Straighten up, little one, and you won't fall. [ gently pushes the kitten up into a sit, Soyon it's a kitten not a soldier omg ] Well he seems like the type that attracts the less social.
I’ve found homes for most of the babies, actually. And…that crazy friend of Jane’s, the one who wears the douchebag shades? He said he’d take Ripley.
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The mother? [ she has placed the kitten on her shoulder now ]
She likes laser pointers. [Newt is very pleased with this development.]
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[ she is going to train this cat to be a killing ninja you realize this newton ] We shall see...
[He holds up Ripley Jr. The kitten mews and presses a paw against Soyon’s face.] See? She likes you.
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[ that feels weird on her face. She can't really...remember what a kitten feels like. She takes it from him and runs her fingers through the soft fur listening to it purr ] Hm...
[Returns her look of disbelief with his best puppy eyes.] They’re really cute. Did I mention that?
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I can see the appeal to animal companions, yes.... [ but I have two already, look at you ]
Working on it, I swear! It’s just, you know, not everyone likes cats or not everyone wants two cats or no one wants the cat who hisses if I look at her too long. [He scratches Ripley Jr. under the chin.] Your mom is very mean to me.
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He seemed pretty determined about this. She felt her jaw tighten. If they worked together a plan maybe it was worth it. Calculating the risk still weighed out higher than if she went in alone. "Fine. But we do this my way, and as I say. The last thing we need is two more injuries added to our roster..."
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“Do you think this is a game? We could die!”
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She had seen worse. She had felt worse. But the fretting wasn't helping. She tried to wave Tendo off, but he tugged her and the sharp pain protested her resitance.
"I-" Soyon needed to find Newton. She couldn't get caught up in the system here. Too many questions would get asked. Too many that she couldn't answer. "P-Please just...t-take me to K-Science..."
[Any Muse; HELLO! ] ┼
Send a ┼ for my muse’s reaction to walking in on your muse:
6. Struggling to breathe
"Woah! Hey, are you alright?" Tendo ran up to the woman standing on the side of the room, seemingly choking. "Oh my god, what- what’s wrong with you?"
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[ there's this look of utter disbelief, they are going to be stuck with kittens. No one is going to take these kittens and they're going to be stUCK WITH KITTENS 
Soyon may or may not like animals in general ]
…Are we allowed to keep pets?
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"I like to expand my horizons..." More importantly spy on others whom she is unfamiliar with but that's no matter.
Soyon tried not to be too defensive about the drifters. She was quite protective.
"Perhaps I am a medium."
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Broken ribs had a tendency to feel like you were suffocating. Lucky for her the rib wasn't puncturing a lung, but it did feel like it. She leaned heavily on the wall, taking large, gasping breaths but it just didn't feel like her lungs were expanding. The pain was blinding. This is what people got when they meddled with black market. Soyon was just trying to help someone.
She flailed a hand at the approaching Tendo, “S-stop.” she winced, breathing still finding itself unable to catch up. “F-Fine. I-I'm f-fine.”
[Any Muse; HELLO! ] ┼
Send a ┼ for my muse’s reaction to walking in on your muse:
6. Struggling to breathe
"Woah! Hey, are you alright?" Tendo ran up to the woman standing on the side of the room, seemingly choking. "Oh my god, what- what’s wrong with you?"
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[ raises a brow at his lack of regulation but she knows better that to push it ] Then I suppose you have a cat then, and the others?
[ It’s prety obvious she doesn’t know how to handle an animal ]
…why do you still have kittens…?
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Soyon tried not to be too defensive about the drifters. She was quite protective. "Perhaps I am a medium."
"Sort of…" She shifted her posture trying. To maybe attempt to look a little more friendly. "I work with Doctor Herman and Newton Geiszler."
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"Sort of..." She shifted her posture trying. To maybe attempt to look a little more friendly. "I work with Doctor Herman and Newton Geiszler."
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The name caught the survivor’s attention. Then her face sort of gets a sad look.
“Media relations…” she repeated quietly. She frowned suddenly, the attention brought to herself. “Soyon.” she replied, but didn’t say much else.
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...Are we allowed to keep pets?
[ It’s prety obvious she doesn’t know how to handle an animal ]
…why do you still have kittens…?
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The name caught the survivor's attention. Then her face sort of gets a sad look.
“Media relations...” she repeated quietly. She frowned suddenly, the attention brought to herself. “Soyon.” she replied, but didn't say much else.
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She looks up at the rafters, then back at the woman in front of her. Yeah, that’s totally not weird at all.
"—Radhika Parekh, PPDC Media Relations. And yourself?"
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[ It's prety obvious she doesn't know how to handle an animal ]
...why do you still have kittens...?
….what is that?
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"The rafters." Well at least she's honest. "Who are you?
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