kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
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klee and her big brothers
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
well aren’t you a saucy boi
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𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓 : lisa posted the video of the whole ordeal and it went viral
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
agreeing with anon about albedo, mans is super sus😳😳 especially his last lines??? Like are u ok? I dunno wether to trust rosaria or him, but somethings definitely up with him. The way he kind of glazes over stuff throws me off too yikes
anonymous asked :
Alright yknow what, I'm gonna propose this theory I had.
I think Albedo used to be from Khaenri'ah. I believe they called him an outlander? Assuming the kingdom fell centuries ago, Albedo somehow survives and finds his way into present day Mondstadt, I guess I can see why they call him that.
Albedo is established to be a genius alchemist. This is probably experience that he carried over from his time in Khaenri'ah. Now, regarding "chalk pursues gold"...
Maybe Albedo and this Gold alchemist used to be partners. They both learned how to create life through alchemy, but both ended up fighting over a difference in ideals or maybe methods? Gold ends up creating Durin and all that, Albedo wanted to stop him hence "chalk pursues gold". Maybe that's why Albedo is featured in "Chalk Prince and the Dragon".
Yeah this theory isn't very good lmao. Ok bye--
- warnings for spoilers, speculations and theories
What’s Albedo’s Deal? - informal analysis on Albedo part 1 found here!
While playing Albedo’s story quest, what struck me the most was how -- sad and lonely Albedo is. He’s constantly referencing loneliness and estrangement from society, and how that the moment you figure out the complexities of something, anything, it’s no longer fascinating and falls to the wayside for the newest, shiny thing.
I don’t necessarily think he’s suspicious, but more like someone who knows things he probably shouldn't and doesn’t realize how much his secrets hurt those around him. Zhongli is the same way, sad and lonely, and ultimately someone who glosses over the finer things because it fundamentally isn’t important to him.
I think that Albedo glosses over the small things because he doesn’t spend brainpower to think about them - like how Zhongli doesn’t think about wealth because he, himself, is wealth, or how we as people gloss over spelling, grammer, punctuation, etc in communication because we know what we’re trying to get across. Albedo has also shown that he cares about the autonomy of his partners, subjecting himself to his experiences first hand before he puts someone else in the line of fire.
The thing about Albedo being from Khaenri’Ah, or at least another world, is also something I can get behind. Timeus did mention how Albedo showed up one day, after all.
 Albedo mentions how beings from the soil yield imperfections, and those of chalk are perfection. Thing is, however, he and the traveler are neither and instead leave behind an unknown substance that’s neither perfect nor imperfect. 
Albedo also references quite a bit how soil is the basic building block of life, so with that (scuffed) reasoning, if Albedo isn’t from soil then, he isn’t from what we could consider organic life. I think I said it in a previous post but I have a theory that Albedo is an imperfect homunculi given life by the Alchemist Gold of Khaenri’Ah or one of his associates, and is such seeking answers (perfection, gold) from his creator so that he 1) doesn’t go #feral and destroy Mondstadt and 2) finds answers to the catalyst that destroyed Khaenri’Ah. This would explain the phrase “chalk chases gold.”
++ I think it’s reasonable to say that both he and Rosaria have their own finer points to be speculative about (aka rosaria, a nun, threatening to arrest paimon LOL)
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
um hc for childe or kaeya reacting to reader (or traveller) suddenly pulling him in and introducing him as their boyfriend when someone’s bothering them?? LIKE “OH HERE HE’S MY BOYFRIEND” 🤧
remember kiddos “no.” is a valid answer to anything
- character/gn!reader, sfw, short scenarios
Kaeya’s caught off guard for not even a second before he’s clued in on the situation, eye narrowing shrewdly at the person who clearly cannot take a hint.  This is an unexpected situation for sure, and while usually he’d take glee in dissecting this pitiful ant in front of him - well, it’s clear you’re uncomfortable, and Kaeya doesn’t pull his punches when it comes to your safety. Who knows? If they reacted nicely, he might just only find out their job, status and affiliation! 
A hand comes up to rest on his chin, his face splitting into a viciously smooth smile as he rises to his full height. “Yes, it is I, the boyfriend.” He sighs dramatically, pouting with his lip. His brows raise as he appraises the sorry sap in front of him and he surprises a laugh. 
 “I take it you need something from me, hm?”
Childe is immediately on guard the moment you pull him into the conversation, an easy smile on his face almost nigh betraying the calculating look in his eye. Disgusting is the word that comes to mind as he smiles at your.. “friend.” Someone who can’t respect something as simple as a “no” - much less personal boundaries-! It makes Childe sneer with contempt. Despite being quite the fool himself, (he’s done his fair share of crime,) he is far less forgiving to those who so brazenly harass people, namely you. His hand lands on the small of your back, a gesture meant to double as means of comfort, but also a sign of possession. 
“Oh?” He gives them his signature grin, all teeth, smiling eyes and thinly veiled conceit. They shrink away and he licks his teeth. 
“And who might you be?”
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
I'm not sure if this counts as spoiler so I'll just put some space here in case you want to delete this ask and avoid spoiling yourself. (This is stuff about Albedo, lines from Dainsleif's wiki, and also just speculation on my part.)
Does no one find Albedo kinda sus? Yeah, he's a genius, but that's what makes me think he's sus. He's able to bring creatures to life just by painting them. What makes me concerned is cause there was a guy who made the evil dragon that attacked Mondstadt and Dvalin. The fact that Albedo can also make life like that is a little... hm. And there's also the line from Dainsleif that stuck with me as soon as I saw "Chalk Prince and the Dragon". I could be wrong but isn't Chalk Prince also Albedo's title? There's also the line that Dainsleif says, "Chalk pursues gold, in this time inopportune, the eclipse is swallowed by the crimson moon." I feel that 1.2 is going to be very lore heavy and would give us a lot of insight on Khaenri'ah.
Or maybe I'm just desperate and I'm connecting the dots when there are no dots to be connected.
UAH NONNIE its like you injected this straight into my serotonin receptors i LOVE META AND THEORY
/eats this ask whole/
- warning for speculation and lore spoilers!
Preface on the Eclipse Dynasty + Khaenri’Ah :
If I recall correctly, after the fall of the Eclipse Dynasty due to the “ultimate injustice”, Khaenri’Ah was ruined and subsequently turned into/became affiliated with/run by The Abyss Order. For now I’m treating the Eclipse Dynasty as a noblefamily from Khaenri’Ah, like the Hapsburg Dynasty was a noblefamily from Austro-Hungary. 
Anyhow onto Albedo- I can’t say anything concrete about Albedo quite yet, but the fact that he can create living beings and his connection with alchemy (and by proxy the philosopher’s stone) brings about some interesting parallels with The Abyss’ curse of having it’s citizens being turned into monsters. 
What you said about Albedo and his connection to the Evil Dragon, Durin, began to make me think, too. Albedo in alchemy is the second stage in the creation of the magnum opus, that is to stay the stage in which the alchemist splits his work into opposites and then washes away all the purities in hopes to discover gold.
Gold just also happens to be the name of the Alchemist that’s closely associated with Khaenri’Ah’s cataclysm, it’s relation to it’s citizens being turned into monsters, and the alchemist that turned the dragon Durin evil. 
Now with that information in mind, take Dainsleif’s quote. 
Dainsleif’s mentions “chalk pursuing gold,” initially making me think that Albedo is seeking perfection, as gold, in alchemy, represents purity, true perfection and The Sun. But it could also represent Albedo chasing Gold, the Alchemist. As for the reason, I’m unsure. 
Additionaly, the mention of gold, the metal, in Dainsleif’s quote is also a big contrast to the rest o the other night-esque imagery in the rest of the quote: gold/sun versus “eclipse” and “crimson moon.” 
I’m thinking that if Albedo, the Chalk in this equation, is pursuing Perfection/The Sun, then the Eclipse Dynasty being “swallowed” by the moon indicates that it fell due to the results of an imperfection or a “lesser work,” ie Gold’s works. There’s also a connection with the Moon, Silver and the Occult in Alchemy, so have with that what you will.
++ A thought : Albedo could also be a story parallel to Gold; they both have unusual powers regarding life and their connections to knowledge and alchemy. The thing is is that Gold gets corrupted by greed while Albedo (assumedly) doesn’t or is able to perfect the work Gold was unable to reach, therefore reaching albedo and allowing him to move on in the creation of the magnum opus.
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
You have a point that we lack evidence to support on which side Kaeya is (which is obviously intended). However, we also have seen that he not only protects Mond regularly, but he also still cares about his adoptive brother Diluc. We see in the webcomic how he was the one who returned Diluc's Vision to him, provided information to him, and he also keeps quiet about Diluc being a vigilante. If Kaeya really was planning to betray him after their fight, I don't think he would help him this much
anonymous asked : Hmm... I'm of the impression that if Kaeya truly was going to betray Mondstadt, Diluc would've been much much more hostile to him. At most, we have cold remarks like "You can only trust half of what he [Kaeya] says".
I think if Kaeya actually intended to betray Mondstadt, Diluc would be showing more active effort to stop him (or even k**l him). Then again, this could just be my bias as a Kaeya simp and being optimistic.
Hi sweethearts!! Sorry for getting back to you so late, I’ve been tired w also !! i too am a kaeya simp hehe i love him lots nd hes kinda just a bastard man all around LOL
- spoilers for theory + speculation
Theory : Would Kaeya Betray Mondstadt Part 2 part 1 here!
Hum! A common trend that I’ve seen amongst the replies to my theory is that “Kaeya still cares for Diluc”/”Kaeya wouldn’t betray Diluc, and therefore wouldn’t betray Mondstadt.”
Now, while I do agree that Kaeya does deeply care for his brother, Diluc is not Mondstadt, and Mondstadt, politically, is not her people. Diluc himself has already been seen operating outside of Mondstadt’s law and knights to protect the citizenry directly as the Darknight Hero, and is even open to unknown foreigners aiding the country (re: traveler.)
Additionally, the prophecy regarding Kaeya and Khaenri’Ah is ancient. It predates both of them by hundreds, if not thousands of years, and time doesn’t care about the feelings of mortals - Zhongli’s existence has made that very, very clear.  
We also don’t know how much Kaeya divulged to Diluc on the night Kaeya gained his vision and they fought one another, and judging by the way Diluc is able to co-exist with him and not try to attack him on sight is indicative that Kaeya didn’t tell the whole story.
user @celisea said this in the comments of my last post and literally it sums up most of my thoughts on this matter :
  theres also the voiceline of what mona thinks about him, i think shes right and kaeya has just kind of, avoided thinking about it. He kinda seems like a guy that just avoids his personal problems like the plague since the one time he tried talking about them with diluc he nearly got killed. My guess is that he has resigned himself to lying all the time like his vision story says, but not for khaenriah but for himself. 
My major point with the last theory was that Kaeya is autonomous from Khaenri’Ah, seeing as he’s spent at the very least 4+ years in Mondstadt and Khri’Ah isn’t coming for his ass for betrayal. 
My line of reasoning for his betrayal being inconclusive is this : Kaeya betraying Mondstadt, Kaeya betraying Khaenri’Ah, or Khaenri’Ah betraying Kaeya are all too inconclusive to draw concrete conclusions. All we know concretely for now is that he himself questions his own loyalties and that he’s a character with consistently major internal conflict.
My own personal theory is that Kaeya will eventually betray Mondstadt and Khaenri’ah, but to the benefit of both peoples. A common trend in the game is usurping old institutions put in place by the archons for something modern created by modern citizenry. 
i hope i didn’t come off too aggressive or dismissive!! i’d love to hear your thoughts <3
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
hello!! i just first want to say that the zhongli fic was MWAH, chefs kiss, pulled at my heart strings in the best possible ways :')
i was wondering what your thoughts on whether kaeya would come to betray mondstadt or not were? do you personally believe he'd turn on his home at the end? any of your 2 cents would work, currently going through eyepatch man brainrot 😔
/points @ eyepatch man brainrot / ME. 
- contains spoilers, speculation and theory and Kaeya’s stories
Would Kaeya Betray Mondstadt?
Honestly, I think that’s a pretty hard question to answer! And not for lack of trying, let me tell you. We just lack information on Kaeya’s background/Khaenri’Ah as a whole, making it really difficult to see whether or not their motives/reasoning appeal to Kaeya.
Right now? No. I don’t think Kaeya is planning to betray Mondstadt in the near future. Keywords: near future.
Any evidence that Kaeya wouldn’t betray Mondstadt are vague in intention and could also double as Kaeya simply prolonging the onset of war. See the following:
From what we’ve seen so far, Kaeya, currently, is autonomous and separate from Khaenri’Ah. He was initially sent on Khri’Ah’s behalf to carry out a prophecy by infiltrating the Ragnvindr family and somehow provoke Mondstadt into war with Khri’Ah. 
We could speculate that if he was truly undyingly loyal to Khri’Ah, then Kaeya would have instantly begun making plans to instigate a war between the two countries the moment he had no more ties to Mondstadt (ie, the moment his brother shuns him,) but in that same breath we also don’t have any proof that he isn’t undyingly loyal to Khri’Ah.
After the death of his father and his estrangement with Diluc, Kaeya has no more direct ties to Mondstadt, but instead of war he does the exact opposite, and becomes one of the main ruling bodies in Mondstadt - the Cavalry Captain, taking up his brother’s old mantle to protect the citizenry. 
But!!! But, but, but - like I said earlier, this is where things with Kaeya get fuzzy.
This could be seen as a #Kaeya Move to gain power and then ruin Mondstadt from the inside out, but even if that were the case, he didn’t do anything for, presumably, four years. 
Even when Mondstadt was under Dvalin’s attack and the Fatui themselves were looking to conquer Mondstadt politically, Kaeya actively worked against both forces to ensure the safety of Mondstadt. But this could also be read as Kaeya not wanting Khnri’Ah having to deal with the Fatui/Snezhneya (should Snez. take control of Mond,) so he put on the play of actively opposing the Abyss Order (Khnri’Ah’s affiliate) so he wouldn’t get booted immediately from Captain position.
Grr.... He- he. That’s it send tweet.
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
well aren’t you a saucy boi
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𝐒𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐄'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 : yall im eating grilled cheese at midnight while watching tenha 🤡 i love it here ✨
𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓 : zhongli was not joking around when he said all that 👁👁
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
well aren’t you a saucy boi
— 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓 (pt.2)
→ the mondstadtions
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𝐒𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐄'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 : here’s the second part of the intros BDJDJJSK okay this was fun bc of the dynamic 👁👁
𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓 : venti’s bio got inspired during a busking performance where someone was laughing and clapping really obnoxiously <3
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
well aren’t you a saucy boi
— 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓 (pt.1)
→ the liyueans
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𝐒𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐄'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 : kfsjdgs ty for taking interest in the saucy bois 🥺 the next into will be the mondstadtions and that may come out tmrw !!! i hope ur all still hooked HKJDFHS
𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓 : y/n & childe have known each other the longest in the group
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
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My friend rly went and said "Kaeya is easier to draw than Childe."
Me, foolishly, drawing both of them in fullbody to proof a point: "wanna bet?"
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
So! We decided to start a chibi/slime set for Genshin Impact. First off is Diluc!
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Childe - falling asleep in their arms
It’s late. You’re in bed, together, ready to fall asleep in each other’s arms.
You’re entangled in his arms, your head buried into his chest, your legs intertwined with his. He craves your skin so much that his hands will gently stroke your body for a good while before he is finally able to fall asleep. He’ll draw shapes on your back, tracing your spine with his fingertips, slowly going up and down, then down and up, then up and down, before grabbing your waist to squeeze you against him even closer. He’s a furnace, he’s scorching hot, so warm that he’s melting all of your worries away, so warm that the sole thing you can focus on is the steady rise and fall of his chest, lulling you to sleep.
He loves to squeeze your hand into his, clutching it against his chest as your head is resting on his arm, your faces merely inches apart, breathing in the same air. Every so often, he’ll bring your hand to his lips to place a soft kiss on your knuckles, then one on your forehead, his chest aching in love and adoration for you. He could kiss you all night if you allowed him to, if you didn’t have to sleep.
Sometimes, he has to deal with his Darknight Hero shenanigans, and he’ll leave your side only to return late in the night.
He’s mastered the art of never waking you up. He’d slowly ease himself into the bed, exhaling in relief only when he’d manage to feel the warm of your skin under his touch. He’d leave a soft kiss on your shoulder and he’d lay next to you, pressed against your back. He’d remain awake for a while only to run his fingers up and down your arm, a smile spreading slowly across his lips as he wrapped his hand around your waist.
He knows that you’re asleep, but even so, he’ll whisper a small “I love you” against your ear before snuggling against you, finally falling asleep.
One of his arms is loosely wrapped around your waist, gently resting on your stomach. He’ll usually bury his face into your neck just so he can whisper sweet nothings against your skin – how much he loves you, how warm you are, how good you feel –, placing soft kisses at the back of your jaw in-between his words. His warm breath is slightly ticklish, and with each kiss you can feel your skin prickling up, a wave of goosebumps washing over you.
He loves it when you run your fingers through his hair. He’ll turn to putty into your hands, ceasing any movement so that he wouldn’t disturb you. If you were to stop, he’d grip onto your waist a little bit tighter, asking you to keep going just for a few more moments. His tender voice sounds so pleading, so vulnerable, as if he were completely at your mercy, as if he’d break if you didn’t keep going.
At a certain point, he’d get up from this position, cradling you in his arms as he’s resting your head on his chest. It was his turn to comb his fingers through your hair. You’d place your arm on his bare chest, running your fingers across his soft skin, exploring the indentations of his torso, feeling his rib cage go up and down with the soothing sound of his breath. His fingers are gently playing with your hair, massaging your head as you let out a soft murmur of pleasure, hugging Kaeya closer to you.
((Kaeya also likes to casually hold on to your titty just because it feels nice.))
He’ll place a soft kiss on the top of your head, whispering a tender “I love you”, and he’ll squeeze you closer to him, his arms entangled around you, tightly holding on to your body. Both of you fall asleep with warm, soft smiles spread across your faces.
Zhongli would always brew a cup of warm chamomile tea for both of you, to help you sleep better.
He loves to hold you close into his arms, your back sinking into his chest as you feel the warmth of his breath against the nape of your neck. His arm is draped over your waist, and he’s holding your hand into his, playing with it between his fingers, tracing small figures across your skin with his thumb. 
Placing a kiss on your shoulder, he’ll ask you if you’d like to be bored to sleep by one of his stories, to which you’d reply that he could never bore you, squeezing his hand as you coil yourself into his body. He’d smile against your skin, and he’d leave a soft kiss on your neck, promptly sending a wave of goosebumps down your body.
One day, he had to sleep without you and he had a bitter realization. When you’re gone, the bed is achingly empty, the sheets are stingingly cold. He’d turn his head towards empty side of the bed, and he’d sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose in a slight frown at what he was about to do. For the first time in his life, he hugged the pillow close to him and kissed it goodnight, imagining it was you. “Is this how love changes people…?” he’d think to himself before falling asleep.
He didn’t sleep well that night.
The next night you slept together, as you were snuggling into each other’s arms, he’d shower you in soft sleepy kisses. His lips felt like the fluttering wings of butterflies against your skin, trailing each and every inch of your face as your hands clung to his body. This will become your nightly routine, a routine that never gets old and that never fails to make your heart flutter in joy as you fall asleep in his arms.
He’d press every inch of his body to yours, and he’d hold you so close to him until there could be no clear space between your bodies, your arms and legs mingling together so close to the point where you can almost feel every indentation of his scars against your skin. It feels comfortable, it feels right, it feels warm, it feels pleasant.
He’d sheepishly open his eyes, resting his hand on your cheek as he stroked it gently. He’d pull you in into a sweet and loving kiss, a kiss so tender that you felt your stomach churn and your body shiver. He’d pull away just to see how you lips curled into a kind smile, how your eyes sparkled with love. Missing the taste of your lips, he would kiss you again just as sweetly as he did before, gently licking on your bottom lip, then moving on to the top lip, sucking on it before pulling away again, just to admire your face once more.
Your chests are pressed against each other, and both of you are laying on your sides. Your arms are wrapped around his torso while his arms slowly roam around your body, stroking you, just to feel you once more before finally falling asleep.
He loves it when you trace the scars on his back with your fingers, and, to your delight, his skin will prickle under your touch. His scars have various textures: some of them are very smooth, others feel rougher, and there’s something wordlessly relaxing about having Childe in your arms, whispering again and again, as if in a trance, that he’s addicted to your touch and that he loves it when you hold and touch him like you do right in that moment.
You’ll fall asleep tightly curled into his arms, enveloped in their warmth as your breaths are synced in harmony.
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
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synopsis: dating the calvary captain is lonely. you hardly see him aside from his good morning and goodnight kisses. lack of attention leaves you touch starved and aching for him. tonight he’ll try his best to remind you, you’re his.
pairing: kaeya x gn!reader
warnings: suggestive content ; reader is not traveler ; fluff & some angst ; wc: 730
note: hi!! this is my first drabble on here so please reblog & tell me if you liked it! 💗 banner was inspired by @/ahtsumu
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the moon outside your window was shining brightly as you flicked through the book you were reading. you didn’t really know what it was about, your fingers slowly paging through it. was it fiction? nonfiction maybe? you couldn’t tell. you tried to focus, but the words were pushed out by the sound of running water in the bathroom.
he was in there. tired and dirty. washing off the day’s work. he came in that night with a fatigue smile barely acknowledging your presence as he took his clothes off one by one trying to quickly get into the shower. you could only watch as he lifted the shirt off his back and stretched his aching muscles. “rough day.” he would muse as he cracked the stiff bones in his neck. before he stepped inside the bathroom leaving you alone again.
you were alone quite often lately. you ate your meals alone, you went shopping alone, hell you even got off alone! it’s been taking a toll on you and your relationship with your boyfriend. you love kaeya you really do! but, sometimes he gets so wrapped up with his own things he doesn’t seem to notice how difficult things have been going for you. or maybe he doesn’t care that things have been difficult for you?
the bathroom door creaks open and out steps the devil himself in all his half naked glory. he has a hair tie in between his teeth, obviously one of yours he’s stolen from the bathroom. the water from the shower drips down his body from the base of his neck all the way down to the small towel around his waist. he softly hums to himself as he dries his hair.
Keep reading
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
Ok, so I had the cutest idea. Idk if you want to count it as an AU or not, but Genshin Impact characters as Animal Crossing villagers 🥺🥺🥺
/LOVE GRIP/ nonnie you really looked at my switch and saw my 400+ hours of animal crossing new horizons, huh.
i’m trying a different approach to this, so i’m only gonna do the tall boys for now!!
- acnh au!characters + reader, sfw, written platonic
- kaeya is a very smug rabbit! he waltzes around wherever he pleases with that devious smile on his face, much to the chagrin of his neighbors (diluc.) though quite fashionable, his blue furs will always be his most favorite thing to wear - that said, however, he’d never pass up a gift from you - even if you don’t quite know that he took it. though he always returns the items in the end, his penchant for stealing combined with his unending curiosity leave many-a-things missing at any given time.
- diluc is your typical cranky, flaming red wolf. though outwardly he seems quite apathetic to the happenings of the village and opts to walk around alone most days, he’s quite proactive in the community! diluc is effectively the town’s accountant, main leadership, and the go-to person for financial advice. he also acts as the town’s main law enforcer, though that mostly just constitutes him chasing down kaeya and childe and forcing them to fix the ruckus they made.
- zhongli, surprisingly, is a very polite, but smug deer. he’s often seen walking along the coast admiring the water or polishing his collection of precious gems. he also quite likes to give you the little rocks and trinkets he finds, even if you can’t quite figure out what they are. the last rock he gave you, well, he said it looks like mount hulao, but you digress. zhongli is an odd, old soul - and he often gives very wise, if not very obscure advice and trivia when asked, most often over a cup of tea.
- childe is the worlds most irritating lovable, jock cat. he zooms around the village, mostly playing tag, and is often seen in kahoots with kaeya when the rabbit is on one of his “curiosity runs.” though, it’s not to help him cop the possessions of other villagers, rather childe is just competitive and likes to show off how well he can climb into the other animals’ windows. always on the look out for a rush, he has two main ways to fill his adrenaline quota for the day: on one hand, he likes to climb trees and look off at the horizon to feel the wind on his face, and on the other.. he likes it when you grab his paws and spin him in circles really, really fast.
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
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i ain’t never seen two pretty best friends
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kaeyas-eyepatch · 3 years
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monstadt birthday icons (part 1)
f2u - psd by arttcore-psd
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