kageonna · 5 months
I think tua made the sibling dynamics too healthy too soon. They were all isolated, made to compete with each other, abused, each others' only true company for years and the only ones who could understand each other. Then after the academy parted ways, most of them didn't interact. It was heavily implied in the first season that this is after a decade that Allison is meeting Klaus yada yada. Diego, notably, still harbours resentment and anger and so does Viktor and I am sure others do too.
All of this apparently got fixed because in season 2 because they got stuck in the past and didn't meet each other for years/months. I Get what they were trying to do. Years/months of being alone and stuck while not knowing if the others are alive or if they will ever meet again will give way to some of the kinder feelings.
But what do you mean they all just forgave Viktor. I don't consider that scenario to be 'Viktor ending the world' but how come They don't? Being stuck should have given way to feelings of some anger and misplaced blame too. They all lost other people too, they lost their entire world and they were not angry about that?? Some of them should be blaming Luther too? Some should go blame Allison because she fired the bullet? Again, I don't blame any of them but they all should be blaming each other imo.
They weren't bombarding Klaus with questions about Ben? Neither were they furious with him?
They should have been more angry, clingy, guilt-struck, trauma dumped on each other because of their unique experiences while also not really talking about their feelings and I think some of this they did do with Klaus (and kind of Five but he should have been more unhinged at all times) but then missed the mark on everyone else.
And of course, they are going to have fun childhood memories but these are supposedly children who got half an hour of free time per WEEK. Most of their fun and beloved memories should be a bit more extreme/violent than the ones they were constantly recalling.
It just comes off as way too unrealistic and I know tua is not a show that cares about that, its camp is half its appeal but the other half is its characters and their dynamics and I think they messed that up in season 2.
It was still fun, don't get me wrong but I suppose it could have been more fun.
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kageonna · 10 months
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Five and Mr. pennycrumb🥹❤️‍🔥
on instagram
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kageonna · 11 months
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five doodle that i never posted ! :)
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kageonna · 2 years
All of the Hargreeves siblings are bad people.  Not in the way you’d describe someone morally deficient, but in the same way as you’d call someone a bad dancer or a bad plumber when they lack the expected skill set.  They just suck at being humans in a society.
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kageonna · 2 years
How I would fix Allison’s s3 arc
Allison’s deal with Reginald is almost identical to Five’s deal with the Handler.  The difference, besides their demographic information, is that we saw Five’s journey into making that decision.  Instead of getting that for Allison, we got Five’s perspective as he worked out the mystery.  And Five tends to kind of assume the worst about people, which meant the audience was assuming the worst about Allison.  Including the idea that she knew Reg intended to kill Luther and Klaus and that she was okay with it.  Which was an assumption that stuck with people even after the scene where she made it clear she did not and was not.
The biggest fucking writing problem of Allison’s arc this season, maybe of the entire season, is that she was framed as a potential villain even though she was never intended to become one.
How would I fix this?
First of all, use Allison’s perspective instead of Five’s.  That was an absolutely shit choice that served no purpose. It’s possible Robert Askins, who wrote episode 3.09, was worried Five wasn’t involved enough, but that is not a good enough reason to fuck over Allison’s character and frankly, the choice doesn’t even lead Five to do anything except get hostile toward Allison.
Remove the mystery of who Reg made a deal with.  End episode 3.08 with Reginald seeking out Allison and listening to her, really listening to her, and talking about how he knows what it’s like to lose the people you love the most.  Have Reginald give her the kind of compassion and understanding her siblings neglected to give her. Obviously, in the end, it will have been an act to manipulate her.  He tells her he has a plan that could save everyone and bring their dead loved ones back. He asks if he can count on her support, and we end the scene with her considering it.
We can still have Five drunkenly witnessing half of the end of their conversation, but it’s not a mystery to us.  To us, it’s, “oh shit, Five is onto them.”
When she hugs Viktor and we see her dead eyes (and know therefore that she’s faking this forgiveness), we might get a little flashback that shows her accepting Reginald’s deal.  
She says, “And this will save everyone?  And give me Ray and Claire?”  
Reginald replies, “By tomorrow night, you will have your husband and daughter in your arms.”
Notably, his promise does not include the lives of her siblings, but she thinks it does because she is asking about this saving everyone.
Five has his realization that Allison made a deal with Reginald, and they all discover Luther’s body.  Allison’s look of horror at Reginald as she realizes there’s a hole in the deal she made will deliver more of a punch.
We can keep most of 3.10 the same, but maybe change her line to Five about the deal she made to something like, “You think I would actually conspire to murder my brothers?” Because the way it’s written on the show, it just sounds like she’s denying that she made a deal when the thing she’s pissed about is that Five thinks she would knowingly let Luther and Klaus die.
When Reginald is draining everyone else, have her say something like, “You said this would save everyone and you’re killing them!” before his “Everything has a price” line. Everything else can stay the same.
The thing about this fix is that I’m not making anything up here.  I’m just showing things that are already implicit in the show (which is a subjective thing, but still).  It also doesn’t change anything Allison actually does, it just contextualizes it.  The moral greyness is still there, her previous poor choices are still there, but we can sympathize with her.
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kageonna · 2 years
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You can’t convince me this didn’t happen
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kageonna · 2 years
Who are The Kennedy Six?
I went back and screenshot the book Viktor was reading at the beginning of 3x02 and found something really, really, really, interesting you guys need to see
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Here's the text version (Note: I will not be using Viktor's deadname and pronouns) and also man there are a few continuity and capitalization errors in this so I'm going to correct them:
The Kennedy Six is a group of Communists said to have orchestrated the assassination of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of The United States, on November 22nd, 1963.
Hargreeves, Viktor: A Soviet spy and founding member of The Kennedy Six, a group of Communist said to have orchestrated the assignation (Note: that is an error and is supposed to be "assassination") of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of The United States, on November 22nd, 1963. Though no date of birth is known, education and medical records place Viktor Hargreeves in Saint Petersburg, Russia, as early as 1947. Official reports released by the CIA, FBI, and U.S. Department of Defense provide evidence of Mr. Hargreeves' involvement in the establishment of Soviet Satellite States, during which time he is said to have [con]-tact with American Double Agent and-[cut off]- The Kennedy Six, Luther-[cut off]- [con?]-tent of their familial- (last word is mostly cut off ->) [mn/ed]
First part of Diego's is cut off: -Communist-[cut off]-the Cuban Government-[cut off]-[founding?]-member of The Kennedy Six, a group of Communist said to have orchestrated the assassination of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of The United States, on November 22nd, 1963. Once thought to be a [sleeper?] agent for the Cuban government who was smuggled into the country as a baby and [trained?] to become radicalized against the U.S. democracy from an early age, his true origin remains unknown due to a lack of official records of his birth or origin. The FBI can only officially place him in the United States as-
early as 1963. According to official reports from the CIA, he is believed to have been in communication and a disgraced former high-ranking intelligence officer for the Cuban government. It is rumored that he lost an eye in Cuba in a cigar attack as punishment for compromising an intelligence operation. His association with The Kennedy Six is believed to be on behalf of the Cuban government and their interest in removing Kennedy from office by whatever means necessary. While the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies have been unable to prove this connection, unofficial reports place him in Cuba shortly before his arrival in Dallas and eventual rendezvous with his co-conspirators. His whereabouts to this day are unknown, though he is widely believed to be hiding in Cuba.
Hargreeves, Allison: As an American born civil agitator recruited by radical terror groups to infiltrate the American Civil Rights Movement in an attempt to disrupt and discredit the country's Federal Government. A hairdresser by trade, Allison Hargreeves sought ot use her position in local politics to lure John F. Kennedy to Texas, setting up the 35th President for assassination on November 22nd, 1963. Though any direct involvement with The Kennedy Six remains [the rest is unintelligible]
Number Five: Known only by his KGB Codename, Number Five is assumed to be the youngest member of The Kennedy Six, a group of Communist said to have orchestrated the assassination of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of The United States, on November 22nd, 1963. Though existing records remain seal (supposed to be "sealed") under the US Espionage Act, Number Five is widely known to have been handpicked by First Secretary of The USSR, Nikita Khrushcev, to recruit American citizens in the effort to collect sensitive political and military information as relating to The United States policy of Communist Containment. A Federal Grand Jury is issued an indictment for Number Five's arrest in December 1963. The indictment remains open.
Hargreeves, Klaus: A prominent religious leader of an influential cult movement and believed to be a member of The Kennedy Six, a group of Communist which is said to have orchestrated the assassination of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of The United States, on November 22nd, 1963. Initially believed to be a recruitment camp and training facility for potential religious movement-[cut off]-federal authorities-[cut off]-the latter was eve-[cut off]-was levied with-[cut off]-charges of n-[cut off]-[unintelligible]-cy fo [the rest is unintelligible except a few words at the end]-or how he first-[unintelligible]-The Kennedy Six, and his [whereabouts are?] unknown to this day.
Hargreeves, Luther: An American -[unintelligible] - boxer with connection -[unintelligible]-mafia crime families, and a [member of?] The Kennedy Six, a group of Communist which is said to have orchestrated the assassination of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of The United States, on November 22nd, 1963. According to reports from the -[unintelligible]- U.S. Department of Defense, [Mr.?] Hargreeves was an agent and known -[unintelligible]- Jack Ruby, and his involvement in The Kennedy Six is believed to be on behalf-[next paragraph is mostly cutoff]- A coordination of mutual interests shared between Soviets and the American mafia. Authorities remain in pursuit of him this day, though he was rumored to have perished in a robbery near his Argentinian hideout sometime in the mid 1980's.
They can't be The Hargreeves from this (the current at the time Sparrow 2019 timeline) timeline because they weren't born, this was in the 60s, and why would they have ended up in the 60s anyways? They obviously aren't our Hargreeves from the 60s either because of all the information in the text and the pictures of Five in a military uniform along with Luther and Klaus's mugshots. Unless this is the FBI lying to try to cover up and tie loose ends and create false identities because they failed to truly discover our Hargreeves identities back in the 60s? Have the Hargreeves been changed in the history books?
So, who the hell are these Hargreeves?
it's-it's just the FBI making them up....
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kageonna · 2 years
I think the thing about TUA season 3 for me is that I enjoyed it, but I didn’t like it.
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kageonna · 2 years
No. 1: Luther
I don't have much to say on Luther other than that the romance was completely unnessesary. It did nothing for the characters and moved the plot forward none, and furthermore it wasn't even interesting. The characters moved into it way too fast to be believable, and to be honest I was just bored with it, because it was a boring, cookie-cutter romance with no real substance.
His death didn't even move forward the plot at all either, they could have killed Klaus and left him alive-- the result would have been the same, given that Five was already certain that Reginald was up to something.
No. 2: Diego
Diego was honestly the most bearable character this season, partially due to the fact that he was actually in character, if you ignore the fact that he looked at a white kid and was like "yeah sure that's mine and Lila's". Did nobody think of that?
His character didn't really move forward either, partially due to the fact that his entire arc was focused on a kid that wasn't even related to the plot, and then focused on Lila, whose involvement didn't even really make sense. His reaction to Klaus's death-by-Stan was extremely underdone, and didn't really have any emotional impact.
No. 3: Allison
Allison was villianized heavily this season, what with her grudge against Viktor and her newfound willingness to rumour anyone for any reason. And honestly, I don't blame her. The writing was shit when it came to her, but I'd be angry at Viktor too, even if she did go overboard at times. The assault scene made zero sense for her character (at least in my opinion) given that she seemed to be dedicated to Ray and her daughter, and it had zero impact on the plot OR the characters, which is even worse. Her character overall had the most impact on the plot, which is laughable given that the majority of her actions were being mean to Viktor and rumouring people unnecessarily to show that she was having issues, which could have done numerous other ways.
No. 4: Klaus
Klaus had none of the charm that made him likeable past episode 2. His weird alliegance with Reginald did nothing for the plot other than working to move his powers forwards, which could have been done with multiple other people, and getting Reginald off the pills, which was a weird and convoluted subplot that didn't make any sense other than to explain why he hadn't completed his project already.
 He didn't move forward character-wise at all except for his powers, the entirety of which made zero sense given that he hated Reginald more than any of his other siblings save maybe Diego, and overall his death(s) made no difference, even the ones by automobile accident. And seriously, did nobody stop to check on the guy they killed with their car?
No. 5: Number Five
God, okay, here we go. Five was (and unfortunately still is) my favourite character. That said, he was unrecognizable this season. He has very few actual personality traits, most of which relate to his motive-- save the world, or rather, as we've been shown, save the world (but mostly his siblings).
We've been shown multiple times over that he will go to extreme lengths to keep his siblings both alive and somewhat happy, and this season completely obliterated that. Out of his five (ahaha get it?) or so personality traits (asshole, sarcastic, tsundere-like, secretive, cares incredibly deeply), we got shown three, and the ones that were missing are the ones that make him bearable and sensical as a character.
None of his actions from seasons one and two make sense if he doesn't love and care for his family incredibly deeply, but if you were to just watch season three, you wouldn't know it. His reaction to Luther and Klaus's deaths were both underwhelming and also counfounding-- we were shown a very OP and useful power last season-- turning back time. He could have used it multiple times to at least try to save Luther and Klaus, but ultimately didn't, for... what reason? Don't ask me, I have no clue.
Furthermore, his having started the Commission makes no sense-- he hates authority and rules, and hates the Comission even more.
Overall, his character fell bland, flat, and nonsensical.
No. 6 2: Ben
I don't have much to say about Ben. He was an interesting character, that's for sure, and I enjoyed his reconcilliation with Klaus in episode... eight? Nine? But he needed something more. His sudden turn-around to wanting to be part of the family was out of the blue, and it needed more to prelude it.
His character made the most sense, but overall I felt like I was left wanting more of him and less of his weird grab for power, which brings me to the fact that for the Sparrows, numbers seemed interchangable? For the Umbrellas, it was more of a "we're our numbers and then our names", but the Sparrows had a "names then numbers" approach, which was never explained.
A lot of things when it came to the Sparrows were never explained-- Christopher, whatever the "Jennifer Incident" was and why and how it killed Ben, and probably other things I'm not remembering at the moment.
No. 7: Viktor
I'm going to prelude this by saying that Viktor is and has been my least favourite character for a number of reasons, and that hasn't changed.
I went into the season hoping that they wouldn't do a big 'trans narrative', partially because I'm trans and also aware that no matter what they did, it was going to come off weirdly, partially because they weren't planning for it ahead of time, and partially because I was concerned that it would end up being his entire character arc.
It was a lot better than I worried it would be, but I did spend the entire time cringing at the stilted way they addressed it-- especially Five's reaction. (I don't think he'd be a transphobe, but he spent ages zero to thirteen sheltered and being raised by a robot, an alien, and a monkey, and ages thirteen to fifty-eight (ish) alone in an apocalyptic wasteland, and I can't imagine that reading up on trans stuff would be a priority for him).
My personal issues with the way they handled the trans bit aside, Viktor was focused on way more than he really needed to be, especially with his conflict with Allison. I'm still salty about the fact that he tried to sneak Harlan out and had way more loyalty to him than he did his entire family, but to be honest that's more of a personal issue I think?
I genuinely just don't like Viktor all that much, and this season didn't help-- he was babied by the narrative, and Allison blaming him (somewhat rightfully, even if she went about it badly) was treated even worse.
She was correct in that he never faces consequences for his actions, especially given that they still haven't adressed the fact that he tried to kill her and very nearly succeeded.
TLDR; Luther was boring, Diego was the only bearable one, Allison was villianized and OOC, Klaus was weird (derogatory), Five was just an asshole instead of a lovable asshole, Ben needed more personality, and Viktor was just annoying.
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kageonna · 2 years
It’s so fun for me that Five has his fifty-eight year old consciousness but his body is thirteen purely for the body horror of it all.
There is a difference between kids and adults that yes, does come from age and experience, but also there’s major differences physically that go beyond growth plates. Five’s physical, actual organ, brain is thirteen years old again.
Children/teenagers and adult brains are extremely different. Adult brains have networks of closely linked region functions that are far apart, children’s brains networks are closely linked to the regions near each other. This is literal, biological, irreversible difference in organization of thought that Five would have no control over.
As we age those long range networks become more efficient. Five is fifty-eight years old. With the knowledge the brain is fully developed at 25 that means Five has spent over half his life (a total of 33 years) thinking in a biologically different way.
His frontal cortex - the region of the brain that controls judgement, impulse, problem solving - isn’t anyway near close to developed yet. At his physical age instead of processing information through his frontal cortex he would actually process it through his amygdala, the part of the brain that processes emotions.
The ventral striatum also has a lot more sway during adolescent years. The ventral striatum is pretty much the part of the brain that involves risk and reward. When you’re 27 and someone says jump off a cliff for a cookie, you’re likely to say no because the risk is not worth it. When you’re 16, your ventral striatum is practically sitting on your shoulder and is like ‘that cookie sounds So Good‘ making it so you almost always go get the cookie even if you know it’s a bad idea.
This isn’t helped that dopamine is at its peak during adolescent and rewards risk taking behavior like this by giving the body a sort of ‘high’. In normal situations risk taking behavior for teenagers is things like sneaking out, for Five it’s murdering an entire boardroom of people.
And i sit back and look at all this and god, that’s fucking terrifying isn’t it? Having your entire way you think, the way you’ve been for so long changed. Doing impulsive things you likely wouldn’t because your own body is working against you to make you do those things.
Having your own decision making skills turned against you as your brain has rewritten itself to make those through emotion and not logic.
This isn’t even really considering myelin sheaths and synapses!
So much that Five relied on to get through the apocalypse, to work as an assassin, to just live has been taken from him and been jumbled! Isn’t that fucking horrifying? To know you’re you but also not really? That it won’t be a solid twelve years until then, and who knows if the same things you brain held onto and the things it threw out the first time is gonna be the same the second time.
It’s like you died, in a way.
You’re you but you’re not. And no one else can ever understand.
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kageonna · 2 years
Five is also wearing a Rolex Submariner! where and how did he get that
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kageonna · 3 years
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no more apocalypses, only dance parties
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kageonna · 3 years
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more five and allison scenes please 🔫
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kageonna · 3 years
the fact that there hasn’t been a fight scene yet where five gets to use an umbrella as a weapon is criminal
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kageonna · 3 years
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Little changes 
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kageonna · 3 years
Number Five! ✍
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kageonna · 3 years
One of my favourite things about Five is that he has no concept of personal space. Little feral man just goes straight in there with intense eye contact, sometimes even baring his teeth for maximum effect
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