A little birdie always tells me to “be kind to someone today.” You never know who’s going to need it. Life can get tough and sharing a little love and light can make yourself, as well as the person you’re giving to feel good. Being kind costs nothing to you, it doesn’t require much effort and it’s gluten-free. There just simply are no negatives to it. Make it a point to spread the love today. Also, remember not to take anything too personally because too many people struggle with their own inner demons... Be liberated in spreading the love to those around you. Be Liberated and Stay Liberated. @liberatedbodies https://www.instagram.com/p/BpFSRmhA_cw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g6zg77e3qc1t
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kae895 · 6 years
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Eat your fruit. Drink your water. Grow. Love yourself. Mind your business. Base your actions on love. Spend time alone. Trust your intuition. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo15PHqg_eF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19qz72qrongsl
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kae895 · 6 years
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Begin your journey to happiness, no matter where you’re starting from. Just begin. Be Liberated and Stay Liberated. @liberatedbodies https://www.instagram.com/p/BoeSuklgJ3G/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mw4wnu0z4obg
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kae895 · 6 years
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You can’t do the same thing over and over again and expect things to change. #ebbandflow Be liberated and Stay Liberated, you beautiful being you. https://www.instagram.com/p/BoAdTKOAz-r/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=91b4xthjowtl
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kae895 · 6 years
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Here’s a little #wednesdayselfie and a gentle reminder to be a Badass, whatever that means to you. My version of a #badass is someone who is themselves unapologetically, someone who’s open-minded, not afraid to speak up and has a lot of care and compassion for the people around them and the world. There’s definitely a lot more I can add to that definition, but that’s all I got today. Can’t say I do all of these things yet, but I can say I work on it every single day. What’s you definition of #badassery? Be Liberated in working towards your best you every day. Be Liberated and Stay Liberated. @liberatedbodies https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn6mG5DnQ5A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ytkwd1ht0hw8
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kae895 · 6 years
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It’s #selfcaresunday. Do something today to take care of yourself whether it’s through meditation, getting your hair done or getting to bed a bit earlier. Don’t let life get in the way all the time. You deserve to prioritize yourself, and in turn you can help care for those around you. Self care helps you be more productive, less stressed and have a healthier lifestyle in general. Spend a little time to do something that you enjoy. Even if it’s only for 10 minutes, those 10 minutes are all about you. Be Liberated through the process of self care. Be Liberated and Stay Liberated. @liberatedbodies https://www.instagram.com/p/BnzL3falyA9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nhnh4i7g4dsn
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kae895 · 6 years
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I’ve struggled a lot in my journey of shamelessness, and I’m still working on it. There’s something about the watchful eyes of another that used to scare me. I remember watching #shamelessmaya when she first started her #shamelessjourney and thinking I so desperately wanted to do what she was doing. She dedicated a year to saying yes to things instead of hiding in the shadows. She began making YouTube videos and is now inspiring thousands of people each day to become shameless themselves. I feel like I am at the point where I’m finally going shameless. Instead of being afraid of those watchful eyes, I think about how I can help spread love and help those who are watching me. A little shift in perspective can make all the difference. Be liberated in your pursuit of shamelessness. Be Liberated and Stay Liberated. Let me know about your experience with shamelessness below. https://www.instagram.com/p/BneTVUAnlYB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ovhiqau060fh
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kae895 · 6 years
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Allow yourself to transform as many times as you need to be happy and free. -Yung Pueblo
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kae895 · 6 years
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Cue the dramatic music that plays in your head after making a meal of perfection. After going #lowcarbvegan I thought my days of breakfast sandwiches were over. Fortunately, I have cracked the code and have made a cheezy bisuit bac’un sandwich. It was delicious! To find the recipe, check out the link in my description at @liberatedbodies. Be liberated in creating healthy, satisfying and delicious meals. Be Liberated and Stay Liberated.
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kae895 · 6 years
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Happy Friday Everyone! Today I’m a bit irritable and my patience has been running low. It’s time to take a few deep breaths and realign myself to positivity and peace. Everyday you have the ability to choose your mood. You can be happy and have a great day OR you can be irritable, drabby and upset for no reason. I choose to be happy. The things that upset you, annoy you or stress you out are the things you allow. Trust the process and stay positive. I’m gonna eat good food and work on some passion projects, all while kicking ass and taking names. I hope y’all are having an awesome Friday. Be liberated in your right to choose. Be Liberated and Stay Liberated. @liberatedbodies
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kae895 · 6 years
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You are a #goddess. Live and act like one. @liberatedbodies
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kae895 · 6 years
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I took a picture of this flower, because I thought it was beautiful. Beauty is a funny concept, because everyone perceives it differently. Someone may think this flower isn’t beautiful and they’ve seen better, and that’s okay. The flower was not put their for anyone to behold it, it was put their to do its natural function for the environment. Don’t stress on how others may perceive you. Do things to better yourself, and the world around you without worrying about what others think about you. A mentality based on the perception of others will hold you captive forever, and will keep you from accomplishing dreams and goals. This is just another aspect of fear: fear of not measuring up to another person’s standards. Fuck those standards and create your own standards. You don’t need the approval of others to create a life you want to live. Make yourself proud, and be liberated in the freedom of living through the approval of others. Be Liberated and Stay Liberated. @liberatedbodies
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kae895 · 6 years
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Good vibrations are what we should strive for. You know what they say... you’re the average of the 5 people you associate most with. Keep people around you who share the same qualities/ lifestyle you would like to have. Be liberated by those who inspire and motivate you everyday to be a better you. Be Liberated and Stay Liberated. @liberatedbodies
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kae895 · 6 years
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Happy Tuesday from one #gangstervegan to another. Last week I overheard someone say “you can’t expect others to think like you”. That made me stop and think. A lot of the time people get upset at one another because someone did or said something that they couldn’t understand. Sometimes it’s worth it to take a step back and try to think from the other person’s perspective. Instead of becoming so bothered, ask questions. This takes patience and an open mind. Can’t say I do this all the time, but I can say this is something I will continually work on. Be liberated through your patience and willingness to understand others. Be Liberated and Stay Liberated #liberatedbodies
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kae895 · 6 years
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I’ve gotta new YouTube video up y’all. I’ve been doing the Keto diet “vegan style” for a little over a month, and I’ve been loving it so far. If you wanna see what a typical day of eating looks like on a Vegan Keto diet, check out this video! @liberatedbodies
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kae895 · 6 years
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Everyday I spend time trying to create my own space within the world. The journey of authenticity and awareness of ones place in the world can be a tough one, because we are complex beings. I am not one person all the time. Sometimes I am happy, positive and full of energy. Other times, I am calm and in a serene state. I can also be irritable, lazy and impatient, and although I don’t like those qualities of myself, it’s important to let myself know that it’s okay to go through these emotions. It’s a part of being human. We are a mixture of emotions and experiences. Sometimes we aren’t always upbeat and positive. Because of this mixture of feelings and the different aspects of personality, it can be hard to pinpoint my own genuine authenticity or how to express it at least. I wonder how I can express my light and darkness without straying from the message I am trying to portray. However, we must learn to accept that we do not portray one quality at any given moment. We can celebrate our whole self, while still being genuine. My message of love, positivity, health and happiness will always be the same, but sometimes I have to keep working at it myself. I’m keeping authenticity a top priority. No ones perfect, we all fuck up. Thankfully, we are not stagnant, we are ever evolving. Be liberated in expression of a never ending spectrum of identity. Be liberated and Stay liberated. @liberatedbodies
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kae895 · 6 years
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I am very much resonating with this message today, especially the last part. Don’t block yourself from all the good there is to come in your world. Changing your mindset will change your life. Happy Sunday Everyone! ☀️ Be liberated and Stay liberated. @liberatedbodies
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