kaiark-blog · 7 years
as a rapper, and well, person who appreciates a good rap song, yezi definitely managed to completely drain all of her attention in the mv, dance, song and lyrics. it was beyond elly how there could be such perfection, but she guessed that everything was possible.
maybe that was why her and kaia were now in the dance studio ready to get this choreography started and then focus on the rap. elly hasn’t been this excited in a while, and maybe it was also the fact that she was working the other trainee for the first time. everything was new and rather different, but she was sure they would rock this whole concept, because knowing this industry no one knew what concept they would debut with.
having finished her stretching and warm up in general, elly’s eyes landed on the other trainee nodding her head at the question with a small grin tugging at her lips
“you bet i am, you?“ she asked as she pulled out her phone to find the actual mv of the song, because that’s all they had to work with until dance versions came out. “i think this is the most hardcore concept i have ever done, it’s thrilling.“
kaia knew people who were trying hard to break into the hip hop scene in korea as well as some people who already belonged to it in the underground sense but for someone from an idol group to come out with a song that’s so honest and completely their own color regardless of their company, kaia had to give her props. yezi was definitely one bad bitch and kaia could respect that. people wanted to paint her as the villain for being outspoken and true to herself, then so be it. yezi owned it and she wore it with class.
to put it shortly, kaia liked her.
the miami native had never worked with elly before and her being a sunbae and everything, kaia didn’t want to allow herself to get overexuberant as she usually would so as not to seem domineering in the face of someone with far more experience than her. however there was only so much she could hold back. kaia loved royal and it was largely in part due to the senior trainees she had to look up to. everyone was so talented in their respective areas and had such a powerful charisma that as someone who was thinking of pursuing a solid place in rapping, kaia couldn’t help but look towards elly as someone she could learn from through this whole experience.
her fingers coursed through her locks to urge them behind her shoulders as a smile broadened across her features. “oh god yes. this is right up my alley.” and she felt that it was okay to admit that. “i’m getting used to the cute concepts and things like that but i’d rather have something that has a bit of a more mature confidence to it.” she looked down from under her lashes to elly’s phone before shuffling around to properly see the video. “are you a good dancer?”
{ 💋 } anck su namun.
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
{ 💋 } progress report.
she knew that she should be more concerned about what the dance trainers at royal thought about her dancing above anyone else but kaia was someone who respected the opinions of all those skilled in their respective fields and it was without doubt that jazz was skilled beyond all others in the company when it came to dancing. she was like a firecracker with all this swag, sass and skill that even during dance practice kaia felt she stood out above the dance teacher.
kaia had gotten rather behind on her trainee duties thanks to her obligations to vibrate what with the summer photoshoot and the promotions and so she had been given a routine encompassing what the girls would be going over in her absence that she was to practice and present to the trainers upon her regular attendance. well. that day was coming soon and naturally she needed a second opinion before she went in front of the trainers.
she’d managed to latch herself onto jazz just as lunch was coming to an end in the royal building and, in her trademark backhug, she rested her chin on jazz’s shoulder and pecked her cheek in greeting. her dark hair was tossed over her shoulder and the tank top and skirt ensemble she wore was just perfect for the summer weather and the subsequently hot dance practice room. “i want to show you something during dance practice. i need your opinion.”
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
{ 💋 } you get it, right?
the word around seocho was primarily centered around the trainees upcoming evaluations. the merger that put all five of the companies together under one roof allowed for many opportunities to happen between the labels and this seemed to be one of the biggest events to date aside from the samsung commercials. naturally there were mixed reactions and even though she was placed in a pretty masculine dance all things considered, she knew that it was probably twice as worse for some of the guys who were completely unprepared to start swinging their hips and latching onto their inner aegyo.
the chicken caesar salad she was allotted for lunch time -- thank you, nutritionist not! -- was a meal she was starting to pick over once all of the meat had been picked out leaving only the lightly dressed leafy greens and so her attention began to wander. she had been chatting with some of the other girls she knew but while their lunches smelled so amazing and hers looked fit for a rabbit, she excused herself to see if she could seek out some kind of healthy dessert that was a part of her plan.
fortunately she was not the only soul with the thought of something sweet in mind and she was lucky to join the small buffet line with another hungry body. crossing her arms loosely over her chest for comfort, her hip swayed as she settled into her spot to look over at the food made available.
“you’d think that they’d let up on regulations considering all the work we’re about to put in, no?” her complaint was light hearted as she knew that there was no such mindset for the trainers and so the slight pout of her lower lip was short lived.
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
{ 💋 } fiction, in fiction.
time flowed infinitely with no regard to the preparedness of those whose lives the ticking clocks affected and kaia certainly was no exception to this rule. it seemed only several days ago she was shooting for one of her last shoots for vibrate before she was tasked with another contractual obligation that brought her now to the royal building with hurriedly explained words rattling around in her head listlessly. she enjoyed both training and modeling but the fatigue that weighed heavily upon her figure from the long hours her jobs called for was inescapable.
at least she did not suffer from jetlag this time around. still she wished she’d dressed a bit more comfortably to mirror her tired bones.
entering the room she was instructed to report to upon arrival, a gathering of familiar faces dispelled the exhaustion from her bones and warmed her features with a welcoming and grateful smile. the task was understood as something that was sure to pose a challenge for her and having a group of supportive people was something she definitely needed. among the faces was one she had not yet seen -- or perhaps had not remembered -- and the rumors of new trainees coming in came back to mind.
ever the bold one, she promptly took her seat beside the girl she had yet to meet and with a soft flip of dark tresses over her shoulder, she turned a kind smile on the girl beside her. “so you must be this new trainee i keep hearing about.” royal was pretty tight knit despite the competition and so it was near impossible for word to not have gotten around. “coming in as soon as we are assigned an evaluation task...” her nose scrunched with a small laugh. “they could’ve went easier on you than that.”
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
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« photo credits to vibrate.co.kr »
bringing in the summer the only way she knows how, kaia took part in the lookbook for the summer 2017 releases vibrate added to their ever growing collection. these contributions comprised her return after the long period she was with the company internationally back in march and the comeback was a strong one indeed. with the sun on her skin and the wind in her hair, the miami native embodied the summer vibe that vibrate was looking for. after having faced the rejection from the beijing runway show, she was able to prove her worth as a growing editorial model -- her voluptuous frame working to her advantage -- making this shoot one of her most strongest shoots to date with almost no frames being a wasted shot. 
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
dancing wasn’t the problem. kaia had confidence in her ability to ride a beat and to move her body accordingly. it came naturally to her and was almost a trademark for her when she was behind the booth performing for hyped crowds. dancing had came so naturally to her that she’d elected to take dance classes as an elective when she was in university and she had gotten pretty good at it. keeping up with choreography was not a struggle for her but rather there were minor nuances that posed difficulty with the upcoming evaluation that instilled minor frustrations within her.
like the fact that she had to dance in a masculine way.
for someone like her, the only ounce of masculinity that existed within her was within her personality and even that at times could be argued as confidence. her body simply could not move in the way it had to for this dance but because she was not someone to quit, she still put her best foot forward and did so with a smile on her face. her spirit was not so easily destroyed.
she came prepared for the lessons wearing a comfortable top ensemble, loose denim joggers and comfortable shoes but no matter how mentally prepared she was, the physicality was another struggle. her body simply could not move like that. so rough. so hard. sharp angles. it went against everything her voluptuous body had been nurtured to do. rose’s voice sounded just as kaia took it upon herself to pause for a momentary break to gather her sanity once more. manicured nails pushed slightly fading dark tresses behind her shoulders as her eyes found her fellow trainee.
her smile was light hearted -- though maybe not as bright as it usually was -- but she could not hide the mild doubt she was feeling. “hm. i think i was born feminine for a reason.” it was a small jab at herself but she laughed softly anyways. “my body is not wired to move in the way it needs to for this dance. the footwork is okay but all that jerking and whatnot...” her hand waved in light dismissal. “it’s one thing to do it but to do it well is another.” and clearly she felt she was not doing it well.
fact & fiction.
♡ ┋ starter for @kaiark !
rose was no dancer herself, so over time she had to perfect the ability to follow even the simplest of choreography. june’s evaluation had been announced, and while excitement rushes throughout the companies, nerves also overcome a lot of the trainees with their given concepts, and rose sits in between being enthused and also nervous. fiction was what some may call legendary, as was the dance, the song; the overall concept was a classic in the k-pop world. what a perfect number to debut her idol enthusiasm to everyone, at last. from what she knew, the royal girls were all taking on male concepts, which was nerve wracking but also exciting. rose had been dying to cover a male group.
they’re already out there practising, getting ready to nail the choreography. the girls have a month to bring this performance together to perform to sphere trainees, and rose doesn’t want to disappoint. and from what she already knows of the song and the choreography, she hopes this is going to be a walk in the park. but nothing can be that easy. in the midst of one of their many training sessions, she keeps her eye on kaia, lips pursed; she wonders. should she maybe offer to help out with getting this down? and so she does, what’s there to lose with offering to help? “hey kaia,” rose murmurs, looking across to kaia with narrowed brows. “you okay? keeping up?” 
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
Knowing that they were in the same place was pretty surprising, and that showed on her face when she looked at the other. It was especially surprising that they hadn’t crossed paths during it; Kaia’s image was very striking, confident, and unforgettable, and Seolhyun wondered why she couldn’t remember a face like hers there. Then again, there were so many people around, and her weekends were filled with catching up with her trainee friends in between the workshops the companies offered. “That’s interesting. During the summer camp, I was talking to someone about maybe setting my sights on KT or Royal, but I didn’t think I would be approached by them.”
Seolhyun had to do some of the conversion from the American system to figure out just how warm her part in America would be, but living in a place where it doesn’t drop lower than that? She lived somewhere that didn’t snow, and consequently didn’t have to wear thick jackets for months? It sounded like an attractive place to visit.
It was something that she could bring up later, now that they were at the ice rink and had more important matters at hand. There was the task of buying the ticket as well as renting out the skates. “No, it wouldn’t do anything like that, these rinks don’t have water underneath it. It’s just one big slab of ice. A few times during the day, they also bring a zamboni around to make the ice smoother. I’m sure we’re able to get some nice pictures if we make our way to the middle and not skate around.” It was exciting knowing it was soon to happen. All they had to do was find a place to sit to lace on their shoes.
to think that two people could be in the same place but so far away from each other at the same time. it was kind of funny how situations could draw people together and kaia was pretty glad that their situations drew them to each other because seolhyun was someone that she found herself having fun with even on their off time in the royal building. “i didn’t think i was going to get approached by anyone and i most certainly was not. if i’m to be totally honest, i just wanted to see tiger jk.” her hand placed itself over her heart and her eyes closed in mock dramatics. “the love of my life right there. handsome as the devil, i swear.”
hearing the set-up, it began to make more sense to her because the possibility of the ice skating becoming dangerous as the season waned didn’t seem that plausible. plus wasn’t there year round snowboarding in korea at some far off mountain? every place had their attractive points and she supposed that snow could be attractive if you were used to being around it. in her skirt and her heels though, it was obvious she still didn’t grasp the concept.
they took their place in line to buy their ticket and at the simple mention of taking pictures, kaia was already pulling out her phone to capture a quick picture of the two of them. the line was moving rather fast but that was not going to stop a photo op. she passed her phone towards seolhyun. “here you hold it up. you can get a better angle.” it was because seolhyun was longer than her but the truth was the truth. her height was stunning to kaia.
{ 💋 } instafamous
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
{ 💋 } anck su namun.
an unprovoked performance to prepare but fun all the same to work in something that felt as if it was made specifically for the two of them. they hadn’t interacted much inside of royal outside of the holiday events that came around every so often but as the talk went around the rap lessons for the day about the latest release by a damn good female rapper, it wasn’t long before they were bonding over just how in love they were with the entire concept. the rapping, the dance, the aesthetic. everything was perfect and being trainees, well, in the future they would be emulating these kind of concepts so why couldn’t they start now.
it was after lunch that they reconvened in the dance lessons and since they couldn’t get the rap part down during this lesson, the least they could do was to start working on the dance as it was, right? no matter what happened, they were going to make this into a duet.
kaia changed into her sports bra / trainers combo and probably wore the most casual clothes she had worn since coming into royal all for the sake of doing this song justice. the dance was pretty badass and it required a good amount of attitude and energy so she would be sure to do it justice as it deserved so. sidling up towards elly, she ran her fingers through her hair and smiled with the clear excitement they had been wearing since they had first heard the song towards her new partner.
“oh my god, are you ready?”
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
{ 💋 } stick to your day job.
summer was the season she might as well have been born in because the summertime was where kaia truly came to life. it was like she had a rechargeable battery that was fueled solely by the summer sun and with it came a new energy to a girl who was told that the energy she exuded was already irresistible. even with the tiring hours from training and the meeting she was drawn to within the vibrate building concerning her modeling obligations, kaia still found time to hit the beaches and enjoy in the celebrating youth enraptured with the warm weather, salty water and the freedom that came with the season of summer. she had grabbed her bathing suit almost immediately after leaving the royal building that weekend and made a beeline for a gathering she’d heard was happening on the beach. groups and groups of people formed together and before long, the beach was flooded with millennials hoping to soak up some sun while listening to good music and eating good food.
or at least the food was supposed to be good.
kaia was working her butt off but maybe it was about time for her to relinquish her place at the grill for a more skilled hand. she was decent with baking but full blown meals? that was another story. she eyed the burgers on the grill meticulously because, well, they looked done but every time she split one open, it was basically raw on the inside. she was not trying to be responsible for anyone’s death but she was pretty positive everything had been set up perfectly. the nearest body would have to serve as a second opinion. tossing her dark hair over her shoulder, her hand reached out to tap at the shoulder of a girl she hoped would have better knowledge of this. kaia knew beaches but that didn’t mean she knew how to cook on them.
“why does this keep happening? do i need to lower the fire?”
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
Send me a ♫ and I’ll put my music on shuffle and write you a drabble about our characters based on the first song that plays! Remember RP karma and send, send, send if you wish to receive!
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
i have so much muse lately and have been running through the threads on my tracker so i’m starting to run low. would anyone like a generally summer themed random starter? i’m going to make the scenarios as interesting as possible so they won’t be just so random but i need to get all of this muse out!! just go ahead and like this post and i’ll get right on it!
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
jackson chuckled at her reply, to him spring in general wasn’t the warmest time of the year but if she was used to warm weather then she was probably not from korea even though she looked asian. maybe she had grown up overseas– jackson didn’t know and he didn’t think much of it, it wsn’t his place to be curious of where someone who is a stranger to him grew up and had lived most her life. so he threw a boyish and warm smile her way, “luckily the korean summers are quite warm if you are lucky with the weather, so you will be able to dress however you like then without the risk of getting cold.”
“thats quite seasonal indeed,” jackson hummed softly as the person who was originally supposed to be in charge of the cashier came back, his dark orbs gazed her the female for a quick moment, “don’t worry nothing i make tastes bad–” he was confident in that statement, because he knew he had practiced for way to long to have any type of coffee taste bad, he was proud of that. “i’ll make it for you now… take her payment will you?” jackson raised his brows nodding at his coworker for a moment before turning around to make her drink.
his hands moved swiftly, left and right grabbing the ingredients and the cup– getting everything ready and when it was done he put a straw in the drink, sprinkled some cherry blossom petals over the foam like substance on the put. jackson turned around, his eyes quickly found the female and he put the drink on the counter, pushing it towards her. “i should have asked your name so i could write it on the cup, but you figured i would remember who ordered the most seasonal drink,” jackson chuckled, “just for my own knowledge tho, what is your name hm?”
she had to admit that he made a good point there. korean summers were quite possibly her favorite season next to the fall in this country. the summers were filled with summer music festivals, no classes to report to, beach parties and bonfires. the summers in korea reminded her of everyday back at home where she could feel the sand between her toes and the sun on her back. they made her long for miami but she was able to appreciate a new charm that was introduced to her. her smile brightened a touch more at the boyishness of his looks and she nodded in agreement. “once you get past the monsoon season but that’s not so bad either.”
even that was beautiful. paintings on the streets that came to life only in the rain had her traversing the puddled roads for an experience like no other.
her eyebrows raised lightly as if to color her impressed but it was a soft, playful gesture underlyed with a gentle laugh. “with that kind of conviction, i’ll take your word for it.” she was sad to see him go but he had his job to get back to and she understood that. the banter was fun while it lasted she supposed and she watched him momentarily as he disappeared into the background once more before she presented her card for payment. a chip read later, she was signing her name on the small receipt before stepping off to the side for the next customer to make their order. surely she had taken up enough of their time.
her eyes had drifted to her phone screen -- because she had to document the moment in the perfect instagram caption to accompany the picture she was going to take -- but the drink preparation didn’t take nearly as long as she thought it would. like an excited child receiving a gift, her eyes lit up as she laid eyes on the beautifully constructed drink but maybe they held a little more interest in the person handing it to her. her fingers softly curled around the cup and she chuckled lightly with him because that, too, had slipped her mind. “well you did a good job remembering.” she commented with a light tilt of her head. “kaia. nice to meet you...” she took the moment to look at his nametag with softly searching eyes. “jackson?” it was in hangul but that was an english name, no?
{ ☕ } tall order of you.
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
seoyoung nodded seriously. actually, it was fascinating to hear kaia’s perspective on flirting. the older girl was the one with more experience in that department… pretty much anyone had more experience than seoyoung, really, but kaia especially seemed like she would know what she was doing when it came to boys. “well, um… i think it should come naturally! like… if you feel like you’re acting, then it won’t come out well. unless you’re trying to be funny, maybe.” there was something to be said for that too– the cheesy, over-the-top aegyo– but seoyoung didn’t think kaia was quite ready for that level.
she watched approvingly as kaia got into position to begin the dance again. matching kaia’s steps, seoyoung tried to beam the energy of the song over to her. these things were easier with a partner, too. practicing alone made seoyoung feel silly more often than not. cuteness was about happiness, friendship, genuine smiles… and if kaia could really enjoy the song and dance, surely it would come through in her performance.
seoyoung glanced back over at the trainers. one of them seemed to be looking upon the two of them with approving eyes. it was so hard to tell what they were thinking sometimes, but it was better than abject disapproval. “hey, i think you’re getting it!” she encouraged kaia, playfully poking her side. “i knew you could do it! kaia lee, the master of all concepts…” seoyoung joked, arms and legs still moving to the dance steps.
okay so she had to admit that the more she allowed herself to get into the movements of the dance, the less bad it seemed to be. or at the very least, she felt less awkward. she was starting to see the charm in purposefully displaying cute charms and though her attire wasn’t exactly apropos for the song selection or dance routine, her smile was brighter and she removed some of the sway in her hips to maintain the adorable rocking motion without making it too sensual or sexy. she tried to keep seoyoung’s words in mind in order to express them with her entire body.
let it come naturally. don’t act.
but was she someone who was naturally cute though was the question. she didn’t necessarily think she fell into that category but for today she would. she took it as something that could be done for the fun of it. something that was just solely cotton candy, bubblegum and rainbows. she had yet to completely tackle the cute expression but she had joy in her eyes and she watched herself meticulously in the mirror to compare herself to seoyoung to make sure she was at least in line her teacher for the lesson.
as seoyoung turned and looked back at the trainers, kaia was made aware of their gazes and, though she wasn’t one to shy away from things, she smiled a sheepish smile. her cheeks lit up red. this was not the kaia that everyone was used to seeing around the royal building and though that was a good thing for the concept, she couldn’t deny that it wasn’t exactly her style. seoyoung’s compliment made her laugh -- and she also subtly took the chance to stop what she was doing -- and she sidled closer to the other trainee, her arms looping around her to simultaneously give her a hug and keep herself from collapsing with embarrassment. “master of nothing! oh my god. you’re just a really good teacher.”
though she acted like this, she was starting to feel it wasn’t that bad.
splash into your heart!
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
baekhyun’s face becomes a little more sheepish at the girl’s words. he loves getting compliments, he actually eats them up for a nice ego boost but someone commenting on his talent and skill, someone giving a comment like this it’s a real compliment. “you think so?,” he asks her, one hand coming up to rub over his neck in a nervous gesture, “thank you so much. i love being on a stage.” baekhyun’s always loved it, he’ll always love it. “don’t try to overthink it. you’ll be drawn to your rightful place without noticing it. it happens on its own.” he makes a brief pause to look kaia over. “and you do look like you fit right in here, so.” a light shrug comes from him, a warm smile still resting on his lips.
“it’s awesome when you manage to make that jump. now you’re on such a stage in a company while not even sure about debut, but wait soon you’ll be in a group and say the exact same thing again.” he laughs, but it fades off quickly and instead his eyes grow a little wider. “wait— what? you seriously didn’t perform like this before? but you did sing and stuff before going to that contest, right? it’s amazing. wow, you must be so talented.” baekhyun’s swooning, staring at kaia like she’s one of the wonders of the universe. he’s amazed.
he wants to answer ‘i was basically born on stage’ but it’s not entirely true, so baekhyun doesn’t. but it feels like it, he’s almost always been on a stage. “i have a lot of experience, to be honest,” he tells her, growing flustered again at her compliment – a musical actor, huh? he’s never thought about it but acting in that play back in school was fun. “i did contests since i was young. and last year i was one contestant at the mnet global auditions.” he says that a little careful, always scared of other’s remembering the rumors about him. “i was performing on stage every week until i got eliminated. it was great.”
when she really put thought into the sudden career change she made, the only similarity that she could find was that she was still on a stage performing for a crowd expecting to be entertained. she’d never sang or rapped or anything like that in front of a crowd before prior to the contest... or at least not extensively. being forced to do karaoke before waiting club-goers and singing along with her grandmother around the house was hardly anything comparable to what some of these other people had going for them. heck. her dancing experience only consisted of what she took during classes at ewha for her gym credits.
taking all of this into consideration, it was only natural that she still held so many doubts and small bouts of thoughts that made her unclear about her future but she didn’t let it deter her. instead, she found joy in the unexplored expressions of musical creativity. as a dj, though she was instrumental, she could understand the art of deciphering music on deeper than just a surface level. maybe that was why she had gotten signed: her musicality. either that or her charisma. those were her two shining factors and so she wore them proudly like a shiny badge of honor.
“don’t we all?” she sympathized with a warming smile. that was one thing that all of these trainees in the seocho facility had in common no matter what company they belonged to: the stage was where they belonged. her arms crossed comfortably beneath her bosom and she nodded because his words were exactly what conclusion she had come to. manicured nails sifted through her dark locks to toss them over her shoulder and she flashed him a smile from beneath her lashes. “that’s how i’m approaching it. one day at a time. i don’t really feel pulled in one particular direction just yet but at least the ride is fun!” 
she hummed agreeably because she knew the sentiment well. it seemed far off to even get into a company and now she was in one. theoretically, there was nowhere to go but up. “you’ve stood on a couple of stages like this though. you’re like my sunbae five times over. do you ever get used to it?” she wasn’t sure if she had explicitly mentioned it to anyone before but his reaction was one that she figured would come a lot with the territory of admitting that. she smiled somewhat sheepishly. “i mean, i’ve sang with my grandmother and, like, at karaoke with friends and co-workers but formal training?” her hand waved in denial her head shaking as well. “nothing like that. i took dancing classes for my gym credits at school but that’s about it.” maybe it was in her blood considering her parents. maybe she was just naturally musically inclined.
that was too much of a jump.
she waved her hand humbly. “no, no, no, no. i think i have stage presence and that’s about it.” it was a bit of a pat on the back but she knew her strong suits and her flaws. that in itself was a strength. “everyone from this company is so charismatic. it’s insane. the trainees too. it’s so hard to keep up.” even as she heard his experience listed, her own neatly painted lips parted in tamed awe because the type of dedication people put into even getting to stand upon a stage like this was admirable. she understood it from a different hustle but a grind was a grind and she could respect that wholeheartedly. “you were basically born into the stage.” she laughed lightly, softly teasing, but she knew it was all because of a passion that he had made it this far. “every week? i never actually watched the mga’s all these years they’ve been on but it’s a pretty big deal to make it for someone trying to get signed. no wonder you made it here.”
the more she got to know her seniors, the more she felt she had so much to learn.
{ 💋 } name in lights.
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
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beautiful then sexy then innocent 
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
she’d seen performances in halls like these but never had she been the one standing on the stage with the intent to perform. the feeling was both exciting and terrifying all the at the same time. she tried to liken the feeling to going behind the booth at festivals and in front of live audiences but there was something comforting about the dj booth to her that she hadn’t exactly found in the presence of idol talents just yet. she enjoyed them but they still were not on par with the feeling of her pioneer midi beneath her fingertips.
she swayed playfully at the soft nudge she received in return. even if they hadn’t interacted much, he seemed like someone who was comfortable to be around. most trainees in royal were like this. she was glad to have such a good, caring group of seniors. she didn’t know too much about baekhyun and had only ever really seen him in passing but there was no time like the present than to establish a bond with someone. she smiled humbly and lightly tossed her dark locks behind her shoulder, her fingers tucking the tresses behind her ear. “you’ve been here way longer though and you kind of look like you belong on a stage like this. i don’t know what i’m doing up here just yet, i don’t think.” she admitted honestly. was she a singer? was she a dancer? was she a rapper? somewhere in between all three?
it really was still rather up in the air.
“it really is.” she sympathized before laughing. “i thought i was only ever going to be sitting out there and looking down at the performers, not turning into one of them.” her head shook in response and she offered an amused sheepish smile. “not at all. that contest was my first time even really singing or rapping on a stage like that. i’m a dj. i’m used to making music with my fingers, not through a microphone.” and she was still getting used to it. “how about you? i can see you as a musical actor, truth be told. you have that kind of dreamy look to you.”
{ 💋 } name in lights.
the theatre in the seocho building was certainly impressive what with the amount of seats and the sheer size of the stage that one stood on just in order to perform. even standing on the stage was inspiring for the dj and she had not really stood on a stage of this caliber if she didn’t count her performance for the spring festival and for the initial audition that had gotten her into royal. standing on it now was a truly humbling experience but she was also anxious to get the vocal lesson started for the day.
they would explore the depths of projecting their voices in a musical setting.
the very idea sounded exciting and she was all aflutter with the opportunity. recently her love for singing had come to grow to an equal level as the other skills she practiced and though everyone surpassed her by far, she liked to feel she could hold her own weight. paired off into groups of two, she came to stand beside her partner who was a very familiar face from last years christmas. dark tresses billowing behind her and the soft pleats of her dress whispering against her thighs, she raised two manicured fingers and pointed at him playfully as she drew nearer.
“look who it is!” she chimed cheerfully, lightly poking at his shoulder before letting her hands fall to her side. “i think i got the better end of this deal, no?” 
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kaiark-blog · 7 years
kaia was the type of person to appreciate a blunt honesty because in the face of everything, no matter how hurt you may be by the words, the end result was to achieve the best possible outcome for you by someone who cares enough about you to point out such sensitive things. it was a trait that she possessed and exercised with her friends and family and so she was no stranger to it. but how was she supposed to feel when the words that were being directed her way were not constructive criticism to lead to a positive change but instead critical words about a situation she was born into? did that make her hypocritical for being so sensitive about being talked to in that manner or referenced in that way or was it simply her own dislike for the potential change that held her back?
she’d thought about it many times over and, as silly as it sounded, she honestly didn’t know.
she took criticism well and she responded appropriately but these were words she simply could not swallow. her curvaceous figure was a bit of her trademark and staple point of who she was as a person. glamorous. bubbly. sexy. to think about having to slim herself down by any means necessary seemed like an active step towards denying who she was and so each weigh in weighed heavily on her spirit. she accepted and relished in beauty of all shapes and sizes so why couldn’t they simply do the same?
her arms were lightly crossed beneath her bosom and though she wore a faint smile as the other girls around her relented and resented their turn that was soon to come, the anxiety in her eyes was not so easily hidden. her mind was in shambles. she’d hear the same criticism. they’d enforce a new diet plan. she’d be worked harder in the gym and nitpicked at more in dance class. she knew this routine by now and even still it was not something she was ever prepared for. to succeed she knew she would have to change but to compromise who she was... that was too much.
she was drawn from her frenzied brain by the familiarity of her mother tongue and as she checked back into the situation she was greeted with the smiling face of the trainee before her. rose. they’d participated in the same contest and rose had won deservedly so. that put them on par with each other in terms of how long they’d been a trainee but kaia felt that they had very different experiences so far. “hey, hon.” she chimed in english as well. with a name like rose, she figured the other knew english well enough but also there was comfort in not having everyone understand the dejected tone in her voice. “you ready?” she asked with a soft laugh, her head nodding towards the scale at the beginning of the line as it took it’s first victim.
{ 💋 } time to weigh in.
what kaia didn’t understand was whether it was just royal or all korean companies that gave so much precedence upon the figures of their idols. she knew that guys generally were more muscular depending on the group type and girls had a slimmer build but she had always chalked it up to their bodies resulting from the excessive practice they were made to do. never had she actually thought someone would be coming at her with a measuring tape and a scale during the middle of dance class.
tw; weight talk
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     trigger warning! ( weight / image talk ) 
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