kagaribii-blog · 7 years
“meme u have three blogs n two of them u dont even do that much with currently”
ok but like consider: i love nefer/pitou from h/xh and would die for them, and also a bnha verse for them would be super fun
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
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Crows & Skulls by Óscar Tello
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
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    ❛❛  i trust you’ve accommodated to the academy . ❞  though spoken as if a statement, there’s a clear definition to his words that give way to a question —— near-shut eyes turn as does his chair, hand falling to his neck as he spoke.  ❛❛  the students are pretty much how you expect them to be in an academy — ❞  he pulls himself off his chair, motioning for the assistant teacher to follow in his steps.  ❛❛  as rowdy as any other group of teenagers . you have any trouble with them so far ? ❞
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when aizawa stood, suzume moved to fall into step behind him, hands clasped behind her back. “they’re about what i expected,” she admitted, tilting her head slightly, body language not unlike that of a bird. from what she understood, the senior teacher was something of a recluse much like her. “they’re generally pretty well behaved... if anything, they can be a little disrespectful because they don’t always recognize i’m not a student myself.” you’d think in a society full of mutants, most people wouldn’t jump to conclusions based on someone’s appearance... but then, mutation quirks weren’t that incredibly common.
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
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hey hey! it’s meme with a new promo, like or reblog if you’re interested in rping with a slightly canon divergent nanami chiaki from danganronpa! i’ve got several crossover verses and a developed despair and survivorverse! i’d appreciate you spreading the word!
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
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my second favorite new bnha character is ochako, but with a knife
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
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my favorite new character on bnha is jatsuki jakugou
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
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     Mori Suzume. Linas data was limited on all the teachers and whatnot personel running around but she remembered this woman several times in the teachers office. She seemed very young yet, but Lina didn’t believe she was here for similar reasons as her. Still Lina was in a predicament. Keeping her temper while teaching this class was especially hard and she needed to consult someone. Aizawa was a prick in her eyes, Allmight couldn’t teach himself and Midnight just really got on her nerves, so approuching someone young as her might be the best option.
     “Hey…” She started as she approuched the other in the office during lunch break, 30 minutes prior to Linas next class with the students of 1 A.
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so far, it had been a peaceful day. suzume always reminded herself to be thankful for that, given how chaotic things had been lately-- always something going on around the school or its personnel, it seemed, even if it was just students pulling pranks and causing trouble. she took her short lunch break in an office she shared with a couple of the other staff members, sipping contentedly at a mug of hot tea.
somebody broke the silence soon enough, however. suzume glanced over, eyes settling on a face that she’d only seen once or twice before in the halls. “hey,” she said in response, curiosity coloring her voice. at least here in the office, she wasn’t likely to be mistaken for a student. “did you need something?” green eyes regarded lina with mild interest.
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
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❛❛   Dangerous? Did something happen? But everything seems fine, doesn’t it?  ❜❜
Azure eyes widened in faux alarm,  glancing around in search of the aforementioned  ❛danger❜ ; well aware that it was none other than herself that the hero spoke of. Refusing her offer might raise suspicion, and suspicion was a hassle. It wasn’t as though she would be caught so easily, but she’d really wanted to have time to stop and buy a crepe from a vendor on her way back. The whole day was turning out to be a bit of a hassle, but AH! – it was worthwhile, if only for one of her dreams to have come to fruition. Nobody said love was easy. 
The hero did look rather distracted ; an observation which would have her giggling if not for her obligation to stay in character. It was fairly likely that she could just slip away unnoticed after they’d arrived, if not on the way there. Himiko gave an eager nod in response ; portrait of innocence, lips tugged up in a facsimile of a smile.
❛❛   I’d really appreciate that! I don’t want to get in the way of you heroes, so it’s for the best… Ah, and would you mind telling me where we’re going? I should probably text my mom and let her know where I am. ❜❜
A safety net, just in case things headed south – Tomura would certainly reprimand her for going out on her own again, but if she sent her coordinates to Kurogiri, it wouldn’t be as big of an issue. Surely she’d be forgiven, maybe even praised for her precautionary measures!
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suzume wasn’t normally one for pleasantries when under pressure. this situation certainly wasn’t the most tense one she’d been in (hell, she was probably more relaxed here than at the grocery store most days), but it was still obvious from the set of her shoulders that she wasn’t happy. a “civilian” was placed in her care when she’d much rather be in the sky, looking for whoever had caused the disturbance. sure, she could just leave her behind, but that struck her as far too irresponsible.
“i’m taking you to the nearest police station.” she brought her phone out of her pocket, showing himiko a map on the GPS she’d installed. the estimation: about ten minutes by foot.
this situation was... frustrating, to say the least. but she realized how she must look to the girl she was guarding, so she exhaled. once she’d cleared her mind a bit, she turned back to himiko, offering up a small smile. “my name is suzume,” she said, introducing herself. “mori suzume. sparrow, if you’d like my hero name, though... i don’t use it as often as other heroes might.”
it wasn’t like other heroes’ names weren’t public record, but if she met all might in the streets she certainly wasn’t going to be calling him toshinori. it seemed disrespectful, in a way. for her, though, the glamour that came with being a hero was secondary to helping people get through their daily lives without incident. somebody she saved could call her something as vulgar as “shithead”, and she still wouldn’t mind too much so long as they didn’t get hurt.
(okay, she’d mind a little, since she was just doing her job.)
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
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Photographer Влада Королева
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
Could you please reblog this if it is okay to ask you straight up if you want to ship?
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
--> @ofshockwaves hit the ♥ for a starter!
though she knew of the third year at this point, she’d never really taken the time to speak with the young woman. this wasn’t too uncommon, given suzume’s proclivity for secluding herself from the rest of the general population. she didn’t find herself spending a lot of time with anyone, resulting in... well, most people failing to recognize her as a teacher. they instead assumed she was a student, thanks to her short stature and underwhelming disposition. it didn’t help that she rarely found herself inside a classroom with the older students.
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“hadou-san?” suzume came up behind the girl, a folder in her hands. “i was told you missed one of your classes today...” inside, she had several sheets of notes and an assignment that would be due within the week. “i can help, if you have any questions,” the hero offered, a small, nervous smile crossing her face.
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
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heeeyyy... any of u beautiful ppl want a starter? gimme a like
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
me, crouched down in front of my tomato plants, examining a pattern of insect bites on their lower leaves: i’m going to fucking kill whoever did this. i’m going to kill them for you. don’t worry, babies. I’m going to murder every single son of a bitch who ever got a mouthful of you. they’ll die screaming
my neighbor, who i did not realize was also outside, standing behind the fence: oh! okay. you’re talking to the plants. okay.
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
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fault lines tremble underneath my glass house but i put it out of my mind long enough to call it courage.
indie bnha oc written by meme. || bio, rules.
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kagaribii-blog · 7 years
❝Without an end, there can be no peace. It gets no easier. Your struggles have only just begun.❞ ❝We should stand together, not fight amongst ourselves!❞ ❝Get rid of one threat and another appears. I’m starting to think this city’s in love with crisis.❞ ❝Can’t we talk about this? No?❞ ❝If we kill them, we get their stuff!❞ ❝It is only when you fall that you learn whether you can fly.❞ ❝I’d make a terrible slave. I talk too much!❞ ❝I will not let you see all Mages be treated like criminals!❞ ❝You are no longer my master.❞ ❝What I know is that I hate being cornered and I can fight harder scared than they can angry.❞ ❝I didn’t ask to be the butt of your jokes!❞ ❝Wait… you’ve been without for four years? You must creak like a rusty hinge.❞ ❝We both put others above ourselves. I just happen to do it while clothed.❞ ❝I wouldn’t dream of mocking your… unconventional courtship.❞ ❝It will be grand having you over me. Above me. In rank, that is.❞ ❝We’re a good people, who look out for each other. Just not today, it seems.❞ ❝Even you can be happy once in a while, it won’t kill you.❞ ❝I remember it didn’t take much to make you sing.❞ ❝I suppose a pair of lyrium breasts tattooed on my chest would make things better…❞ ❝It’ll be nice to have the law on my side for a change~!❞ ❝Do you know how much I suffer under your gaze? I am a person, not an object!❞ ❝You have piss-poor aim…Fortunately, you have…other uses~!❞ ❝So I shouldn’t slit my wrists and dance naked under the moonlight just to fit in?❞ ❝Andraste’s flaming knickers!❞ ❝In about ten seconds, I’m just going to smash anything that moves.❞ ❝You’re actually joking. Alert the Chantry! They need to put this on the calendar!❞ ❝If anyone here tries to hire me again, I’m leaving.❞ ❝I swear, I will find that son of a bitch - sorry, Mother - and I will kill him!❞ ❝Is that all you do? Dwell on the negative?❞ ❝Andraste’s sanctified tits! Who on earth would make the ground vertical!?❞ ❝Does this stuff have side effects?!❞ ❝I have an excellent sense of dramatic timing. And good hair!❞ ❝I am getting truly sick of looking at stalagmites. Or is it stalactites? Shit, I don’t know.❞ ❝I was looking for someone with your… “special talents…❞ ❝With a name like that, you’re bound to go “mwa-ha-hah!” at some point, I just know it.❞ ❝You have a good heart, and you deserve better.❞ ❝What earth-shattering matter requires my attention NOW?❞ ❝I’ve heard many story tellers like you…yet they don’t start their stories with ‘I shit you not’…❞ ❝No one should tell you how to mourn. And when someone says ‘move on,’ you take their hand and say, ‘my choice.‘❞ ❝If there is a future to be had, I will walk into it gladly by your side.❞ ❝Still coming to the rescue after all these years? I’ve got this under control, but thanks.❞ ❝What do you call it when you kill someone and take his property?❞ ❝That’s what you get for spending your last minute monologuing.❞ ❝Someday, I’d like to go one week without meeting an insane mage. Just one week.❞ ❝And the trend of you scaring the piss out of me continues…❞
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