kairakapoor · 7 years
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kairakapoor · 7 years
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He’d been in this room for…days. He couldn’t recall how many. Most likely only a few, but they all blurred together. No visitors, no calls, no concern. It wasn’t like Evgeni had expected much more, but apparently the staff had. He could see the way the nurses looked at him, at how empty his room was, and he knew they pitied him. Some of them had made it a point to come in and check on him, just to give him someone to talk to. It was…nice, but it didn’t stop him from perking up every time footsteps approached his room, like maybe this time he’d see a familiar face.
He never did. Most of the time they just kept walking, and a few times they’d gotten the room confused with someone else’s. So this time, even though he sat up a bit straighter, he kept his head down, looking over at the doorway as best he could without turning his head. From what he could see of them, they definitely weren’t one of the nurses.
“I, um, think you have the wrong room.” 
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Kaira had never gotten used to taking care of the aftermath of an attack; not where the people were involved, anyway. More often than not, she was rushing to get to their next issue. Making sure the victims were okay wasn’t her job; and it certainly wasn’t something she enjoyed. Most of them just wanted sympathy. That, or they’d rant and rage; which, if anything, only made her impatient. But Kaira found the students to be entirely different, overall. They were strong, more optimistic, and desired far less pity than the victims Kai had experience with. 
“Unless there is another Evgeni in St.Mungo’s, I don’t think I do. I’m Kaira Kapoor, a new professor at Diagon. I’m teaching healing magic alongside Professor Kun. Would you mind if I came in and spoke with you for a moment?”
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kairakapoor · 7 years
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         ☆ |  they are never seen without a signature smile ( unless such is replaced by an expression of innocent confusion ) even when times are bleak, or have followed less desirable events. however, they don’t hesitate to try and offee as much help as they can, even if it is making a few servings of PROFITEROLES with chocolate drizzle and whipped cream filling. but their sleeves expose pale skin, including a gash that still remains bandaged. “ ah… battle scars … flying glass is definitely not something to underestimate. ”
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Between the damage done to the campus and the damage done to the students, the last thing Kaira expected to see was a smile and baked goods. Of all things, she thought, baked goods. It was a pleasant surprise, actually. That was, until Kaira saw the bandaged arm attached to it. “Ah, okay, flying glass makes sense. I certainly know how that is. Here, let me fix it up for you. It’s better not to risk anything.”
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kairakapoor · 7 years
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                                  covered in debris , dust settling over bruised and cut skin , rebuilding is not an easy job on such a taxed mind . dismissed , he sits , book on lap as he rests ‘pon stairs , thankful in their solidarity . conversation with painting across died as he noted other approaching , brow quirking ;     ‘   are you doing alright ??   ’
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“Please, define alright.” the woman tried a laugh, despite the aching exhaustion settling into her bones. “I’m okay, I’m okay. I’ve seen destruction far more severe. The clean up is a bit tiring, but the fact that an actual obscurus made an appearance baffles me. Thankfully, there were no casualties. How are you feeling? Are you injured at all?” 
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kairakapoor · 7 years
                                             I never healed                                                       I just learnt to carry the burden
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kairakapoor · 7 years
You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.
Alan Moore, V for Vendetta (via wordsnquotes)
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kairakapoor · 7 years
Who the fuck plays their own character’s older sister: an intro post written by me
This is Kaira, my completely lost and dead inside overachiever. I can’t promise that this’ll be short or vague sorry its not short at all but it’s vague in comparison to what I sent to Maria a week ago 
there is a TL;DR at the end
25 years old
Kavi is her twin, they close as f like really they’re each other’s best friend
shes an animagus (so is Kavi, that’s a long story they did all of that together I’m gonna make a whole other post for that)
would probably be a gryffindor if she had gone to hogwarts or slytherin literally right in the middle
She’s teaching healing magic alongside Draven, but she’s also teaching charms class
Grew up in India with her extended family (from age 8 on) with like /the most/ pressure to be perfect and to succeed so she was constantly doing the most for her education
magic always naturally favored healing magic so she studied that from a young age
didn’t end up becoming a healer lmao INSTEAD She started training to be an auror when she was 17
she’s very aggressive, just in general like in her approach to life she’s really head on and she’s much more of a physical person, which is why she chose being an auror over being a healer
ended up being hella at that and bc this is rp and i can do whatever i want I decided she worked internationally with a group of aurors from all over like the avengers but with magic and they’re not even close to actual superheros but dO YOU GET WHAT I MEAN
ended up losing that job for quite a few reasons and thats why she feels like her life no longer has any purpose or meaning or direction lmao now she’s here spreading what she knows bc thats all she thinks she’s good for now lmao
knows like ???? 7 languages lmao i told u she’s an overachiever she grew up speaking english and hindi and just learned a shit ton of others
She’s a legilimens (also pretty great with occlumency) she learned it for being an auror bc i’ve always imagined thats a thing they should have under their belt u kno she’s not perfect with it, and she’s better with occlumency than legilimency, but it’s a thing she knows
i made that a header just in case someone just wanted to skip to this lmao
bc of all of the years under pressure and being pretty much isolated by her extended fam she kinda lost all trace of a personality but she was working so hard she barely had time to realize it was happening 
positive traits are: resourceful, courageous, ambitious, astute, worldly, kinda rly badass, friendly but not to the point where she’s like priya ya know how Priya is F R I E N D L Y yeah that’s not Kai she’s just good at putting up a mask lmao its a survival method she’s always used
negative traits are:  unyielding, short-tempered but has learned to just grin and bear it, impulsive, aggressive, competitive and pretty damn insecure
is the flip of a switch away from being a total monster (that switch is hurting someone she loves bye)
She does like to help others like students if they’re struggling she /can/ be patient and helpful and helping gives her a really nice sense of accomplishment
she does have a sense of humor believe it or not its pretty witty a lot of teasing
doesn’t know what she likes?? doesn’t have any hobbies? she got all of those things ripped away from her as a teen so like now she’s??? how do I be real person
lost, has no direction in life, wants to share what she knows bc she knows a lot, animagus (v long story will make post), used to be auror but lost that and now she’s a mess, doesn’t know how to be a real person, definitely not happy go lucky sunshine and daisies like at all, a badass. 
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kairakapoor · 7 years
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kairakapoor · 7 years
She’s like a volcano, Cool and calm on the surface, But, Lord, she has lava running through her veins.
everytimethestarscomeout (via ninanobreva)
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kairakapoor · 7 years
Have you ever asked yourself, do monsters make war, or does war make monsters?
Laini Taylor, Daughter of Smoke & Bone  (via thequotejournals)
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kairakapoor · 7 years
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kairakapoor · 7 years
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kairakapoor · 7 years
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kairakapoor · 7 years
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Deepika Padukone at xXx: Return of Xander Cage’s press conference in Beijing, China 9th February 2017
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kairakapoor · 7 years
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angie in finding fanny 
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kairakapoor · 7 years
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