kaihawk 5 hours
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Above image is a pride flag with every color band represented by a NASA image. White is Earth clouds, pink is aurora, blue is the Sun in a specific wavelength, brown is Jupiter clouds, black is the Hubble deep field, red is the top of sprites, orange is a Mars crater, yellow is the surface of Io, green is a lake with algae, blue is Neptune, and purple is the Crab Nebula in a specific wavelength.
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kaihawk 2 days
im having feelings about the uffington white horse again
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kaihawk 2 days
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kaihawk 2 days
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kaihawk 3 days
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We are heading towards an absolute knowledge black hole, aren't we?
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kaihawk 3 days
This is not even extremist, just correct.
I have decided to become a walkablity extremist.
Cars should not be allowed in towns and cities at all. The only places where they should be at all present is in rural areas where any other means of transportation should be impossible.
High speed rail networks should allow for a trip from Mexico city to Montreal in under 24 hours.
All public transportation should be 100% free.
Lawns should not exist.
It doesn't make sense for single family homes to be built in most American cities.
Architecture must be beautiful again.
Every commercial street should have at least one bench.
Public restrooms must be free, common and accessible.
The pigeons are not enemies. The pigeons are freinds.
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kaihawk 5 days
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kaihawk 9 days
I think one big reason why we don't consider the stars as important as before (not even pop-astrology anymore cares about the stars or the sky on itself, just the signs deprived of context) is because of light pollution.
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For most of human history the sky looked between 1-3, 4 at most. And then all of a sudden with electrification it was gone (I'm lucky if I get 6 in my small city). The first time I saw the Milky Way fully as a kid was a spiritual experience, I was almost scared on how BRIGHT it was, it felt like someone was looking back at me. You don't get that at all with modern light pollution.
When most people talk about stargazing nowadays they think about watching about a couple of bright dots. The stars are really, really not like that. The unpolluted night sky is a festival of fireworks. There is nothing like it.
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kaihawk 10 days
the reason it is necessary to educate yourself on colonialism and specifically on settler colonialism is that it is very easy to be stupid and think about asymmetric power as bad strategic decisions in a war, like the average blue-check replying "FAFO" under every palestinian death toll. there is some kind of comfort in believing that a colonial power can be out-strategized or appealed to and that palestinians somehow have been making the same strategic mistakes for 75 years which is why they're being genocided (this is what stupid people believe and evil people are trying very desperately to get stupid people to believe)
but once you understand it is a colonial struggle and not a war, patterns begin to emerge. no colonized people "lost" a war because no colonized people have ever asked for a war nor have they engaged in one. colonialism imposes war upon indigenous people. colonizers come to you in your home, where you are a civilian, and force a fighter out of you. every civilian is now engaged in an existential struggle simply due to the bad luck of existing in a home coveted by colonizers.
many complexities have been manufactured to disguise this simple truth. but across the world鈥攊n canada, in algeria, in south africa, in the united states, in australia, in lebanon, in the philippines, in hawaii, in puerto rico, in argentina, in sudan, in india, in every region that has experienced colonialism (and that is almost every region in the world) this remains the base truth of it. and it is also instinctively why everyone recoils at the images of idf soldiers gleefully dancing on the ruins of gaza. it doesn't look like victory in war, does it? there's no honor nor achievement in it. the more they kill, the ease with which they do it, more obvious it is. it looks like what it is.
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kaihawk 11 days
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kaihawk 11 days
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Happy Pride Month
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kaihawk 12 days
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kaihawk 12 days
What's the trope name for when someone finds out they're the Chosen One(tm) and is like "No, thank you" and goes and does something else
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kaihawk 12 days
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Happy Pride Month
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kaihawk 13 days
The world鈥檚 tiniest dragon must defend his hoard, a single gold coin, from those who would steal it.
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kaihawk 13 days
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who did this......
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kaihawk 14 days
It鈥檚 Pride Month Eve, so leave out some milk for Freddie Mercury and his cats.
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