kaeiyokotoro · 1 day
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My small Harbinger series!
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kaeiyokotoro · 21 days
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first contribution to the supernatural fandom in years
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kaeiyokotoro · 21 days
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kaeiyokotoro · 5 months
never gonna stop quoting "draw the nipples jimmy"
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kaeiyokotoro · 6 months
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Rest of the comic is under the cut, because LONG :0
Also! Content warnings for body horror, guns, blood(although in black and white) and just...horror in general tbh
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Operation "Fall of the Hooded Hawk": For situations where one half of skk has to shoot without having clear vision, and relies on the direction of their partner. In this case, Chuuya was giving Dazai coordinates of where to fire by tapping against his ear. (It's kind of like a trust fall)
I scripted a whole followup conversation with more explanation of what exactly the mirror was, and just general context, but this comic has gotten so long that I'm gonna write that as a short scene in prose, because it's mostly dialogue and if I try to draw it all then I think my hands will secede from my body lol — I'll probably be able to get that done in the next couple of days. But in the meantime, thanks for reading! :D
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kaeiyokotoro · 6 months
What if Fyodor's true ability is taking someone else's lifespan for himself through killing them and that's why he's been alive for so long? If that's the case I doubt he can die by any other means. WHICH MEANS HE'LL TOTALLY SURVIVE THIS. I mean Bram literally told his subordinates to impale him and he's still okay now. Maybe he can even regenerate! He seemed to have a scar back them and now it's gone! Maybe he'll grow his arm back or something haha. Also what if this is why he thinks it's his duty to bring about God's will? Like he's been blessed with basically eternal life and is because of that the only one who really can? Or what if he's grown tired of living and wants to get rid of abilities so he too can die a natural death since suicide is kinda against the bible!?? THIS IS ALL SO INTERESTING!! I HAVE SO MANY THEORIES!! ALSO BRAM AND FYODOR ENEMIES!?? MAYBE EVEN THE TRUE OG SKK?!? I wonder if Bram recognized him!! AAAHH I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS
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kaeiyokotoro · 8 months
Bawled bc of this fic bro😭😭 IT'S SO GOOD
TW: Death, blood, guns, fighting. 5.6K words. Third and final part to part 1. Part 2 is here
Skilled hands worked away at the rope, each bind falling to the floor with a heavy thump as they were severed by a knife. The sound echoed throughout the little room inside of a foreign dungeon.
Soon, the chair legs were surrounded with the thick brown threads as the saviour continued to free the captive. They operated fast; in just a matter of seconds, half of the bonds were already sliced open- the blade meeting little resistance. Too little, in fact.
But you didn’t have time to worry about that now.
“Y-Y/N, what are you doing here? You’re going to get yourself killed!”
“And watch as Chuuya barges in to what could possibly be his death? I think we both know how disastrous that would be, Yasuko.” 
The girl bit her lip and fell silent. You continued to free her, despite having so much you clearly wanted to say at this moment. But you couldn’t risk your best friend finding out about what happened to her, and making a rash decision as a consequence.
“H-how did you find me?” Yasuko stuttered, her limbs trembling with fear. It was perfectly normal considering her situation, but it hindered your progress since your knife got dangerously close to her sometimes due to her shaking.
“I was in Chuuya’s office to retrieve something when he was on a mission. Then his phone lit up with an unknown text and a picture of you tied to this chair. It seemed that your captor had intended for him to come alone, with the threat that he would kill you if Chuuya brought backup or arrived even a second late. I couldn’t determine if it was telling the truth or not, so I went first to test the message’s authenticity. You know what happened afterwards.”
The ropes finally came off- only to reveal that Yasuko’s hands and feet were also bound to the seat. You cursed under your breath, before starting to work on them as well. The girl repeatedly peered over your shoulder in an anxious manner, but you didn’t give much thought about it. You had just passed it off as nervousness. 
Until another knife suddenly grazed your cheek, leaving a small crimson trail of your blood in its wake.
The blade pierced itself into the chair, missing Yasuko’s temple by a hair’s breadth. She cried out in surprise and fear, immediately prompting you to react.
Your gun was drawn out and aimed at the attacker before you even processed what was going on.
“How surprising that you came instead. I didn’t know that Chuuya-kun was the type to be late to important events-”
You fired three shots before he could finish talking. Each bullet was aimed good and true, as they were shots made to kill.
“-especially events considering his girlfriend. Wouldn’t you agree, Y/N?”
The beautiful black-haired man standing in front of you smiled. 
By his feet lay the bullets that rolled out of his fingers, and the bloody holes they normally left behind were nonexistent. The shots had bounced off of him as if he were made of steel.
His ability must have allowed him to repel any physical attacks that came his way. Defeating him seemed near impossible now.
Your eyes narrowed as he came closer, his unhurried steps matching the complacent aura that he gave off. You knew there was no use in trying to shoot him again, but you still tightened your index finger around the trigger. As a last resort, you could use the gun as a distraction to let Yasuko escape.
“I know who you are. You’re Hasegawa Kyuji. A high-ranking member of Obsidienne; a rival organisation of the Port Mafia.” You stated, with a steely gaze that could rival his relaxed stare.
“But you aren’t here to kill Yasuko. You’re here to kill me instead.”
His golden eyes seemed to shine as he smirked in response. The male tilted his head towards the aforementioned girl.
“Oh no. Quite the opposite, actually. I’m just here to reveal the truth.” 
You heard Yasuko give a quiet whimper, and you scowled, aiming the gun at Hasegawa’s forehead.
“And why should I believe you? For all I know, anything that falls out of your mouth could be a lie. Deception is key for getting the upper hand in any fight.”
“...” The young man let out a short chuckle. It wasn’t long before he broke out into a hysterical laugh.
“Oh, you’re so naive it kills me! For all this talk of deception, you don’t even seem to realise a certain friend of yours that was deceiving you for months. And how you thought that nobody could see your obvious infatuation with your best friend. Isn’t that right, Yasuko? My dear cousin?” 
He stared straight into her eyes, a dangerous glint apparent in his pupils.
Your eyes widened slightly. Not only at her betrayal and their kinship, but also at the fact that he knew your secret. A secret that you had hidden deep deep down, never letting even a bit of it slip out. Were you easier to read than you thought you were?
Whipping your head around, you glanced at the girl, silently begging her to say that it wasn’t true- that it was all a lie. 
But Yasuko silently closed her eyes, hanging her head in a sign of guilty confirmation. 
The silence that descended was suffocating, permeating the entire room with an invisible tension. 
You had an unreadable expression on your face as you lowered your arm, the fingers clenched around the gun shaking ever so slightly from their rigid hold on the grip. Hasegawa’s smirk widened as you gave no response.
“Oh, but maybe you want to know why she betrayed you. Why she was working with me, a member of an enemy organisation?” He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms as he fixed his golden eyes on you. Yasuko gulped a little, but neither of you paid her any mind.
“Well, it’s simple. It all started 8 years ago- when Yokohama lived in constant terror and dread of a single organisation. The Port Mafia. Many civilians were killed because of the Boss’s paranoia, and a lot more organisations were decimated by his sheer ruthlessness. It must still be as clear as day to you.”
You frowned slightly. Despite not wanting to listen to anything he said, you couldn’t stop the memories from resurfacing. Memories of fear, uncertainty, and bloodshed as the old Boss of the Port Mafia abused his reign, forcing you to live in extreme apprehension every second.
“One day, rumour had it that somebody in our vicinity insulted the Port Mafia. It was only a mere jab at how Yokohama would’ve been better off without the organisation; but that was enough for all the families in the district to be rounded up and interrogated. Then, when it was evident that the culprit wouldn’t show themselves, the Boss ordered everybody to be executed. Not even the infants were spared.”
“And two of the families that were killed on that day were yours and Yasuko’s. Hence why you wanted revenge; they were accused wrongly of something that likely wasn’t committed in the first place.” You interjected. You knew that he wasn’t lying, because there was nothing but truth in his words. 
Afterall, the incident he described became very well known amongst the city in a flash.
“But that was when the Port Mafia was still under the control of the old Boss. There wouldn’t be much point in getting revenge now that everything has changed; and besides, our enemies are always hit twice as hard. This old grudge of yours could do nothing against us.”
You knew that you were behaving just as any stereotypical tough-talking mafioso would, but it was all a ploy for you to buy more time until you could figure out a solution. Hasegawa was already a formidable opponent with his ability, and it was obvious he also had the brains to go along with it. Someone of his calibre could decimate you and walk out without any serious injuries.
He spoke again, breaking your train of thought.
“Grudge? You speak as if the Port Mafia itself takes grudges lightly. It is obvious how strict the rule of borrowing and returning is in illegal organisations. Every grudge must be satiated, no matter how high the cost. But we could not act on ours without enough power.”
“And that was when you came up with the idea to join Obsidienne to gain this ‘power’?” You said, narrowed your eyes.
“Oh, I didn’t come up with the idea. Yasuko herself did, and she thought up many more after that. Everything that has happened up until now was all in the palm of her hand. Tell them, Yasuko. Tell them about everything you plotted for their demise.”
The silence that fell this time was deathly.
“... Yasuko. Is it true? That all this time you’ve been planning to take down the Port Mafia, starting with me and Chuuya?” 
There was no anger in your voice. Only a cold flatness that seemed to absorb every emotion in the room as you spoke to her.
Yasuko slowly opened her eyes, fixing two beautiful brown pupils onto you. Those same pupils that had deceived those she was around for an entire six months. And they now held nothing but tears and guilt.
“I never meant for it to go this far. But he threatened to kill me if I backed out from this plan. So I had no choice but to continue with it.” She whispered, her voice heavy with resignation.
“And that wasn’t all.” Hasegawa added suddenly. You looked back at him, but he was staring at her. Like how a cat eyes its prey before it goes in for the kill.
“My dear Yasuko, weren’t you also the one who came up with the idea to poison your lover’s wine so that he wouldn’t give us any more trouble?”
Your whole demeanour changed in an instant once you heard those words.
A shot reverberated throughout the chamber, followed by Yasuko’s short scream.
The bullet had pierced through her sleeve, narrowly missing the chance to give her the sweet release of death. Your expression remained emotionless, yet burning in your eyes was anger that was hotter than the black flames of hell. The gun was pointed directly at her brow, held with an unusual stillness that was parallel with your aura.
“The next time, I won’t miss.” You coldly stated, speaking with nothing but truth in your words.
“I was willing to give you another chance. But this promises to exceed the limit of my forgiveness. Daring to poison the man you loved- the man I loved; I expected nothing less from a wretch such as you. A wretch who doesn’t even deserve this quick and painless death.” You stepped closer towards Yasuko, until the gun was pressed up against her skin. 
Neither of you moved a single inch. It was as if everything was frozen in time, save for the dust that drifted elegantly onto the ground.
“... Do it.”
The girl whispered, looking up into your eyes with a soulless gaze. 
“It’s only proper for me to die as a result of my foolish choices. That’s what a traitor only deserves, afterall. My only regret is… that I didn’t get to spend more time with you as a true friend.” 
She closed her eyes for the last time, ready to face death with a serene expression.
Without hesitation, you pulled the trigger.
A final shot rang out within the walls.
And the bullet flew right into Hasegawa’s chest.
“!” His eyes widened in shock and disbelief. 
Thankfully, he activated his ability right before the pellet could fully pass through him, but the damage had already been done. Blood gushed out of the wound as the bullet fell out of his body, and you wasted no time in drawing your dagger out.
“Don’t think that I haven’t forgotten you, Hasegawa. Sure, Yasuko’s done some pretty terrible things. But you were the one who was truly behind all of this. If you had not forced her to continue with the plan, then none of this would have happened. The Port Mafia does not forgive those who plan to hurt their family. And I cannot rest until I have finished what I came here for.”
“… So it’s come down to this.” He muttered.
In the blink of an eye, Hasegawa had lunged at you, bringing up his hand that also held a blade within its palm. You raised your own arm up to counter.
The clash of metals resounded in the room, all your training sessions with Chuuya bearing fruit as you found that you could actually keep up with your opponent’s attacks. You were fast and precise with your strikes, whereas he liked to be unpredictable, always making you guess his next move. It was a direct contrast to how your best friend had fought.
Your blades danced in a fierce tango as both parties tried to subdue each other. You were mostly put on the defence due to your attacks having no effect on him, but you kept on twisting and leaping just out of his reach whenever his weapon went to graze your body. He aimed for your stomach, and you managed to dodge the sharp edge that threatened to slice your skin apart.
Your opponent wasted no time in immediately transitioning into an uppercut, but you were prepared for this. Grabbing his wrist, you held it firmly in place before bringing your foot down onto the elbow, twisting his arm the opposite way. A snapping sound echoed, and you heard him curse in pain.
Hasegawa aimed a sloppy swipe at your chest, to which you blocked with your blade. Taking advantage of this momentary stillness, you aimed a kick at his ribs that would’ve broken them upon impact. The force made him stumble backwards a bit, and you were about to close the distance between the two of you with your weapon. 
But you failed to consider that there was something he could use to his advantage. And it was already too late when you remembered what it was.
The next moment, Hasegawa threw the kodachi blade with all his might at Yasuko's neck.
The small sword flew through the air with deadly accuracy, landing cleanly into flesh and bone. Crimson liquid splattered all over the girl, some of it dripping off the chair and staining the floor with their scarlet hue.
Yasuko gave a small gasp of disbelief.
“Y-Y/N- why?!”
The kodachi blade was buried deep into your chest, and the tip protruded out of your back. You swore you felt it scrape an artery right near where your lung was. 
Hasegawa chuckled at your figure, which struggled to remain standing as the excruciating pain evaded each of your senses. Your ears rang, and you could hear your heart pounding- gradually slowing down as your life started to ebb away. If heartbreak was the sensation that hurt the most, then this definitely had the potential to exceed it.
“In the end, you still chose to protect the one Chuuya-kun cared for the most. I must say that I’m touched; not many people can see the sight of true love at its finest.” Your opponent slowly approached you, the barrel of a gun directed straight at your face. His broken arm hung limply by his side, bent at an unnatural angle, but it didn’t even seem to faze him.
“Do you have any last words, Y/N?”
“... Go to hell.”
Hasegawa gave a dry chuckle. But he suddenly frowned when he realised that his index finger refused to move. 
One by one, the fingers on his hand started to shake, loosening their grip on the gun. It clattered to the floor, bouncing away from him.
You laughed, despite your vision starting to grow blurry from blood loss.
“You made a mistake, Hasegawa-kun. When I shot you in the chest, the bullet was tipped with poison that was absorbed through your skin. It didn’t act immediately, but the more you moved, the quicker it spread in your bloodstream. And it will not stop until your heart has ceased to beat.”
The male collapsed against the wall, his legs having lost their strength to keep him standing. A sheen of sweat coated him as his body tried to force the toxins out, but to no use. The poison was designed to kill without leaving any exceptions.
“Hahaha... Well done. You truly… deserve… to be called my opponent.”
He smiled slightly, before he stilled.
You turned around to Yasuko. Grabbing the knife stuck in the chair, you haphazardly cut the last remaining ropes off of her hands and feet, successfully freeing her from the binds. She slowly stood up, staring wide-eyed in shock and penitence at you as you started to lean against the wall.
Your knees buckled, causing you to drop to the floor. The blade was knocked out of your body due to the impact, clattering onto the ground as a result of gravity. Blood spurted out of the opening as your breaths became shallow and rapid, trying to get as much oxygen they could into your lungs. Yasuko slowly crouched down by your side, pressing her hands to your wound in a vain attempt to stop the bleeding. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she didn’t let them fall. She didn’t deserve to cry over something that was entirely her fault.
“I was always wary of you.” You said, breaking the silence.
“It all started when Chuuya rescued you. People don’t tend to think about suspecting an innocent civilian girl who got kidnapped by an underground organisation, and was coincidentally saved by a Port Mafia executive. However, crime syndicates tend to stay away from citizens due to their fear of attracting the government’s attention. The only exceptions being if a civilian was somehow connected to a rival group. And after doing some digging… I found out that the organisation who kidnapped you was an enemy of both Obsidienne and the Port Mafia. Your cousin, Hasegawa Kyuji, was an executive of Obsidienne, and both of your families were killed on that fateful night 8 years ago. The entire situation seemed too suspicious. It was then… that I knew to keep a closer eye on you.”
“If you suspected me… then why didn’t you tell Chuuya? Or anyone else in the Port Mafia for that matter?” Yasuko asked, her voice shaking.
You let out a dry laugh in response.
“Do you honestly think he’d take my side with the way he looks at you? Seven long years of being his best friend… and he’d still choose his lover of whom he’d only known for six months over me. His lover who only loved him so that she could betray him in the end.” 
“…” She looked down into her lap, her silence speaking more than words themselves. A single teardrop fell from her eye, landing onto the floor with a silent plop.
“… I wanted to stop. I realised that the Port Mafia was not the same as it was 8 years ago, and that Chuuya was genuinely a kind man who wanted the best for me. But when I realised it… it was too late. So instead of putting the poison into his wine, I slipped it into Hasegawa’s drink. But he caught me, and furious at my betrayal, he decided to use me as bait to lure Chuuya here. I… I had told Hasegawa that my lover was more of a long-ranged fighter due to his gravity manipulation ability. So he planned that when Chuuya was at an appropriate distance from him, he’d hit a switch hidden on the wall, which would release toxic gas onto Chuuya so that he could be easier to defeat. But he didn’t expect you to be the one to show up. I only knew about this when I was being tied to the chair-” 
You cut her off by coughing up drops of blood. Some of it landed onto her cream-coloured dress, creating a jarring contrast against the fabric.
The movement doubled the amount of pain you were in as your breathing quickened. Yasuko bit back a sob, her hands pressing harder onto your wound as more blood seeped out of it, staining the majority of your shirt a beautiful red. 
“It seems that- I don’t have much time left.” You rasped, already feeling that you were starting to lose consciousness. Putting your hand over hers, you grasped it in a frail grip, tugging her closer as you forced the girl to look into your sincere eyes. Eyes that hid nothing in their final moments.
“Yasuko. I want you to leave Obsidienne. Leave the underworld of Yokohama, and live on as a normal person. Nothing good comes out of a life of crime, no matter how tempting the money or power is. Because all that will await you is a cold and empty death that doesn’t suit a girl like you.”
The female listened in solemn silence, her hand clasping yours tighter as she felt your hold weakening. 
The ruby ring that sat on top of her finger knocked against your silver one, as if in a desperate attempt to transfer some of its life force to the metal. But just like its owner, the silver ring seemed… dim. Tarnished. No longer carrying any value after it was consumed by the shadow of death itself.
You hacked up some more blood, with the droplets being the darkest red this time. The liquid dripped down your chin, filling your mouth with the metallic taste of iron.
“... Tell Chuuya… that I’m sorry. I promised him I wouldn’t recklessly throw my life on the line again, but I did. However, I’m not searching for his forgiveness... because I’ll still love him just as I always did.” You said, your voice growing fainter. Yasuko had to lean in close to properly catch your words.
She gave a bittersweet smile, despite her vision starting to go blurry from the built-up tears in her eyes.
“I will. Chuuya really was lucky that he had you in his life.”
You gave a small chuckle, the grip on her hand loosening with each passing second.
“Tell me…” You whispered, each word seeming to evaporate into the atmosphere after it left your lips.
“Can a heart still break once it’s stopped beating?”
The stillness that followed afterwards would haunt Yasuko for the rest of her life.
Your hand, which had been warm in Yasuko’s grasp, slipped out of her hold, finding its final resting place on the floor.
The room seemed to hold its breath as your life flickered out, leaving only the echo of what it once was.
Time stood still as Yasuko hugged your body to hers. She finally let go of the tears that had already started streaming down her cheeks. The reality of her choices, the betrayal that had led to this devastating moment- all came crashing down onto her in waves of remorse and guilt as she acknowledged that your blood was on her hands.
She sobbed endlessly, her cries muffled by your shoulder that she buried her face into. The female didn’t look up, not even when hurried footsteps raced to the room she was in. All she cared about was that you were gone because of her stupidity.
Chuuya burst into the room, enraged and ready to fight whichever bastard dared to kidnap his girlfriend.
Only to find her weeping over a dead body. Your dead body.
His eyes widened in disbelief.
No… not them too!...
Chuuya stumbled against the wall, almost collapsing to the ground as he bit back a scream. 
Surely this wasn’t happening, right? You must have been gravely injured instead; there should still be hope that a doctor at the Port Mafia could manage to save you just in time. He knew that you survived worse before, and each time you bounced back after you were healed. There was no way that you were dead!
But he knew, deep deep down, that you had left him too.
Chuuya shook his head, blinking back the wetness in his eyes that he didn’t even realise was there. 
The first priority right now was to get Yasuko to safety. There were still members of Obsidienne in the building, and there was no way in hell that he was letting her stay here for another second. He hated that it had to be this way, but he’ll have to come back afterwards to properly avenge you. 
He approached her slowly, laying a gentle hand down on her elbow.
Yasuko didn’t react much as Chuuya helped her to stand, putting his arm around her shoulder just like he always did when he was with her. She leaned onto him, with tears silently streaming down her face while she walked. Not even noticing how he cast one last glance towards your blood-stained body against the wall.
The whole ride back to their home was a blur to her. The Mafia executive had stayed at Obsidienne’s headquarters, ordering his men to completely exterminate every single member in the building. He even engaged in full-out combat with the powerful ability users who also belonged to the organisation. It was the angriest she had ever seen him; but she knew he was also suffering behind the fury that consumed him whole.
The limousine stopped in front of her house, and she collapsed onto the couch once she was inside, starting to cry again as she recalled the events that had happened just less than an hour ago. Events that she could have prevented in the very first place.
An eternity seemed to pass before she heard footsteps, and looked up to see Chuuya holding a glass of water in his hand. He gazed at her softly, fighting back his own emotions that threatened to rip his chest apart if he didn’t let them out somehow. But he pushed them down, instead focusing on the woman he loved.
He held her, not saying a word as she sobbed, getting his shirt wet from the salty tears that never seemed to end. His hand rubbed up and down her back, the steadiness of his touch grounding Yasuko as she hiccupped, trying to take deep breaths so that she could calm down. 
“It’s okay, baby… it wasn’t your fault.” Chuuya said softly, planting a tender kiss on her forehead as he hugged her close.
She pushed herself off of him, staring back at his slightly confused expression towards her action. Yasuko bit her lip, clenching her fists so hard that her nails dug deep into her palms.
 “N-no, it was my fault! I-If I hadn’t done the things that I did back then, if I had been stronger and smarter, then Y/N wouldn’t have died! All I did was to stand back and watch as they took the hit for me-” A sob erupted in her throat- the sound of the blade passing through your flesh was still vivid in her memories.
Chuuya stepped forward, his blue eyes tender as he took her hand in his.
“My love… don’t blame yourself. I know that it hurts, knowing that you couldn’t save them. But I will never get tired of saying that it was not your fault. That bastard was to blame, not you-”
“Why don’t you understand?! It was my fault!! I had the idea of joining Obsidienne in order to exact revenge on the Port Mafia for murdering my family. And I came up with the idea of being close to you so that the plan would be easier to commence!” She half-yelled, her voice cracking.
“Being close to me?... What are you talking about-”
Yasuko knew that she should stop before she ruined everything between them. But Y/N’s death weighed upon her shoulders, never letting go until she confessed. She would rather end things with the truth than to die with the guilt of a lie.
“I planned to be kidnapped by the criminal organisation because I knew that the Port Mafia would soon dispatch someone powerful to take care of them once and for all. Then I came up with the idea to romance you in order to know your weaknesses, just so that you wouldn’t be a hindrance once Hasegawa and I finally launch our attack on the Mafia. But soon, I wanted to stop when I realised that it all meant nothing. H-He didn’t let me, and instead used me as a hostage, setting up a trap for you when you’d arrive to set me free. However, Y/N showed up instead, and… and fought him instead. It’s all because of me that they’re dead!!”
She broke down, burying her face in her hands once again. Silence followed for a long time after her confession.
Until it was suddenly broken by the shattering of glass.
Yasuko looked up in alarm.
Chuuya stood there silently with a wide-eyed stare. His gaze seemed distant, painful- countless things running in his mind hidden behind those beautiful blue eyes of his. Despite having dated him for six months, he was still unreadable to her sometimes. Only Y/N could’ve deciphered those complex emotions of his hidden within his head.
He had crushed the glass in his hand, soaking himself in water as the shards embedded themselves into the floor. Yet despite this somewhat violent action, he only remained still.
“Chuuya?” Yasuko asked meekly, slightly fearing what his reaction afterwards would be like. Would he shout at her? Use his ability on her? The Port Mafia didn’t take traitors lightly, afterall. And he was an executive in the said organisation, too.
But instead, he walked towards the door. Picking up his hat, he dusted it off before standing in the hallway, casting his gaze at her.
“... I need to be alone for a while.”
And just like that, he walked out of the house for the final time. 
Chuuya felt nothing but rage that day.
His gloves and coat were repeatedly stained with blood as he hunted down the remaining members of Obsidienne in Japan. The expensive leather and fabric quickly became filthy after the first few kills. But he didn’t care; because nothing he did could bring back his best friend. His best friend that was always there for him, who understood him better than anyone else.
His best friend that was now gone as well.
Chuuya wouldn’t- no, he couldn’t rest until he found every single member and crushed them with the weight of gravity. There would be no mercy, not even for the Boss of the organisation himself as he pleaded for his life. The gravity manipulator let loose his feelings, hurling bullets and remorseless kicks at his enemies. 
Blood splattered onto the walls in each base as the dying screams of it’s owners faded away into nothingness. Buildings collapsed on top of each other, the infrastructure groaning as it succumbed into the pull of gravity. Even Mori was slightly surprised at Chuuya’s brutality as he tracked down one base after the next.
All for Y/N.
Back at home, Yasuko sat down onto the couch again, breathing heavily from her outburst.
Something fell out of her pocket, and she stiffened as soon as she saw what it was.
Trembling hands slowly picked the object up. The sun’s rays were reflected back onto her face, but she felt no warmth.
It was the topaz bracelet that you had just bought with her a few days ago. When you were still happy and alive.
Yasuko held it to her chest, where there was nothing left but numbness.
Only death could truly reunite her with you now.
Chuuya sat with his back against your grave, the cold stone pressing into the skin that was full of scars.
There was only silence that filled the tranquil air of the Port Mafia’s private cemetery.
“... You’re an idiot, you know that?”
He spoke as if you were there with him, listening to his every word.
“You promised me that you wouldn’t be so reckless ever again. You could’ve waited for me to return, and we might have been able to defeat him together. Like we always did ever since we were fifteen. But you didn’t.” Chuuya gave a wry chuckle, lifting his head up to gaze at the blue sky. His eyes held nothing but sorrow and regret.
“... Yasuko and I have cut connections. She told me everything about what she did. I don’t blame her for your death, but it’s hard to look at her in the same way again after knowing about the truth.”
Again, there was only silence that answered him. But Chuuya could still see your smile, and hear your voice as clear as the day in his mind when you responded in your typical manner. He closed his eyes, wordlessly curling his mouth up into a forlorn smile as he laid his head against your tombstone.
“If you were mine instead… would you still be here beside me?”
It was softer than a whisper, but his words carried a weight heavier than all the precious stones in the world combined together.
A small gust of wind blew by, ruffling his clothes and hair in a virtually affectionate yet comforting manner. It gently brushed against his cheek, before moving on to his lips, his neck, and his forehead. The breeze was neither cold nor warm, and it strangely felt like the caress of a lover. Almost as if you had heard his statement and responded with a reply of your own.
Chuuya opened his eyes when he felt the last touches of the wind disappear. All that was left behind was the silence that had always been there.
The silence that would now accompany him for the rest of his life without you.
@circinuus @justcallmesakira @riiwrites @ruanais @sariel626 @atlasnessie @yasu-masashige @oldworldpoolhall @yuugen-benni @chocsra @heartsfourdazai @iridescentdove
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kaeiyokotoro · 9 months
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thanks for requesting. im sorry this took so long to write i didn't have that much ideas of what to write for a part two. i can't edit older drafts for some reason so i had to take a screenshot of your request and redo this.
☆ the wolf in sheep's clothing [part two]
fyodor dostoevsky x male reader [he / him]
sypnosis: part two of a wolf in sheeps clothing.
the lowercase is intentional !
[part one]
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days, weeks and months had passed by since fyodor's first encounter with [name]. ever since then, fyodor couldn't stop thinking of [name]. he was practically infatuated by the priest and his obscure preachings.
fyodor was interested. he was interested in both [name] and the man's preachings. he couldn't help but want more of them. he wanted to listen to more of [name], he wanted to be around [name] more. but of course, it was only for the sessions, right? fyodor didn't want to believe he was actually.. attracted to [name]. he refused to believe it. it was all just for the preachings is what fyodor made himself believe.
it was a regular evening, which meant another one of [name]'s preaching sessions that fyodor was looking forward to once again.
fyodor made his way to [name]'s church and he walked inside. the place hadn't changed much in the past few months. it was the same building, with more or less the same people inside. he had been in the building so much he could practically nagvigate the whole area blindfolded.
fyodor scanned the room, hoping to see where [name] was and he eventually spotted the man. fyodor walked up to him with a smile and a wave.
"good evening, [name]. it's nice to see you again." fyodor spoke, his voice nice and smooth. it was like music to [name]'s ears, a very pleasant song that [name] would have on repeat.
[name] nodded, smiling back at the man that had bumped into him many months ago. "good evening, fyodor." the man replied back before walking over to a pedistool to set up for his new speech.
fyodor followed [name]. he knew [name] wouldn't start until around half an hour passed, so fyodor decided a little more conversation wouldn't hurt.
"how have you been?" fyodor asked, still smiling at [name]. the black haired male's smile was quite unsettling, but so was [name]'s nature so it equalled out.
"fine, as always." [name] hummed, shuffling things around clumsily to get his whole 'stage' prepared for him. [name] believed his pedistool, his altar was a stage. he wanted to believe it was a stage, and that im a few years time the word of his new, true religion would spread. but, that was unlikely.
fyodor watched intently as [name] set up.
it was always like this. he always watched the other man get ready. fyodor watched how [name] would shuffle around multiple pieces of paper of his speeches, how he straightened himselt up.
fyodor was fascinated, to say the least. he enjoyed watching [name] do all of his tasks and devote himself to his cultist ideology. fyodor was definitely interested.
[name] looked up from his pedistool as he finished and he smiled. "you should go sit down, i'm almost ready now. i'm sure you'll like this session just as you like the others." [name] said to fyodor.
fyodor nodded and he walked over to the benches that were littered across the hall. he sat in his usual space where he got a clear view of [name]. he loved sitting there, sitting somewhere where he could see the person he was most interested in (for multiple reasons).
[name] watched as fyodor walked over to his usual seat before he walked over to the bathroom. he freshened himself up so he didn't look that bad infront of all of his followers. he then walked out and got to his stage.
[name] cleared his throat before he spoke to all of his followers.
"good evening all!" he calls out, his voice filling the room. everyone immediately turns to look at [name], amazed by his voice already.
"thank you all for coming. i can't wait to tell you some new things our true god has let me know!" [name] continued, a wicked glint in his eyes that most people looked past. they were too captivated by his voice to care about the nonsense he was going to talk about.
as [name] spoke, fyodor couldn't help but get more and more mesmerised by the man. the way [name] spoke was so captivating, the way he looked was just.. perfect. fyodor loved every second of it. he loved being around [name], listening to his preaches.
after the speech was over, everyone cheered. everyone applauded and called out [name]'s name, loving what he had just spoken.
everyone left, but not fyodor. fyodor walked up to [name] and applauded, smiling at the man.
"that was an amazing speech, [name]." fyodor spoke, his words smooth and pleasing to [name]'s ears. "you never fail to impress me." fyodor hummed, smirking at [name] now.
[name] chuckled, feeling flattered by fyodor's words. he smiled back and nodded at the other man.
"why thank you, you never fail to flatter me." [name] responded, being just as flirty as fyodor was being just a second ago.
fyodor then realised, in that moment, that he was definitely into [name].
it was just because of the preachings or the sessions, it was because [name] was truly captivated.
fyodor was completely infatuated. he needed [name] now, or else he didn't know what he would do. it was like he was craving the other man, longing for him. he'd do anything he'd have to for [name].
fyodor then chuckled and he stepped closer to [name], putting a hand on his cheek and stroking it gently.
"you know.. i could give you something else to worship if you'd like." fyodor whispered into [name]'s ear, leaning in closer with that smirk still on his face.
[name]'s eyes widen briefly, but then he looks at fyodor, returning the smirk to him.
"oh, i'd love to see." [name] chuckled and then he leaned even closer, closing the gap between his and fyodor's face with a kiss.
the wolf in sheep's clothing definitely had more things than just his false god to worship now and fyodor now had [name] wrapped around his finger.
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☆ author's note: i'm so sorry this took so long.. i hope you like it @ kaeiyokotoro ! i didn't know how to make a p2 so i really tried my best. keep requests coming !
☆ masterlist ▪︎ request
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kaeiyokotoro · 10 months
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sigskk 🥺♥️
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kaeiyokotoro · 10 months
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Profile pictures from my last post! If you’d like to use one, just credit me in your bio.
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kaeiyokotoro · 10 months
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kaeiyokotoro · 10 months
these guys are so cool to me. gummy bear style. take your vitamins 👇
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dont even worry about dazai he's a survivor he could get spitroasted by 2 trucks on a busy highway and somehow manage to frolic away with maybe slight injuries
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kaeiyokotoro · 10 months
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sigzai week day2
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kaeiyokotoro · 10 months
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♥️.sigzai week day 1
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kaeiyokotoro · 10 months
Wall destruction
Character(s): Osamu Dazai
Genre: Fluff
Tw/cw: Mentions of Dazai's past, Nonsense and sweet things.
!English is not my native language!
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Dazai is a master of flirting. And he knows it. And others too.
Therefore, it is expected that every compliment you give him, he will reciprocate without hesitation.
If you compliment his eyes, he will respond by telling you that your eyes are like a galaxy and stars in which can drown.
Praise his strength? He just laughs and offers to take his Bella home. Praise him for his work? He will say that he knows about it and will brag about it to the fullest.
Dazai's most vulnerable moment is when you hold his head on your chest and talk about his attempts to change for the better, even if you don't know about his dark and grim past.
There is silence after his expression changes to... Confused?
But after a few moments, Dazai returns to his usually flirtatious and cheerful self.
"Bella, you're about to make me die with your words~"
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kaeiyokotoro · 11 months
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kaeiyokotoro · 11 months
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sgz fwuffy
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